Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Just got word that the Producers worked their magic and got permission for me to film The Guild Panel at this years Blizzcon. So it looks like I will be going down to Anaheim Saturday Oct. 11th. While I'm down there filming the panel I'll be able to interview fans of the show as well. Should make for some good BTS material for the DVD. Never been to Blizzcon.. should be fun.

Good Stuff Eatery

Now, I'm not sure if you watch Top Chef regularly, but we're big fans. As it goes, we were not such big fans of Spike Mendelson, the force behind Good Stuff Eatery, a newish-comer in the flurry of burger joints.

I had a turkey burger with avocado chunks, sprouts, and tomato. The burger was good, but it was piecier than I would have liked. The bun being more soft and less structured probably didn't help with keeping the burger structurally sound. The beefeaters (not those) enjoyed their burgers, but one said that it was a little pink--not necessarily too pink for her, but probably too pink for most average consumers. You expect a certain degree of doneness when you aren't asked for specification.

The onion rings were VERY good--instead of whole onion rounds dipped and fried, they were sort of onion ring chips. Much easier to eat. We also had Spike's Village Fries with thyme, rosemary, and cracked pepper. They were good, but the onion rings were better. I expected anything with thyme and rosemary would be off-the-charts awesome, but I was wrong.

I have to go back for a milkshake. I'm particularly interested in the Toasted Marshmellow. If only Capitol Hill wasn't soooo far away...

Good Stuff Eatery
303 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Metro: Orange and Blue Lines to Capitol South

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Guild Shoot (Codex & Zaboo)

Today was another Guild shoot. Today's shoot was at one of The Guild's producer's house in Van Nuys. This was good news as I didn't have to get up so early and she lived only 15 minutes from me. I got there around 9am and set up my stuff. Today was going to be easier as we were working in just one room with two people as opposed to five rooms with many actors like yesterday. Of course these are the main two characters so there was more stuff to shoot but today shouldn't be as long as yesterday.

Today I got to meet Sandeep who plays Zaboo and man is a funny guy. Like Jeff (Vork) from last night it was so hard to not laugh while shooting, both actors are improv actors. Felicia and Sandeep have great chemistry and timing. They would ad lib stuff and I would just crack up.. luckily I have a lot of these banter between takes on film and hope to cut something together. There were alot of camera movement and set changes but everything went fairly smooth. I got out of there around 9pm and it was another fun filled shoot day.

The crew and people associated with this show are fantastic. Alot of them are volunteers or getting paid very little. They do it because they love The Guild and I think its makes the long hours not so horrible.

Next weekend more shooting... can't wait...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Guild Shoot (Tinkerballa,Clara,Vork,Bladzz)

This weekend was one of many weekends I was volunteering to help out one of my favorite web series The Guild. Today's shoot was going to happen at the creator, writer, producer and star of The Guild, Felicia Day's house. She lives in a very cool house in Los Angeles area. When I got there at 7:30am I got my "good morning" hug from Felicia (she's a sweetheart), while the crew had begun to set up, I found a area to set up my battery chargers and tapes and then got to work filming the set up. They were setting up Tinkerballa's very pink room. I got to meet more of the crew, which was great since I was going to be doing interviews with them in the weeks to come. I got to me Amy who plays Tikerballa's as she was the first to shoot. It's always fun to see how things are put together. I'm a huge fan of The Guild and I know how TV works but it's still fun to watch them create something that you love right in front of you.

After Tinkerballa's (Amy) shoot it was time to shoot Clara's part. I met Robin who plays Clara and then they brought her three kids and a special new character (which I can't say who..) and we did some of Clara's lines. Next was the kids part and these are the same three kids from season one and they have grown up quite a bit, especially the powerstrip eating baby. So we spent hours and hours getting the kids stuff done. By this time we were behind schedule and Vince (Bladzz) showed up and Jeff (Vork) showed up for their parts.

After the kids and Clara's stuff we broke for lunch. At this time it was 3pm. We started to shoot just Clara's lines with no family. That took a few hours. After that we started to shoot Vork (Jeff's) lines. Jeff is way to funny and it was so hard to stop myself from laughing. After his stuff it was time to shoot Bladzz which went fairly quick. By the time we were done it about 10pm. It was a long but very fun and productive shoot day. I took about 3 hours of video and 250 stills. Now I have to get some sleep and get up early again for tomorrow's shoot.

