Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fun with Costumes

You know the deal... we're blogging about all things HP this week. Take a stroll around the Internet and see what these other lovely ladies have to say...

Melissa Wideen

Today, I'm just uploading a bunch of pictures of some Harry Potter costumes I've made in the past. I really love costumes and dressing up even though I'm not really very good at making them (I can't sew at all, so everything is glue-gunned into place). In the past, my darling, dear, wonderful husband has agreed to dress in costume not only for Halloween, but also for all kinds of Harry Potter events.

Here we are as Tonks and Lupin at a book release party for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...

My husband has a soft spot for Voldemort, so, when the movie verison of Half-Blood Prince came out, I suggested we dress up as Voldemort and Bellatrix...

Bellatrix loves her cat calendar...

And tomorrow night, for the release of the seventh movie, I've talked my good, kind, patient, and understanding husband into dressing as Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. But not just any Harry and Ginny. We're Harry and Ginny on their wedding day. Yeah, I know I'm crazy.

So, right now I only have pictures of myself as Ginny (Harry is out bowling at the moment and couldn't be reached for a photo shoot), but rest assured I will get plenty of pictures of both of us tomorrow night.

Basically, to give myself a witchy wedding look, I followed the lead of the movie's costume designer and tried to do something like she did for Bill and Fleur's wedding...

Beautiful, huh? I knew mine wouldn't be as stunning (or as puffy, I don't think the people next to me would be very pleased to have a giant dress spilling over into their seat), but I really wanted to do something Fleur-inspired. So, I found an ivory dress at the thrift store and embellished it with some black lace. The husband drew some lovely phoenixes on it to add to the effect. Oh, and of course I needed a red wig (my hair color's not even close to Ginny's).

So what do you think?

Does it look like something Ginny Weasley would wear on her wedding day? (Sorry the color's really bad by the way). Here's what the bodice (is that what it's called?) looks like up close...

The wig is one of those cheap costume shop ones, so it kind of looks stringy, but I'm trying to work with it. I don't know. Does it make me look like a dork (I mean, aside from the fact that I'm a grown woman dressed as a children's book character)?

I'm not sure about wearing the pink flowers. I put them in because the sides of the bangs were sticking up a little, but they might actually look cute. Opinions?

Oh, and I still need to add a veil and a tiara. I'm wearing the ones from my wedding so I need to dig them out of storage.

The movie theater we are going to is holding a costume contest, so I'm hoping once I'm with my handsome Harry we will take the prize. But I am a little worried. Does the costume look lame? Does it look enough like a wedding dress? Will people know who we are? I might have picked something a little too obscure (since Harry and Ginny's wedding never occurs in the books or movies).

Any opinions or ideas are appreciated before midnight tonight!

-- Lisa

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