Saturday, May 31, 2008

Visiting Dad

Today Harry and I visited Dad.. this is the first time we saw him after his hospital stay from his heart attack. He looks good and is following all the rules. We took him to lunch and a movie.. we say Indy 4 again but it was the first time for him. He really enjoyed it as did Harry and I again.

Fast Sculpture

This morning artist Jay Rolfe attended the weekly edition of Cars and Coffee at Dilworthtown. Great cars, predominately Ferraris and Porsches. The photo of the day is of a very unusual Porsche, a Turbo in purple. It may not be the only purple Turbo in existence, but it is the only purple Turbo with a matching purple leather interior, including steering wheel, dash, seats, door trim, rear deck, and headliner. Wow! Purple, purple, purple. It's one of a kind.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Friday, May 30, 2008

Gas Prices

Today I paid over four dollars for a gallon of gas. This is the most I have ever paid for regular gas. $4.09 per gallon... I can't believe only a few years ago gas was going for 2 bucks.. now it's double and still going up. Times like these makes me wish I didn't have my gas gozzling Jeep Wrangler. Oh well.. just have to cut back on driving long distances. Luckily I don't work too far from our house. When visiting my Dad it costs my almost $50 dollars to fill the tank and I use more then 2/3's of it to drive there and back. Might have to cut back my visits to once a month instead of twice.

Clyfford Still at the Phillips Collection

Clyfford Still often does huge paintings in big patches of black and color with a jagged edge between them. Artist Jay Rolfe saw this one at the Phillips Collection in Washington DC recently. It is titled "1950 B" and, guess what, was painted in 1950. Sorry for the glare reflecting off the surface. The photo of the day is Clyfford Still's "1950 B."

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Summer Fun

Hey everybody, I'm guest blogging over at my agent's place today. Come check me out:


And leave a comment. It'll make me feel special!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Delacroix "Tiger and Snake"

This charming small painting by Eugene Delacroix was seen by artist Jay Rolfe at the Corcoran Gallery although it was not part of the "American Evolution" exhibit currently on view. It was painted in 1862, the year before Delacroix' death. The way Delacroix used color and light and the way he painted the background landscape seems to foreshadow the Impressionists.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Tackle Box Update

We returned to Tackle Box a few weeks after our first visit. We encountered a very quiet restaurant at 8:30pm on a Thursday, quick service, and this time--wait for it--HOT SIDE DISHES! ***Update: I also more recently discovered that none of the sauces fit the bill for me--it's GRILLED LEMONS all the way. The heat brought out the juices, and made the half of lemon way easier to squeeze. Juice came pouring out all over my fish, and it was FANTASTIC. Also I really like the cole slaw.***

Besides our plain old exploratory nature ("Do you think they figured out how to keep the sides hot yet?"), our trip did have another purpose. And that purpose was blueberry pie.

J heard from a friend that the pie was to die for--and it should be, it's made by Heather Chittum, formerly of, frankly, a lot of places, including Citronelle. She's currently the pastry chef over at Hook, and lends her talent to little sister TB as well. The pie was amazing. It was overflowing with REAL BLUEBERRIES, not blueberry "filling" with goo and glop. Little reddish purplish blueberries were occasionally rolling around on our plate. And the crust. OH the crust.

Of course, while I ordered the slice of pie, I couldn't help but chitter chatter with the friendly manager (or manager-like gentleman), Vince. He asked how everything was going, and I told him (and now I'm telling you) that our side dishes were HOT today, the mac and cheese was less watery, and the watermelon salad (a recent addition to the seasonal sides) was divine.

We were there pretty late, and got a free brownie. It had a little crunch on the outside, and it was chewy on the inside. J noted it wasn't "too chocolate-y." I'm not aware of anything ever being "too chocolate-y."

We heard a rumor that strawberry-rhubarb and ginger-peach are in the forecast for future pie flavors. What are you waiting for?

Tackle Box
3245 M St NW
Metro: Circulator to Georgetown or Blue or Orange Lines to Foggy Bottom and take a stroll

