Saturday, April 24, 2010

Supercloudy Saturday

At 9am-ish I saw blue sky and sun, but now it's overcast.  But that won't stop me from a belated Friday Favorites before I head out for some family fun.   P.S., I totally thought last weekend was Maryland day, but I was wrong.  It's today!  I knew all of those tents couldn't have been for the lacrosse game. 

On to the week's food-related news, etc:

You say tobacco, I say tomato: Durham is kicking that bad habit and turning into a place where "it would make more sense for [them] to list the things on the menu that aren’t local."

Great interview with Jamie Oliver about his Food Revolution in WaPo.  Not only is he boyishly adorable, but he really seems to want to change the world('s eating habits).  He ain't in it for the money.

I want pie (even if it's in Gowanus).  You know why.  

Lastly (in news), and this is a serious matter--a mother creates a documentary while grieving with the loss of her teenage daughter, who died from complications due to an eating disorder. This CDC site has important information and resources. 

In recipe news, Cara's Cravings: Adorable Tiny Spoons Aren't Just for Restaurants.  Enough said :) Also, CINNAMON BUNS!  (from Bakerella--I'm happy not only because I love cinnamon rolls, but because I'm kind of cake-popped out.) I'm gonna celebrate with a picture of some cinnamon buns from my past (that I bought...clearly). 

Locally, Tom loved Ethiopic, and I really want to go.  Currently convincing a friend who works near Union Station to meet me there.  Patios are opening left and right, and on a nice day there is no longer an excuse to stay indoors (via @welovedc).  Get some vitamin D, people!  My recommendation (which was supported my many others) did not bomb.  YAY!

Aaaaand last but certainly not least, Modern Domestic tells me that the next Food Blogger Happy Hour is at Restaurant 3 on May 5, 6-8.  Even though I'm a Marylander now, I know my way around the parking situation in Clarendon (which is 297234235 times better than downtown), and I may just get there before everybody leaves.  Also, I dig R3's happy hour

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