Jemma - Sold

During my housesitting week in Greyton, I had the privilege to get to know Jemma, a really gentle, kind, elderly Boxer. Her greatest pleasure in life was to go for her daily walk which also did me the world of good. The wonderful thing about staying in a village like Greyton, is that they don't have burglar bars or alarm systems or anything that makes you feel fearful. As a result, Jemma's job of guarding the house was a very easy one. I enjoyed painting this picture of her, and hope you enjoy it too.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Birthday Dinner

Tonight my good friend Christopher took me out to Chevy's for a be-lated Birthday dinner. It was great catching up as Christopher and I haven't seen each other since he was my best man at my wedding at the beginning of August. It was a nice dinner and conversation. Just wish we both had more free time to do it more often.

It Just Hit Me

Today I said goodbye to about half of my co-workers. We are winding down at my current job and finishing our last two episodes with a few lucky folks and it just hit me that I will be out of a job in a few weeks so I started to update my resume so I can start sending it out again. That is one thing I hate about freelancing..well there are many but the worse one is looking for a new job every few months. This one lasted about seven months which is pretty long but once again I have to start bugging friends for any leads. If anyone is looking for a Post Production Supervisor please let me know... thanks

Thursday, September 25, 2008

TV is Back

So excited to have TV back.. so far we've watched the premieres of Heroes (Fantastic), The Big Bang Theory (Laughed so hard) , How I Met Your Mother (Very funny), Sarah Conner Chronicles (Can't wait to see more), Fringe (Cool new show) , Survivor Gabon (Great cast of characters) and a few others.. but there are still some big ones that I am looking forward too like Pushing Daises, Kyle XY, Amazing Race and the return of Battlestar Galactica.

I have cut back on TV.. alot. I use to watch about 30 hours of TV every week and for the life of me can't figure out how that worked with a 60 hour work week and 40 hour school schedule.. but somehow I made it work. As I have gotten older and time seems to have gotten shorter I pick and choose what I really want and stuff that can wait till DVD. I think I'm currently down to about 10 hours a weeks of must see TV. This TV season looks to be just as good as last season... bring on the new shows.

Hudson - Restaurant Week

It's been a while. I've been eating, but not as much at restaurants. It seems school has devoured my life. But fear not! I will tell you about Hudson.

I recently [editor's note: not so recently, it turns out] enjoyed RW lunch at Hudson with two lovely ladies. Hudson replaced David Greggory at 20th and M Streets last fall, across from the St. Gregory hotel (::shudder::).

I decided to recklessly abandon any shred of healthy-eating decency at this particular lunch, which is why I had (1) Corn chowder (with piquillo peppers, chives, and chorizo oil), (2) buttermilk fried chicken (with whipped potatoes, gravy, and HONEY), and (3) a root beer float with vanilla bean ice cream. My food was awesome. The corn chowder wasn't super thick and creamy, so it wasn't as inappropriate for summer as it initially sounds, trust me! I rarely eat fried chicken, but if you're gonna do it, do it this way--so good! Not greasy at all!

I'll let S and L talk about their food...

S: For an appetizer, I ordered the beef brochette, which was served on top of a mini salad of frisee, pear, and a "roquefort crouton." The beef was tender, a little seared on the outside (my favorite), and so flavorful. Delicious. While I avoided the frisee (I don't waste energy eating wannabe lettuce), the "crouton" was a fried and melty blob of blue cheese. Such a good pairing with the beef. I'd totally get it again.

My main dish was a stuffed tomato florentine, which normally wouldn't be my main dish but I was tempted by the thought of a fresh summer tomato. It wasn't amazing. It was well plated, at least, with a cute little tomato hat, but I'd only recommend it to a vegetarian. It grew on me the more I ate it, but it didn't have a ton of flavor. L's beef tenderloin looked much more appetizing, but then I wouldn't have discovered the beef brochette since I probably wouldn't double up on a beef appetizer and a beef main dish. Oh well!