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


...not sure if it's for me. I mean I want to for many reasons but Karma is not working in my best interest. I'm holding off any professional positions so that I may find a position in retail or grocery for a couple of reasons. #1) being that they are shutting down a major freeway I live right off of and use to get into downtown Sacramento or the "mini" silicon valley up on 50. Traffic will be a nightmare! #2) I'm moving, I'm moving closer to my parents about 70 miles away and until we (me and my cousin, I'm waiting on him) are ready to do that, I kind of want something low key and a job that I can transfer when I go. That way, I have a job when we move and then I can look for something else. Well I applied at Target, it's close freeway needed and uh, well it's not Wal-Mart. So I do the whole Kiosk thing (yes, no paper applications anymore!) and I sit there and answer like 60 questions of "if you found a 5 dollar bill on the store floor while you were on duty what would you do" type of questions. It was amazing, I mean come on it's Target!! I hope I don't offend anyone by that but really, I just want to like I... dunno stock shoes, make some money and move and start my life in the town my parents live in.
So they called me for an interview someone named Sonia (I swear she sounded 15 and giggled a lot). It was supposed to be today at 5pm. Ok it's Target, I'm not I throw on the Kenneth Cole shirt with the Calvin Klein tie? (don't you hate when people name drop like that! LOL but hey I'm a bad sloppy messy ghetto gay so it's all I have!) Well I called a couple friends and they all suggested khakis and a nice polo so that's what I did. Uh...I was sitting on a bench outside a small office in the back of the store and a guy comes out of the office and asks if I'm there for an interview. No, I'm looking for cotton balls that's why I'm sitting here on a bench in the area that says Employees Only. I knew I was doomed right there. So I sit and I sit and the guy comes out again and asks my name and says he'll be with me in a moment. Meanwhile he leaves the door to the office/room open and a boy (yes I'm sure he was like 17 or something) starts talking to me about the interview process. Can I just say he was wearing jeans and a button up? Telling me what type of questions they ask and how to answer etc...then...he asks if I ever had an interview before??!!! Um, part of me is like, cute..I look young and the other part of me is like...dude, you have no idea!! I have interviewed with CEO's and partners of consulting firms! It was so surreal! In any case, they lost my application and their "system" had no record of me at all. Even though Sonia called me for an uh yeah, I need to reapply. *sigh* We shall see. ;) peace


...not sure if it's for me. I mean I want to for many reasons but Karma is not working in my best interest. I'm holding off any professional positions so that I may find a position in retail or grocery for a couple of reasons. #1) being that they are shutting down a major freeway I live right off of and use to get into downtown Sacramento or the "mini" silicon valley up on 50. Traffic will be a nightmare! #2) I'm moving, I'm moving closer to my parents about 70 miles away and until we (me and my cousin, I'm waiting on him) are ready to do that, I kind of want something low key and a job that I can transfer when I go. That way, I have a job when we move and then I can look for something else. Well I applied at Target, it's close freeway needed and uh, well it's not Wal-Mart. So I do the whole Kiosk thing (yes, no paper applications anymore!) and I sit there and answer like 60 questions of "if you found a 5 dollar bill on the store floor while you were on duty what would you do" type of questions. It was amazing, I mean come on it's Target!! I hope I don't offend anyone by that but really, I just want to like I... dunno stock shoes, make some money and move and start my life in the town my parents live in.
So they called me for an interview someone named Sonia (I swear she sounded 15 and giggled a lot). It was supposed to be today at 5pm. Ok it's Target, I'm not I throw on the Kenneth Cole shirt with the Calvin Klein tie? (don't you hate when people name drop like that! LOL but hey I'm a bad sloppy messy ghetto gay so it's all I have!) Well I called a couple friends and they all suggested khakis and a nice polo so that's what I did. Uh...I was sitting on a bench outside a small office in the back of the store and a guy comes out of the office and asks if I'm there for an interview. No, I'm looking for cotton balls that's why I'm sitting here on a bench in the area that says Employees Only. I knew I was doomed right there. So I sit and I sit and the guy comes out again and asks my name and says he'll be with me in a moment. Meanwhile he leaves the door to the office/room open and a boy (yes I'm sure he was like 17 or something) starts talking to me about the interview process. Can I just say he was wearing jeans and a button up? Telling me what type of questions they ask and how to answer etc...then...he asks if I ever had an interview before??!!! Um, part of me is like, cute..I look young and the other part of me is like...dude, you have no idea!! I have interviewed with CEO's and partners of consulting firms! It was so surreal! In any case, they lost my application and their "system" had no record of me at all. Even though Sonia called me for an uh yeah, I need to reapply. *sigh* We shall see. ;) peace


...not sure if it's for me. I mean I want to for many reasons but Karma is not working in my best interest. I'm holding off any professional positions so that I may find a position in retail or grocery for a couple of reasons. #1) being that they are shutting down a major freeway I live right off of and use to get into downtown Sacramento or the "mini" silicon valley up on 50. Traffic will be a nightmare! #2) I'm moving, I'm moving closer to my parents about 70 miles away and until we (me and my cousin, I'm waiting on him) are ready to do that, I kind of want something low key and a job that I can transfer when I go. That way, I have a job when we move and then I can look for something else. Well I applied at Target, it's close freeway needed and uh, well it's not Wal-Mart. So I do the whole Kiosk thing (yes, no paper applications anymore!) and I sit there and answer like 60 questions of "if you found a 5 dollar bill on the store floor while you were on duty what would you do" type of questions. It was amazing, I mean come on it's Target!! I hope I don't offend anyone by that but really, I just want to like I... dunno stock shoes, make some money and move and start my life in the town my parents live in.
So they called me for an interview someone named Sonia (I swear she sounded 15 and giggled a lot). It was supposed to be today at 5pm. Ok it's Target, I'm not I throw on the Kenneth Cole shirt with the Calvin Klein tie? (don't you hate when people name drop like that! LOL but hey I'm a bad sloppy messy ghetto gay so it's all I have!) Well I called a couple friends and they all suggested khakis and a nice polo so that's what I did. Uh...I was sitting on a bench outside a small office in the back of the store and a guy comes out of the office and asks if I'm there for an interview. No, I'm looking for cotton balls that's why I'm sitting here on a bench in the area that says Employees Only. I knew I was doomed right there. So I sit and I sit and the guy comes out again and asks my name and says he'll be with me in a moment. Meanwhile he leaves the door to the office/room open and a boy (yes I'm sure he was like 17 or something) starts talking to me about the interview process. Can I just say he was wearing jeans and a button up? Telling me what type of questions they ask and how to answer etc...then...he asks if I ever had an interview before??!!! Um, part of me is like, cute..I look young and the other part of me is like...dude, you have no idea!! I have interviewed with CEO's and partners of consulting firms! It was so surreal! In any case, they lost my application and their "system" had no record of me at all. Even though Sonia called me for an uh yeah, I need to reapply. *sigh* We shall see. ;) peace

