Friday, November 30, 2007

Lunch at Central: Guest Review by Mr. iEat

I have come to determine an unfailing truth, that is that the food at Central tastes great, but food at Central paid with an expense account tastes even better. A recent business lunch with two of my associates at Michel Richard's Central in the heart of downtown Washington D.C. was quite the enjoyable experience. The lunch menu at Central does not make decision making easy. The burger, fried chicken, fish & chips, grilled hanger steak, and the lamb shank immediately jumped out as first choices. How does one narrow down from such an appetizing array of options? Fortunately for me, our server believed the fried chicken to be the best around and so I took his word and ordered it along with the french onion soup as a starter. The server noted that "their" french onion soup was a little different that normal because the broth was sweeter more like a miso as he described it. To me and one other diner at my table it sounded promising.

First, warm baked bread was delivered to our table. The bread was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, but MOST importantly it was pre-cut! I am not just talking about sliced half way through, I mean cut into individual slices. I have been to too many restaurants for business lunches around the district where the crusty bread is only half cut and what ensues is inevitably a messy and crumb filled attempt to finish slicing the bread with your own dull-as-a-spoon bread knife. Cheers to Central for slicing their bread. Everyone wants bread at a business lunch, but not everyone wants to either put their hands all over the bread to rip it apart or attempt to make a mess all over the table at those non-cutting establishments.

Next to arrive was the iced tea. As a semi-professional iced tea aficionado, I happily found Central's iced tea to be both well brewed and provided with a generous lemon slice. Again, Central warms my heart with its tubular "european" style sugar packets (including Splenda!) which both look and function in a superior manner to traditional rectangular packets.

After a reasonable time passed, the soup arrived in an earthy clay bowl with a baked cheesy top. I don't often order french onion soup, but I am glad that I made the decision that afternoon. The broth was indeed light and sweet and complemented the cheese well. It was warm and gooey, without being too gooey. Also, for french onion soup it was surprisingly "light".

I enjoy fried chicken, but I don't know if I've ever enjoyed it as much as I did at Central. The order comes with one large boneless chicken breast and one drumstick, both coated with a delicious crunchy crust, served on top of finely whipped mashed potatoes with a side of mustard sauce. The potatoes were excellent, creamy and smooth. The chicken was finely battered and fried and greatly enhanced with the tangy mustard sauce. A side of mixed salad greens was also served on the large plate but went ignored due to the generous portion size and quality of the entree served.

The other entrees ordered by my colleagues were the fried chicken (also enjoyed) and the lobster burger. The burger was served handsomely with a multitude of fries. I was lucky enough to have a piece of the burger which is all lobster (no filling or bread). It was quite tasty. Did I mention that we also ordered a side of Mac and Cheese? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...this ain't your grandma's Mac and Cheese. Served in a mini cast iron skillet, the Mac and Cheese is made with ziti pasta swimming in a delicious creamy cheese sauce and lightly topped with bread crumbs. This little pan was a big hit at the table and was scraped clean.

Dessert. Again, Michel does not make this choice easy. With several extremely tempting choices we each decided to get a different desert and share. I had the kit kat bar. This is a fun dessert that easily fixes any chocolate craving while not being too overwhelming. I also had a bit of the apple pan dowdy and the chocolate cake. Each was tasty and well presented. I don't think you can go wrong with any dessert at Central. In fact, I don't believe you can go wrong with ANYTHING at Central. So next time you are looking for a delicious downtown lunch to impress yourself, a date, or clients, look no further than Central.

1001 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Metro: Orange, Blue, or Red line to Metro Center
Central Michel Richard on Urbanspoon

Ellsworth Kelly At LACMA

Today involved much computer work (administrative) for artist Jay Rolfe rather than creating 3DSSC paintings.

Today's photo is "Blue Curve III" by Ellsworth Kelly painted in 1972. It is owned by and sometimes displayed at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art), where I have seen it. Here's a link t the painting at LACMA's website. It's another of Kelly's non-rectangular paintings, and it could have influenced me if I'd noticed it first when I was ready to notice non-rectangular paintings (see my blog posts of February 16, 2007, February 27, 2007, and March 7, 2007).;id=36405;type=101

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Crazy Wedding Dance!

Hey all, sorry for not posting for a auntie has cancer and while it's not a shock because she's had it for awhile and been doing great, it has spread to her brain.
So been busy with taking her to treatments, and staying with her when no one is home, I'm so glad I can work remotely!! So yeah, been a bit strenuous for sure.
So, I keep watching this video because it's awesome, it's cool and it makes me laugh and smile each time I watch it! lol, hope everyone is well!

