Friday, August 31, 2007

Dave's Birthday

Today is one of my favotire people's birthday.. Happy Birthday DAVE.

He and Kevin are one of our favorite couples. They moved to Florida a few years ago and we really miss them. But we do stay in contact via email.. one day we will get over to Flordia to visit.... again hope you have a great Birthday Dave.

More Vincent Van Gogh

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Here's the 4th Van Gogh painting at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow which gave me a different view of Vincent (the first three were posted earlier this week). It's titled "The Red Vineyards At Arles" and was painted in 1888. It's not my favorite of the group, but it shows a different palette and a number of people - as there were in "The Prison Courtyard."

Today I'll try to finish creating the frameworks for the 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings I'm working on.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I Like Big Buns And I Cannot Lie

Of course, by Big Buns I mean Big Buns Gourmet Grill in Ballston. It's pretty much brand spanking new and pleased the iEat crowd completely.

Nestled into a courtyard away from traffic and noise, this green spot is definitely going to hit it big with the locals. By green I mean seriously, GREEN! The place is covered in the color, including the logo and staff t-shirts. And also green as in, the garbage cans are recycled oil drums, everything is super uber recycled, the plastic cups are made from corn (somehow?). ECO FRIENDLY BURGERS, everyone.

First question: Bun or bowl? The buns were fresh and tasty, nice and large, but I personally chose to get my protein on a bed of Romaine lettuce.

Second Q (or maybe this is first):What kind of protein? You want mahi mahi? Marinated grilled chicken? Portabella mushroom? Ohhh you want a regular old burger?!?! OK fine, we have that too.

Third question: What's going on it? Maybe some cheese (from which there are 5 or 6 to choose). Maybe some peppers, onions, mushrooms, guacamole, grilled pineapple, onion rings, or a zillion other things.

Fries, sweet potato fries, all kinds of good stuff going on here. The best part is that I can get different crazy combinations that maybe only I would want, and that's OK! I had a burger in a bowl with guacamole and grilled pineapple. I got a drink, and filled my cup with iced tea before heading to the syrup bar.

Yes, syrup bar.

Personally, I made myself a fruity raspberry iced tea. But if I got a diet coke, perhaps I would have made that a VANILLA diet coke. Or cherry!

Big Buns is a lot of fun. Everyone can get something different, it's relatively cheap and fast, and it makes you feel good inside to spend your money there. The staff is friendly, and the owner is too--both to customers AND the Earth. I challenge you to go there and get "the works." Is it "better than" Five Guys? No. It's different. The fries aren't as addictive, there are no peanuts, and there are no hot dogs. Five Guys hot dogs rock my socks, but that's a different story altogether.

What it comes down to is the following: I'm a sucker for alternative options, Havarti cheese, guacamole, grilled fruit, sweet potato fries, and Italian sodas. And they have milkshakes. Now you know why I really like it. And I'm not the only one.

Big Buns Gourmet Grill
4401 Wilson Blvd
Metro: Orange Line to Ballston
Big Buns Gourmet Grill on Urbanspoon

Creating Stretcher Frameworks

Artist Jay Rolfe has a garage full of materials for his 3DSSC paintings. He spent yesterday and this morning creating the stretcher frameworks for 2 of his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings. Here's a photo of Rolfe cutting some wood for a stretcher framework.

Then, of course, Jay Rolfe has to clean up after himself. Sawdust is messy, and failure to clean it up yesterday led to it being tracked all over the garage (into the house would be next). He's tried a big broom, but it turns out that's harder than the shop-vac. Here's a photo of Rolfe vacuuming the driveway. (Wouldn't Martha Stewart be proud!)

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Work Craziness Continues

Wow.. it's still crazy at work, we are trying to keep up with all the digitizing while we create a decent work space. I continued to organize the offce, build desks and book shelves. I"m tired but still glad to be working. We need the $$$$$.

Keep Working

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

I've been working on some new paintings, but don't have any photos to show you yet. I'll be busy on them today. The late summer weather is fantastic day after day.

Today's photo is another Van Gogh from the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. I think it's very beautiful. The colors are vibrant and the texture accents the ocean waves. I apologize that my photo doesn't do it justice - sometimes the camera just doesn't get the colors right. Van Gogh painted this in 1888 and the title is "The Sea At Saintes-Maries."

This painting, along with the other 2 I posted photos of the past 2 days, gave me a much greater appreciation for Vincent Van Gogh. Now I see his genius.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vincent Van Gogh

Today is another beautiful day - bright blue sky, sunny, warm - perfect top-down driving weather. And the pool is a wonderful 80 degrees.

Today's photo is another of the Van Gogh's at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. "The Prison Courtyard" from 1890 is one of the most unusual Van Gogh's I've seen. It's very well done, but unlike any others of his I know of. (The other Van Gogh that seems unusual to me is at the Barnes Foundation in Merion PA and is an oval canvas of a nude arranged much like Manet's "Olympia" except that Van Gogh's scene is somewhat shabbier than "Olympia.")

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Monday, August 27, 2007

Starting my new job

Today was my first "offical" day of my new job. I have worked a day here and a day there the past month. Today we moved our offices from Burbank to Van Nuys. Since everyone is in Houston shooting I became office manager and not only help pack up and move the avids and offices. I unpacked, built desks, hung boards, and general office duties along with setting up avids and getting post in order. It was a super long and exhusting day. But I am glad to be working again.

