We had a good time at Tom's. Saw some friends that we haven't seen in a while. We watched Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror and a really crappy cheesy murder mystery type of movie that we all made fun of. It was a fun night.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
We had a good time at Tom's. Saw some friends that we haven't seen in a while. We watched Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror and a really crappy cheesy murder mystery type of movie that we all made fun of. It was a fun night.
For The Love Of God
The second photo, also in honor of Halloween, is of artist Jay Rolfe. Boo! And Happy Halloween Birthday to my Dad!
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/.
Lib Tav--Major Downer Contained W/In!
Besides a few scant a la carte items, the brunch is a buffet. And you know what I say about buffets. Oh wait, maybe you don't!
"We don't need to eat all we can eat. We're not bears." See Ellen at 5:35.
If you like buffet brunches, then I apologize--I feel bad for you, you like your food to be same food everyone else is eating, made in big group bunches and placed under a heat lamp for gosh-only-knows-how-long. You must enjoy using the big serving spoon to hack away a piece of eggs from the 20 egg omelet that sits in the tray.
I want an INDIVIDUAL PLATE with a planned-out, comprehensive dish on it, to be SERVED to me with my COFFEE on a weekend morning. So we went somewhere else. Review pending.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I am a simple man...
I mean I'm ok with it, but if I meet people and they ask "so what are you in to?" how do I say, um...kind of like a Miss America contestant...shiny pretty things!!? I mean, yes sure, I can talk about other things...but if that's my main obsession right now? that is soo not attractive. Then again, I am who I am...wear a shiny necklace and you soooo have my attention! ;-) Hope everyone has a great Halloween!!
I am a simple man...
I mean I'm ok with it, but if I meet people and they ask "so what are you in to?" how do I say, um...kind of like a Miss America contestant...shiny pretty things!!? I mean, yes sure, I can talk about other things...but if that's my main obsession right now? that is soo not attractive. Then again, I am who I am...wear a shiny necklace and you soooo have my attention! ;-) Hope everyone has a great Halloween!!
I am a simple man...
I mean I'm ok with it, but if I meet people and they ask "so what are you in to?" how do I say, um...kind of like a Miss America contestant...shiny pretty things!!? I mean, yes sure, I can talk about other things...but if that's my main obsession right now? that is soo not attractive. Then again, I am who I am...wear a shiny necklace and you soooo have my attention! ;-) Hope everyone has a great Halloween!!
Painting "Lightning Bolt"
Today artist Jay Rolfe is painting his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas (3DSSC) painting "Lightning Bolt" for which he stretched canvas yesterday. See yesterday's post. Today's photo is of artist Jay Rolfe painting his 3DSSC painting "Lightning Bolt." With tomorrow being Halloween, I'm wearing an orange shirt.
By the way, Halloween is my father's birthday. He'll be 88 years old tomorrow! Way to go Dad!
We've been having beautiful fall days after the substantial weekend rains. It's sunny and crisp. Our morning walks are a delight in this weather. We've also had our first frosts.
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/
Monday, October 29, 2007
Stretching Canvas For "Lightning Bolt"
Today artist Jay Rolfe stretched canvas for his new 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting, "Lightning Bolt." I believe it will be about 7 feet high when completed. Today's photo is of stretching canvas for this 3DSSC painting.
I try to make all my works Uplifting Conversation Pieces, as I'm a positive person and have a cheerful outlook on life. Thus I probably won't be able to use my idea of having a mannequin lie on the floor face down with the "Lightning Bolt" sticking in its back. It's humor, which I do, but it's negative humor. Unless I call it "And Lived To Tell The Tale." That might be both funny and positive. What do you think? Do you have a mannequin laying around?
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Toy Room
"American Family Tree" Sculpture
"Mystery" sculpture revealed! Artist Jay Rolfe is excited about his latest sculpture "American Family Tree" which he completed Thursday, October 25, 2007. "American Family Tree" is more than 10 feet high and more than 8 feet wide and 8 feet deep. In his posts of October 25 and October 26, Jay Rolfe asked for guesses as to what the sculpture was. Today the mystery is solved.
The subject of artist Jay Rolfe's sculpture "American Family Tree" is something that, from looking almost anywhere in public, seems to be "in the genes" of Americans, jeans. Here are 2 photos offering different views of "American Family Tree" so you can see exactly what it is. The sculpture is meant to be an indoor sculpture. As artist Jay Rolfe didn't have room to photograph it inside because of its size, he moved it outdoors for these photos. Jay Rolfe hopes you can imagine it, as he can, in a large museum space and in a large Chelsea gallery space.
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Halloween Party
New Stove and more

