Monday, June 30, 2008

Painting Pop Art 3-D "Euro Tan"

Today artist Jay Rolfe finished painting his new Pop Art 3-D painting "Euro Tan." The photo of the day shows Jay Rolfe putting the finishing touches on his Pop Art 3-D painting "Euro Tan."

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What is going on??!!

Katie Hoff just set a new world record in the same event as Phelps, the 400 IM! I'm freaking out here, hollering at the TV, eyes watering...oh man, I'm gonna be a mess for the Olympics I can feel it. The Americans have spoken, they are going with one goal and that's to win. Katie I believe is trying out for the same amount of events as Phelps, Michael is trying to be the most decorated Olympian ever and it looks like Katie could do the same thing. Can you imagine? If Phelps and Hoff actually accomplish that? Oh man...I got goosebumps just thinking about it. ;) peace


What is going on??!!

Katie Hoff just set a new world record in the same event as Phelps, the 400 IM! I'm freaking out here, hollering at the TV, eyes watering...oh man, I'm gonna be a mess for the Olympics I can feel it. The Americans have spoken, they are going with one goal and that's to win. Katie I believe is trying out for the same amount of events as Phelps, Michael is trying to be the most decorated Olympian ever and it looks like Katie could do the same thing. Can you imagine? If Phelps and Hoff actually accomplish that? Oh man...I got goosebumps just thinking about it. ;) peace


What is going on??!!

Katie Hoff just set a new world record in the same event as Phelps, the 400 IM! I'm freaking out here, hollering at the TV, eyes watering...oh man, I'm gonna be a mess for the Olympics I can feel it. The Americans have spoken, they are going with one goal and that's to win. Katie I believe is trying out for the same amount of events as Phelps, Michael is trying to be the most decorated Olympian ever and it looks like Katie could do the same thing. Can you imagine? If Phelps and Hoff actually accomplish that? Oh man...I got goosebumps just thinking about it. ;) peace


Olympic Trials 2008

I am an Olympic NUT every 4 years. I hole up in my room and just disappear during the Olympics. Well the trials are on and Michael Phelps just beat his own world record in the TRIALS! He is amazing and Ryan Lochte is no slouch either, he came in second as he did against Phelps in Athens. Really, together they are the one to beat come Beijing. Not to mention they're both hot. ;) peace



Olympic Trials 2008

I am an Olympic NUT every 4 years. I hole up in my room and just disappear during the Olympics. Well the trials are on and Michael Phelps just beat his own world record in the TRIALS! He is amazing and Ryan Lochte is no slouch either, he came in second as he did against Phelps in Athens. Really, together they are the one to beat come Beijing. Not to mention they're both hot. ;) peace



Olympic Trials 2008

I am an Olympic NUT every 4 years. I hole up in my room and just disappear during the Olympics. Well the trials are on and Michael Phelps just beat his own world record in the TRIALS! He is amazing and Ryan Lochte is no slouch either, he came in second as he did against Phelps in Athens. Really, together they are the one to beat come Beijing. Not to mention they're both hot. ;) peace



Saturday, June 28, 2008


Today Harry, Bruce and I went to a PGA screening of Wall-E. Wall-E is the latest from Pixar/Disney. When I first saw previews I knew I would like this movie, the robot reminded me of Number 5 from Short Circuit and I was a huge fan of that movie when it came out.

I loved all Pixar movies from Toy Story up to there last one Ratatouille so I knew this one would be no different. And I was right.. WOW.. what a fanatastic movie. I cried within the first twenty minutes and through out the film. It's amazing that you can fall in love with this little robot that barely says three words but just from his reactions you can't help but love him. What was great about this film was that kids will love it as they will like the robots but adults will love it for the underlying story. Yes this movie is about a robot love story but there is so much more.

I can't wait to see this movie again. I went out to Toys R Us to see if they had some toys. We did find a few but not what I was looking for... gotta keep looking as I need my little Wall-E action figure.