Rested And Ready To Paint

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Wow! A bright sunny day, a new week, the pool at a very refreshing 78 degrees, and memories of a great BBQ party Saturday night. Life is good. After a couple of days off from painting, I'm eager to get back to it. I just looked at my staging area and noticed several frameworks I've made for paintings that I haven't gotten to assembling, let alone cutting and stretching canvas for. Since they're started, I think I'll work on finishing them.

For today's photo, here's one of 5 Van Gogh paintings I saw at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow in February 2005 (Yes, Moscow winters are cooold!) that led me to change my previous idea of Vincent Van Gogh as mostly "Sunflowers" and "Starry Night." This is a colorful and detailed country farm scene with a steam engined train puffing smoke across the horizon. It was done in 1890 and is titled "Landscape At Auvers After Rain (Landscape With Carriage And Train)." It is beautiful to me.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

On Vacation!

Hey All...sorry, been on vacation the past couple days and will be until Wednesday. I'm in Oregon with my brother playing golf and bowling and enjoying the beach! Be back soon!! With Lots to tell! ;-) peace

On Vacation!

Hey All...sorry, been on vacation the past couple days and will be until Wednesday. I'm in Oregon with my brother playing golf and bowling and enjoying the beach! Be back soon!! With Lots to tell! ;-) peace

On Vacation!

Hey All...sorry, been on vacation the past couple days and will be until Wednesday. I'm in Oregon with my brother playing golf and bowling and enjoying the beach! Be back soon!! With Lots to tell! ;-) peace

Pablo Picasso, "The Lovers"

One of artist Jay Rolfe's favorite paintings is this 1923 painting at the National Gallery in Washington DC titled The Lovers by Pablo Picasso. I like the colors, the theme of the lovers, and the composition.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Buck's Fishing & Camping

After hearing about Buck's over and over, iEat decided to check it out. This upper-NW establishment, despite its name, is NOT a shop for outdoorsy-type supplies. Sure, there is a overturned canoe resting on the wooden rafters, but that's just part of the fun decor.

J was surprised about the small menu, and seemed to fear for my life. Lest he forget that in my vegetarian days I spent (too) many dinners ordering appetizers as my meal, and am perfectly capable of and happy to revisit the method. Usually there are starter combinations that I actually prefer to real entrees. The entrees were oysters, a whole grilled fish o' the day, steak, and shrimp and grits. If there were mussels I would have been SET, but ah well.

The appetizers are mostly winners, the top pick DEFINITELY being the fried green tomatoes. They were super hot (VERY important in my book), not greasy, and perfectly crisped. I also LOVED the green herby sauce provided and definitely wish there was more of it. The iceberg wedge with bacon and blue cheese is a crowd pleaser, especially because there is a generous triangle of decadent blue cheese just hanging out on the plate. Neither of us were particular fans of the bread--it was cold, and aside from a somewhat mysterious hint of a smoky flavor, it lacked interestingness. Nevertheless, I used some crust to eat the rest of my blue cheese. The woodgrilled eggplant had a good flavor, but the breadcrumbs promised to me were stuck on the tomatoes, which, because of the sheer number of them, almost completely overpowered any hope of tasting eggplant. The dish should have been called BREADCRUMBS SPRINKLED ON A ZILLION TOMATOES, resting on two skinny index-finger-sized slices of eggplant.

J's steak was...huge. Seriously. "Take of $10 and serve half of this." His words, not mine. At a whopping $46, this huuuuge chunk of meat was served practically mooing, so if you are sick of people not serving you properly medium rare-cooked steaks, head to Buck's. Our server did warn us about the size of the steak, mostly to gauge whether or not the rareness would be an issue. The fries were AWESOME, I only wish that there were more of them.

The Very Good Chocolate Cake (I think that's what it was called?) was indeed Very Good. The combo of cold unsweetened whipped cream and warm chocolate sauce was a welcomed contrast, but we were too full to finish it.

The feel of Buck's is dark but warm, with lots of wood, cool glass lamps hanging overhead, and lots of curtains--I wondered aloud if anyone ever closed them to provide more privacy to their table (while also making their table look like a shower). We sat at the furthest end of the loooong communal table that occupies the middle of the dining room. Mid-meal, another couple was seated at the opposite end. Seems like a great table for a large group. For people who say that table is awkward, the only difference between Buck's and Central is that at Central the tables aren't connected--but you and your neighbor are sitting just as cozily. Our server at Buck's was friendly enough, but seemed inexperienced. Service was also pretty slow, considering the restaurant was not nearly full.

Overall, Buck's was fun. Although the options are somewhat limited, the food is tasty and comforting. It's likely that the menu changes subject to season and availability.

Buck's Fishing and Camping
5031 Connecticut Avenue NW
You should drive.
Buck's Fishing & Camping on Urbanspoon

Saturday, August 25, 2007

"Black Hole"

Artist Jay Rolfe went to a gallery opening reception on Thursday evening for 2 Philadelphia artists he knows, David Foss and Michelle Marcuse. The opening at Gallery Siano, Luella Tripp Managing Director, was well attended and the paintings were well displayed in the great gallery space. Both David and Michelle displayed strong work. Michelle works in encaustic (a fancy name for wax) and David in AbEx paints.

Here's a photo of artist Jay Rolfe painting a Black Hole 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting. The second photo is of the completed Black Hole painting.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Friday, August 24, 2007

"American Gothic Uncovered"

Artist Jay Rolfe's 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting American Gothic Uncovered, pictured here, is the full scale version of American Gothic Nude, which is about half the size and also a 3DSSC painting, featured in yesterday's post. Here's a link to that photo on Rolfe's website, American Gothic Uncovered is 96" high, 36" wide, and 12 7/8" deep.