Crazy Wedding Dance!

Hey all, sorry for not posting for a auntie has cancer and while it's not a shock because she's had it for awhile and been doing great, it has spread to her brain.
So been busy with taking her to treatments, and staying with her when no one is home, I'm so glad I can work remotely!! So yeah, been a bit strenuous for sure.
So, I keep watching this video because it's awesome, it's cool and it makes me laugh and smile each time I watch it! lol, hope everyone is well!

Crazy Wedding Dance!

Hey all, sorry for not posting for a auntie has cancer and while it's not a shock because she's had it for awhile and been doing great, it has spread to her brain.
So been busy with taking her to treatments, and staying with her when no one is home, I'm so glad I can work remotely!! So yeah, been a bit strenuous for sure.
So, I keep watching this video because it's awesome, it's cool and it makes me laugh and smile each time I watch it! lol, hope everyone is well!

LACMA - "The Last Supper"

Artist Jay Rolfe went to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) on June 11, 2006 among several times. He saw a beautiful painting from 1495-1500 done by Spanish painter Pedro Berruguete titled "The Last Supper." It's my photo of the day. "The Last Supper" was especially interesting to me because it shows Jesus, the 12 disciples, and Mary Magdalene, and all have golden halos save for one disciple on the far right, who, of course, must be Judas. Here's a link to the painting on LACMA's website.;dtype=d;key=108385;page=701900101 It's also my photo of the day, and I can see the one I took better than the one on the website, so here it is.

Today artist Jay Rolfe is involved mostly with administrative matters. Maybe a little painting.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shrek the Halls

Tonight was a very specal Christmas show. Shrek the Halls premired on ABC . It had all the original voice cast and looked like a mini movie. It was short only 30 minutes but it was very funny and a new holiday favorite that I'll be watching year after year.

Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts

Artist Jay Rolfe had lunch at the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts (DCCA) at the Art Salad brown bag program. The program was run by Curator of Education Holly Jackson who was very welcoming. The Executive Director Maxine Gaiber, previously with the San Diego Museum of Art, was also very welcoming. The program was Art:21, the Paradox episode from the PBS series Season 4. It was great to hear artist Robert Ryman, who is a painter, say that the purpose of painting is "to bring pleasure." I agree!

I looked again at what I found to be the most interesting painting to me when I visited 2 weeks ago. It was called "March 2004" by Ben Whitehouse. It was 31 small canvases arranged like a calendar, 7 across and starting on a Monday and ending on a Wednesday. The artist said all 31 canvases were painted outdoors between 7-9 am each day from the same place in Chicago overlooking Lake Michigan. They all showed only the lake and sky. There was quite a bit of variation in the water, big and small waves, calm and stormy, and also in the sky. I liked the idea and it was well executed. I've noticed in a number of small and midsize museums that the curators seem to really go for passage of time pieces like this one. I hope it was alright to take this picture (without flash) which is my photo of the day.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Decorated my Office

Today I decorated my office. Since I'm going to be in this little room for the entire month of December I figured I might as way make if festive. I put up lights all around the room, garland on my desk and stockings on the wall. Everyone seems to really like it. And of course I have Christmas music playing on my computer. Having my office decorated is a great way of keeping down my stress.

Andy Warhol, "Eight Marilyns"

Today's photo, taken by artist Jay Rolfe, is from a visit to the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh PA. I'm sure you recognize who it is. Yes, it's "Eight Marilyns." There is an amazing number of paintings at the Warhol Museum. One can get a great view of Andy's work there.

Artist Jay Rolfe spent the day doing more reorganizing which he started yesterday. He also made some minor changes to his website.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Painting canvas to look like glass ...

Today artist Jay Rolfe painted canvas to look like the glass of the windshields for the Ferraris he's painting. Aside from that, I spent the day rearranging my studio so one can see some of my completed Hyper Representational 3DSSC paintings in preparation for a scheduled studio visit.