"Adam and Eve"

Yes, artist Jay Rolfe paints on Saturday and Sunday. He really enjoys creating his Pop Art 3-D paintings, so, time permitting, he does it every day of the week. Today's photo is of artist Jay Rolfe working on a painting called "Adam and Eve" today.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Friday, June 27, 2008

ACLU, Big Brother is watching....

...this is scary...could happen huh? The ACLU put this video out, crazy and freaky!!

ACLU, Big Brother is watching....

...this is scary...could happen huh? The ACLU put this video out, crazy and freaky!!

ACLU, Big Brother is watching....

...this is scary...could happen huh? The ACLU put this video out, crazy and freaky!!

Body Parts for "Tan Lines"

Where to put the body parts in Jay Rolfe's 3-D Pop Art painting "Tan Lines." That's the challenge Jay Rolfe is working on in this photo of the day. Here the artist is measuring for proper placement of the body parts that will provide lots of 3-D for this Pop Art 3-D painting.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Audio Version

Look everybody! I'm available in audio!

Audio Version

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I kissed a boy...

...and I liked it! LOL...found this while perusing over at Boy Culture and it's hilarious! It's a parody of Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" song. Which if you scroll down I do believe it's posted. Enjoy...oh..umm...language may be a little coarse for some. FYI.
;) peace

I kissed a boy...

...and I liked it! LOL...found this while perusing over at Boy Culture and it's hilarious! It's a parody of Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" song. Which if you scroll down I do believe it's posted. Enjoy...oh..umm...language may be a little coarse for some. FYI.
;) peace

I kissed a boy...

...and I liked it! LOL...found this while perusing over at Boy Culture and it's hilarious! It's a parody of Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" song. Which if you scroll down I do believe it's posted. Enjoy...oh..umm...language may be a little coarse for some. FYI.
;) peace


Today I got off of work a little early so Harry and I would make it to a screening of Wanted the new Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman, and James McAvoy movie. It's based on a comic book by the same name. This was a very cool movie, very bloody and violent and full of language but the action and sfx scenes were mind blowing. There is also a very cool twist in the story which I didn’t see coming. Both Harry and I enjoyed the wild and crazy ride.

Here's a short synopsis: Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) is a neurotic accounts manager who works in a small cubical filling out billing reports day end and day out. He allows his boss and his girlfriend to walk all over him. To cope with his life, he takes anti-anxiety pills by the bottle full. Wesley has no desire to change his humdrum life, but one day while getting more pills at the drug store, he meets a beautiful woman in black, Fox (Angelina Jolie) who changes his life forever. Fox was sent to protect Wesley from the man who had just killed his father. Wesley thought his father had died soon after he was born. Fox tells Wesley, "that his father died yesterday on the rooftop of the Metropolitan Building, and you are next." Wesley is recruited into the "Fraternity," a secret society of assassins that his father was a member. Fox must train Wesley to bring out his special powers that he was born with in order to avenge his fathers death. "The Fraternity's" leader- Sloan, (Morgan Freeman) also teaches Wesley the ways of the group, and Wesley soon becomes an assassin just like his father. But nother everything is as it seems.

New Pop Art 3-D Painting "Tan Lines"

Artist Jay Rolfe started a new Pop Art 3-D painting today, "Tan Lines." The photo of the day is Jay Rolfe painting it.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

bike riding is just too much fun sometimes!

Today was an especially fun ride for two reasons. The first is that my dog has shown some apparent husky blood, when, during a speed sprint, he grabbed the leash between his teeth and took off running. Since he was running fairly straight, and there were no obstacles in our path, I just let off the brakes and enjoyed the ride. And let me tell you...that was FUN.

The second giggle was when I was dubbed a "meanie fat-a**," by a four-year-old, to whom I had just (politely) denied permission to pet my dog. For one thing, we were traveling down a hill at a fairly high rate of speed. For another, my exuberant, seventy pound shepherd would have flattened her into a little blonde pancake in his excitement. Sorry, chiquita, you gotta be at least 4' to ride the Siriusmobile.

Drudge report

Today's photo depicts some of the drudge work of an artist, making the paintings so the collector can hang them. Here is a photo of artist Jay Rolfe attaching hanger rings to the back of a canvas so he can attach a picture wire. Rolfe has found it "safer" to attach the hanging rings and wire before painting, as there is less chance of damaging the finished painting than when attaching them after completing the painting.

