So I'm sitting here EXHAUSTED after golfing all weekend (I'm telling you Golf is the new crack!) Well at least for me...wait...I've never done crack, that didn't sound good. But you mean what I know! So N E ways...I'm on the couch, I want to put a DVD in but it's so far away and I can't reach it. The remote is SO much closer! So I grab it start flipping and fire up the laptop, the first thing I see on Yahoo is how Britney opened the MTV VMA's...and um...she kinda sucked. Well shit, I gotta check this out so I point the clicker to the VMA's, yes!! I catch the last couple minutes of her "opening" performance and it was roomie asked me later how it went and I responded "she looked like a fat cow caught in the headlights of a tractor!" I don't know why that came up first thing, but it did. Now ok, she has had two kids and I understand she's not as tight as she used to be, with that being said...don't wear a two piece! She looked dazed and confused and then she ran off the stage when her set was done! Ugh! Time to hit the pipe? dayum!!
Oh, got off one of the artists nominated for a VMA was Robin Thicke, ok, who knew his daddy was Alan Thicke from Growing Pains! I thought his dad was hot when I was growing up!! His son, is even finer!! So that's my pretty eye candy for tonight! ;-) peace

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