Today's photos are two I took yesterday on my morning walk. While I consider myself a painter, I do take many photos and some subjects are rather artistic, such as this tree, one of my favorites. Perhaps one day I'll exhibit some photographs. Meanwhile, I am fortunate to encounter this tree every time I walk in Stroud Preserve. Yesterday was a glorious day as you can see. Today was rainy and foggy, but the rain stopped for a while this morning while we walked.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Xmas Shopping

Today Harry and I planned on doing a bit part of our Christmas shopping, of course I would have preferred to shop online but I can't get everything online and sometimes it's fun to actually go shopping. We made lists of all the presents we needed to get and started to work our way around town. It wasn't horrible out there, traffice was okay and parking was pretty good. We hit Michael's, Koels, Mervyns, Target, and Toys R Us then headed home for some lunch. Once we relaxed a bit we hit the Burbank Mall and Ikea. Every place we went to we managed to find something that we were looking for. So we are about halfway done with Christmas shopping this year. One more weekend and a few online purchases and we should be good. While watching TV at night I wrapped up everything we have gotten so far and if the pile is any indication we are going to have a great Christmas.

Hyper Representational 3-D Ferrari Painting

Today artist Jay Rolfe painted more on his 3DSSC (3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas) Ferrari paintings. He painted more Ferrari red, trying to finish up what he started yesterday, and also black like the leather interior, underbody, and tires.

This morning's walk was wonderful, the weather was glorious. Crisp, clear, and sunny. Although it's very early this year - Thanksgiving was the earliest possible date, the 21st - I hung the outdoor Christmas lights as I traditionally do Thanksgiving weekend. It's too early for us to turn them on, but the work is done on a beautiful 50 degree afternoon.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas Lights

Today Harry and I finished putting up the lights on the house and then worked inside at decorating the inside of the house. We of course had to use our reserve lights that we had planned to return because we thought we were have plenty. You don't realize how many lights you need to cover a house. So on and off all day we would decorate and by nights end we had our living room/dining room all Christmas out and the outside looks like the Christmas Light fairy came by and work her magic. Christmas is both Harry and I favorite holiday so we go all out. And we still aren't done, this is only the beginning.

Painting Red Ferrari

Artist Jay Rolfe woke up to 20 degree weather, not only the coldest yet this winter, but perhaps colder than any day last winter too! After his morning constitutional - a walk with his wife Randy Rolfe - artist Jay Rolfe got painting. Paint it red. Sounds kind of like a Rolling Stones tune. Kind of, but the song was Paint It Black.

Today's video of of artist Jay Rolfe painting his 3DSSC (3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas) Ferrari red. Don't worry, it's not like watching paint dry. It's watching paint being applied. It was so quiet in the house, one can literally hear the brushstrokes!

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Friday, November 23, 2007

A Day Off???

Normally the day after Thanksgiving is a day off, but my current job do not have "holiday" pay and in order for me to get a full check this week I had to work Today and tomorrow to make up for taking off Thursday. There were only two other people who worked today so it was a fairly quiet day.

When I got home I had a surprise waiting for me in the mail. A friend’s documentary called "Pegwarmers". This is a documentary about Geeks, collectors, DnD players, Costumers and anything else geeky. It shows people that we are like everyone else. We aren't all 40-year-old virgins living in their mother’s basements. This put a positive spin on being a geek. I have been dying to see this for about a year and he's been working on it for a long time. He said he was going to send me a preview copy and after months of waiting it finally arrived. Of course I had to put it on right away and watch it. Luckily Harry wanted to see it as well. It was great, you wouldn't believe it was a 'fan' made documentary. They currently have several companies interested in distributing it. I wish them the best of luck.

After watching Pegwarmers I decided to get a start on hanging Christmas light on the house. Harry and I pulled out all the Christmas light and started to check and see if they were still working. We also bought quite a few new strands and my Dad gave us a bunch of his. I figure that would be enough. It was getting dark quickly and I wanted to at least get the lights up on top of the house before it was too dark. After several tries and bad light strands we managed to hang all the lights ups on the rooftop. At least all the lights we had. We ran out which I didn't expect. So that was it for the night.. I plan on finishing tomorrow.

Creating Ferraris on Black Friday

On Black Friday, artist Jay Rolfe went to his studio and spent the day cutting canvas, stretching canvas, and assembling by bolting together 3-D Stretched Canvas pieces into 3DSSC paintings of Ferraris. Since I've posted several photos of cutting and stretching canvas and a video of bolting together some 3DSSC pieces, today's photo is not going to be another one of those. And, yes, I know I've posted many photos of the artist, and here's another one!

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Well, happy turkey day everybody! (Technically its the day after, but who really cares, right?)

I, of course, am very fat and happy today. I'll DEFINITELY need to work out later to burn off the pie and ice cream and turkey and stuffing and taters and casserole and... sigh... I don't think I even want to recall it all. Ug.