This is just a glimpse of the myriad things that need to be done besides putting paint on the canvas. With Jay Rolfe's large Pop Art 3-D paintings, he must create a 3-D framework on which to stretch the canvas. That takes a lot of time and energy. Fortunately, with the 3 feet high paintings he is working on today, he can use pre-stretched canvas.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kathy Griffin Straight to Hell

I love her, I do, she's like the new Cho but less angry. ;)

Kathy Griffin Straight to Hell

I love her, I do, she's like the new Cho but less angry. ;)

Kathy Griffin Straight to Hell

I love her, I do, she's like the new Cho but less angry. ;)


Does anyone read Outsports? I like sports...and I'm ya know...just makes sense to me sign up for their newsletter. Well the Olympics are starting and I'm excited because there may be some gay athletes competing this year! Well at least we have one openly gay swimmer who will be competing in the trials! His name is Andrew Langenfeld and of course he's hot. You can check out the Outsports article here
He also started a Facebook group for out high school and college athletes which you can view here. Of course I had to post a pic (hope he doesn't mind) here's to our gay Olympic hopefuls! ;) peace


Does anyone read Outsports? I like sports...and I'm ya know...just makes sense to me sign up for their newsletter. Well the Olympics are starting and I'm excited because there may be some gay athletes competing this year! Well at least we have one openly gay swimmer who will be competing in the trials! His name is Andrew Langenfeld and of course he's hot. You can check out the Outsports article here
He also started a Facebook group for out high school and college athletes which you can view here. Of course I had to post a pic (hope he doesn't mind) here's to our gay Olympic hopefuls! ;) peace


Does anyone read Outsports? I like sports...and I'm ya know...just makes sense to me sign up for their newsletter. Well the Olympics are starting and I'm excited because there may be some gay athletes competing this year! Well at least we have one openly gay swimmer who will be competing in the trials! His name is Andrew Langenfeld and of course he's hot. You can check out the Outsports article here
He also started a Facebook group for out high school and college athletes which you can view here. Of course I had to post a pic (hope he doesn't mind) here's to our gay Olympic hopefuls! ;) peace

Wedding Plans

Time seems to be flying by.. It’s only a little over five weeks away and we still have a ton of things to do. We are trying same money by doing things ourselves but it's alot of work and with so little free time it's making things really tough. Every weekend from here on out will be doing something that pertains to the wedding. But in the end it will all be worth it.

Sennheiser Vs Razer Carcharias

I KNOW fewer people than I thought.
There is much to say but few words for it, this time again I miss the words.

My concept of TEAM seems very different from my team.
There are differences that unite ... this is not one of them.

"Cosmos (Milky Way)" by Jay Rolfe

Artist Jay Rolfe completed several paintings today. Today's photo is of one of them. It's called "Cosmos (Milky Way)" and is 24" x 24" x 1 1/2" deep.

Jay Rolfe loves depicting the infinite, and especially in deep rich colors like the night sky.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just 'cause

It's hot, it's hot and I am still looking for work, so I just need something pretty to look at. ;) enjoy peace.

Just 'cause

It's hot, it's hot and I am still looking for work, so I just need something pretty to look at. ;) enjoy peace.

Just 'cause

It's hot, it's hot and I am still looking for work, so I just need something pretty to look at. ;) enjoy peace.

Contemporary Painting

Happy Monday! Jay Rolfe was working yesterday and today on the paintings he started on Friday. Today's photo is of Jay Rolfe working on those paintings yesterday.
Perhaps you can see Rolfe's red forehead from a little too much sun on Saturday. He forgot to wear his hat when he was out for a few hours at midday.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Get Smart

Today Harry and I along with a few friends went to a screening of Get Smart. I loved the TV series back when it was on so I was looking forward to this movie. The movie was very enjoyable. It was not only funny as I expected it to be but it had some really good action scenes. It was a very cool remake of a classic TV series. Everyone really enjoyed it and afterwards we went to Mel's Diner for lunch.. it was a fun outing with some great company.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Well today while at work Harry called to inform me that the electricity went out at the house.. that it had been out for an hour. I called DWP and found out that the power was out in 20 + cities in the valley. I was work until around 9pm and when I got home I figure everything would be back up.. but it wasn't. It's 9pm and 90+ degrees outside. We couldn't open the refrigerator as I didn't want to let any of the cool air out. Luckily Harry has a laptop computer with a DVD player built in and there was some battery life left in it to we sat in the backyard and watched MASH.

