If I listed every character that I have grown to love, (witch would probably include some of my own characters), we would be here forever. It was hard but I narrowed the list down to ten guys, and ten girls. And so with out further adieu.... *drumroll* , we shall start with the lovely ladies! (In no certain order.)
Jane Bennet
I love Jane's gentle spirit. I love that she and Lizzy are so close, and that she tries to look after her sisters and mother even though she may sometimes think them silly. I admire that she is not loud and that she always looks for the best in others, and is somewhat blind to their faults. My one complaint is that she so easily gave up her fight for the one she loves, but that was all Mr. Darcy's fault. I enjoy the story immensely, but I never liked Mr. Darcy.
Lucy Pevensie
Lucy is charming in almost every way. She does not easily give up and she is not easily afraid. When ever there is a need, she seeks to meet it. One thing I love most about her is that she remains faithful to Aslan throughout all their adventures, in the books, or the movies. When the others doubt, she trusts that Aslan will see them through, and she helps the others to see this.
Lady Marian
She can be quite prideful sometimes, but her heart is always in the right place. She is brave, and compassionate, and willing to lay everything on the line to save the people, including her love for Robin, her relationship with her father, her freedom, and her life itself. She is ready and willing to fight for what she believes in, at any cost, and yet she is still a lady, and conducts herself with the utmost grace and charm at all times. I am of course referring to the Marian portrayed in the BBC television show. I find most other versions of her character to be wimpy, and needy, but as soon as I found out what her true self was like *wink*, I fell in love with her instantly.
Anne Shirley
Anne has such a beautiful mind. The way she looks at things, and the way simple things instantly become romantic in her eyes when she sees them, enchants me. I love the way that people love her, and how when people don't like her, she always finds a way to make them like her. And her way with words! Or at least Lucy Maud Montgomery's way with words. :) She has the power to make simple things so terribly romantic. And her kind heart is never beyond making new friends, no matter where they might be in their life.
Where to begin... elegance and grace are her very being. Simply thinking of her makes me want to stand straighter and wear long, flowy dresses. When I see the way she was dying, and helpless, for most of the story, I am tempted to not like her as well, but then I am reminded that first of all there were dark, evil powers making her sick, and secondly she has an overwhelmingly powerful strength of mind, that I wish I had. Another thing I like about her is that she understood that her choices would affect the rest of her life. She knew that if she left she would always regret it, and so she chose the harder path.
Strength. She couldn't bare the thought of uselessness. Her fear of being left behind to watch her world die around her, haunted her. And so she broke away from what she was told to do, and she disguised herself and fought. The battle might not have been won without her, and she saved the king from extra pain. She fought for her family, her friends, her people, and she didn't let anyone stop her. I like the fact that instead of letting her fears drive her mad, and into a corner, she used them to fuel her passion to do what was right.
One thing I love most about Leia is that she is always a princess. She embraces the feminine look most of the time, and she always takes care to make well thought out decisions. She uses her position as princess to her best advantage, but she is not content to just oversee everything. She has to be right there in the thick of the action doing her part. Princess or not.
Eleanor Tilney
Eleanor is everything a lady should be. She is quiet, and gentle, and loving, and patient. She is wealthy, and could have much power in society if she wanted to, but she chooses not to. I love that she is not a silly, gossip. Most of the women were, but she never took part in the idle chatter. She always let Henry look after her, and always made an effort to befriend Cathrine.
Jo March
Jo nearly always has a pen in hand. Weather it is in the middle of the night writing her latest story, or writing a play for her sisters, or something else. That is what I love about her. She never lets anyone tell her that her works aren't good enough, and she always keeps on trying. She has a bad temper, but she always seeks to repair the damage, and to better herself because of the experience.
Margaret Hale
I just recently discovered North and South, and I adore it. I love that Margaret changes through out the story. How at the beginning she loves the South, and when she returns, she finds that things can never go back to the way they once were, and she finds herself changed. I love that even though she gets into all kinds of trouble, her heart is always in the right place and she tries to do the right thing. I love that she protects her brother even though people think badly of her afterward. I love how she is steadfast and keeps to her decisions.
Ok my lovelies! There is Part one! Part two will come soon. So who is on your list?
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