Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolutions - Schmezolutions!

This is not me. It's a picture of a slim, young lady using the same piece of equipment that sits in my bedroom, gathering dust. The same one I assured my husband I would use. "It's easy on the knees; low impact and will allow me to also exercise my upper body. It's perfect!

Yeah, right. Perfect. The first time I used it, I threw out my chronically bad hip. So, it sits. Gathering dust. Oh, I said that already, didn't I?

That was three years ago and hubby's mind has, mercifully, forgotten my previous declaration of vigorous, never-ending exercise and weight loss, and happily bought into my new sure-fire, motivational gimmick, er-uh...stroke of genius! Besides, he had no clue what to get me for Christmas, so...problem solved.

Wii Fit! How could I miss? Yoga, strength training, aerobics, balance exercises. It's perfect and I can do it in the comfort of my own home! We got it a few days before Christmas and loaded it into our existing Wii program. Before I can start playing, however, I have to set up my profile: Age, height, weight...WEIGHT???? This isn't good. Hubby is sitting on the sofa, watching my progress.

I make him hide his eyes while this stupid little animated Wii board shows me I'm overweight! Don't think for a minute you're going to find out the details if I won't even tell him! Let's just say if I weighed what they suggest, I'd be a walking, talking skeleton.

Anyhoo, hope everyone has a great 2010, and please, leave a comment with the resolutions you enjoy breaking the most! Gotta go. I'm making chocolate fudge and snickerdoodles!

Happy New Year!

Mary Cunningham is the author of the award-winning 'Tween fantasy/mystery series, Cynthia’s Attic. She is proud to announce book four, "The Magician's Castle," is due for release in December, 2009. Her children's mystery series was inspired by a recurring dream about a mysterious attic. After realizing that the dream took place in the home of her childhood friend, Cynthia, the dreams stopped and the writing began.

She is also co-writer of the humor-filled, women's lifestyle book, "Women Only Over Fifty (WOOF)," along with published stories, "Ghost Light" and "Christmas Daisy," a Cynthia's Attic short story.

Mary Cunningham Books
Cynthia's Attic Blog
Quake/Echelon Press

Happy New Year :D

Good Lord, I’m stuffed.

At the beginning it was planned we’d go out and have dinner, but since the restaurant we were planning on visiting unfortunately was closed today we had to come up with some new plans. So mami came up with the solution to make smörgåstårta (= like a sandwich layer cake), which eventually ended up in a three course meal, haha. It was really good but also very fat, haha.

Appetizer: kavring with Parma ham & cucumber; with skagen & prawn

Main course: smörgåstårta

Dessert: Panna cotta with chocolate for me; with blackberries & raspberries for mami and sis (these mami didn’t make though, haha)

Oh, soon it’s time for the toast with champagne, so I’ll wish you all a Happy New Year and the next time I’ll be back is in 2010...

Strawberries and champagne

I know that this probably will sound a bit weird, but I can’t stop sniffing at myself. Haha…I’ve always been the “touchy” girl, but afer using Victoria Secret’s Strawberries and Champagne body lotion (great combo, huh?) I can’t resist sniffing on my skin. I smell so good, haha! :D

However, that’s just good from my point of view. Smelling delicious is a top priority on New Year’s Eve, haha…

Reading During Holidays

Christmas Eve just wouldn't seem right if I didn't read Twas the Night Before Christmas to children - just after dinner and before we open gifts. My grandgirls (7&10) know it so well, they read along with me. I truly think the adults listening enjoy it as much as the children.

My daughter surprised me on Christmas morning with a copy of U is for Undertow by Sue Grafton, my favorite author. I plan to take it with me to the KY Book Fair in April, where I bet she will be signing her newest book for fans like me. (Sue is from Louisville.)

Books make great Christmas gifts for young and old alike. Choose them well before Christmas and inscribe them with a Merry Christmas from --- inside the cover. I love to buy books from authors at bookfairs and have them signed for gifts, storing them away until the birthday or Christmas season arrives. It thrills the children to take books to school that are signed and have the teacher read them to the class. The teacher ususally talks about the author - and seeing the autograph makes the book more special.

My hubby received two nature books from our son for Christmas, and he's already planning a trip to see the California Redwoods again. Books stir the imagination and make us want to see far and distant places. I wanted to see Pompeii ever since I read a book about it when I was in high school. I wasn't disappointed when I finally got to walk along those ancient streets in 2007.