"Cash Is King"

Here is artist Jay Rolfe's latest masterpiece, "Cash Is King." This Pop Art 3-D shaped stretched canvas (3DSSC) painting is 8 feet high, nearly 4.5 feet wide, and nearly 9 inches deep. The huge dollar sign may resonate deeply with your emotions, maybe even your hidden emotions. Does it? In any event, it's very impressive to see in person because of its huge size, familiar subject, bright color, and imposing depth. Wouldn't you love to have it in your home or office?

The photo of the day is Jay Rolfe's 8 feet high "Cash Is King" Pop Art 3-D painting on shaped stretched canvas.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative Pop Art 3-D shaped stretched canvas paintings, on his website at

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Indiana Jones 4

I have been dying to see this since it came out last week.. well finally Harry and I went to see this movie after work today and it didn't disappoint. After the movie was over I was on a high. It was everything I expected and more. It grabs you right at the beginning and never lets you go until the very last frame of film. It was one big wild adventure ride and I loved it. Ford was fantastic.. a bit older but still very much Indy. It was great to see Karen Black back as Marion and the addition of Shia as Marion's son was perfect. This was a funny, sweet, action packed, sci fi'ish, adventure film all rolled into one. I can't wait to see this film again. Here's a brief synopsis.

The newest Indiana Jones adventure begins in the desert Southwest in 1957 – the height of the Cold War. Indy and his sidekick Mac (Ray Winstone) have barely escaped a close scrape with nefarious Soviet agents on a remote airfield.

Now, Professor Jones has returned home to Marshall College – only to find things have gone from bad to worse. His close friend and dean of the college (Jim Broadbent) explains that Indy's recent activities have made him the object of suspicion, and that the government has put pressure on the university to fire him. On his way out of town, Indiana meets rebellious young Mutt (Shia LaBeouf), who carries both a grudge and a proposition for the adventurous archaeologist: If he'll help Mutt on a mission with deeply personal stakes, Indy could very well make one of the most spectacular archaeological finds in history – the Crystal Skull of Akator, a legendary object of fascination, superstition and fear.

But as Indy and Mutt set out for the most remote corners of Peru – a land of ancient tombs, forgotten explorers and a rumored city of gold – they quickly realize they are not alone in their search. The Soviet agents are also hot on the trail of the Crystal Skull. Chief among them is icy cold, devastatingly beautiful Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett), whose elite military unit is scouring the globe for the eerie Crystal Skull, which they believe can help the Soviets dominate the world... if they can unlock its secrets.

Indy and Mutt must find a way to evade the ruthless Soviets, follow an impenetrable trail of mystery, grapple with enemies and friends of questionable motives, and, above all, stop the powerful Crystal Skull from falling into the deadliest of hands.

"Cash Is King" During Assembly

Until artist Jay Rolfe has a photo of his finished "Cash Is King" painting, we'll post another view of Rolfe assembling the 8 feet high 3-D shaped stretched canvas painting. It is today's photo of the day.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Monday, May 26, 2008

George W. Bush is an idiot...

...and I can say that. I can say, hey...I think the president of the U.S. is a joke and a moron...I can say that. I can disagree with our political leaders, the Senate the Congress all of it...I can say our government is a joke! Now do I really believe all that? Well...definitely the George Bush part! ;) The point I want to make on Memorial Day is that no matter how you feel about the President or any facet of our can express it. You can say you disagree and no one is going to come to your house and arrest you. Nobody will put you in jail for not agreeing with the government and nobody will execute you for not adhering to the rules set forth by the government. I think as Americans we forget how free we really are, I mean think about can be or do or say...anything you want. Hell YOU can be the next President of the United States. How many countries in the world have the same liberties? How many people have been jailed or executed by their own leaders and governments because they didn't agree, because they expressed an opinion? So I just want to take a moment and say whether you are a Republican or a Democrat or a Libertarian, you get to choose and you have options. Whether you like Bush or not, whether you are for the war, against it, don't care...whatever. You have that choice, you have that freedom and so many people don't. So hopefully on Memorial Day Republicans, Democrats, anti-war, pro-war, gay, straight, black, white, old, young, redneck, yuppies, liberal, conservative etc...hopefully for at least one day...for one moment...we can forget all that and pay respect to those who fought, lost their lives, retired or are still active right now in the us the freedom to BE all of the genres I mentioned above. Like it not or not people and bitch all you want about whatever, if it weren't for the soldiers of the United States going back to then and wouldn't have that complain, or yourself. ;) peace

George W. Bush is an idiot...