Also pictured here is the painting from 1930 by Grant Wood titled "American Gothic" which inspired both of my 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings. The painting is owned by the Art Institute of Chicago. Here's a link to their website description.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Want to unlock your iPhone?

This teenager figured out how to separate his iPhone from AT&T's network, he's now using it on T-Mobile. Impressive.

Want to unlock your iPhone?

This teenager figured out how to separate his iPhone from AT&T's network, he's now using it on T-Mobile. Impressive.

Want to unlock your iPhone?

This teenager figured out how to separate his iPhone from AT&T's network, he's now using it on T-Mobile. Impressive.

Brooklyn Bagel

You're young, hip, good-looking, and need a place to see and be seen on a weekend morning. Oh, you're also hungry.

Enter Brooklyn Bagel. This neighborhood fixture has the best bagels that we at iEat have had since being torn away from the New York metro area and the accompanying breadly perfection. We've been to that place on P Street, Georgetown Bagelry, Whatsa Bagel, Chesapeake Bagels, thisabagel thatabagel whatever etc, and they are all terrible.

Unlike the suburban bagel store I worked at growing up, Brooklyn Bagel almost exclusively sells bagel sandwiches (how many 25 yo need a dozen bagels?), of which they have a dozen variations. Yes, there's the standard egg/cheese/bacon combos but also whitefish/egg/tuna salads, deli meats (sandwiches are named things like Bayridge, Flatbush, Coney Island, etc), hummus and sprouts, and daily specials that include wraps and soups, too. On a recent morning it seemed like everyone in sight was having the tuna or chicken salad melt, maybe there was something in the air that day? UPDATE: J had the Bayridge with chicken salad and it was SO MUCH FOOD--if I liked it, we could definitely share one of those and a bag of chips for lunch. Also, the pizza bagel is pretty good, but I doubt I'll order it again soon.

The bagels are delicious (albeit not as awesome as the place in Secaucus where my family buys then freezes in bulk) and the yummy sandwiches are cheap and filling. They do not skimp you on your toppings, people! Do you want to drown in whitefish salad? So do I.

The space can be tricky. On most weekends there's a fight to sit outside, with some people resorting to the awkward ledge on the oversized median across the street. With recent extreme heat the indoor 10 or so tables have been packed. There are also a few stools right by the door which make for great people watching for solo diners.

BB is a perfect place to stop on the way to or back from the farmer's market or flea market. I only wish it were open later so I could also eat bagels for dinner.

Brooklyn Bagel
2055 Wilson Blvd
Metro: Court House, walkable from Clarendon, too.
Brooklyn Bagel Bakery on Urbanspoon

Settled In

Well, I've been living in my new home (RV--see previous post) for about a week now. Here's a recap:

1) I've moved campsites 3 times.
2) Unrolled and rerolled my awning 6 times (learned this morning I was doing it wrong, hence the multiple times)
3) Dumped my black tank (that'd be the poop tank) 4 times (turns out my RV wasn't leveled and my blank tank meter wasn't reading right).
4) Washed my dog five times (finally figured out what stinky thing he was getting into outside--I won't even go into that.
5) Vacuumed every day (I've got quite a patch of sand out front)
6) Blew a fuse
7) Racked my head on the same cabinet 7 times (I've now learned to duck)
8) Treated 25 mosquito bites (not kidding-and yes I really did count them)
9) Visited WalMart and Home Depot every day for supplies (I'm on a first name basis with the cashier)
10) Managed to yank 2 roll-out drawers from their tracks (resulting in breaking and fixing)

And I can honestly say I've loved every minute of it (not really, but it sure looked nice to type).

AAANNNDDD my new book comes out in exactly 13 days. Yay!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Random Thoughts...

...So here in Rancho Cordova, CA for some reason there is a big Russian with that. I live around the corner from a park/school and the other day I was on my way to work and I stopped at the stop sign in front of the park. I looked over and there were 3 old(er) Russian women, complete with scarves and dresses and sweaters. Well two started running across the park and they were racing and laughing and the third one watched and clapped them on. So I'm sitting there watching them and the two ladies are laughing and smiling as they race each other! For real...they were OLD and I don't meant like 50 but older, like you wouldn't expect them to move that fast. Well not that they were, but it was just so...enlightening? I'm on my way to work...I'm thinking of this meeting I have to be on, I'm wondering if I paid my insurance for this month and I'm tired 'cause I tossed and turned all night. One of my credit cards lost my payment and my car is running a bit rough...all this BAGGAGE I'm carrying!! And here are these older woman racing in the park with their granddaughters watching and they are laughing and smiling...big boobs sloshing side to side...head scarves blowing in the wind. I forgot all my problems right then, and I wondered about their life. I had seen them in the neighborhood before, heard them speaking Russian walking their grandkids to the school around the corner. What have THEY been through...where did THEY come from and how was it for them to leave where THEY came from? I, not small but just humbled. Yes, I have a lot going on, I have baggage, I have stress and I've been through some shit myself. The questions I asked myself? When is the last time I raced someone through a park and laughed while doing it? When was the last time I expressed just pure joy, like they were doing? It was hilarious to watch but at the same time...just so...pure...pure goodness. It was Wonderful. ;-) peace

Random Thoughts...