The dreary months of January and February are a perfect time to catch up on reading. I just finished Half-Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls and loved it. Now I'm reading Grave Secrets by Charlene Harris.

Happy New Year Everyone!
Marlis Day
Margo Brown Mysteries
The Secret of Bailey's Chase, 2008
Back to Bailey's Chase, 2010

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lots to do

My first look out the window this morning...

Oh dear, there is so much that needs to be done today considering the fact that it’s New Year’s Eve tomorrow. First of all I have to give myself a facial, followed by a full body treatment and then I’ll try to do something about my nails…I know I sound very shallow, but who doesn’t want to look and feel at her/his top when it’s New Year’s Eve? - I know I want to at least.

Then we have New Year’s resolutions to write and hopefully (if I have time) a lipstick to buy from Helena Rubinstein. They have 50% off on her stuff at Kicks! :D OK, got to get cracking. I have no time to lose.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fat, Broke & Failing?

by Pam Ripling

Resolutions are about resolving things, right? Do you know what the top resolutions are, every year? I’ll bet you could guess. Number one: LOSE WEIGHT! Yep, there’s a reason why all the health clubs, gyms and weight loss centers advertise so heavily in January. Turning that December calendar page is magic, doncha know? Now, now that it’s finally January (the month you’ve been waiting for all year while you stuffed your face), you can finally STOP EATING! Magic. I tell you.

Number two: MONEY PROBLEMS. Make more, spend less, get out of debt! This, just as those December holiday credit card bills are starting to land in everyone’s mail boxes! Or when you realize you’ve just spent your entire year’s allowance and next year’s too! Yeah, that makes sense.

Number three: Get a better job ~ or ~ do better at school! It’s January. Why not. December is over, when you get all the bonuses from bosses and treats from teachers. January offers nothing to distract you, so it’s nose to the grindstone, matey!

You get the picture. Me? My last resolution was a few years ago, and I’m managed to stick to it just fine: Do not make resolutions! How easy was that? FURGEDDABOUTIT!

But if you must, if you simply cannot let a New Years go by without resolving to fix something, let it be the kindness you show others. It doesn’t cost anything, you won’t starve or break the bank!

Pam Ripling is the author of middle-grade mystery, LOCKER SHOCK! Buy it at Quake, Fictionwise or Amazon today! E-book version now available for your Kindle! Visit Pam at


Today, I haven’t done very much. It has been -11°C so I didn’t feel like going outside at all. Instead I’ve been sitting inside with a cup of tea reading Eclipse. Yes, that’s right. I’m on book three now, which I started yesterday :D Well well, it’s soon 8.00 p.m. which means Ugly Betty time!

Hope you’ll have a great evening…=)

Shadow Dance

Every now and then, one has a favourite painting which replaces the previous favourite painting!

This one was taken from a pic posted on Dana Marie's Inspiration all Around Us blog - she really takes the most amazing photographs and I would encourage everyone to have a look!

There was something so peaceful about this photo and the colours were so appealing.  Hope you like it.

Have a fabulous 2010 everyone!  Winter Olympics in Canada, FIFA World Cup in South Africa - should be a funfilled year!


I'm making a resolution this New Year to not make any resolutions! I could plan on working out—but talk about booooring. If they made jogging in one place entertaining, I might change my mind. (Wii fit might work—but heck, the kids wouldn't let me near that thing. Why bother?)

And why in the world would I want to give up chocolate?

No thank you, I'll pass. Instead, I'm going to celebrate the New Year like any sane person would. Yummy dips and chips. Staying up late watching movies. Calling all the relatives as the clock strikes midnight (you've been warned! ;) ) Then I'll sleep in and make a wonderful brunch the next day.

There isn't any resolution I couldn't make today that I could make for the New Year. If I'm gonna do a thing, why wait? Right? Besides, that way, I get to celebrate reaching my goals all year round!

J.R. Turner

J.R. Turner is the author of the Extreme Hauntings series. The first book, DFF: Dead Friends Forever is available at, Kindle, Fictionwise, and Echelon

Monday, December 28, 2009

In my shopping bags ;D

The reason why I love sales is simple. Lots of stuff. Lots of savings. Here is what slipped into my shopping bags the past two days...

The biggest saving was the tweed jacket from Vero Moda...SEK 400 (!!!) I saved for that one.