Despite being Miss Chocolate USA, as ieatDC just named me, I ordered the coconut panna cotta for dessert, again being tempted by a summery dish. It was also plated well with a drizzle of pomegranate sauce and a homemade tart lemon wafer cookie stuck in top. The pomegranate "sauce" was like a concentrated, highly flavorful extraction and added a nice zing to the panna cotta. Perhaps I'm not that familiar with panna cotta in the first place, but it was chewier than I imagined? I guess I thought it'd be like a flan or a mousse, but it was still delicious!

L: [Had the bet salad with goat cheese, beef tenderloin, and sweet potato bread pudding.] I thought the beets were good, though this type of salad is pretty much ubiquitous now, and I've had tastier versions at other restaurants. That doesn't mean it was bad, but it wasn't *amazing*. The beef tenderloin was a huge portion, and it was delicious. I would definitely order it again--it was the best part of my meal. The dessert was good, but the buttery sauce was too rich for me--I don't think I'd order it again.

Food was really really pretty. Generally tasty. Nothing to freak out about, but in the winter they usually have matzah ball soup, and I'm dying to try it.

2030 M Street NW
Metro: Red Line to Dupont Circle
Hudson Restaurant and Lounge on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Whats The Difference Between Minohd And Ultra Hd

In the autumns of old

In early September, took off the front of my closet under their doors by fall ... evening of that day I sat in bed watching the devastating aspect of the doors on the floor of my room. Although I can not boast of being highly organized, behind those doors seemed a whole world that seemed unknown.
the bottom of the top of my closet I could see my memory box and inside the box looked out the hat of one of my porcelain dolls. So, my dear two readers, the author was fond of beautiful porcelain dolls with fine finishes and delicate features.

Today I thought of the cabinet above, in my porcelain dolls and my happy childhood. As if you seek without knowing, in the middle of the anachronism of my day I found myself listening to "The Closet" by Francisco Gabilondo Soler and at that moment the image of the closet in my grandmother came to my mind and contrasted with my wardrobe. A scent of roses was impregnated wood in my day and brought me to my grandparents' house ... my favorite place.

When He died, I spent more than 3 entries in this blog. Days passed and December 2006 that became more cold and empty I had known. 4 months ago she died and an entry in this blog summed up what was left here after his departure.

Drowned in the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions that makes me think of my grandmother, and his recent absence, I try to write something today that makes those who do not know can know from my letters. Trying its vastness overwhelmed me.

This morning anachronistically with an air of melancholy and wood roses and pictures of me once again face her departure back to me this thank so much history ... awkwardly to thank the little ones have what SHE throughout our years told me and what I lived next to him and is still repeating every word she said and reviewing each of its movements and stories, I feel that my voice lacks everything ... and I lack the time, missing letters, missing history ... I miss her tears.
This morning I realized that the gap here is larger and more intense cold.

this fall knows that stranger, known to the melancholy of the first fall of my life that do not embrace ... today being my favorite season will not be understood as I knew my FALL; not hear His voice, feel his arms or hands sujetaré. This November there will be no Altar of the Dead in YOUR house this fall there will be no smell of incense, wax and Copal. Not be your perfect dish on an altar. This year she will not make offerings to the dead: the will as tradition indicates as the feeling I required.

am now anachronistically last fall to his side and listen to talk again and again I feel his hand holding mine. Sitting on the floor of her immaculate white kitchen with the scent of coffee, wood, vanilla and grow carbon felt, saw me laugh, mourn, dream, imagine and learn. confessed that floor in only her biggest secrets I could be sitting on the floor and watched it again as I managed to memorize and review your movements, sitting there on that floor memorized your smile white.

In my 26 years I still sat on the white floor to observe. No one thought it strange that at my age continue to seek the floor having spare chairs in the home. I know she knew what was going through my mind that last time, I knew that April night in Campeche witnessed the impact of your voice in my dreams .

Back in the early morning as I write this slowly came to the conclusion that your hands will be needed here and no longer return to "my favorite place "ever since it was his presence that made him my favorite white floor.

His absence will hurt forever and the cold is already part of my life, this autumn will not be as those who knew and the gap is going to be ... Luckily I have his voice in my head, his image to close my eyes and aroma to think about it. The cold is more tolerable when I wrap a scarf and I cling to his memory and back to those autumn with the scent of incense, wax and Copal in that city he swore not to return now.

