Really, out of all the works I've written (17 published, some ebook and some with ezines; and countless others unpublished), only a handful of them include food:
- There was my flash piece, "A Simple Need to Eat," but do vampire meals really count?
- Frog makes -- or rather, tries to make -- himself a cup of tea in "A Slip of Wormwood," but then again, that's not really a meal.
- In "Prophet's Choice," Lyra stays in an Inn for a while, with lots of eating going on, but on second thought, I don't think she actually eats...
- "Collecting Dreams" has a lot of eating in it, supernatural and natural alike! :)
- And in my upcoming release from Quake, "Requiem," there's a scene of your typical teen breakfast of cereal & milk.
Hattie Locke has a gift: when she sings, the dead dig themselves from their graves to listen. As a death-siren, her life has always been this way.
Then the dead begin to show up in numbers far beyond expected. With each song she sings, they grow pushy and demanding, rushing the stage to reach her. Trapped in a place where her dreams of music become her nightmares, Hattie is left with nowhere to turn.
But then she meets a boy, who promises freedom from her curse.
Now Hattie wonders: is ridding herself of her voice worth losing the music she’s lived to create?
And I promise: the rest of the story is going to be a whole lot more interesting when Hattie isn't eating her breakfast. ;)
So with that, I'll leave you; the rest of this month I'm going to be traveling around the web for my Rise of Gothic Blog Tour. It should be fun! :) Next week, I'll be blogging at Echelon Shorts, so don't be shy -- c'mon over and say 'Hi.'