...and I can say that. I can say, hey...I think the president of the U.S. is a joke and a moron...I can say that. I can disagree with our political leaders, the Senate the Congress all of it...I can say our government is a joke! Now do I really believe all that? Well...definitely the George Bush part! ;) The point I want to make on Memorial Day is that no matter how you feel about the President or any facet of our can express it. You can say you disagree and no one is going to come to your house and arrest you. Nobody will put you in jail for not agreeing with the government and nobody will execute you for not adhering to the rules set forth by the government. I think as Americans we forget how free we really are, I mean think about can be or do or say...anything you want. Hell YOU can be the next President of the United States. How many countries in the world have the same liberties? How many people have been jailed or executed by their own leaders and governments because they didn't agree, because they expressed an opinion? So I just want to take a moment and say whether you are a Republican or a Democrat or a Libertarian, you get to choose and you have options. Whether you like Bush or not, whether you are for the war, against it, don't care...whatever. You have that choice, you have that freedom and so many people don't. So hopefully on Memorial Day Republicans, Democrats, anti-war, pro-war, gay, straight, black, white, old, young, redneck, yuppies, liberal, conservative etc...hopefully for at least one day...for one moment...we can forget all that and pay respect to those who fought, lost their lives, retired or are still active right now in the us the freedom to BE all of the genres I mentioned above. Like it not or not people and bitch all you want about whatever, if it weren't for the soldiers of the United States going back to then and wouldn't have that complain, or yourself. ;) peace

George W. Bush is an idiot...

...and I can say that. I can say, hey...I think the president of the U.S. is a joke and a moron...I can say that. I can disagree with our political leaders, the Senate the Congress all of it...I can say our government is a joke! Now do I really believe all that? Well...definitely the George Bush part! ;) The point I want to make on Memorial Day is that no matter how you feel about the President or any facet of our can express it. You can say you disagree and no one is going to come to your house and arrest you. Nobody will put you in jail for not agreeing with the government and nobody will execute you for not adhering to the rules set forth by the government. I think as Americans we forget how free we really are, I mean think about can be or do or say...anything you want. Hell YOU can be the next President of the United States. How many countries in the world have the same liberties? How many people have been jailed or executed by their own leaders and governments because they didn't agree, because they expressed an opinion? So I just want to take a moment and say whether you are a Republican or a Democrat or a Libertarian, you get to choose and you have options. Whether you like Bush or not, whether you are for the war, against it, don't care...whatever. You have that choice, you have that freedom and so many people don't. So hopefully on Memorial Day Republicans, Democrats, anti-war, pro-war, gay, straight, black, white, old, young, redneck, yuppies, liberal, conservative etc...hopefully for at least one day...for one moment...we can forget all that and pay respect to those who fought, lost their lives, retired or are still active right now in the us the freedom to BE all of the genres I mentioned above. Like it not or not people and bitch all you want about whatever, if it weren't for the soldiers of the United States going back to then and wouldn't have that complain, or yourself. ;) peace

Evening Star Cafe - Brunch style

It's not a secret that we love Evening Star. With the darling restaurant's premier location (read: near Dairy Godmother), it's hard for us NOT to come back for more. Del Ray lacks the crazy crowdedness (and chain stores) of Old Town, and makes up for its tiny size with depth in the "charm" and "good eats" categories.

There's nothing crazy going on at brunch. They aren't reinventing the wheel. But what's done is done well, and consistently well. The Cinnamon-Apple French Toast is sweet (and gooey...and delicious...) but won't give you a toothache, and the Brisket and Eggs is the perfect solution for the person who sorta wants breakfast but also sorta wants lunch. My personal favorite is the Crabcake Eggs Benedict, partly because of all the colliding textures--smooth hollandaise sauce, soft poached eggs with silky yolks, crisp on the outside but delicate on the inside crabcake, and chewy English muffin to sop it all up. OK, I'm officially hungry.

The best part about Evening Star brunch? The slices of chocolate chip pumpkin bread that appeared on the table before our meal.

The worst? It's only on Sundays, people.

Evening Star Cafe
2000 Mount Vernon Ave
Alexandria, VA
Metro: Park it up, drivers!
Evening Star Cafe on Urbanspoon

Happy Memorial Day

Just want to wish everyone a very Happy Memorial Day. I want to thank all those soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I may not believe what the military is doing alot of the times but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the men and woman who serve and die for us.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today's Weather...