I did the Savannah Children's Book Festival last weekend. Here's a link to Mary Cunningham's blog who journaled about it. She's got a pic of us, too.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I did and I ate sooooo much, and had a great day with my parents! Since I couldn't find any hot men posing next to turkeys.... *I* thought, how about hot men FROM Turkey...oh yea, that's how I roll. ;-) peace

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I did and I ate sooooo much, and had a great day with my parents! Since I couldn't find any hot men posing next to turkeys.... *I* thought, how about hot men FROM Turkey...oh yea, that's how I roll. ;-) peace

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I did and I ate sooooo much, and had a great day with my parents! Since I couldn't find any hot men posing next to turkeys.... *I* thought, how about hot men FROM Turkey...oh yea, that's how I roll. ;-) peace


Like last year Harry and I went to my cousin Renee's house for Thanksgiving. This year was a bit different as her brother Darren and his family were not coming. Instead they had 10 young (19 -21) mormon Elders (priests) joining us. I don't know much about Mormonism but I guess when you become a Mormon priest you spend your first two years on a "mission" and since they didn't have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving Renee invited them to join her family. Anyways it was a fun night, good food and great company.

Thanksgiving Day

Today, like every other day, artist Jay Rolfe is grateful for all the blessings in his life, including that he is an artist. Today marks our national holiday of gratitude, of giving thanks, our Thanksgiving Day, a day when we all give thanks on the same day. My wonderful wife Randy Rolfe has prepared a feast for our extended family, and I'm very grateful for that and for her and her support in everything I do.

Today's video is of preparing for our Thanksgiving celebration.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Half-Day... Yeah Right!!!

Today was a half day here at work.. at least for some folks. Seems like people started to leave around 2 and by 3 almost everyone was gone.. well everyone but me and a few loggers. Instead of getting off early I actually stayed an extra hours and a half past my normal time I get off... so much for a half day.

Video Of Assembling 3DSSC Painting

Today artist Jay Rolfe went to the brown bag lunch program called Art Salad at the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts. I really enjoyed it. I did a little work in the studio, but spent much time learning about my new camcorder.

Today's photo isn't a photo at all, but a video, the first I've posted. The 11 second video is of artist Jay Rolfe assembling a 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting in the primed canvas stage before painting it.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Shopping Online

As I get older and the crowds get more rude I find myself turning to the internet for Christmas shopping. Not only do you get to avoid the traffic, parking lots and rude people you can shop while working, hanging at home or any free moment you have. The only down side to shopping online is that you pay for shipping, but since online prices are normally lower the shipping isn't so bad. I shop online mostly for DVD's and hard to find Ebay items. I still like shoping in 'real' stores but as I get older I can handle crowds less and less. After two hours of driving and dealing with people I'm ready to go home. So this year I'm trying to do more and more shopping online.


I'm driving to my mother's house today to drop off some groceries. I'm about two houses away, when suddenly, I spot a strange, cat-sized black creature, stumbling across the road. What the hell is that? I'm thinking. Then, I get a little closer, and burst out laughing. "That" is a skunk...with a yogurt container stuck on his head. The picture really doesn't do it justice. So, I stop my car and call the little guy...who, very disconcertingly, comes running. Trying not to say "eek" out loud, I back up, and he loses interest, moseying along into the brush, banging off trees and snowbanks. I call my mother and explain the situation between gasping hysterics while I break a tree branch off and follow the skunk into the brush. I call the skunk again, and again, very strangely, he comes running...right over my foot. Eeeeghh.
I use a prong on the stick to try and pry the yogurt container off his neck, but the little stinker (hee hee, couldn't resist, sorry) won't stand still so I can get some leverage.
Suddenly, Stinky's mood changes. He now does a very amusing version of "Who dat? Who dere?" wheeling around with his tail straight up in the air, his plastic container-ed head blindly seeking. Or, it would have been funny, had I not been ducking behind a tree, yelling "Hey, stop that! I'm trying to help! Don't you dare....yaaaaahh!"
Actually, come to think of it, it's still pretty funny.
The skunk loses interest in drawing a smelly bead on me and wanders back onto the road. After a quick stop back to my car, I follow closely, now armed with a blanket, a cardboard box...and an umbrella, which I open and position between myself and the skunk. However, Stinky's patience with me appears to have run its course, and I can't approach him anymore without him raising his tail threateningly...about seventy-five degrees in the wrong direction, but still.
I hop back into my car and race to my mother's, fling the groceries into the house, and harass her into lending me her hot dog tongs, thinking I might be able to get a grip on the container with those. I return to the scene of the crime...and the skunk has vanished. Well, that's not entirely true. I could hear him off in the distance (shuffleshuffleshuffleTHUNK, shuffleshuffleshuffleTHUNK....) but after fifteen minutes of searching, I couldn't actually get a visual. I returned a few hours later and looked again, but, no Stinky.
So, before you go to bed tonight, please say a prayer that Stinky manages to get out of his unfortunate situation...and that he's not lactose-intolerant.