It was close to midnight and I was sooo tired that I tempted to go into our super hot bedroom to sleep. It was horrible but I did my best to sleep but moments later the power came back on. The power was out for 6 hours, which is the longest that power has ever been out for me. You don't realize how much electricity means to you until it's gone. It made me appreciate what I have a little more.

New Pop Art 3-D Paintings

It's been a long day for artist Jay Rolfe who started some new paintings today. It's Friday, so celebrate the weekend!
Today's photo is of artist Jay Rolfe with the new canvases.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

I think I'm jinxed

Okay, so if you read my LA post a few weeks back, you'd know I'm a bit jinxed. And after the last two weeks I've had, I'm completely convinced I am. Let me demonstrate...

-Went to airport to fly to Chicago. Plane gets delayed. Then delayed again. Then delayed again. Then... well, you get the drift.
-Arrive to hotel that is supposed to be 2 blocks from book festival. Hotel ends up being 2 miles from festival.
-Room is located right by elevator. Hence no sleep.
-Day 1 of festival: rain sends us packing.
-Day 2 of festival: rain sends us packing.
-Rented a bike to see Lake Michigan. Bike gets flat tire 5 miles from where I'd rented it.
-Got lost looking for Hancock building.
-Got lost looking for basically anything else.
-Acquired 3 blisters from all the lost walking.
-Bought a poncho because of all the rain. The sun immediately decides to show.
-Went to airport to fly back. Plane gets delayed. Then delayed again. Then...

Okay, so then I immediately do laundry and repack for next trip. And here goes...

-Go to airport, get on plane, pilot comes on and says we're grounded.
-2 hours later still sitting on plane. Pilot has shut engines off. Natives are restless.
-Finally arrive in Atlanta where I board my next plane. Pilot comes on and says we're grounded.
-2 hours later still sitting on plane. Pilot has shut engines off. Natives are restless.
-Arrive to Nashville 5 hours past due. Starving. Woof down hamburger and fries. Must have been bad meat. Got sick.
-Next day dawns. Can't figure out GPS in car. Proceed to get lost.
-Decide a run in the TN hills would be great. Hills give me shin splints.
-Buy a cookie from a health food store. Turns out to be 1000 calories!!
-See a neat park. Stop to hike trails. Emerge 1 hour later with 15 bug bites.
-Try the GPS again. Still lost.
-Ordered a pizza. Delivered with wrong ingredients.

Sigh. I could go on and on. I swear I could, but I think I'm exhausted just typing this.

Okay, so the positives:

-I got to play with a cute little puppy.
-I saw Jill, my childhood friend.
-I had dinner with Laura Beth, a Vanderbilt librarian.
-Saw my mom, my dad, and my brother.
-And the flight home had no delays!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hot, Hot and more Hot

The past few days and for the foreseeable future it's going to be hot here in Reseda... not just hot but over 105 for the next week or so. I like the heat but now that we are living in the house with no central air it's getting hard to stay cool. We have air conditioner in three of the rooms but we can't keep them on 24 hours a day.. or I should say I don't want to keep them on for 24 hours a day $$$$. And the really sad part is Summer is just beginning.

"Cosmos 8"

"Cosmos 8" by Jay Rolfe was completed yesterday. Here's a photo of it. It's a small (18" x 24" x 1.5") painting of the Cosmos. Some of the creative process was described in yesterday's post.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Cosmos 8"

Jay Rolfe completed a new painting this morning, "Cosmos 8." It is small for Rolfe's paintings, 18" x 24" x 1.5". Today's photo is of him painting the stars on it.