This morning, thinking about my wardrobe above, on my wrists and my childhood is the aroma of my grandmother, wood and roses, which fills the room and his clothes flowers painted colors that I am, is the sound of the piano and their feet walk the hear and remember its history.

grandmother takes the key ring and show me your wardrobe
With such beautiful and wonderful things that keep your keychain
Take grandma and show me your wardrobe
promise to sit still and not touch what you unset

Give me

big-eyed doll color of the sea, let
asked to play with my mom.

Teach your dress that makes little noise when walking,
and tell me when you were in a carriage with your dad ...

"The Closet"

Francisco Gabilondo Soler

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my 38th Birthday. This was going to be a pretty low-key day since we celebrated on Saturday. Last night I got a call from my story producer informing me that my runner got his car impounded. And we had several very important runs that had to be done early in the morning. Since it was 11 at night there wasn't much I could do so I decided that I would come into work early tomorrow and do them myself. Only problem was that Tuesdays and Thursday are the days Harry takes the jeep so he can go to the park. So now we had to postpone that so I could get up early and take the Jeep to work and do the runs.

I got to work at 8:15 and my boss wasn't here at he said he would be. I couldn't deliver the DVD's unless I had a drive on and he was the only one that could call and get me one. Come to find out that he got out of work an hour before I got there at 7am and went home to freshen up. So I called him and left a message and he finally got back to me around 9:25am.. so I got to work early for nothing and waited an hour in my office for him to return my call and let me know that I had a drive on. He finally called and I was able to deliver the DVD's to NBC, and of course when I get there.. the person I was delivering them too wasn't in the office yet.

So that is how my Birthday started. After that everything was pretty good.. my co-workers Erin, Armando and Maggie took me to Chevy's for a Birthday lunch. And of course they surprised me when the waitress came over and put a sombrero on my head and they all sang happy birthday. Then a few hours later Darla (my boss) came over with a cake and cup cakes and the entire post crew sang happy birthday and we all ate cake.

I was hoping to go home a little early as I had gotten here early but around 5:30 Jarrod my boss calls and tells me that he needs a run to Paramount/Compton area at 6:00pm. Maggie was doing runs today for me but there was no way I was going to let her drive to Paramount/Compton after dark but Jarrod insisted that this DVD had to be delivered. I was not happy and of course the person that I am said I would take it. This sucked because I did wan to go home early and Harry planned to take me out to dinner for my birthday. Well I called this person that we were suppose to take this DVD too to make sure she would be there. She informs me that there is already plans set for her to get it tomorrow morning and didn't need it tonight. So I got so spend the last 30 minutes stressing trying to figure out how to get this DVD to this person tonight.

Needless to say I was done and headed home. Once home Harry and I went to one of our favorite but rarely visited restaurants Outback Steak House and had a very nice birthday dinner.

Birthday Wishes

I got a ton of Birthday Wishes from my Online friends... it was fantastic. My friends over at the Treks in Sci Fi forum even made me some Birthday videos and posted them on youtube. There was alot of geeky love gong around. I have a bunch of great online friends that I consider just friends even though we have never met person. Folks like Rico, Jen, Rick, Meds, Tim, Bryan, Rob, Morelius just to name a few. Thank you all for making this crazy work day a wonderful Birthday.... Love to you all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Aiken, SC

I spent one very awesome weekend in Aiken, SC. The Aiken Children's Book Festival was going on and I was a guest author. I just want to give a shout out to Fran for doing such a superb job at organizing everything (maps, food, hotels, communication, etc...). And I want to give a smooch to two cool authors I met: Melissa LeGette and Annette Laing. They made my day even more enjoyable.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Guild Shoot

Today I got to volunteer on a wonderful web series called The Guild I was producing, shooting and will be editing Behind the Scenes stuff for there second season DVD. I'm a huge fan of Felicia Day, the star, producer and writer of the Guild so it was a thrill to met her and she is as sweet a person as you can ask for. The entire production team was fantastic. We worked from 7:30am to 3:30pm and the time just fly by. I took about 3 1/2 hours of video and roughly 150 still photos. I can't say much about the story but it was an awesome shoot and I look forward to the next couple of weekend shoots.