The stove will be delivered on Thursday, we are both very excited since it's been about three weeks since we had a really good cooked meal that wasn't microwaved or BBQ.
We went to put up the curtains and sure enough just two curtains weren't enough for the front living room window, so we had to steal one of the curtains that was suppose to go up in the dining room. So now we have to go back and buy one more curtain so we can at least finish the living room/dining room area.
Friends who have houses always say that you are never at a lose for buying stuff from your house.. and that is so true.. Harry and I had so much fun walking through Home Depot. So many cool things to buy.. too bad we don't have the money to do so. I guess will get a little at a time. Next up is paint for the living room, dining room and kitchen.
Restaurant 3
There's nothing wrong with Restaurant 3, it just annoys me because it's new and sort of snazzy looking, the food is okay but not fabulous, and it's on the pricier side for the quality of the food. Also, someone should do the owners a favor and steal that awful fluorescent "3" they've got hanging--it's totally out of place, and doesn't match their decor at all.
We started with the lettuce wraps of duck confit and bourbon molasses, which were actually very good--maybe the best part of the meal. The meat was very soft but almost drowning in the sauce, and its accompaniments were also very tasty (a crunchy salad mixture and nuts to wrap in the lettuce). Grilled brie with a side of grapes was pretty good, but the oil-saturated slices of toasted bread that came with it were unnecessary--not quite warm, and with an almost stale-like texture. I ended up just eating the brie with a fork in combo with the grapes, which I wish were colder for a greater contrast with the warm brie.
My dinner was okay, but I probably wouldn't order it again. The menu at Restaurant 3 just didn't call to me, it wasn't my style. I wasn't freaking out about ordering the way I usually do, wondering how in the world I'll be able to choose between choices X Y and Z which are all making my mouth water. I got the vegetarian croquettes, described as grit cakes with salsa verde. They were large, not too dense, yellow mounds of what seemed like cornmeal and some veggies and lots of butter, tasty, but I would have rather had ONE of them on the side of something else than two of them as a meal. I wasn't sure what to expect but went for it figuring I'd try it sooner or later. Plus, nothing else was really floating my boat.
J had better luck. He ordered the cider-brined pork chop, which came with a three-apple relish and deliiiiicious mashed potatoes (three potato mash). I guess that's the three theme going on.
We've already been back to Liberty Tavern for dinner, and will probably go again soon to try their brunch. R3 has yet to have iEat feet walk through the door again. We'll give it another chance eventually, but it just seemed like it wasn't really worth it.
Restaurant 3
2950 Clarendon Boulevard
Metro: Orange Line to Clarendon
Tulum Mexico
Artist Jay Rolfe travelled to Tulum Mexico to see the ancient Mayan ruins. Perhaps it will inspire a Jay Rolfe 3DSSC painting. Tulum is on Mexico's Riviera Maya coast about 2 hours south of Cancun. The coastal site was beautiful, and the stone buildings and pyramid impressive. Tulum had been a seaport, a trading center. The day we visited Tulum was the only rainy day we had in Mexico. My face could have told you we had little rain, as my face peeled from sunburn for a week after returning. Today's first photo is of some of the impressive stone buildings, the second photo is of Jay Rolfe and his wife Randy Rolfe at the site, and the third photo is of the beautiful shoreline just behind the building in the first picture.
It's been raining for days at home. The drought we've had for the past few months seems to be well over.
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/
Friday, October 26, 2007
Relief in sight
Wirenut gets his first review!
Shannon Greenland kept me on the edge-of-my-seat during MODEL SPY, so I was thrilled when DOWN TO THE WIRE hit bookstores. Luckily, my excitement was not short-lived, for Greenland's sequel packs even more punch than the first, and certainly doesn't disappoint. While GiGi was predominately the main character in MODEL SPY, DOWN TO THE WIRE brings her in as a large part of the story; but provides quite a bit of info about Frankie. Frankie is one of the more rugged of The Specialists. He doesn't seem to deal well with authority, and truly has a mind of his own. Despite his rebel-like demeanor, however, he possesses such an amazing amount of knowledge that is sprinkled throughout the story, which will truly make your jaw drop. Of course, the fact that Greenland drops a total bombshell about Frankie's past, and his family, doesn't hurt much either. The relationship between GiGi and Frankie is so enjoyable. They truly possess that brother/sister friendship that makes them interact well. And the fact that there is no sexual tension between them makes the story simpler. Those who read MODEL SPY will adore the budding romance between GiGi and David, as they attempt to find a moment alone to enjoy each other's company, but the romance doesn't stop there. Frankie also gets to meet up with a potential love interest, who is a wonderful new character, and adds a little mystery to the story. Greenland has woven such a fabulous new installment to the series, and provided quite a cliff-hanger ending that will certainly have fans racing to the bookstore to find out what happens next. You don't have to be tech-savvy to love this series!
Erika Sorocco
Freelance Reviewer for Amazon.com
More Mystery Sculpture
Artist Jay Rolfe completed his new "mystery" sculpture yesterday. He's very excited about it, the subject and how it came out. It's 10 feet 4 inches high and over 8 feet wide and deep. He doesn't have a good photo of it yet, so here's another tease. Can you guess what it is? You can guess by clicking on "comments" at the end of the post and making your guess.
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/
Dear Prudence...
Dear Prudence...
Dear Prudence...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Mystery Sculpture
Artist Jay Rolfe is working on a new "mystery" sculpture. Here is a photo of artist Jay Rolfe working on it. Can you guess what it is? Go ahead and click on "comments" at the end of the post and make a guess.
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
My Mom's Cabin