More de Kooning

Today artist Jay Rolfe visited Rosemont College's Lawrence Gallery to see the Contemplative Spaces exhibit of sculptor James Fuhrman. It was a strong exhibition and is on display through November 29. I generally like modern and contemporary sculpture and really liked these. Stop in and see it if you can.

Artist Jay Rolfe's photo of the day is another Willem de Kooning painting, "Woman I" painted 1950-52 and on display at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. The link to MoMA's website is Here's part of the description of the painting on the gallery label:

"The hulking, wild–eyed subject draws upon an amalgam of female archetypes, from Paleolithic fertility goddesses to contemporary pin–up girls. Her threatening stare and ferocious grin are heightened by de Kooning's aggressive brushwork and frantic paint application. Combining voluptuousness and menace, Woman, I reflects the age–old cultural ambivalence between reverence for and fear of the power of the feminine."

De Kooning was married. Do you think this painting's depiction of a woman helped or hurt his marriage? I'd bet on hurt!

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Did anyone watch it? I got chills! Bryce is alive!!


Did anyone watch it? I got chills! Bryce is alive!!


Did anyone watch it? I got chills! Bryce is alive!!

U Wanna go to Me Jana

Me Jana, a new place in the Court House/Clarendon neighborhood, is a Lebanese family-owned establishment that mostly serves mezza. Mezza are like appetizers or tapas--small plates. I would prefer to eat all of my meals tapas-style, because I never want to order just one thing, and even an appetizer or two and one entree isn't enough variety. But as you know (if you are a faithful reader, at least), I hate buffets. So tapas are the natural best option, but I not only want Spanish food, I want EVERYTHING in tapas form--enter mezza.

The space at Me Jana is colorful and chic, but still has a warm, cozy feeling thanks to the friendly atmosphere. The restaurant is owned and mostly run by a family, and even though it's just a few months old, I see the owner greeting people by name with a kiss on each cheek. The staff is attentive and helpful with decision-making.

As soon as the menu was posted at Me Jana, I knew we had to go--grilled haloumi, people? The only thing better than grilled cheese (as in bread with cheese in the middle, in a pan with butter) is GRILLED CHEESE (no bread, just cheese...with grill's low carb and delicious, you should try it). We need to do this list-style. J and I had 5 dishes and dessert for two people. It came in at ~$60 including tip.

Throughout the meal our basket of pita was replenished--the pitas were in an interesting 3D cone shape, and arrived puffy and warm throughout the evening. While the 4-section plate of olives and olive oil was fine with the basket, it was the square of labneh that left me yearning for another trip to the Middle East, also known as "the place where I was meant to live because honestly, where else can you eat delicious fruits and cheeses all day long and call it meals?"

Grape Leaves - I had to try this staple, but ever since I had homemade still-warm GLs two years ago I am a changed person, and these didn't quite measure up. Surprisingly there were a lot on the plate, maybe 6? Good value and they were good, but not close to the best.

Lamb Kebob - J says it was "very good and well seasoned, cooked to a reasonable temperature." I don't like the texture of it (too chewy--are you shocked?) so I passed.

Ablama - Hollowed out zucchinis stuffed with ground beef, spices, pine nuts, and onions. This had serious potential to be REALLY good, but it just wasn't hot enough. I should have sent it back to get reheated, but it was just one of many dishes we had going on, and I didn't get to an actual cold spot until a few bites in...I wondered why. With mezza, it's no big deal to bring out the dishes at a different time, in fact it's NECESSARY because they don't have the table space to bring them all out at once at a table for 2. So why the chill, Bill? The components were there, but the temperature was off and I would have liked the zucchini to be a little crunchier--it would have more zazz if it was less mushy.

Chicken Shawarma - This dish was perhaps our favorite. The chicken, slow roasted in lemon and garlic, was extremely flavorful, and the plating was eye-catching: Four little shawarma sandwiches sandwiched in adorable mini round pitas that had been grilled to grill-mark perfection. The chicken was so juicy and flavorful.