...So here in Rancho Cordova, CA for some reason there is a big Russian with that. I live around the corner from a park/school and the other day I was on my way to work and I stopped at the stop sign in front of the park. I looked over and there were 3 old(er) Russian women, complete with scarves and dresses and sweaters. Well two started running across the park and they were racing and laughing and the third one watched and clapped them on. So I'm sitting there watching them and the two ladies are laughing and smiling as they race each other! For real...they were OLD and I don't meant like 50 but older, like you wouldn't expect them to move that fast. Well not that they were, but it was just so...enlightening? I'm on my way to work...I'm thinking of this meeting I have to be on, I'm wondering if I paid my insurance for this month and I'm tired 'cause I tossed and turned all night. One of my credit cards lost my payment and my car is running a bit rough...all this BAGGAGE I'm carrying!! And here are these older woman racing in the park with their granddaughters watching and they are laughing and smiling...big boobs sloshing side to side...head scarves blowing in the wind. I forgot all my problems right then, and I wondered about their life. I had seen them in the neighborhood before, heard them speaking Russian walking their grandkids to the school around the corner. What have THEY been through...where did THEY come from and how was it for them to leave where THEY came from? I, not small but just humbled. Yes, I have a lot going on, I have baggage, I have stress and I've been through some shit myself. The questions I asked myself? When is the last time I raced someone through a park and laughed while doing it? When was the last time I expressed just pure joy, like they were doing? It was hilarious to watch but at the same time...just so...pure...pure goodness. It was Wonderful. ;-) peace

Random Thoughts...

...So here in Rancho Cordova, CA for some reason there is a big Russian with that. I live around the corner from a park/school and the other day I was on my way to work and I stopped at the stop sign in front of the park. I looked over and there were 3 old(er) Russian women, complete with scarves and dresses and sweaters. Well two started running across the park and they were racing and laughing and the third one watched and clapped them on. So I'm sitting there watching them and the two ladies are laughing and smiling as they race each other! For real...they were OLD and I don't meant like 50 but older, like you wouldn't expect them to move that fast. Well not that they were, but it was just so...enlightening? I'm on my way to work...I'm thinking of this meeting I have to be on, I'm wondering if I paid my insurance for this month and I'm tired 'cause I tossed and turned all night. One of my credit cards lost my payment and my car is running a bit rough...all this BAGGAGE I'm carrying!! And here are these older woman racing in the park with their granddaughters watching and they are laughing and smiling...big boobs sloshing side to side...head scarves blowing in the wind. I forgot all my problems right then, and I wondered about their life. I had seen them in the neighborhood before, heard them speaking Russian walking their grandkids to the school around the corner. What have THEY been through...where did THEY come from and how was it for them to leave where THEY came from? I, not small but just humbled. Yes, I have a lot going on, I have baggage, I have stress and I've been through some shit myself. The questions I asked myself? When is the last time I raced someone through a park and laughed while doing it? When was the last time I expressed just pure joy, like they were doing? It was hilarious to watch but at the same time...just so...pure...pure goodness. It was Wonderful. ;-) peace

Grand Opening of Our Ebay Store

Today Harry and I opened our very own Ebay store. I have been selling stuff here and there on Ebay the past few years but a few days ago it hit me that Harry and I should open an Ebay store. It doesn't cost much and I have a ton of collectible stuff that I would like to sell. Along with selling my stuff we are hoping to buy wholesale products and sell them on Ebay also. This is a perfect job for Harry to do at home. He can manage the store a few hours a day. We hope this really takes off and we can make a nice profit. We plan on doing it for six months and see where we stand at the end of the six months. Wish us luck. Check out the store here.


I finally got to see this movie. I have been wanting to see this since I saw the previews a few months ago and I was not disappointed. What a great flick, fun characters, cool sfx and a very sweet story. I'm sad to see that it's not doing so well at the box office, which is a shame. It's so tough for a fantasy film to hit it big unless it's part of a phenomenon, ie Harry Potter. Maybe it will find success on DVD. I know I'll be buying me a copy.

Here's a synopsis:

A young man named Tristan (Charlie Cox) tries to win the heart of Victoria (Sienna Miller), the beautiful but cold object of his desire, by going on a quest to retrieve a fallen star. His journey takes him to a mysterious and forbidden land beyond the walls of his village. On his odyssey, Tristan finds the star, which has transformed into a striking girl named Yvaine (Claire Danes). However, Tristan is not the only one seeking the star. A king's (Peter O'Toole) four living sons - not to mention the ghosts of their three dead brothers - all need the star as they vie for the throne. Tristan must also overcome the evil witch, Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer), who needs the star to make her young again. As Tristan battles to survive these threats, encountering a pirate named Captain Shakespeare (Robert De Niro) and a shady trader named Ferdy the Fence (Ricky Gervais) along the way, his quest changes. He must now win the heart of the star for himself as he discovers the meaning of true love.

"American Gothic Nude"

Artist Jay Rolfe is pictured here with his recently completed small (relatively) 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting titled American Gothic Nude. Rolfe's 3-D painting is 48" high, 21 1/2" wide, and 11 1/4" deep.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Life update and Birthdays

Well not much to blog about. I start my new job next week so I'm trying to cram a ton of stuff that I would like to get done before I go back to work. Harry and I are doing well, still looking for a house to rent, haven't had much luck. Daisy is Daisy.

I would like to wish several people a Happy Birthday. Friends Denise and Lloyd, my cousin Renee and my cousin Miranda's daughter Victoria. Happy Birthday Everyone.

Cheerfully Planning!

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Since artist Jay Rolfe finished two 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings yesterday and had overnight guests last night, he's busy catching up on everything else and cheerfully planning his next project.