You can see the lake in the middle of this picture.. the red outline is what has been burned.. Green Valley is completely surrounded by flames.
I just realized...

I just realized...

I just realized...

"Peace Table With Duchamp"
Artist Jay Rolfe completed his sculpture "Peace Table With Duchamp" which is currently not for sale. Here are 2 photos of it, one in use as a bar table which is why it is currently not for sale. We will have some of our friends join us and Duchamp and use the stools that are empty in the photo.
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Brown Moon
Peace Table
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/.
The first photo is of artist Jay Rolfe painting the Peace Table of another Peace Table sculpture, this one titled "Peace Table With Duchamp." The second photo is of artist Jay Rolfe with the Duchamp portion of the sculpture. (See the post of Friday, September 21, 2007 for the first Peace Table sculpture, "Duchamp At The Middle East Peace Table.")
Finally my computer is working again, so posts are easier for me.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Gimme More...
p.s. Joce, this for you sweetie... :)
Gimme More...
p.s. Joce, this for you sweetie... :)
Gimme More...
p.s. Joce, this for you sweetie... :)
Fires, Fires, Everywhere

Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Vet

Sh*t Happens
Yet another story about my life living on a RV...
I go out to empty my black tank (that’d be the poop), and then I go back inside the RV.
I smell something horrible, leave the RV, circle around to the side, and see a HUGE pond of waste on the ground.
I gag/scream/cuss and out comes the neighbor.
I’m hysterical, not knowing what to do. Neighbor is calm.
Neighbor shrugs. “You’re septic tank is backed up. It happens. Sh*t happens.” Ha, ha, ha.
I can’t help but chuckle, too.
Neighbor’s wife comes out, holding hankie over her face. “Shoo-wee. Your sh*t stinks.”
I roll my eyes. What do they think they are, comedians?
I get my cell and call the front office. “Help? There’s poop floating in my side yard.”
Within seconds, not one, not two, not three, but four maintenance men show up. Apparently floating poop in considered an emergency.
They shut off the main water to my side of the campground.
Out come other neighbors. “Where’s our water? I was in the middle of a shower. I’m thirsty.”
My comedian neighbors both point to me.
I guiltily wave to everyone standing about.
They narrow their eyes.
Head maintenance man holds up his hands. “It’s not her fault,” he defends me. “There’s nothing to see here. Everyone go back inside.”
No one listens.
So I slink back inside, get my stuff together, and leave the RV. “I have to go to work,” I tell all the hard working maintenance men.
“Sure,” say the neighbors. “Leave us with your stink.”
I hold up my cell. “Call me if you need anything. Ya know, to catch a piece of floating poop or whatever.”
Some of the neighbors laugh.
At least I gave them their amusement for the day.
...Turns out some kids down the way from me had stuffed toys and pine cones in their septic tank, and it backed up the whole campground. It just happened to erupt in my yard. (sigh) This is my life.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Wally's Birthday

The party was fun. We got to meet Wally's sister Betty who was visiting from Hawaii and also having a birthday. We hung out and ate for about five hours. I knew we had to take Dad home so we left around 7:30pm and went home to pick up Daisy. I was already super tired and I still had to drive an hour and a half to Corona to drop off day and then back again. Well by the time we got home.. around 11pm I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.. after watching the news for five minutes we headed to be for some much needed sleep.
Dumbledore is Gay