...was a bit chilly...sunny but windy. Great day to get out of the house and take a walk which is exactly what I did. I went for a walk with a friend up and down the Sacramento river. It was great to be out of the house, I feel like I've been holed up in my room for days. Still job searching and looking forward to moving closer to my parents. I'm really hoping to get something close by (workwise until I move) because they will be shutting down I-5 coming the direction of where I live. So to commute would suck big time! I mean they are literally closing it down. So if you live in the Sacramento area, life is going to be hell the next 90 days starting on 5/30. There will be only 5 days when all lanes are open in the month of June! has more info.
Other than that nothing going on, which is a good thing. The wind is dying down a bit now, starting to get chilly. Wouldn't it be nice to snuggle up with one of these guys now? A lot of nice younger guy smooth pics on the web but what about a nice looking guy with a bit of fur on him? Keep ya warm on a chilly day! ;)peace

Today's Weather...

...was a bit chilly...sunny but windy. Great day to get out of the house and take a walk which is exactly what I did. I went for a walk with a friend up and down the Sacramento river. It was great to be out of the house, I feel like I've been holed up in my room for days. Still job searching and looking forward to moving closer to my parents. I'm really hoping to get something close by (workwise until I move) because they will be shutting down I-5 coming the direction of where I live. So to commute would suck big time! I mean they are literally closing it down. So if you live in the Sacramento area, life is going to be hell the next 90 days starting on 5/30. There will be only 5 days when all lanes are open in the month of June! has more info.
Other than that nothing going on, which is a good thing. The wind is dying down a bit now, starting to get chilly. Wouldn't it be nice to snuggle up with one of these guys now? A lot of nice younger guy smooth pics on the web but what about a nice looking guy with a bit of fur on him? Keep ya warm on a chilly day! ;)peace

Today's Weather...

...was a bit chilly...sunny but windy. Great day to get out of the house and take a walk which is exactly what I did. I went for a walk with a friend up and down the Sacramento river. It was great to be out of the house, I feel like I've been holed up in my room for days. Still job searching and looking forward to moving closer to my parents. I'm really hoping to get something close by (workwise until I move) because they will be shutting down I-5 coming the direction of where I live. So to commute would suck big time! I mean they are literally closing it down. So if you live in the Sacramento area, life is going to be hell the next 90 days starting on 5/30. There will be only 5 days when all lanes are open in the month of June! has more info.
Other than that nothing going on, which is a good thing. The wind is dying down a bit now, starting to get chilly. Wouldn't it be nice to snuggle up with one of these guys now? A lot of nice younger guy smooth pics on the web but what about a nice looking guy with a bit of fur on him? Keep ya warm on a chilly day! ;)peace

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rolling Sculpture - Cars and Coffee

Saturday morning means it's time for Cars and Coffee at the Dilworthtown Starbucks for artist Jay Rolfe. There were a lot of beautiful cars today. A beautiful red Ferrari 550 Maranello, a limited edition yellow Ferrari 550 Barchetta Pininfarina, a black Ferrari 355 Spyder, a red Ferrari 308 GTB, and a red Ferrari 308 GTS. Also a beautiful red Porsche turbo, a striking purple Porsche turbo with an all purple interior, seats, dash, headliner, steering wheel, everything, a 911, and 3 Caymans, blue, gray, and silver. Caymans are a beautiful shape, and they looked good in these colors. There was also a Lotus Esprit, and one of the fastest cars there with over 500 horsepower, the V10 powered BMW M5 (sedan).

For photo of the day we are featuring the black Ferrari 355 Spyder, not because it was the most unusual, but because the owner recently acquired it and brought it for the first time. And it's beautiful.

You can see Jay Rolfe's 3-D shaped stretched canvas painting of a Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder on his website listed at the end of this post.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Some shout outs

I visited and signed books at two schools this week. They both deserve a HUGE shout out!

Matanzas High School in Palm Coast, FL.
Bartram Trail High School in St. Johns, FL.

Here's a BIG smooch to some awesome teens.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Who throws an Octopus?

Well Detroit Red Wings fans do of course!! How very odd, but still, a tradition I respect and hope keeps going...and for the record...I don't believe they are alive at the time. Here is a clip from the Detroit News which gives further insight into this bizarre tradition.

Who throws an Octopus?

Well Detroit Red Wings fans do of course!! How very odd, but still, a tradition I respect and hope keeps going...and for the record...I don't believe they are alive at the time. Here is a clip from the Detroit News which gives further insight into this bizarre tradition.

Who throws an Octopus?

Well Detroit Red Wings fans do of course!! How very odd, but still, a tradition I respect and hope keeps going...and for the record...I don't believe they are alive at the time. Here is a clip from the Detroit News which gives further insight into this bizarre tradition.

Big Screen TV

Today when I got home from a really bad day at work I was greeting with the news that our fairly new (well to us) Big screen TV was out. Sure enough I turned it on and saw a bunch of crazy lines running through the screen. We got this from my Mom for my birthday last September from a friend of hers. I don't know how old the TV is but it has to be a four of five years old. So now I have to see if I can find a TV repair person and see if it's worth fixing it or just biting the bullett and buying a new big screen HDTV.