This übercute skirt is from H&M makes me longing for spring time.

Last but not least I bought a set of three pairs of panties from Sonia Rykiel (blue/black/pink), and a pair of "msiadollish" ones from Gina Tricot. :)

Altogether I saved SEK 678.50 to be precise, so see why I just looooove sales! :D

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Poor feet

Finally I am finished with Gränby Centrum. I can't say that I am over and done with the "after Christmas sale" (come on, I haven't even been down to town yet), but it truly has its effects on my poor feet. Lucky for them I got to sit down for a while when having coffee with my godfather and his wife this afternoon. That was pretty nice actually, haha. They are both going back to Budapest tomorrow, so they just thought that they would come by before they left. Even though we didn't sit there very long, he did mention that they were planning on moving to another apartment there, so that when we go there again, we will live somewhere else...Hmm, that sounds kind of promising huh? Haha...

I mean, I didn't love Budapest, but I don't mind going there again (with hopes of the temperature being close to 30 °C and not freaking 10 °C!)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

2009's Christmas gifts

Yesterday I had no time for blogging so I didn't put up anything of what I got for Christmas, but now I am here and this was 2009's Christmas gifts pour moi...

I wished for one sort of chocolate from Lindt (the smallest package) but mami obviously wants me fat and bought me three! Haha...

I still know that there are quite many gifts even though I wrote earlier that I wouldn't get as much this year. Instead I would get money so I could shop whatever I wanted after Christmas. But in our family we are quite generous when it comes to gifts so...hehe.

Well well, I am off to bed early tonight. Deadly tired somehow. So good night little blog and little readers out there!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Time for Christmas presents

Evening already. But the night is long and that implies that it is time for opening Christmas presents. Weeee! Haha...However, mami said that we were going to go light on them this year. Not because of the economic crisis, but because it's so much more fun to get money and then go and shop till you drop on the "after Christmas" SALE. If I remember I will put up some pictures of what I got tomorrow sometime, but until then hasta la vista, baby :D

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I know that it's not international Christmas yet (that is tomorrow), but here in Sweden we simply love Christmas so much that we celebrate one day before, the 24th of December. So far I've only had some risgrynsgröt and a cup of tea but later there will be a lot of ham, salmon and herring going down my stomach; not to forget chocolate. Because Christmas isn't Christmas without some chocolate, haha...

This year Christmas is being spent at home again. Actually we were invited to celebrate Christmas with auntie Katherine and her family (one of mami's best friends), but even though they are like family to us, I like it best to be at home with our little family. Haha, gosh it felt so egoistic to write that! However, we will meet them soon anyway since uncle Bob, auntie Ivette (auntie Katherine's sister) and their son and wife are coming to Sweden from the US over Christmas...So, luckily it's not the end of the world if we don't meet them today.

Okidoki, I'll probably come by again later. Ciao for now :D

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Oude Molen

I think this is going to be the last of the plein air for this year for me - after all, it's holiday time and it's Christmas and New Year and there's cricket to watch ... so much activity at this time of the year.  But the group will get together again round the middle of January, although where we'll be going, I don't know!  A wait and see experience.

This little painting (9"x12" is little for me!) was again done at Oude Molen, but boy was the wind doing its thing.  I was all ready to give up, but these die hard plein airheads said, no, it's part of the atmosphere.  So, if you look closely, you will see all the dust and dirt that now decorates my painting!  I guess once it's dry, I will be able to brush it off.

Last week I painted the back of the little shop, so this week, here is the front!

To all those who celebrate Christmas, have a wonderful day tomorrow, and to everyone else, enjoy the holiday season.

Hot chocolate at Café Storken

Today I had a huge crave for hot chocolate with marshmallows, and I got the hot chocolate but unfortunately not with marshmallows in it. But on the other hand I had some good company to enjoy the treat with, so it wasn't that bad. All in all, I spent three hours at Café Storken with my long lost friends and it was three very nice hours, haha. I really feel guilty for not staying in touch with them for 1.5 years (?). Of course I've been thinking about it from time to time, but I've just had so much going on and as the months just passed I didn't know whether or not it would be a good idea to meet after all. Maybe we had all just grown apart...

Luckily, I ran into Yasmine at Sensual Red last weekend, and we agreed on getting together for coffee someday. Not was I prepared that the coffee with Yasmine would turn into coffee with Winnie and Sofia as well. But that was what it was, and it was really great meeting the girls again. I've missed them, and what I know now is that I will never let another 1.5 years pass without meeting them again.