Seared Haloumi - I can't say anything bad about this dish, it was deeeeelicious. Strips of seared cheese with warm slices of date and pear? For my last meal as a death row inmate, I'd like to have 5 portions of the Seared Haloumi.

Kanafe - A warm square (or other shape...) of goat cheese and spices nestled between two thin strips of pastry, topped with pistachios at this particular establishment. I generally really enjoy kanafe, and I liked this one, but didn't love it--maybe it was the pistachio topping, or maybe I was just a little too full.

Me Jana was a lot of fun--I got to eat 6 different dishes and transport myself back to vacation in Israel. You can even go here with less adventurous friends--the chicken shawarma is like a juicy mini chicken sandwich. Who doesn't like that?

Me Jana
2300 Clarendon Blvd
Metro: Orange Line to Court House

TV Strike

Well today was my first TV viewing casualty as a result of the writer’s strike. The Big Bang Theory is in repeats, no more new episodes. As much as I'm behind the writers it's hard to accept that this years TV season is going to be cut short.

De Kooning's Influence

Artist Jay Rolfe visited the Baltimore Museum of Art in May. They had a strong and fine collection of Henri Matisse paintings, a number works by Andy Warhol, and some significant modern pieces. One of those is today's photo. It's titled "Backyard On Tenth Street" by Willem de Kooning and was painted in 1956. De Kooning was very influential in the modern art world. Many of his paintings, like this one, give rise to people saying "My kid could do that." Nevertheless, that doesn't diminish his influence on modern art and making New York the center of the art world in the post-war years. By the way, did the title help you when looking at the painting?

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.


Sunday was a fun day of rest.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Search Update

Ok I could have taken care of this awhile ago, but I just now did. The Google Search engine at the bottom of the page had the wrong URL in there, I fixed that. So now you can scroll down and click the radio button for my site and type in um...I dunno... Joseph Sayers and it will open a new window with all my posts of my husband to be. The thing is, if you come back to my blog and try another search, you'll have to refresh the, stay at the search page that opened up and you can do more searches, like Songs of Sunday or Happy Hump Day. :-) Soooo should have fixed that awhile ago, my bad!!

Search Update

Ok I could have taken care of this awhile ago, but I just now did. The Google Search engine at the bottom of the page had the wrong URL in there, I fixed that. So now you can scroll down and click the radio button for my site and type in um...I dunno... Joseph Sayers and it will open a new window with all my posts of my husband to be. The thing is, if you come back to my blog and try another search, you'll have to refresh the, stay at the search page that opened up and you can do more searches, like Songs of Sunday or Happy Hump Day. :-) Soooo should have fixed that awhile ago, my bad!!

Search Update

Ok I could have taken care of this awhile ago, but I just now did. The Google Search engine at the bottom of the page had the wrong URL in there, I fixed that. So now you can scroll down and click the radio button for my site and type in um...I dunno... Joseph Sayers and it will open a new window with all my posts of my husband to be. The thing is, if you come back to my blog and try another search, you'll have to refresh the, stay at the search page that opened up and you can do more searches, like Songs of Sunday or Happy Hump Day. :-) Soooo should have fixed that awhile ago, my bad!!

Songs of Sunday

In reference to my previous post, I love this song!! Hope everyone has a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving (you know how lazy I am, just in case I don't post before then!) but I'll try! ;-) peace

Songs of Sunday

In reference to my previous post, I love this song!! Hope everyone has a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving (you know how lazy I am, just in case I don't post before then!) but I'll try! ;-) peace

Songs of Sunday

In reference to my previous post, I love this song!! Hope everyone has a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving (you know how lazy I am, just in case I don't post before then!) but I'll try! ;-) peace

Home Improvements

For our house warming party / bbq several folks gave us money and gift certificates so of course Harry and I had to go shopping. Our first stop was at Target. We got a new door knob for the garage (previous one didn't have a key), we got more Christmas decorations, we got another deep fryer (we love our french fries and our last fryer died), and we bought several Christmas gifts. Our next stop was going to be Michal's craft store. The only one I knew of was the one in North Hollywood, well after driving several miles we found out that it was gone, no longer at that location. So we decided to head to Home Depot. At Home Depot we got a screen door for the back door and a 6 foot ladder so I can hang Christmas lights.