If you haven't watched season one of this fantastic series check it out here. It's only 10 episodes running 3 to 6 minutes each... it's really funny.

Eye to Eye 18" x 24"

Another painting of my grandson, this time at Spier in Stellenbosch. I know the purists don't like to paint from photographs, but the unposed nature of the picture appealed to me. And besides, to get a child of 6 years old to stand still for 20 seconds would be a major feat!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Birthday BBQ Bonanza

Today I celebrated my 38th birthday with family and friends. We had a very nice BBQ in the backyard. About 20 folks showed and we have some great tasting BBQ even though I burned the dogs a bit.. it was all good. The highlight was my drinking beer.. for those who don't know I don't drink.. or I don't drink very often.. maybe a beer or two once a year. My brother said he would stay longer if I drank with him so I decided to have a few beers. This was the first time my brother and I (pictures above) drank together and he got a kick out of it. After one beer I was dizzy, two beers I was feeling pretty good, then on the third beer Jessica encouraged me to chug it which I did and felt sick afterwards.. the nausea passed I went for my fourth beer.. and that when my laughing attacked happened. For those who have experience it I'm sure you remember it well.. for those who haven't... maybe one day you will.

It was a fun time had by all.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Guild Shoot

Whoo hooo.. got my call sheet for The Guild shoot on Sunday.. call time is 7:30am. That's kind of early.. but I'm still excited to be part of the team.

First Birthday Gift

Today when I got home there was a package waiting for me from my friend Rick from Aberdeen Washington. Of course my birthday was a few days away and I got online and asked him if he wanted me to wait to open it. He said no way open right away so I did. There were two gifts inside, one was a very cool Marvel 2009 Calendar and the second more personal one was a three section picture frame with some beautiful shots that Rick had taken. He recently got a new camera and has taken some very incredible beautiful shots.. so he framed three that he thought I would like. It's a great gift and I want to Thank Rick and Amy for giving me my first birthday gift this year.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So I finally joined Twitter, if you don't know what it is it's a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. The sender can restrict delivery to those in his or her circle of friends. Users can receive updates via the Twitter website, instant messaging, SMS, RSS, email or through an application such as Twitterrific or Facebook.

It's a pretty cool way to keep up to date with my life.. if you belong to Twitter look me up. I can be found under Geekyfanb

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Guild Shoot

Just found out that I'll be shooting some behind the scenes stuff this coming Sunday. Can't wait to get started. This should be alot of work.. but also alot of fun.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Getting Old Sucks

Today I had a doctor’s visit. I went back in June and they did some blood work. So today I got the results. Blood pressure is a bit high 89 over 139, but the bad news was my Cholesterol was too high 241, that's the most it's ever been. So I'm now taking medicine to control it as well as having to change my diet. I go back in three weeks to make sure the new meds aren't affecting my liver. There were a few other items that needed addressing but over all everything seems to be working fine. Seems like the older I get the more issues I have.... oh well it could be worse.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Tonight Harry and I were able to catch a speical repeat of the premiere of JJ Abrams (Lost) new TV series Fringe. It's kind of like the X-Files but not. Here's a short synopsis, When an unlikely trio uncovers a deadly mystery that involves a series of unbelievable events, they discover it may be part of a larger, more disturbing pattern that blurs the line between science fiction and technology.

Both Harry and I enjoyed it enough to want to watch the second episode. Check it out if you can.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whoo Hooo

Today I got confirmation that they liked my idea and that I will be volunteering my services as producer, camera person and co-editor (along with Harry) for the DVD Extras for the web series The Guild second season. I'm very excited to be part of such a cool series. If you don't know what The Guild is, check out www.watchtheguild.com

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Smile For The Morning

When I wake up in the morning, there are 3 things that always, hands down, make me smile.

1) Opening my bedroom blinds to see sunshine outside
2) My grouchy dog stealthily crawling up on my bed to snuggle
3) Fan letters in my inbox

Here's one of those:

hi. i live in australia. i love your books the specialists. i am 11. i turned that on september the seventh. i want to be a writer. i love writing but because i live in such a small town that when i try and sell them people only buy them because they know me. i get really annoyed at that. i love your books i am almost hungry for them.. i would love to get an email back if you are not too busy. thankyou for reading.