Yasmine and Sofia
Yum yum hot chocolate

Little Winnie

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Freedom...kind of

Finally I'm off duty for three whole weeks!!! - Or at least kind of...When you're in the IB there is not really such a thing as "pure freedom " since you always will have some kind of assignment to plan or a subject to improve in. Anyway, today I refuse to let such issues occupy my mind. It is only two more days up until Christmas and as soon as mami gets home from work, I will follow her Christmas shopping at Gränby Centrum. Mostly it will be grocery shopping, but if I'm lucky I might find some last minute Christmas gifts, hehe.

Today's dress-for-success was a knitted cardigan from Bondelid (it's like my new favourite cardigan nowadays :D), jeans leggings from Lindex and brown boots from I don't remember (as in I don't remember, not the store's name, haha...Gosh, my humor sucks).

Today's makeup was all about the eyes...and I got pretty satisfied with the result myself, haha...

Monday, December 21, 2009

December 22, 2009

Yup. Today is December 22, 2009. I can say that a lot of things have happened in the past on this date, but I'm going to stick to the general for today.

For those people that celebrate Christmas, December 22nd (either past or present) can mean one of three things.

1 - "Yes. I have finally finished my Christmas shopping. I can now relax for the next few days, make some cookies, and not worry about having forgotten someone's gift."


2 - "Oh no. It's only three days until Christmas??? I haven't bought a single gift for a single person. How am I supposed to buy gifts for everyone in only three days!?!?"


3 - You're right in the middle between of one and two. You've bought gifts for some people, but not everyone. And you still hope to make the cookies to take to grandma's house for the holiday.

I know quite a few people who, this year, are in the third category. Hopefully, though, everyone is in the first - nice and relaxed, waiting for the holiday.

Regardless of the year, whether it be this year or the past, and regardless of whether or not you celebrate Christmas, I want to wish everyone a very happy holiday season!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Thank God for friends :D

Today was the last day of school before Christmas break and the lessons never seemed to end. It didn't exactly get any better when I found out that Callie was sick, so my economics class was cancelled. (i.e. meaning that I missed out finishing off our Monopoly game from last week ;(...)

Well well, besides the never ending lessons I had some dear friends to enjoy the day with...

On our super long Monday lunch, our little professional pianist smuggled us into the Assembly Hall...

Maria has been playing for many years and she's simply awesome on the piano, haha...

Don't ask me what they were thinking, haha...

Since there was no economics, we decided to go grab some coffee (or chocolate cheesecake for my part)...yum yum...

My darlings Shilan and Lewar at Café Cappuccino; apparently Shilan was hungry...

Uppsala, when it is most beautiful.


Ah, remember December 21, 2012?

What a letdown. Kind of like Y2K.

Remember Y2K? A time of worldwide computer geek fear rivaling what they might feel had they misplaced their pocket protectors or suddenly forgot how to download pictures of Angelina Jolie.

I remember midnight on December 31, 1999, staying up past midnight. Between poppers and whistles celebrating the growth of a new hair in my baldspot, er, the beginning of the new century, I kept on eye on my computer.

It was supposed to freak out when it hit 2000, because everyone's computers were supposedly all set for years beginning with '19' hard coded, followed by two changeable digits.

Do you get it?


Well, it's kind of like math, so it's okay if you don't. Just pretend it's calculus and move on without guilt.

Anyway, December 21, 2012 was supposed to mark the end of the world, because in the sixty century BC, Nostradamus and the ancient Greek Seer Cassandra went to a prognosticator convention in South America to help the Mayans make up a calendar that supposedly marked future events with the accuracy of a girl of a girl applying eyeliner.

After a week of partying and placing winning wagers on future SuperBowl games, they were tired and ... well, hungover .. so they wrapped up the convention by putting the final touches on their new calendar, which had an arbitrary ending date of December 21, 2012, which is a noteworthy date only in that they liked the number 12212012.

Not really, what really happened is they got tired of chiseling a big hunk of rock.

And that's why ...


2012 isn't here yet?

Oh, my bad.