Here's a photo from today of Jay Rolfe cheerfully standing in front of his 3DSSC painting Two Hearts Joined Together and planning his next project.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

America's got Talent winner!

Terry Fator won! He is the ventriloquist who does impersonations. This is the first video where he won me over. It's just amazing, ok it's one thing to do ventriloquism but to do impersonations?! It's just amazing. On another note, I'm kind of proud of the American people...I am a reality TV junkie, yes I am. So you think you can dance...I so thought Neil would win because let's face it, he is hot!! Sabra won though and she should have...I also thought people would vote for Cas Haley because he's been singing for so long and he has a baby and wife. Okay, great...fine...and he is wonderful performer but I thought he was tugging at America's heartstrings, I'm so glad America voted for the true talent! Oh don't worry about Cas, he'll get a record deal 'cause he is awesome also! So without further ado...and this isn't even his best...but it was the performance that first awed me...America's new favorite act...Terry Fator!!
;-) peace

America's got Talent winner!

Terry Fator won! He is the ventriloquist who does impersonations. This is the first video where he won me over. It's just amazing, ok it's one thing to do ventriloquism but to do impersonations?! It's just amazing. On another note, I'm kind of proud of the American people...I am a reality TV junkie, yes I am. So you think you can dance...I so thought Neil would win because let's face it, he is hot!! Sabra won though and she should have...I also thought people would vote for Cas Haley because he's been singing for so long and he has a baby and wife. Okay, great...fine...and he is wonderful performer but I thought he was tugging at America's heartstrings, I'm so glad America voted for the true talent! Oh don't worry about Cas, he'll get a record deal 'cause he is awesome also! So without further ado...and this isn't even his best...but it was the performance that first awed me...America's new favorite act...Terry Fator!!
;-) peace

America's got Talent winner!

Terry Fator won! He is the ventriloquist who does impersonations. This is the first video where he won me over. It's just amazing, ok it's one thing to do ventriloquism but to do impersonations?! It's just amazing. On another note, I'm kind of proud of the American people...I am a reality TV junkie, yes I am. So you think you can dance...I so thought Neil would win because let's face it, he is hot!! Sabra won though and she should have...I also thought people would vote for Cas Haley because he's been singing for so long and he has a baby and wife. Okay, great...fine...and he is wonderful performer but I thought he was tugging at America's heartstrings, I'm so glad America voted for the true talent! Oh don't worry about Cas, he'll get a record deal 'cause he is awesome also! So without further ado...and this isn't even his best...but it was the performance that first awed me...America's new favorite act...Terry Fator!!
;-) peace

Fuschia Stiletto Pump Painting and Black Stiletto Pump Painting

Artist Jay Rolfe completed the assembly of two new paintings today. The paint actually was completed a week ago and left to dry. Until I get proper photos of them hanging, here's a photo of them, although not hanging on the wall as they should be, but standing on the work table in my studio. Each is 4 feet high and 4 feet wide and 5 1/2 inches deep, and, as you can see, in the shape of a woman's stiletto pump high heel shoe.

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Monday, August 20, 2007

Jay Rolfe Painting

This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Yesterday I spent the day visiting friends on Long Island. It was relaxing, except for the drive home in the rain which took a lot longer than going up. Today is cool and overcast, with a misty rain in the air. Maybe I'll assemble some of the 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings I painted last week.

Here's a photo of me painting in my studio.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Creative Thinking

Artist Jay Rolfe intends to take a day of rest today. Have you seen the cartoon where the wife says to the artist, "Is that a creative nap, or just a nap nap?" Well, I won't be sleeping.

Here's a photo of artist Jay Rolfe thinking in front of his painting Two Hearts Joined Together.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Website Updated

Well as many of you know my website is a work in progress. I have added a few new pages as well as a new look to my front page. Check it out..

Of course it's still a work in progress so check back often.

Finished Painting "Thunderbolt"

Artist Jay Rolfe finished painting his new 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting titled Thunderbolt today. I posted a photo if the stretched canvas before painting yesterday. Here's a photo from yesterday early in the painting process. I'm excited that I completed painting it today.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Friday, August 17, 2007

My Friday night

I'm 30 something years old, it's Friday night and this is what I'm watching! I'm a nerd, I KNOW this! lol, but I'm ok with it, hope everyone is having a good Friday night! lol ;-) peace

My Friday night

I'm 30 something years old, it's Friday night and this is what I'm watching! I'm a nerd, I KNOW this! lol, but I'm ok with it, hope everyone is having a good Friday night! lol ;-) peace

My Friday night

I'm 30 something years old, it's Friday night and this is what I'm watching! I'm a nerd, I KNOW this! lol, but I'm ok with it, hope everyone is having a good Friday night! lol ;-) peace

Creating "Thunderbolt"

Jay Rolfe finished stretching the canvas on his new 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting titled Thunderbolt yesterday. Here's a photo of how it looks with the canvas primed but not painted. Thunderbolt is 10 feet high. I'm excited about painting it today.

That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Thursday, August 16, 2007


YES, she won So You Think You Can Dance! she was the best dancer by far! I love when things go the way I want them! Oh, wait..not about me.. :) congrats Sabra! ;-) peace


YES, she won So You Think You Can Dance! she was the best dancer by far! I love when things go the way I want them! Oh, wait..not about me.. :) congrats Sabra! ;-) peace


YES, she won So You Think You Can Dance! she was the best dancer by far! I love when things go the way I want them! Oh, wait..not about me.. :) congrats Sabra! ;-) peace

The Final Two

Sabra and Danny! They are the best dancers but I thought Neil was going to win 'cause he is hella cute, glad America voted the right way! Yes, I'm a nerd. One more post...for the WINNER!