Artists could call the process of painting the stars on this painting "process" art. That is, the artist removes himself (!) from the decisions of where to place the stars and lets the Universal force decide where his hand goes. It is true that Jay Rolfe didn't have a preconceived notion of where to put the stars, but let the feeling come over him. Does that make his paintings more valuable since the Universal force helped paint his painting of the universe, "Cosmos 8"? Would you pay more knowing this?

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Postcard from New York City

Pizza, hot dogs, bagels, and mammothly enormous cookies. This is New York City, you're listening to PRI, Public Radio Inter--oh crap, I'm actually NOT supposed to be typing what I hear from my podcast.

I know, I know--where IS that cookie from?! Levain Bakery is on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and ever since L saw the owners on Throwdown with Bobby Flay she's been meaning to get over there and try what the New York Times called "the largest, most divine chocolate chip cookies in Manhattan." We tried chocolate chip and dark chocolate chocolate chip, and each could have easily substituted as lunch. Talk about filling! Apparently the genii behind Levain are two triathletes who conjured up the gigundo cookies as the perfect carb-loaded snack. Don't forget butter-loaded, ladies. We ran into one of the two owners in the teensy bakery as she rolled a tray full of bagel-sized globs of dough onto a cart. I almost shoved her out of the way and fled with the dough, but then I thought better of it. I imagine that would have embarrassed my hostess.
Levain Bakery, 167 W. 74th Street

On to brunch, which we actually ate BEFORE the cookie--but I'm going in order of importance, here. I briefly couldn't remember the name of this place, so when I Googled "new york brunch wait on line" it actually came up in the Maps results--how about that? Good Enough to Eat is a blast. The food is delicious, it's well-priced, and it's very New York. You and your party wait on a civilized line outside, and a lady walks up and down asking how many are in your party. When a table for 3 showed up, we were waltzed past parties smaller and larger into the restaurant and to our table, which was meant for 3 and only 3. That means a table of 2 that was further ahead in the line would NOT be seated there. An interesting concept, I know. J's pumpkin bread french toast will make you swear off the "traditional" stuff for the rest of your life; the helpings of pear compote on the dish will make you check your watch--yes, it is morning, and yes, it seems like you are eating a most decadent dessert. Still, it's not quite as decadent as the "Peter Paul Pancakes," which feature Belgian chocolate and toasted coconut. Leaving my traditional omelet behind, I tried the Turkey Hash--roast turkey, potatoes, red peppers, carrots, celery, two poached eggs, and a biscuit. It encompassed everything brunch could and should be. Vegetables, protein, eggs, carbs, it was all there. The vegetables were so well-seasoned and perfectly cooked, a real feat considering the amount of droopy looking sauteed veggies I've seen in my day. And the butter, OH the butter. GETE serves strawberry butter that is like icing. You will want to dip into the butter ramekin with your spoon, bypassing the bread completely.
Good Enough to Eat, 483 Amsterdam Avenue

Listen, NY has some of the finest restaurants in the world, but when you're strapped for cash and it's a beautiful day, you have to do the grab-n-go style of dining. And Papaya King can help you out. Turns out that the Papayas (Dog, King, Gray's) are not related, much to my chagrin. I'm so chagrinned. Anyway, there's something about these dogs...they are thin (puny-looking, but delicious, I swear) and the skin is crisp, which makes you want to eat three of them. I don't care for the combos with the fruit juices and all that, but a couple of dogs suit me just fine.
Papaya King, 179 E. 86th Street

So sure, make your fancy reservations and spend a zillion dollars on your trip to New York. Or grab a cookie the size of your head and walk it off through a weekend flea market, where, thanks to skipping the white linen tablecloths, you can treat yourself to some earrings.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Celtics win!!

La la la!! Celtics win the NBA playoffs...I can sleep with a smile now. :) peace

Celtics win!!

La la la!! Celtics win the NBA playoffs...I can sleep with a smile now. :) peace

Celtics win!!

