Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First half of August Links

On your left is a size small gelato that wasn't $5, even though we were barely a block from the ocean.  Maybe it wasn't artisinally handmade that morning by royalty, but it hit the spot.  My link list for you all is getting out of control, so I need to put some out there.

In the news (if you can call it that):

Speaking of the price of gelato in DC, WSJ published an Ode to the Toasted Almond Bar.  Then everybody talked about the WSJ Ode to the Toasted Almond Bar while the Times compared fancy ice creams.  Also in WSJ, Honeycrisps are (were?) hot, but what's the next apple? (h/t J). 

Slideshow of 100 things Baltimore foodies must try, from the Baltimore Sun.

Red velvet fried chicken WHAAAAT?! (from Consumerist, h/t EmGusk.)

Ramadan began at the end of last week, and J and I were wondering in awe just how people observing get through long summer days (and evenings).  This article in WSJ (love the new NY section) is about food vendors and restaurant owners/employees who observe Ramadan. 

Apparently the carrot cake at the prison on Riker's Island is pretty awesome, but it's only meant for special occasions.  See the full recipe, which by the way makes twenty-five 9.5 lb loaves.  Speaking of dessert, how about a giant chocolate chip cookie made in a cast iron skillet (from Kitchn via Inkpad).  Is that insane or what?

And if you haven't heard yet, Foggy Bottom is getting a big ol' Whole Foods.  Between TJ and WF, folks in the Fog Bot/West End area can now cobble together a decent pantry and fridge.  But the Watergate Safeway will still suck.

Virginia peach salsa from Corcoran Street Kitchen looks divine.  So does this Pizza Bianca from Sweetsonian (which I added to my Google Reader from a #ff post of somebody...not sure who).  I totally bookmarked that bad boy for brunch.

Happy Tuesday everybody!

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