Sunday, January 9, 2011

Waiting For......Something

     I am an adventurer. Ok, so not really. I'm a stay at home, under the covers, with a good book, where it's warm kind of person. But I still like to think that I'm an adventurer. What do you think of when you think of an adventure? I think of a dashing young man who gives up everything he has to fight for his king and the justice that he knows is right. Of course he is also fighting to save Lady Fair. What kind of story would it be without Lady Fair? The best part of the story is when the hero rescues Lady Fair, defeats the bad guy, and the King returns. But not all stories end that way. Maybe the hero dies in his attempt to thwart evil and save his love. Which is very sad, and depressing, and yet it's still a good story if the hero dies with honor.
     I'm sure you can tell that one of my favorite stories is that of Robin Hood and Maid Marion, but for a person like me who would like to see the adventure right here in front of me (preferably on a stage), all it does is make me sad, because of how far away our society is from true honor. The devil is our Prince John. Men (and women) should pick up their Bibles and fight with them like the swords they are. Ladies, if Marion stopped fighting, and gave up her purity, what kind of story would that be? We have to keep fighting until Jesus, (our King Richard) comes home. The only difference is that we have instructions on how to keep fighting, in His word. So why don't we use it? So now you see my point. Real adventurers are hard to come by. One day that will change though. But until then I will be right here, wishing it wasn't so cold, and waiting for......something.

                          (Picture from BBC's television show "Robin Hood")

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