La la la!! Celtics win the NBA playoffs...I can sleep with a smile now. :) peace

Doctor's Visit

Today I had another Doctor’s visit. I was getting my cholesterol checked, as it was pretty high on the last visit. So they were going to take blood and check everything out. Also they were going to check my testosterone levels, as they have been usually low.

I was telling my doctor about being tired after waking up after an 8-hour sleep the past few months and he said I might have sleep apnea and will have to be tested. For those that don’t know what sleep apnea is, it’s when you stop breathing while sleeping and your body wakes up and makes you breath, he said this can be happening 1000’s of times a night. It’s kind of a scary thought and I plan on getting tested.

Everything else looked good.. Dr. Mills was very happy with my blood pressure, as it was much lower then last time… 140/82

Now I just need to lose some weight and lower my cholesterol and all will be well.

Gay Weddings

Today is a great day in California history. Same sex weddings are now legal. California is only the second state in the US to legalize same sex marriages. Of course there are those who are fighting it and there will more then likely be a proposition on the November ballot banning same sex marriages again.

Many have called me and asked now that same sex marriages are legal in CA I can sponsor Harry for immigration. But immigration is ran by the Federal government and they still have marriage as a union between a man and a woman so the CA ruling really won't change that status.

As for Harry and I changing our Commitment Ceremony into a wedding, with Harry's immigration status we are looking into it... I'll keep you posted.

"Far Corner of the Universe"

Jay Rolfe's new Pop Art 3-D painting "Far Corner of the Universe" is unusual. It is designed to hang in a corner, and so it may appear as a far corner of the universe. It is 16" high by 13.5" wide and has 13.5" of depth. For more information, see the large photo on Jay Rolfe's website linked below.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, on his website at

Monday, June 16, 2008

"Before the Fall" (Adam and Eve)

One of the four 3-D Pop Art paintings Jay Rolfe completed last week is this one, "Before the Fall." This is a 3 feet high version of his Adam and Eve series of 3-D Pop Art nudes.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, many on shaped stretched canvas, on his website at

Can U Shave During A Herpes Outbreak

She lives on the loss of IT in their own way.
Mourning's Blog ended today.

exactly one year after the Revelations . A year has passed since that cryptic post in which I explained the reasons why that could never be featured in a chick flick . At one year, FUTUREM . Org handles remember in detail what I left in 2007 and again reminded me of those demons that left many footprints in my physique and off the ground in which they are to look at them straight in the face and watch from the place where I am today. Technical certainly challenged by many, but this author argues that the shield of the past, and I do not mean what passed as the months have passed, and as the miles of sky tours. The changes here are so radical that in another situation could perhaps be 10 years before coming to where I am this morning.

This time I have no fear, this time I'm sure the occasional demons are nothing but new challenges and that the past is full of key facts of life we \u200b\u200benjoy today.

A year after the storm I testify that everything happens, there is no eternal torment, no summers eternal.

In a life composed of cycles will be cycles where everything seems favorable, there will be cycles in which no and there will be very calm despite the contingencies inherent in life.

confidence in ourselves is necessary to keep pace, the ability to analyze and under the observation of ourselves and then the environment is essential to take adequate breaks and accelerate the pace when they believe necessary. In every break, every storm, every morning calm learn something even in difficult situations is almost imperceptible learning ...

According to my "I" version in June 2007, aimed to take stock of the damage for this date. Today there is no harm to tell, no inventory losses. There are hundreds of lessons, moments of smiles and thanks. There are great people back in this life that I should not let them go and plans to set date and time limit and be done.

In this new stage everything is new, everything is different from what we know and despite the occasional panic attacks ... I am a happy woman. Where I had wanted to be and there is a big "plus" to it; it. Today again mirror tells me that everything has a reason.

Every difficult situation is an opportunity to show us how much we can do, every change of course is a challenge to show us how far we can go. It is in every individual to live and learn every fall and during it, is we observe during storms and to live, give us the chance to suffer a bit and then start again. It required almost total destruction to begin our process of reconstruction and renewal, it is necessary to change course to change the destiny ... that target each building.