The Final Two

Sabra and Danny! They are the best dancers but I thought Neil was going to win 'cause he is hella cute, glad America voted the right way! Yes, I'm a nerd. One more post...for the WINNER!

The Final Two

Sabra and Danny! They are the best dancers but I thought Neil was going to win 'cause he is hella cute, glad America voted the right way! Yes, I'm a nerd. One more post...for the WINNER!

I'm such a nerd...

...does anyone watch So You Think You Can Dance?! Tonight is the season finale and I'm like sniffling! For real...I've been watching since the beginning and the top 20 are back on and all my favorite dances are being danced again as well as my favorite performers! It's like a trip down dance memory lane!!
Yes, it's little non-important things like this that excite me and make me happy! LOL
I'm so simple... ;-) peace

I'm such a nerd...

...does anyone watch So You Think You Can Dance?! Tonight is the season finale and I'm like sniffling! For real...I've been watching since the beginning and the top 20 are back on and all my favorite dances are being danced again as well as my favorite performers! It's like a trip down dance memory lane!!
Yes, it's little non-important things like this that excite me and make me happy! LOL
I'm so simple... ;-) peace

I'm such a nerd...

...does anyone watch So You Think You Can Dance?! Tonight is the season finale and I'm like sniffling! For real...I've been watching since the beginning and the top 20 are back on and all my favorite dances are being danced again as well as my favorite performers! It's like a trip down dance memory lane!!
Yes, it's little non-important things like this that excite me and make me happy! LOL
I'm so simple... ;-) peace

Cutting and Stretching Canvas

Here's a photo taken a few minutes ago of Jay Rolfe cutting and stretching canvas for his latest 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting. It's a new idea for me, and I'll show you the completed painting in time.

That's the latest step of Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More painting ...

Yesterday Jay Rolfe finished painting two of his new 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings. After the paint has time to dry, I'll assemble them into finished form. Two days ago, on Monday, August 13, 2007, I posted a photo of me painting them.

Today's photo is another from my visit to the Metropolitan Museum this past Saturday, Ellsworth Kelly's "Spectrum V" from 1969. I like the vibrant color and the simplicity of this 13 panel painting.

That's the latest step of Jay Rolfe on his journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I just wanted something pretty!

B'day was good, work is good, everything is Wonderful...let's just look at hot men ok?! Nothing political, heartfelt or socially aware...just cute hot men! ;-) peace

I just wanted something pretty!

B'day was good, work is good, everything is Wonderful...let's just look at hot men ok?! Nothing political, heartfelt or socially aware...just cute hot men! ;-) peace

I just wanted something pretty!

B'day was good, work is good, everything is Wonderful...let's just look at hot men ok?! Nothing political, heartfelt or socially aware...just cute hot men! ;-) peace

Finally Some Good News

Today I spoke with my Mother and my Step dad is doing much better after his surgery. They did find cancer in his bladder and prostate and luckily neither penetrated the lining of the wall and no other cancer was found in his system. He gets to go home tomorrow and start his long recovery on learning how to use this newly built bladder.


On Saturday, Jay Rolfe went to "The Clark Brothers Collect" at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC. It was an exhibit of Impressionist and Early Modern paintings collected separately by two wealthy brothers who didn't get along. The exhibit was great and very inspiring. I really enjoyed it.

Sterling Clark had some outstanding Renoir paintings which were on display. His collection of 38 Renoirs (!) was the second largest private collection of Renoirs - to Albert Barnes 181 which are all on view at the Barnes Foundation in Merion. He also had some great Monets. Since one can't take photos of visiting exhibitions, here's a photo of a beautiful Monet from the Met's permanent collection, "Haystacks" from 1891. It was one of about 30 paintings of haystacks under different weather and lighting conditions. The Art Institute of Chicago has acquired six of them and displays them side by side for comparison.

That's the latest step of Jay Rolfe on his journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Monday, August 13, 2007

What a Hateful World We Live In

This is a horrible story and it's amazing what a hateful world we live in. So much ignorance and bigotry. Here's the story in a nutshell.

Brett Conrad and Patrick Atkins, both 47, met in college and were together for 25 years. Atkins was CEO of his family's company, Atkins Elegant Desserts; Conrad, a waiter. They shared a house and bank accounts; both men's names were on their home's deed. In March 2005, traveling on business, Atkins suffered an aneurysm and then a stroke that rendered him unable to care for himself.

Atkins' deeply religious parents took over, refusing to recognize the men's relationship or even to let Conrad see him. Conrad has spent two years trying to win guardianship of his partner.

Indiana courts have so far sided with the Atkins family, even while noting that "it is in Patrick's best interest to continue to have contact with Brett, his life partner of 25 years."

"Given the Atkinses' lack of support of their son's personal life through the years and given his mother's astonishing statement that she would rather that he never recover than see him return to his relationship with Brett, we are extraordinarily skeptical that the Atkinses are able to take care of Patrick's emotional needs," wrote Chief Judge John G. Baker in the appellate court's ruling.

At one point, the court noted, sympathetic hospital staffers were sneaking Conrad onto the premises to see his partner.

Jeanne Atkins, Patrick's mother, "testified that no amount of evidence could convince her that Brett and Patrick were happy together," the opinion read.

