I got an email from a PR person asking me to tell all 14 of my readers about this Wednesday's Man v. Food episode in Washington, where crazypants Adam will try to eat way too much way too fast (Travel Channel, 10pm).
But that just REMINDED me that I wanted to tell you (yes you!) that in December Man v. Food will be going where Guy Fieri has never been (much to my dismay), but where every good, scarlet-blooded American has felt outrageously full at 3am.
Obviously I'm talking about the Grease Trucks at Rutgers University. We all have our Trucks stories, a few summarized below.
1. Overnighting a Truck sandwich to a friend/boyfriend for birthday/just to say hi
2. Wee hours post-party sandwich
3. The time you thought you wanted a second sandwich
4. Post-rehearsal dinner snack with out-of-town guests
5. Pre-8:10 class on Voorhees Mall breakfast of egg & cheese on a bagel and a $1 (delicious) hot chocolate.
Do you have a good Trucks story? Leave it in the comments.
Confused? Click the links, read up. Basically, at the Trucks you can get a sandwich with your sides on it. So you're not sure if you want mozzarella sticks, fries, or chicken fingers. Why not put them all on a bun? No really, why not? There's no good reason why not. As they say in the parking lot where the trucks permanently reside: Just do it.
Other facts:
-That sandwich I mentioned is the Fat Darrell, and it was voted Best Sandwich by Maxim magazine. Wonder if the Travel Channel is gonna tell you THAT!
-You can read about them on "This Is Why You're Fat."
- Vegetarians are welcome (a falafel sandwich is available).
- I know Barry of the Fat Barry.
- This one time, there was drama.
Grease Trucks
Parking lot across from Voorhees Mall, corner of Hamilton & College Ave
New Brunswick, NJ
Image is probably the copyrighted R of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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