Assemblying "Cash Is King" Painting

Today artist Jay Rolfe assembled the 5 pieces of his new 3-D shaped stretched canvas (3DSSC) painting titled "Cash Is King." It's large, 8 feet high and 8.75 inches deep and more than 4 feet wide. Don't you love the gold color? Rolfe does. It's the photo of the day.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Prince Caspian

Today Harry and I went to see The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian. It's the second movie/book in the Narnia series. I have read all seven books and really enjoyed the series. Both Harry and I really enjoyed the first movie The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe so we were excited to see this one.

Here’s a short synopsis...

It’s one year after the event of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ and the former kings and queens of Narnia - Peter (William Moseley), Susan (Anna Popplewell), Edmund (Skandar Keynes) and Lucy Pevensie (Georgie Henley) - find themselves back in that faraway realm only to discover that more than 1,300 years have passed in Narnian time. During their absence, the land’s Golden Age has faded into legend. It’s magical talking animals and mythical creatures exist as little more than folk tales to the Telemarines, a race of humans led by the merciless Lord Miraz (Sergio Castellitto). The mighty Aslan (Liam Neeson) has not been seen in a thousand years. The four children have been summoned back to Narnia by Prince Caspian (Ben Barnes), the young heir to the Telemarine thorne, to combat his evil uncle Miraz. With the help of a crusty, valiant dwarf, Trumpkin (Peter Dinklage); a courageous talking mouse, Reepicheep (Eddie Izzard); and a mistrustful black dwarf, Nikabrik (Warwick Davis); they lead the Narnians on a journey to restore magic and glory to the land.

Though this wasn't as good as the first movie it was still very enjoyable. Not a very complex story but neither is the book so I didn't expect it to be. The action was great, the acting good, and the sfx were very cool. It was a nice continuation of the series. Next up The Voyage of the Dawn Treader


Woo-hoo! The reviews are coming in...

A young reader shares her opinion on SEARCHING FOR A STARRY NIGHT, A Miniature Art Mystery:

"Gripping, surprising, and leaving you wanting more… you'll be shocked at the twists and turns…" --Lily Huber, Grade 8

"Princess Pocahontas and John Rolfe" 3-D Painting

Artist Jay Rolfe is shown here yesterday painting one of his new 3-D shaped stretched canvas paintings of "Princess Pocahontas and John Rolfe." As you may know from history, Princess Pocahontas married John Rolfe, not John Smith whom she met as a child, on April 5, 1614 in Jamestown, Virginia. They had one son, Thomas Rolfe, born January 30, 1615 (by coincidence, Jay Rolfe's date of birth is also January 30!). Jay Rolfe decided to create this painting after a visit to Jamestown, Virginia, this spring. Rolfe plans 3 "Princess Pocahontas and John Rolfe" paintings, 8 feet, 6 feet, and 4 feet high respectively.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Is It Normal To Be Wet Before

fill IT

ELLA finally rests with Him.

Finally, after 18 months they are back together and rest they deserve.

I have no words ... and that I have SHE know that only understand them.

was always my IT.
She is at peace.

Stop the clocks ...

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let airplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message "He Is Dead",
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now to Any dog \u200b\u200bever eats good.

By WH Auden

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Daisy's Anniversary

Today marks the 3rd anniversary that Daisy joined our family... and we’ve made that her birthday as well, she’s now either 9 or 10 years old... we can’t be entirely sure about that... and she’s come a long way considering her behavior when we got her. You can tell she is getting older as the underside of her muzzle is getting completely white, she now looks like she has a little gray beard. Never thought I could love an animal as much as I love her. She is a pain in the butt and keeps us from vacations and traveling but she also brightens our days with her unconditional love. I couldn't imagine life without her.

"Cash Is King"

Yesterday artist Jay Rolfe painted several layers on his new 3-D shaped stretched canvas (3DSSC) painting "Cash Is King." It is 8 feet high and should be finished in a few days.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

$10.9 Million Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder

Artist Jay Rolfe has created a 3-D shaped stretched canvas (3DSSC) painting of a Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder in several sizes. The one pictured is 8 feet long. It is also available in 6 feet long and 4 feet long sizes.

Maranello, Italy, is home of the Ferrari factory which, incidentally, artist Jay Rolfe would love to tour. Such beautiful shapes! On Saturday May 17, 2008, in Maranello a 1961 Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder sold at auction for the highest price ever paid for a vintage car at auction, nearly $10.9 million. It is powered by a V12 engine mounted in the front. This car was once owned by the actor James Coburn. Ferrari made 55 short wheelbase (SWB) California Spyders over a five year period from 1959-1963. They are one of the most beautiful road cars ever. Ferrari also made 51 long wheelbase California Spyders over a similar period and, although handsome, they are not considered as beautiful or desirable.