(i shaved my head for. cancer, now thats a story to tell)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sarah Connor Chronicles

Today was the first episode of the second season of Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles premiered tonight and man was it tense. Made me realize how much I missed this series and I'm so happy it's back. And this episode had an OMG moment at the end that's going to make this season AWESOME.

My Views - Selection Day

Thank you to both Carol Hadfield (The Art of It) and Di McNaughton (The Art of Intuitive Painting) for their insights into the vagaries of the Selection Day. I must admit I was a little taken aback by the selection - some magnificent paintings were given very low scores and therefore did not make the 'cut'. Although I was lucky enough to have one painting chosen, I thought that I needed to give up art as I simply wasn't good enough. But then (thank you Di), I paint for me and how I feel and not for judges who, because they are human after all, must judge what they see from their subjective point of view. This is the one they chose. It's called 'Penguin Spotting'

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Star Wars: Clone Wars

I finally got to see this movie. I've been wanting to see this since it came out a few weeks ago but time has been very limited. Today I knew I had to go or I don't think I would have been able to see it in the theater. Harry wasn't interested so I went alone. Star Wars Clone Wars is an animated weekly series that's going to start up in October. It tells the story between episodes two and three. The WB decided to release the first three episodes in the theater to get everyone excited and man did it work.

I'm a huge Star Wars fan as it was this that got me started on my love of sci-fi/ fantasy and collecting action figures. This was a non stop action film and really started to flesh out some of the characters from the movie. I know Cartoon Network has ordered 100 episodes so we are in for a long haul with this series and seeing what they did just with the first three episode has really gotten me excited for the series.

Updated Website

Spent the weekend updating my website.. I've been wanting to do this for quite some time. I added a "My Wedding" section with 36 pages of pictures. I changed "My Partner" page to "My Husband". I added 14 pages of pictures to "My Toy Room" section and added a report and pictures on Harry and my final adventure at Star Trek the Experience. So check out my website if you haven't already and let me know what you think.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A Review To Rock The House

I can't seem to find enough really good adjectives to describe Shannon Greenland's writing. The Specialists Young Adult series has become one of my favorites and that is saying a lot for a 43-year-old woman with no children.

NATIVE TONGUE is a bit of a departure from the series as it has a much more serious tone than the previous books. But it is by far the best. Parrott is a wonderful character with some deeply emotional issues. The premise of family is much stronger in this book than the others and offers us a deeper look into both Parrott and Gigi's personalities.

The fun part is meeting the colorful characters when we head into the jungle. Adventure is a great venue for Greenland as a writer and she pulls off all the various aspects of this book with ease. Each of her books is better than the last.

Don't you dare jump into this series in the middle, start with MODEL SPY, and enjoy every word.

©Karen L. Syed, Echelon Press

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fun in Decatur!

Saturday afternoon. I was dead tired. Really dragging at the Decatur Book Festival in Decatur, GA. Would the day ever end??

Then I heard the music.

"Dad! Dad! It's Cynthia's Attic! It's Cynthia's Attic! There's the new book!!"

Two of the sweetest girls came running into our tent, their dad dutifully in tow. They grabbed copies of "Curse of the Bayou," Book Three in my series, and jumped up and down. I remembered them from the year before. So excited when they bought the first two books.

My feet stopped hurting, my calves stopped aching and tirednesss evaporated from my bones. Those two young fans energized me and carried me through the rest of that day and the next.

They made my weekend. Can't wait for Decatur '09!

