Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter- 10 Things

I have plans for this summer. I have never been one to stop and smell the roses, I like to think about the next big thing, and the next big thing for me is summer. I love summer. In fact I love summer so much that it makes me discontent in winter. I mean who actually likes being freezing cold all the time, having to trudge through the snow, and having to wear a coat and shoes every time you go outside. It's stupid. But since, I tend to dwell on the negative in this situation, I have decided to make a list of my top 10 favorite things about winter. So, here goes. I took all the pictures too.

10.  Reading

  I find that when it's cold out, I have more time to finish all the books that I've started.

9. Christmas Cards

I love getting Christmas cards in the mail. They make me feel loved. :)

8. Blankets

I love the feeling of being under a pile of blankets. It makes you feel like you may never move from that spot again. 

7. Snow Days

For a homeschooler, snow days are few and far between but some times they do happen.

6. Fingerless Gloves

Hand made by Holly Beth.

5. Boots

I wear these everywhere in the winter.

4. Flannel Pajama Pants
There's nothing like staying in your pj's all day long. :)

3. Hot Chocolate


2. Christmas

You know, presents, decorations, real food, general merry-making....

1. Winter Camp

The best of my pictures from 2010 winter camp at Twin Lakes.
(Madeleine, Holly, Heather, Hannah, Maria, and Katy)

Have a happy winter!

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