I believe in the importance of breathing deeply, to look into the faces of demons of confidence to face new challenges ... I believe in the importance of detachment and attachment. I believe in the importance of the errors and believe in the calm that follows the storm. I believe in the strengths and the challenges of every weakness. I believe in the necessary stops, in moments of stillness and walk safely, I think being afraid is a right, but not a limiting . I think we tend to underestimate the power of time in many cases and some others to overestimate shielding us, in
each individual is the power to change its direction and destination.

No deadline is not met.
on us to stay with which we serve each time and discard the rest.

With each hand, every man, every ear and every emotional crutch.
Thanks to each one of you for what was done and not done. By knowing when to stay and when to walk away a bit. Thanks to my fellow they know who they are ... Today there is no better word for you that: YOU .

One Year of Revelations ... The author is the protagonist of his life.

Jesse McCartney...

...ok I remember hearing this name a few years ago. I'm not sure why or from what, was he on TV? I keep thinking the OC or something like that, in ANY case, I heard this song and I really liked it. So I get home and Google it awhile ago and I was like wow...hottie! I guess he had a song a few years back but it doesn't ring a bell with me. This song, I like...and he's like 21 so it's all good. :) I'm not like a twink person (regardless of most of my posts! hey it's hard to find sexy hairy older guys on the 'net...or maybe I'm not looking in the right places) ;)
Here is his latest vid...I like the song...he's not hard on the eyes either. ;) peace

Jesse McCartney...

...ok I remember hearing this name a few years ago. I'm not sure why or from what, was he on TV? I keep thinking the OC or something like that, in ANY case, I heard this song and I really liked it. So I get home and Google it awhile ago and I was like wow...hottie! I guess he had a song a few years back but it doesn't ring a bell with me. This song, I like...and he's like 21 so it's all good. :) I'm not like a twink person (regardless of most of my posts! hey it's hard to find sexy hairy older guys on the 'net...or maybe I'm not looking in the right places) ;)
Here is his latest vid...I like the song...he's not hard on the eyes either. ;) peace

Jesse McCartney...

...ok I remember hearing this name a few years ago. I'm not sure why or from what, was he on TV? I keep thinking the OC or something like that, in ANY case, I heard this song and I really liked it. So I get home and Google it awhile ago and I was like wow...hottie! I guess he had a song a few years back but it doesn't ring a bell with me. This song, I like...and he's like 21 so it's all good. :) I'm not like a twink person (regardless of most of my posts! hey it's hard to find sexy hairy older guys on the 'net...or maybe I'm not looking in the right places) ;)
Here is his latest vid...I like the song...he's not hard on the eyes either. ;) peace

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Today Harry and I took my Dad out to lunch and shopping for Father's Day. It was a nice visit.. Happy Father's Day Pops...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hulk 2

Today, Harry, Tom, Erwin, John, Moises and I went to see a PGA Screening of The Incredible Hulk (Hulk 2) at the Harmony Gold Theater. This was the first time we had gone to this theater and it was very nice. Unlike the writers Guild Theater then one had comfortable seats and an awesome audio. They also have parking underneath.. which is always a plus.

As for the Hulk, it was alot of fun, a 1000 times better then the first one. The story was good and the SFX were very impressive. Some of my favorite scenes were at the end when The Hulk slapped his hands together so cause a gust of wind to blow out a fire that was about to kill his girlfriend. The other part is where The Hulk say's "Hulk Smash" and smashes the ground causing the ground to crack. Another cool part was seeing Robert Downey Jr's, Stark (Ironman) character shows up at the end. This movie had the same feel as Ironman. You can tell they were setting up stuff for a future Avengers Movies.

This is defiantly a DVD purchase when it comes out...

Rolling Sculpture

This morning there was a lot of variety at cars and coffee. Three Ferraris, 2 Maseratis, a brace of Porsches, a Lotus, a Viper, a Corvette, and some others.

A young officer of the local constabulary stopped by with his undercover police Dodge Charger with a Hemi and chatted. He loves the car. At first glance one wouldn't know it was a cop car, but if you look at the police-only issue wheels, you know. Today's photos are of the variety of cars and the undercover police cruiser.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D paintings, many on shaped stretched canvas, on his website at