Today's photo is of Jay Rolfe's 3-D painting of a red Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spyder. Also included is a photo of the auction car which is black, a rare color on a Ferrari of that vintage.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Monday, May 19, 2008

Gay Men Suck!

yeah yeah (insert jokes here) no really, ever been to Craigslist ? Have you checked out the M4M? It's all porn! All about sex hook ups and people showing their junk and their booties! I mean come on! Ok, ok, yes I've known it was like this for years and I never really thought about it. Well this past weekend, my cousin wanted to meet someone and I thought...why not CL? So I went and posted an ad for him in the straight section M4W (yes take my gay card now) and I was surprised at how the ads differed from ours! I mean, the W4M were so sweet and nice and the M4W were really genuine too! You can tell these people want relationships, not hook ups and quick anonymous BJ's, they really are looking for "the one". Ok so a very small percentage of the ads were geared a bit towards intimate situations, but a very small percentage and they sure as hell weren't as graphic as some of the ones I read in M4M. So after doing this for my cousin this weekend I started to think about society's perception of gay people, and how maybe they are a bit justified. If I was a straight person who went and read M4M on CL and then read the straight ads, I definitely would think gay men are just all about sex. I have a straight female friend who I'm chatting with online right now and we are looking at the M4W ads and she's like go to the M4M ads, and I was like...uh no, it's all porn and smut. How sad, I can't look for a potential partner on line with my friend and compare ads and giggle and talk about how cool he is, or how smart he sounds etc, because all my ads in my community listing show dick pics and graphic language. How sad. I mean I'm not a prude or anything but it just looks really bad for us and I feel bad for the straight guys who are looking for motorcycle buds or golfing buddies (I placed a golf ad once, oh lawd...the responses I got had nothing to do with golf!). It's a shame actually.
;) peace

Gay Men Suck!

yeah yeah (insert jokes here) no really, ever been to Craigslist ? Have you checked out the M4M? It's all porn! All about sex hook ups and people showing their junk and their booties! I mean come on! Ok, ok, yes I've known it was like this for years and I never really thought about it. Well this past weekend, my cousin wanted to meet someone and I thought...why not CL? So I went and posted an ad for him in the straight section M4W (yes take my gay card now) and I was surprised at how the ads differed from ours! I mean, the W4M were so sweet and nice and the M4W were really genuine too! You can tell these people want relationships, not hook ups and quick anonymous BJ's, they really are looking for "the one". Ok so a very small percentage of the ads were geared a bit towards intimate situations, but a very small percentage and they sure as hell weren't as graphic as some of the ones I read in M4M. So after doing this for my cousin this weekend I started to think about society's perception of gay people, and how maybe they are a bit justified. If I was a straight person who went and read M4M on CL and then read the straight ads, I definitely would think gay men are just all about sex. I have a straight female friend who I'm chatting with online right now and we are looking at the M4W ads and she's like go to the M4M ads, and I was like...uh no, it's all porn and smut. How sad, I can't look for a potential partner on line with my friend and compare ads and giggle and talk about how cool he is, or how smart he sounds etc, because all my ads in my community listing show dick pics and graphic language. How sad. I mean I'm not a prude or anything but it just looks really bad for us and I feel bad for the straight guys who are looking for motorcycle buds or golfing buddies (I placed a golf ad once, oh lawd...the responses I got had nothing to do with golf!). It's a shame actually.
;) peace

Gay Men Suck!

yeah yeah (insert jokes here) no really, ever been to Craigslist ? Have you checked out the M4M? It's all porn! All about sex hook ups and people showing their junk and their booties! I mean come on! Ok, ok, yes I've known it was like this for years and I never really thought about it. Well this past weekend, my cousin wanted to meet someone and I thought...why not CL? So I went and posted an ad for him in the straight section M4W (yes take my gay card now) and I was surprised at how the ads differed from ours! I mean, the W4M were so sweet and nice and the M4W were really genuine too! You can tell these people want relationships, not hook ups and quick anonymous BJ's, they really are looking for "the one". Ok so a very small percentage of the ads were geared a bit towards intimate situations, but a very small percentage and they sure as hell weren't as graphic as some of the ones I read in M4M. So after doing this for my cousin this weekend I started to think about society's perception of gay people, and how maybe they are a bit justified. If I was a straight person who went and read M4M on CL and then read the straight ads, I definitely would think gay men are just all about sex. I have a straight female friend who I'm chatting with online right now and we are looking at the M4W ads and she's like go to the M4M ads, and I was like...uh no, it's all porn and smut. How sad, I can't look for a potential partner on line with my friend and compare ads and giggle and talk about how cool he is, or how smart he sounds etc, because all my ads in my community listing show dick pics and graphic language. How sad. I mean I'm not a prude or anything but it just looks really bad for us and I feel bad for the straight guys who are looking for motorcycle buds or golfing buddies (I placed a golf ad once, oh lawd...the responses I got had nothing to do with golf!). It's a shame actually.
;) peace

More Bluetooth Issues

Today about mid day my brand new cell phone battery died. I couldn't figure out why that would happen as it was fully charaged when I left the house today. I told Harry and he did some research and found out that leaving on your bluetooth can drain your battery as your bluetooth is always active and looking for a connection. So I guess you keep your bluetooth off unless you plan on using it. Which kind of sucks because the only time I plan on using my bluetooth is in the car while driving. So now I have to remember to turn it on when I get in the car and turn it off when I get out of the car. Still the bluetooth is a really cool device.