Well, just stick this post somewhere you'll find it later, and remember, you heard it here first.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas baking

I decided to stay in today since my feet still are a bit soar after all the dancing at my friend Sara's Sensual Red party yesterday. Unfortunately I forgot to bring a camera, but if I find some pictures on Facebook later I'll put them up. Haha, don't we just love Facebook for such reasons? So, as I said I spent the day inside instead of being out in the snow. So, that gave me the opportunity to do some Christmas baking with jie jie (big sister in Chinese). Or she was the boss that did most of the stuff while I was the...

...staff. ^^

It was actually the first time I Christmas baked at home and it was so much fun. We made Rocky Road Fudge (told you I would!) and Mozartkulor, but right now they're still in the refrigerator so I haven't got a taste of them yet. If they become a success (which they probably will be), I will seriously consider pursuing a small dream I've had floating around of jie jie and me opening a café some day in the future, haha.

Melting chocolate for Rocky Road Fudge
Then in with the peanuts and marshmallows

Me in the process of making Mozartkulor

But then there was that part when jie jie had to take over

Tata! Ready for the refrigerator :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ice Skating

Ice skating is one of the most famous winter activities. It’s almost a cliché—you know, the snowy scene with the frozen pond and figure eights before a cup of hot chocolate?

Well, that’s not my version of ice skating.

For eight years I was a competitive figure skater. When asked what sport I “played”, I’d proudly answer, “I ice skate!” Sometimes the response I’d get would be a few blinks and then I’d be asked what I did in the summer.

Uh…it’s called an indoor rink.

In fact, I think I’ve skated on an outdoor rink all of twice. I know winter and ice tend to go together, but a figure skater can’t train only two months a year, especially on uncut ice. Figure skaters are athletes—the real ones skate all year. And yes, figure skating is a sport. Some people question this, but I can attest that during my (long) time as an ice skater I conditioned, competed, was injured, was nervous, and accomplished many goals on my skates. Yes, it’s an art, but it’s an intense sport too. Unlike in dramatized movies like “Ice Princess” (my personal least favorite), no one skates a few times on their backyard pond, whips off a few triple loops based off physics equations, and goes to nationals within a few months. Figure skating is…nothing like “Ice Princess”, which is kind of a huge fail of a movie. Skating takes guts, endurance, and strength. It also mandates that you get over that aversion to launching yourself through the air and landing on a thin metal blade.

Even though I’m not skating anymore, I still have what it left me: experience with competition and nerves, a tolerance for low temperatures, strong legs, and the knowledge of how much I dislike wearing makeup. I watch the winter Olympics for the skating, and in my opinion it’s one of the best winter sports out there.

My novel, RAIN, will be released as an ebook February 15th!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Plein Air - Again!

Summer is definitely here!

We have had some blazing hot days and with the school holidays in full swing, I am off the teaching hook and merrily trying to paint the days away.  Unfortunately yesterday and today, cricket interfered - the first three days of the first 5day test against England.  So very little was done.

But I have been trying (again!) to do the plein air thing.  Some time ago I did a watercolour of our special Table Mountain from a friend's upstairs lounge, and last week did the same scene again, this time in oils.

Then I was very brave and went out into the open (yes Rob Ijbema, I am trying to let Mother Nature teach me!), armed with sunhat, sun lotion factor 40, water and painting paraphernalia!   Went with a group of regular plein airheads to Oude Molen, an eco village/farm/horse place with an incredible history, that overlooks the Liesbeek River and M5 highway, but more importantly, has an incredible view of Devil's Peak, the part of Table Mountain on the left hand side.   I will try and paint the mountain, probably next Tuesday when we go out again, but last week did the back of the eco shop/restaurant whilst standing amongst the strawberries.

And the week before, as a test run, just sketched this sunflower in full bloom.

My favorite winter sport memory

I remember the day I saw the old sled.

The summer ground lay dry as a bone, and lazy dust-motes spun in the hot, slow air. The storage shed smelled of old paper, and it sat propped in the corner by the door. The sled was ancient; all parts worn smooth to the touch and no paint to be found, save a tired red still clinging to the metal supports.

Below my grandparents' house stretched The Hill, wide and steep with a flat run at the bottom. When the heavy snows came, and the school-closing snow days piled up, I was ready.

Wrestling the sled from its forgotten corner proved to be a job, and when I finally got it out, I was surprised at its length and heft. The sled was no piece of cheap construction: it was wood and steel, sturdy. I had to drag it, with the help of a discarded twine string I found in the barn lot.

The slick runners barely made an indentation in the snow behind me as I trudged across the yard and crawled under the fence.