When we got home we decided that we would put up the screen door. Well we figure we watch Trading Spaces and all those home improvment shows.. this was fairly straight forward... well we were wrong. Two hours later and three attempts to get the door on right we gave up and went to putting on the new door knob on the garage door. Again, this seemed like a simple task. I got the old door knob off.. no problem. I figure we could use the same inside guts and just put the new door knob on. We did this and shut the door we me inside garage and Harry on the outside. Of course I got locked in the garage and couldn't get out. Harry and to go around and open the front garage door so I could get out. Come to find out that the inside guts are different from the old knob.. so we have to replace everything and after several attempts we got the door knob on and working. YAY!!!!

Feeling good that we got that done we went back to the screen door. I figured you would measure your door and go and buy one and a few screws and it's up... yeah right. We got the screen door, and you have to cut it down, screw in the door handle, screw in the braces to hold the door on and so much more that I was not expecting.. of course we don't have the right tools so Harry and I use what we have and manage to get the door on and after five or six tries we got the handle on and working. We now have a back door screen door and it looks great. By this time we had spent about four hours putting up a screen door and putting in a new door knob... fun times.

Weekend Chores

Saturday was a day of administrative tasks related to art and to weekend shopping and chores.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe hopes you find his works to be the Uplifting Conversation Pieces he intends.

Busy, Busy, Busy

I spent a very busy Friday on administrative matters relating to my art career.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe hopes you find his works to be the Uplifting Conversation Pieces he intends.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

House Warming Party

Today was our house warming party/ bbq. Harry and I cleaned the house from top to bottom the past few days. We had everything done by 11am and started to prepare the food. The part was to start at 12 noon. Well our first guest arrived at 12:45 and once one person came they rest followed quickly. Everyone liked the house and jaws dropped when folks saw my toy room. It was a good BBQ, our friend Gary was kind enough to take over doing the BBQ so I could continue to welcome guests. The final group of people left about 6pm. We had around 25 people show up, fun was had by all. BTW.. Daisy did really well with all the people.. she stayed in the backyard with everyone all day long.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Christmas Music

Well this morning we got into the car and I turned on KOST 103.5. Every year they play Christmas music all month long but they normally start sometime in November. And today I turned it on and I was there for there launch of there Christmas music. I was so excited. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I am in such a great mood. And the other cool thing is that they are now streaming there broadcast online so I get to listen to Christmas music all day long at work which will help with the stressful enviroment. Listening to Christmas music has made me want to start to decorate. I have been trying to wait till after Thanksgiving,,, but I might start putting up lights this weekend :)


Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's finally happened...

...I am so old now, that I was doing a search to download some Depeche Mode and in one of the results, was "I just can't get enough (the Gap Commercial)" *sigh* music is now being referenced as a commercial...for the younguns who have never heard (nor danced) to the original. When it was played at the "alternative" One Step Beyond in San Jose, CA. Anyone ever heard of it? It was (as they say these days) The Shit. Dang, I must have been 19 when I first went there, oh I was the total alternative boy...dyed hair, black and white hounds tooth pants with a white shirt and black vest! LOL
What brought this all on was, I noticed in my Yahoo IM you can do these plug in thingys. (Ok I mean I've seen them forever but tonight actually checked them out)and so I did the Yahoo plug in for their radio station. I clicked on all stations and saw 80's alternative, normally that means depeche mode and the cure...but they actually have played some real cool stuff! I haven't heard Yaz or Thompson Twins or the Cromags or Oingo Boingo or Soft Cell or Strawberry Switch blade (and if you know who they are, we are destined to be together!). I have heard Real Life, Cocteau Twins and Dream Academy which is quite impressive. In any case, I just started listening to it, so who knows...OMG the are playing OMD now!! (and that stands for??) Have a great Friday tomorrow... ;-) peace.

It's finally happened...

...I am so old now, that I was doing a search to download some Depeche Mode and in one of the results, was "I just can't get enough (the Gap Commercial)" *sigh* music is now being referenced as a commercial...for the younguns who have never heard (nor danced) to the original. When it was played at the "alternative" One Step Beyond in San Jose, CA. Anyone ever heard of it? It was (as they say these days) The Shit. Dang, I must have been 19 when I first went there, oh I was the total alternative boy...dyed hair, black and white hounds tooth pants with a white shirt and black vest! LOL
What brought this all on was, I noticed in my Yahoo IM you can do these plug in thingys. (Ok I mean I've seen them forever but tonight actually checked them out)and so I did the Yahoo plug in for their radio station. I clicked on all stations and saw 80's alternative, normally that means depeche mode and the cure...but they actually have played some real cool stuff! I haven't heard Yaz or Thompson Twins or the Cromags or Oingo Boingo or Soft Cell or Strawberry Switch blade (and if you know who they are, we are destined to be together!). I have heard Real Life, Cocteau Twins and Dream Academy which is quite impressive. In any case, I just started listening to it, so who knows...OMG the are playing OMD now!! (and that stands for??) Have a great Friday tomorrow... ;-) peace.