"I hope that you will share this story with your friends and encourage them to avoid purchasing Atkins products," wrote Karen Celestino-Horseman, a former Indianapolis city councilwoman, on

Atkins, meanwhile, now lives at his parents' home. He is "able to walk, dress, bathe and feed himself with some help, to read accurately but understand only 25 percent of what he read, and to engage in simple conversations," according to the court

I'm so cool

Sometimes I’m so cool I don’t know what to do with myself. I am now officially the proud owner of a Sprint AirCard. Plug it into my USB and I’m surfing the web.

(Note: I only recently went to high speed, so this is really something for me.)

I’m a dork. I know.

Painting 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings

Today Jay Rolfe is for the second day applying paint to the canvas stretched over the framework of one of his unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings. Here's a photo.

That's the latest step of Jay Rolfe on his journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Inspiring Views

Jay Rolfe and Randy Rolfe went for their morning walk, today at the Stroud Preserve a mile from our home. It was a glorious morning and it is always beautiful there. Here's a bucolic and inspiring photo I took.

That's the latest step of Jay Rolfe on his journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

B'day Post....

...yes today (yesterday?) was my birthday, I had a good time. Ok, my friend Mecca came over and we went to a casino and on the way back, we passed through Drytown. For real, that was the name of the town, Drytown! Our first inclination was to speed through it! but then we saw a bar called Drytown Pub, so yeah...we stopped. It's logo? Find The Wet Spot in Drytown!! LOL for real! We found it, they were so nice there. Mecca is black, I'm native and yeah...we are definitely a mixed couple. So we walked in and there are like five people, all white...that's cool..we are open minded! :) They were so friendly though and there was a band that was playing blues, it was a good time. I think the population of Drytown is like 45! They were nice though, so we stayed for a minute and then came back to Sacramento, where we went to Happy Bar. Um that bar was Happy but only had like 7 people, 5 of them neither of us liked that! So we headed out and went to another spot, called Your Place...that was cool...they had Karaoke and some cute men. Then we got bored and went to Louies, but they wanted a 10 dollar cover, um, no not for Louies! So we went to a billiard hall and that is where we ended our night! I had fun, she was hit on... I was hit on...a nice b'day actually. So good night to all, and even though I am officially old (oh hell been OLD for awhile) I had fun. ;-) peace

B'day Post....

...yes today (yesterday?) was my birthday, I had a good time. Ok, my friend Mecca came over and we went to a casino and on the way back, we passed through Drytown. For real, that was the name of the town, Drytown! Our first inclination was to speed through it! but then we saw a bar called Drytown Pub, so yeah...we stopped. It's logo? Find The Wet Spot in Drytown!! LOL for real! We found it, they were so nice there. Mecca is black, I'm native and yeah...we are definitely a mixed couple. So we walked in and there are like five people, all white...that's cool..we are open minded! :) They were so friendly though and there was a band that was playing blues, it was a good time. I think the population of Drytown is like 45! They were nice though, so we stayed for a minute and then came back to Sacramento, where we went to Happy Bar. Um that bar was Happy but only had like 7 people, 5 of them neither of us liked that! So we headed out and went to another spot, called Your Place...that was cool...they had Karaoke and some cute men. Then we got bored and went to Louies, but they wanted a 10 dollar cover, um, no not for Louies! So we went to a billiard hall and that is where we ended our night! I had fun, she was hit on... I was hit on...a nice b'day actually. So good night to all, and even though I am officially old (oh hell been OLD for awhile) I had fun. ;-) peace

B'day Post....

...yes today (yesterday?) was my birthday, I had a good time. Ok, my friend Mecca came over and we went to a casino and on the way back, we passed through Drytown. For real, that was the name of the town, Drytown! Our first inclination was to speed through it! but then we saw a bar called Drytown Pub, so yeah...we stopped. It's logo? Find The Wet Spot in Drytown!! LOL for real! We found it, they were so nice there. Mecca is black, I'm native and yeah...we are definitely a mixed couple. So we walked in and there are like five people, all white...that's cool..we are open minded! :) They were so friendly though and there was a band that was playing blues, it was a good time. I think the population of Drytown is like 45! They were nice though, so we stayed for a minute and then came back to Sacramento, where we went to Happy Bar. Um that bar was Happy but only had like 7 people, 5 of them neither of us liked that! So we headed out and went to another spot, called Your Place...that was cool...they had Karaoke and some cute men. Then we got bored and went to Louies, but they wanted a 10 dollar cover, um, no not for Louies! So we went to a billiard hall and that is where we ended our night! I had fun, she was hit on... I was hit on...a nice b'day actually. So good night to all, and even though I am officially old (oh hell been OLD for awhile) I had fun. ;-) peace




Saturday, August 11, 2007

Creating A 3-D Stretcher Framework: My Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Yesterday was another very productive day for me. Here's a photo of Jay Rolfe creating a stretcher framework for a new 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting. Notice I'm wearing my new red leather belt which I had made by Jeremy Bond at Champaign Leather in Burlington Vt. He has also made things for members of the rock band Phish and for Lyle Lovett. The red belt (and yellow shirt) is in line with my love of bright and primary colors!

That's the latest step of Jay Rolfe on his journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Friday, August 10, 2007

Happy Birthday

Today is my pops 60th Birthday. Happy Birthday Dad. Love you.


The Peanut Gallery should chime in here, especially the ones that dined with me at Hook. I'm not going to be subtle with you, you two.

How fancy am I! My new description should be Recent Diner at Hip New Georgetown Eatery.

Went to Hook for Restaurant Week and we were all very pleased! The menu had a lot of different options, both for the fish-eater and his/her potentially non-fish-eating companion.