Now there is no mention of this in the books but I always had my suspicions that this was the case. Of course this revelation has caused quite an uproar. There are three camps, one is made up of people who kind of knew and is happy that it is finally announced. Another would be people who had no idea but still are cool with it and the third of course are people who now say the books have ruined by this info.
I belong to a lot of Harry Potter yahoo groups made of people from all over the world. I can't understand why when people here gay they think of pedifiller. I have read many comments about how gross it is now knowing that he is gay and the kind of relationship he had with Harry. I also can't believe people say that now that they know this information they can't like Dumbledore anymore, even though nothing has changed in the books.. Dumbledore is still the same Dumbledore.
Being a gay man might skew my view, but I don't see what Dumbledore being gay has to do with the story of Harry Potter. Nothing is ever mentioned in the books. The stories haven't changed, we just get a little background info on one of the main characters.
I'm proud of Jo for making this announcement, it shows that strong, powerful people can also be gay and that it's okay. I guess you will always have "religious" people spewing their hate and mean comments... oh well… such is life.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Creating Sculpture
Artist Jay Rolfe is creating more works. I recently finished a sculpture I plan to keep and use in my home. My computer still isn't working properly, so I'm not posting photos again yet. Soon I'll have one you can see. And I've been working on another sculpture which will take a week or two to complete.
That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/.
I rarely, no, wait never..
I rarely, no, wait never..
I rarely, no, wait never..
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Boston Legal
Boston Legal
Boston Legal
Monday, October 15, 2007
Nothing much going on.
I did enjoy some good TV this week. Little People Big World is back and is a good as ever. Another funny Big Bang Theory, an awesome Heroes, and very charming Pushing Daisies.
All in all not much is going on.
Liberty Tavern
Although I was lucky enough to taste the summer menu on its last week, we are now in AUTUMN at LT, so I'll return soon for some of those delicious sounding dishes, including pumpkin ravioli--yummmm.
I started with the Clarendon Market Salad, which had pole beans, diced potato, greens, and goat cheese. The herb dressing had a very refreshing and light flavor, and it was GREEN! Yes!
For my main course I chose the Summer Pizza sans ham, because it was its last hurrah on the menu. Fontina and sweet and sticky figs made this pizza truly heavenly. There were some greens on top, so I guess that added a health factor, but I could've left them aside. Also, this pizza was HUGE. It was priced as a meal for one person, but I only ate about 1/3. J had a gnocchi appetizer that had tiny gnocchi pellets mixed in with veggies and other things I couldn't identify but liked the taste of. I know, very descriptive. If you want that kind of detail, see Mr. Sietsema--he's all class and I'm all sass, and that's just the way it is. J's dinner was the fish and chips--again with the REALLY generous portions! He liked it, which means they did a good job not messing up what's easy--fried food. Fried food tastes good, but it's not to die for. It's fried, and whatever you fry like that will basically taste the same.
Our service was attentive and not smothering, the space was--hmm, we sat outside, so it was lovely to watch the traffic of Wilson Blvd, and overall I had a great time. I had an allergic reaction later that caused me to delay the writing of this post, but as it turns out, NOTHING I ate at LT caused it. Yay, now I can return there soon.
Liberty Tavern
3195 Wilson Blvd
Metro: Orange Line to Clarendon
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Things End... New Beginnings
I had gotten up early again and started to unpack the toy room and organize. Once Harry got up we went to the recycling place and turned in about 3 1/2 bags of crushed cans and got about $80 bucks. We then went over to the apartment, put on the shower head, took one last look and said our goodbyes. It was a good apartment. It was the first place Harry and I got together. So there are many good memories there.
Once home I kicked in to over drive and started to organize the garage, office, bedroom, living room and toy room. By the end of the day I had finished everything I wanted to.... well almost everything. The house is unpacked and everything is in it's place except the toy room. That will take me a bit longer to complete. After I finish the toy room we have to move on to the garage where we have several boxes that need to be gone through and decided to keep or trash. The house looks great and Harry, Daisy and myself are very happy it's all over. Now we can enjoy life in a house.
Soon as I have finished my toy room will be having a house warming party.. be on the look out.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Moving the Jeep