It's finally happened...

...I am so old now, that I was doing a search to download some Depeche Mode and in one of the results, was "I just can't get enough (the Gap Commercial)" *sigh* music is now being referenced as a commercial...for the younguns who have never heard (nor danced) to the original. When it was played at the "alternative" One Step Beyond in San Jose, CA. Anyone ever heard of it? It was (as they say these days) The Shit. Dang, I must have been 19 when I first went there, oh I was the total alternative boy...dyed hair, black and white hounds tooth pants with a white shirt and black vest! LOL
What brought this all on was, I noticed in my Yahoo IM you can do these plug in thingys. (Ok I mean I've seen them forever but tonight actually checked them out)and so I did the Yahoo plug in for their radio station. I clicked on all stations and saw 80's alternative, normally that means depeche mode and the cure...but they actually have played some real cool stuff! I haven't heard Yaz or Thompson Twins or the Cromags or Oingo Boingo or Soft Cell or Strawberry Switch blade (and if you know who they are, we are destined to be together!). I have heard Real Life, Cocteau Twins and Dream Academy which is quite impressive. In any case, I just started listening to it, so who knows...OMG the are playing OMD now!! (and that stands for??) Have a great Friday tomorrow... ;-) peace.

Preparing for the House warming BBQ

Today Harry and I went to Ralphs during my lunch hour to get food for our House Warming BBQ this Saturday. I expected to spent some money but didn't expect to spend nearly $200.00. But we did buy 30 burgers, 20 hotdogs, beer, soda, chips, potatoe salad, cookies and all the fixings and that stuff tends to add up. The weather should be nice so it's looking to be a fun house warming bbq.

Duchamp's Bicycle Wheel

Artist Jay Rolfe's photo of the day is the version of Marcel Duchamp's "Bicycle Wheel" in the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. I previously posted the Philadelphia Museum of Art's version of "Bicycle Wheel" on my April 12, 2007 post. Duchamp's seemingly banal sculpture had great importance in the art world. It was the beginning of the very significant change in the definition of art to whatever someone who says they are an artist says is art is art. This "it's art because I'm an artist and I say it' art" trend is one that most people not in the art world don't get at all. And some of us in the art world wonder about too.

Now maybe you can have a better understanding of why the surrealist Duchamp and his "Bicycle Wheel" sculpture figures in some of my works.

Here's a link to the MoMA website page on the "Bicycle Wheel" sculpture.

Here's an excerpt from the publication "The Museum of Modern Art, MoMA Highlights," revised 2004, 87.

"Bicycle Wheel is Duchamp's first Readymade, a class of artworks that raised fundamental questions about artmaking and, in fact, about art's very definition. This example is actually an "assisted Readymade": a common object (a bicycle wheel) slightly altered, in this case by being mounted upside-down on another common object (a kitchen stool). Duchamp was not the first to kidnap everyday stuff for art; the Cubists had done so in collages, which, however, required aesthetic judgment in the shaping and placing of materials. The Readymade, on the other hand, implied that the production of art need be no more than a matter of selection—of choosing a preexisting object. In radically subverting earlier assumptions about what the artmaking process entailed, this idea had enormous influence on later artists, particularly after the broader dissemination of Duchamp's thought in the 1950s and 1960s.

"The components of Bicycle Wheel, being mass-produced, are anonymous, identical or similar to countless others. In addition, the fact that this version of the piece is not the original seems inconsequential, at least in terms of visual experience. (Having lost the original Bicycle Wheel, Duchamp simply remade it almost four decades later.) Duchamp claimed to like the work's appearance, "to feel that the wheel turning was very soothing." Even now, Bicycle Wheel retains an absurdist visual surprise. Its greatest power, however, is as a conceptual proposition."

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at Artist Jay Rolfe hopes you find his works to be the Uplifting Conversation Pieces he intends.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Hump Day!

Ok, I've Humped him before (ok not REALLY) but ya know what I mean. He is William Levy and yes he's somewhere in my archives and I think of him as a walking sin, because it really is a sin to be this beautiful! Enjoy! ;-) peace