My first rush down... bliss. The pure joy of nippy cheeks and whistling wind, of the ground-blur and the lurch of sharp corners.

That year, the snow brought possibilities, and a wild sort of freedom, not exile.

What's your favorite memory of a winter sport?

Heather S. Ingemar has loved to play with words since she was little, and it wasn’t long until she started writing her own stories. Termed “a little odd” by her peers, she took great delight in exploring tales with a gothic flair, and to this day, Edgar Allan Poe continues to be her literary hero. To learn more, please visit: or follow her on Twitter:

Finally some laughs over Macbeth

Good morning little blog.

It has been quite some time since I posted something this early, but the thing is that I was sitting and reading Shakespeare's play Macbeth just now and the funniest dialogue so far popped up from no where.

From Act 4 Scene 2 (even though I don't really expect anyone to own a Macbeth...haha)
Son: Was my father a traitor, mother?
Lady Macduff: Ay, that he was.
Son: What is a traitor?
Lady Macduff: Why, one that swears and lies.
Son: And be all traitors, that do so?
Lady Macduff: Every one that does so is a traitor and must be hanged.
Son: And must they all be hanged that swear and lie?
Lady Macduff: Every one.
Son: Who must hang them?
Lady Macduff: Why, the honest men.
Son: Then the liars and swearers are fools, for there are liars and swearers enough to beat the honest men and hang them up.
Lady Macduff: Now God help thee, poor monkey, but how wilt thou do for a father?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Amazon Tree Boa For Sale 2010

The Twelve Days of Christmas ...!

Ok, I have not updated the blog in months and 2009 is officially the year in which fewer entries I posted ... I can do awarded to the adjustments to my new life. Anyway I can not help adding my traditional input then you will receive within 12 days of Christmas!

Accordingly ... there insistence on giving me a pauper insane in an apple tree, can anyone explain me why?. I have much to say about the 4 booty calls!

You Will Get Three French Berets

Twelve street musicians drumming

Eleven carolers a-caroling

Ten gymnasts a-leaping

Nine ladies yodeling

Eight cows a-milking

Seven rumballs a-drunkening

Six Santas a-hohohoing

Five Golden Girls

Four calling booty calls

Three French berets

Two bottles of whiskey

And a crazy homeless person in an apple tree

Slowly panicking here...

On Tuesday next week it's finally Christmas break, but to be honest I really don't know how I should react to that. In a way it is scary, because I know I have tonnes of stuff I have to do, and by that I don't only mean school stuff but also friend-time. But at the same time I have to find the time to relax and just enjoy my life. - And not to forget, make bargains on the biggest SALES of the year! Well well, I guess I have to make a To Do list because that is something I am really good at, haha. But then also, I tend to make my lists quite long...hmm...aargh...we'll just see how it turns out. Priority number one at this point is to buy Christmas presents for mami and sis; yeah I know, I shouldn't be buying Christmas presents last minute but it just didn't occur to me that I should have thought of that earlier. So now when all of my friends are so happy about having bought all of their presents, I am slightly panicked. Or maybe I have already bought something for sis, I seriously don't remember. Shit, is that a bad sign? -.-

It was - 8 °C today so my cozy Bondelid hood went on. Too bad I don't have any hood with the print Malaysia though, haha :P

Are You Smarter Than A Screenwriter?

I'm determined not to write about Christmas.
So, instead, I'm providing a compilation of my favourite cinematic fuck-ups, that is, in terms of small matters such as historical accuracy or scientific fact. Of course, we have to allow a little artistic license in films - for example, The Lord of the Rings or Star Wars would never have gotten off the ground if we insisted on a degree of factuality that would rule out aliens, elves, and giant fucking fire monsters. However, some of the shit flushed our way, even in decent films by respectable directors, is just too blatant to go without stating.

Now for the nasty nine...

9. Requiem For A Dream
Crime: Not fact-checking the effect of heroin upon human pupils.
It breaks my heart to have to include this gem of a film, but its one glaring flaw is the repeated motif of the characters' pupils expanding after they inject heroin. In fact, human pupils do the exact opposite in response to opiates; contracting to pin-pricks. Which is why junkies often refer to being "pinned". This is Hollywood, people! You can't scrape up a single ex-junkie to talk to?