Mary Cunningham Books

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Scare with Dad Last Night

Last night while driving home I got a call from my brother. I was in the middle of driving home and didn't have my blue tooth so I couldn't answer. When I got home I checked my phone and there wasn't a message from him, which is kind of weird. So an hour passed and I get a call from my Mom. Now it's 9pm and I know something is wrong, as my Mom doesn't call me this late. My mom tells me that my Dad is in the hospital again and it looks as though he had another stroke. Michael my brother has had enough and can't deal with Dad anymore. I immediately called my brother to get details on Dad. They were still in the waiting room and a nurse was looking him over. She said it looks like a stroke; he couldn't walk, slurred his speech and was sweating very badly. So I hung the phone with my brother and told him to call me back when he found out more info. So another hour passed and my brother called me back to inform me that Dad's blood sugar level was 32. He recently found out he had diabetes and he is suppose to keep his blood sugar between 80 and 140. The nurse gave him OJ and cracker to try and raise his sugar level and it seemed to work. I called Dad this morning and after 3 glasses of OJ and a few crackers they managed to get his blood sugar level back up to 108 and everything went back to normal. So no Dad learned a lesson about letting his blood sugar get to low as well as too high. I'm just glad everything worked out for the best.

Star Trek Poster

Today Harry and I got our Star Trek XI posters. While at Comic con this year you have the opportunity to sign up to get a free Star Trek Poster. I signed both Harry and I up. What I didn't expect was the size of the Poster.. I thought the poster was going to be a mini poster as that is what they normally give out at comic con, but it's not. It's a large theater poster and sent in a very solid tube so it's in perfect shape. It's a great addition to my collection.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Male Waxing Madison, Wi

The goal re-route

Nobody said starting a project (any type) was easy.

The beginning of something really worthwhile is difficult slope. It is not easy to climb a mountain, it is not reaching the top, there will be injuries, frustration, and despair and there is that most of the time we hope to reach the top is much easier and convenient, forgetting that when we want something really and believe it will have to prepare to fight many battles, some of them will win, some will experience life and at every step we take we have the opportunity to withdraw because each step is more difficult, so are the beginnings.

What is it that stands firm to the mountaineer even in the most heavy snow?
What makes us fight for what we want but we see it nearly impossible?
confidence in what we want but above all confidence in ourselves . The FE what we believe and want.

During a fall that could be considered frustrating , there will be an opportunity to regain the enthusiasm, trying again, to trust that we can do everything that we propose, that the Fe in us in the goodness of the universe, trust in our decisions and confidence in us as architects of our destiny will always be the best tools to continue.

is our decision to withdraw midway, leave it all when things get a little complicated. Nobody has the power to judge by this, but we can also choose to recover the Fe with which we began the project, confidence in us, hope that the future will always bring surprises and everything is an opportunity to be better.

There is nothing worse than losing the faith in ourselves ... still feeling that all is not lost, despite having forgotten the reasons why we started something, we can always find in us a reason that led us there and rescue him, remember this occasion and fight to regain the enthusiasm and confidence, after all ... someone told me a few months ago:

"Do not focus on the height at which you are uploading or scratches in you; Focus on Target"

Frankly ... I think it's an important philosophy of life.

Dr. Horrible's Soundtrack

So if you caught the phenomenon known as Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog in July then you’ll want to check out Itunes for the entire Soundtrack from the very shiny web series. You can go to the main website and click on the link to itunes.


Monday, September 1, 2008

All Good Things....

Must come to an End... Star Trek The Experience officially closes today. It's a very sad day in the Star Trek Fandom. It was a great run while it lasted and both Harry and I have many great memories.

PS7's RW

OK, so it was Restaurant MONTH practically over at PS7's (that's chef Peter Smith and 777 I St NW), after a somewhat lackluster RW experience there last year, J was itching to go back after reading various positive reviews.

To start, J had the mussels and I had the spicy tuna tartare sliders on Parkerhouse rolls. They were absolute wonders in one teensy bite. Delicious and beautiful. I want them again. Right now.

J had the beef short rib and tenderloin - the short rib was falling apart (in a good way, not like "this friendship is falling apart!"), it was super soft (but not mealy). It was like the best brisket I'd ever had in my entire life. I was boring (and trying to be healthy), so I had fish with vegetables and it was fine, but I wasn't jumping out of my chair.

The beignets with the two sauces (one fruit and one chocolate) were divine, so do yourself a favor and save room for dessert.

Lately I've been sort of into trying cocktails, so I had a delicious drink with rum, lemonade, and ginger ale--not too sweet (so appropriate with dinner) but a nice change from beer or wine. I need to become better versed in cocktails--it'll only happen if I order them!

777 Eye Street NW
Metro: Gallery Place, Chinatown
Ps 7's on Urbanspoon