I also went back to Best Buy on my lunch to exchange Harry's bad bluetooth device. When I got home we charged the new device up and connected it to Harry's phone.. everything turned out great. So now we both have a fully working bluetooth device.

More Stretching Canvas

Artist Jay Rolfe finished this round of stretching canvas yesterday. Here's a photo of being close to finishing up. Rolfe's working on the last of 5 parts to his new 8 feet high 3-D shaped stretched canvas (3DSSC) painting.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bluetooth Headset

Today Harry and I went to Best Buy to get a couple of bluetooth head sets for our new cell phones... not only because it’s a cool device but also because you will be required by law to use head sets while driving beginning July 1st... There were so many to choose from and the price range was from $19.99 to $149.99. We figured we would get something in the middle range. We both chose to Rocketfish RF-SH230 bluetooth headset with exchangeable color plates...

When we got home, we charged my head set first... then we activated the bluetooth device on my phone and the phone saw the headset right away. We did a few test calls to see if we liked the bluetooth device, it sounded great so we we tried the same thing with Harry's headset... but the phone never saw the headset... and the headset had some power issues.. I plan on exchanging for a new one in a few days.

Jay Rolfe Stretching Canvas

Artist Jay Rolfe is stretching canvas again. Today's photo is of Jay Rolfe stretching canvas yesterday for a new 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas (3DSSC) painting which will be about 8 feet high, 4 and one-half feet wide, and 9 inches deep. Stay tuned!

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's signature style, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

This video made me cry...

...because I have a U kind of reminds me of the Holocaust, well not that serious but...well I have a number too. It wasn't tattooed on me but I do have one. This video is about natives who were put on the rez, my rez.

This video made me cry...

...because I have a U kind of reminds me of the Holocaust, well not that serious but...well I have a number too. It wasn't tattooed on me but I do have one. This video is about natives who were put on the rez, my rez.

This video made me cry...

...because I have a U kind of reminds me of the Holocaust, well not that serious but...well I have a number too. It wasn't tattooed on me but I do have one. This video is about natives who were put on the rez, my rez.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm a dinosaur and Madonna still rocks...

So it's been a minute since I last blogged and I apologize for that. Well this past Tuesday was my last day at Intel and now I feel kind of lost. It's their corporate culture and the way the position operated and it just kind of becomes a part of your everyday I'm like going through withdrawals. :) The good kind though! So I've been down in Manteca visiting my parents and just relaxing and looking at houses down there with my cousin. Knowing that I'm moving in like 6 weeks I don't want to take on anything permanent or even anything where I have to work in an office. It was a lonely year at Intel, if you're a regular reader you know that my job was quite lonely because the team members I worked with were scattered globally so it was email and IM for me as far as interaction with people. Although I did get to see my manager every other week for 1:1, when she wasn't traveling that is.

Well now, I want to work with people and the public so I decided to get something maybe in retail or grocery. Just something so I have some money coming in and to keep busy while we look for a place and I can pack. Now it's been 20 years since I've done anything in the retail/blue collar world (except for my stint as a waiter two summers ago and that almost kicked my ass!)lol. So this morning I get up and put on a nice polo shirt and some dockers grab some printed resumes I had lying around and head to the local retail center down the street. I go into Wal-Mart first and...I'm sorry, I just can't do it. I don't know why but I just did not want to apply there. So I walk next door to PetSmart and thought..yeah, I like animals and this would be fun. I walk up to a young man who has a badge that says Team Lead under his name and I ask if they are accepting applications. He said yes and that I can go apply online. Online? Hmmm...okaaay. So I thanked him and walked next door to Staples, hey I know software and I definitely know office supplies since I've been sitting in some sort of office for the past 2 decades, I could do this! When I walked in this time there was a cute perky blonde female who asked me if she could help me find something. She couldn't have been more than 17 if not 16, what is the limit these days on kids working? In any case I asked for an application and she just kind of gave me this blank look and hesitated for a few seconds "um do you mean like a book of applications for your own business? Like a restaurant or something?" "No, as in I want to work here and I'm curious if you have an application I could fill out?"
"ooooohh, you have to apply online, and click the careers link"
Okay, I thanked her and thought well...weird, no one has applications anymore? Couldn't be! Well after Borders, Kohls, Raleys (they actually had an online Kiosk in the store) Bed Bath and Beyond and Safeway all told me the same thing, I gave up and came home and slipped into shorts and a wifebeater and began applying at all the stores above. It is so hot outside I wish I had known that the blue collar world has caught up with the white collar world and everything is done online now! Does that sound elitist? Wasn't meant to be, so here I am applying like crazy wondering if anyone will actually call me since I have no experience in any of the store categories mentioned above. I shall keep you posted and in the meantime check out this video I saw over at Boy Cultures gotta love Madonna and watching this video brought back a lot of memories from the past two decades. It kind of was ironic when I was feeling a bit out of place and like a relic, I see this video only to confirm it. LOL
peace ;)