8. Troy
Crimes: Many, including Achilles' alleged heterosexuality.
Never mind the fact that the producers intentionally ignored and misrepresented the "Achilles heel" component, there was a bigger problem concering Achilles and his cousin, Patroclus. Historical sources including The Iliad (and later, Plato), paint a vastly different picture of the"beloved friends" than does the film. Let's just say it. Sodomy. There. We said it.

7. The Last Samurai
Crime: The entire premise. And the entire story. And Tom Cruise being alive at the end.
Let's get this straight. Samurai were proud warriors who clung fiercely to notions of caste, ethnicity, and a horribly violent code called Bushido. Barbarians (yes, that was actually the term for Whitey) being allowed to train in their secret and ancient practices? To fuck and marry one of their chaste women? To go to battle, lose the battle, and return home to open arms? Nope. In fact, Samurai don't believe in returning home after losing a battle. At all. It's a pretty Spartan arrangement, what with the whole "Come back with your sword or on it" mindset. If you lose, you either get nailed by the enemy, or commit ritual Seppaku, which is basically disembowelling yourself after a polite tea ceremony.

6. Braveheart
Crime: Mel "Sugar Tits" Gibson unwittingly becomes a paedophile as well as a sexist anti-semite.
I understand that this film probably had to include a tacky, tacked-on romance to keep the chicks happy between the gruesome scenes of slaughter, but couldn't they have just made a character up? William Wallace (Mel Gibson) is portrayed as having an illicit affair with Princess Isabelle of France (Sophie Marceau). In fact, when William Wallace was hung, drawn and quartered in 1305, little Princess Izzy was only 10 years old. At the time of the alleged affair, she would have been three.

5. The People vs Larry Flynt
Crime: The wrong guy gets shot.
Somewhere out there, a man called Gene Reeves Jnr is very pissed off. That's because, in actuality, it was Gene Reeves Jnr, and not Alan Isaacman, who was shot and badly wounded alongside Flynt outside a Cincinatti courthouse. Reeves, and a bunch of other less important lawyers, were neatly superimposed into the one character of Isaacman, to make the story easier to follow. "Um... won't that guy be pissed that he got edited out of history?" ... Yeah. I reckon.

4. Twister
Crime: The F5 Twister fails to break a horse harness, or the characters' necks.
Despite the fact that it neatly blew several farm houses and silos to smithereens, tossed around some tanker trucks, and just about levelled the entire countryside, the final, giant tornado is finally outfoxed by Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt gripping on to some old bits of leather strap attached to a water pipe in an old barn. Auntie Em, that twister just ain't right.

3. Apolcalypto
Crime: The Conquistadores are about 300 years early.
Mel "Are-You-A-Jew?" Gibson contends that the Spaniards who arrive on the beaches at the end of the film, to the disbelief of the Mayan locals, were meant to be the batch that arrived in 1502. Awesome. Except that the last known Mayan cities were abandoned by at least 300 years earlier.

2. Outbreak
Crime: The miracle antigen.
Cuba Gooding Jnr + 1 small rhesus monkey + 5 minutes = enough viral antigen to save a town of several thousand people from a deadly Ebola-type virus. Efficient stuff!

1. Every sci-fi film except "2001: A Space Odyssey"
Crime: Sound in space
Those great explosions with the cochlear-shredding impact you get in the cinemas require air to travel through if they're going to be heard. Space is essentially a giant vacuum, and by all accounts completely silent. In space, nobody can hear you fuck up the facts.

Apologies to all who were expecting this list to include Tommy Lee Jones holding up a river of lava with a few concrete roadblocks and a garden hose, but I've got it on good authority that the plot of Volcano was technically plausible. In that one respect. Technically.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lara Favaretto at Tramway

i loved it.

Snow has arrived

This was what I saw looking out the window this morning.

Beautiful to look at but quite horrible to be out in.

The snow has finally found its way to the part of Sweden where I live and it has been snowing non-stop ever since this morning. Hopefully it will last until next week, because that would mean that we will have a white Christmas for once...Many people might think that just because Sweden lies very far up north on the continent, there is always snow during Christmas. Well guess what? It never is. Unless if you live in the northern parts of Sweden, like my little friend Maria. Then the snow arrives earlier and stays on since it's like - 20°C during this season. Gosh, I just realized I am so happy I don't live there! I would freeze to death.

Anyhow, when it's snowing it is always more cozy to hold something hot in you hands, so if you excuse me I am going to go and make myself a cup of Earl Grey now. Ciao.