I wasn't feeling so hot, but I wouldn't dare cancel such a prime RW lunch. Sacrifice is necessary for greatness. Food greatness, that is.

I started with a local garden salad, no frills. It was delicious! The vinaigrette had such a lovely flavor, and it wasn't overwhelming (or drenching) my vegetables. The greenery was unlike any lettuce I've ever seen--I was nervous when I first eyed it that it would taste bitter, but it didn't at all. It reminded me of a tangle of clovers. Also, unlike my lunch at PS7's, my salad had more than one pine nut in it!

My fellow diners enjoyed the beet salad and the peach and prosciutto salad. On a regular healthy day I probably would have went for the peach, too. The beets were orange, which was a fun surprise, I think. There were other various salads and two "Flight of Crudo" choices. In our educational portion of the lunch, we learned from our friendly server that crudo is a bite of raw fish usually oiled and seasoned, and the flight comes with three.

For our entrees we got the wahoo (served over corn), barracuda (not the one you're thinking of, that one is poisonous to eat--but this is still rare for a restaurant) over polenta, and MUSSELS! The orange-red sauce on the mussels was described on the menu as having some fire, but I didn't really taste any heat. They did have a delicious smoky sort of flavor that I'm not used to having with my mussels--I expect either garlicky white wine-ness or red tomatoeyness. I'm not HUGE on spicy food, but I've come to appreciate that there is a time and a place for those flavors, and these mussels could have been kicked up a little bit. The sauce was delicious, and the perfect pieces of accompanying toast work well for sopping it up.

If you or someone you know doesn't eat fish, they had a hamburger and fries on the RW menu! Hah!

The service at Hook was very prompt. While we (not impatiently) waited for our first course, someone dropped by and asked if we had received our appetizers yet. When we said no, they came about a minute later. Some confusion, but at least they were paying attention to our table. Our glasses were kept full with iced water, and on a day where the temperature probably peaked at close to 100, hydration is a priority.

The space is pretty small but doesn't seem crowded because of the high-ish ceilings and open kitchen. When you walk in you can see straight back into the kitchen, making the restaurant seem larger than it actually is. I love the art on the walls (particularly one of a clam where you can see the blue, spotted interior of the shell) and the light fixtures. The long, tall table by the bar looks like a fun place to gather with friends after work.

Gripes: It is LOUD in there. Pretty on par with Central for loudness, and this was during a pretty busy but not totally wild lunch time--I can't imagine, nor do I want to, what it sounds like when the bar is full. The bathrooms are single-stall, and more than once I saw three or four girls go at once, only to realize it's just one, and then wait outside. Luckily, the bathroom has its own little enclave so the waiting people weren't hovering over another table.

3241 M Street NW
Metro: Take the bus, Circulator, walk from Foggy Bottom on the Blue/Orange line, or take a shuttle from Foggy Bottom or Rosslyn station.

Stretching Canvas: My Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Yesterday was very productive for me. Here's a photo of Jay Rolfe stretching canvas over one of his unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings.

That's the latest step of Jay Rolfe on his journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Well early in the morning around 12:58am there was a 4.6 Earthquake in Chatsworth, it's about 20 miles NW of where I live. I had gone to bed around midnight and was just about to fall asleep when the bed shook hard, there was just one big jolt. It's wasn't very long but did keep me up for another hour wondering if this was the first of many... luckly it was the only big one.

Creating again: My journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Back from vacation, Jay Rolfe is creating, creating, creating. Actually, I have to reestablish the habit of blogging. Here's a photo of Jay Rolfe cutting canvas to stretch over one of his unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings.

That's the latest step of Jay Rolfe on his journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings on his website at

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

More Importantly....

...I love the Eyes below, and the men and I've posted...thoughts on lunch with my mom and my friend being jumped...all good (to me). Scott is back. I cower in awe. ;-) bout time the bitch is back...taking time off to "find himself" you know he took some bad peyote from them southwestern Natives and has been tripping for two months!! ;-) peace

More Importantly....

...I love the Eyes below, and the men and I've posted...thoughts on lunch with my mom and my friend being jumped...all good (to me). Scott is back. I cower in awe. ;-) bout time the bitch is back...taking time off to "find himself" you know he took some bad peyote from them southwestern Natives and has been tripping for two months!! ;-) peace

More Importantly....

...I love the Eyes below, and the men and I've posted...thoughts on lunch with my mom and my friend being jumped...all good (to me). Scott is back. I cower in awe. ;-) bout time the bitch is back...taking time off to "find himself" you know he took some bad peyote from them southwestern Natives and has been tripping for two months!! ;-) peace

It's All About the Eyes

Been awhile since I posted some nice eyes!! I took the day off, had a dentist appointment and then decided to go visit my parents. It was a good day. I took my mom to lunch at an Indian restaurant (no, not MY type of India) mom had never tasted curry before...and she no longer eats hot foods. So uh her response "this is hot!, why am I's like my brain is on fire!" LMAO, I love my mom. She trooped on though and she ate almost everything on her plate. Since it was a buffet I went up and got more chili chicken, butter chicken, lentil curry and lentil soup. She um, she went and got white rice, some lettuce and tomatoes and tandoori chicken with no sauce. You have to remember my mom is from the reservation and has never really tried any other type of foods. I introduced her to Won Ton soup about 6 years ago and she loves it! LOL, next weekend I'm thinking of taking her to Mongolian BBQ.
Enjoy the pics and hope everyone is having a good week. ;-) peace