Before we called AAA my dad, lora and mike took a look at the Jeep and said it sounded like it was fuel problem, that it was either the fuel filter which was easy to change or the fuel pump which is a bit tougher to change. So Harry and I replaced the fuel filter but still it didnt' work... it seems it's the fuel pump.
So I should have went with my first instict and went with AAA but instead I spent about five hours of my unpacking time dealing with the Jeep.. but in the end the Jeep made it to the house safe and shound and we are a few steps closer to getting it repaired.
I did get back to unpacking but I was very tired and only got a bit more done. Oh well there is always Sunday.
Small Town Gay Bar...
Small Town Gay Bar...
Small Town Gay Bar...
Friday, October 12, 2007
What's Wrong Honey?
Okay, so a few days ago I haul my laundry over, load up the washers, insert my quarters, and away things go. Thirty minutes later I change over to the dryers, insert my quarters, press the start button, and nothing happens. Nada. Zilcho. And here's how the scene went:
Me (grumbling): Damn it all. Now I have to go up to the front office and tell them the dryer's broke and get reimbursed and come all the way back here and switch my clothes to a new dryer and blah, blah, blah... (whine, whine, whine...)
(Enter little old lady all hunched over): "Whats wrong honey?" (said in a smokers rasp)
I whiningly tell her the story.
With an understanding grunt, she hobbles over, rears her arthritic fist back, and slams it into the machine. My clothes magically begin to tumble in the dryer.
Me (staring at her in amazement): I want to be just like you when I grow up.
Little old lady: (smokers rasp) Well you better start working on it now, 'cause I'm one of a kind.
Me (bowing): I'm not worthy.
With a cackle, the little old lady hobbles from the laundry mat and disappears into the mist. (Well, not really mist, but it sounded good for my story. :))
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wagon Wheel...
Ok, after all that...she left me a B'day card in August before she left to London and it basically said, we will celebrate when I get back! Ok, cool...um...tonight would have been a GREAT b'day present! But she has a boyfriend now (who is not even a Kings fan) but girls are stupid. That's what I have to remember, um..yeah...that's what I have to remember. ;-) peace
Wagon Wheel...
Ok, after all that...she left me a B'day card in August before she left to London and it basically said, we will celebrate when I get back! Ok, cool...um...tonight would have been a GREAT b'day present! But she has a boyfriend now (who is not even a Kings fan) but girls are stupid. That's what I have to remember, um..yeah...that's what I have to remember. ;-) peace
Wagon Wheel...
Ok, after all that...she left me a B'day card in August before she left to London and it basically said, we will celebrate when I get back! Ok, cool...um...tonight would have been a GREAT b'day present! But she has a boyfriend now (who is not even a Kings fan) but girls are stupid. That's what I have to remember, um..yeah...that's what I have to remember. ;-) peace
Andrew Wyeth And Me!
Artist Andrew Wyeth and artist Jay Rolfe live 5 miles apart. Yet their painting styles are 5 thousand miles apart. We've lived in the Brandywine Valley most of our lives, yet we see our surroundings very differently. Andrew Wyeth paints this landscape as lonely, cold, and stark (in a technically masterful way). Jay Rolfe sees this landscape as beautiful, green, full of life, and uplifting. The difference just illustrates the principle that it's not the facts that count, but one's response to them that counts.
That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/.
El Pollo Rico
The menu at EPR is easy, just decide if you want a quarter, half, or a whole chicken. Or two. Accompanied by a seasoned pro, I ordered the quarter chicken "with everything" and got a can (yes!) of CAFFEINE FREE Diet Coke, which you usually just don't find anywhere. The Everything included really delicious and HOT steak fries, a pile of coleslaw, and two sauces--one mayonnaise-based and one that was green and spicy.
My chicken was flavorful and delicious--I'm not the biggest fan of bones and all, so in a perfect world someone else would deconstruct for my leisurely consumption, but I was mentally prepared to go the distance, and I did.
My can of soda, quarter of a chicken, fries, and coleslaw cost a grand total of...$5.45. Right. And I was so full after (seeing as I had cleaned my plate), that I barely even wanted any dessert later! What kind of crazy is that?
By the time we left EPR, the line was out the door. 1/3 of the line was made up of Arlington County police offers. EPR is fast, cheap, delicious, and safe, too!
I had an allergic reaction last week and didn't want to report on my latest adventure until it was figured out--luckily, it wasn't anything I ate at Liberty Tavern. That review, as well as Restaurant 3, is coming up soon!
El Pollo Rico
932 N. Kenmore Street (Across from GMU Law)
Metro: Orange Line to Virginia Square