Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fast and Foreign Fiction Writing Contest (June 2007)

As writers we have a wonderful array of locations to set our fiction in. This month Echelon Press challenges you to step outside your comfortable neighborhood and take us to someplace foreign. We want you to send us your stories of the unique and exotic, the bold and adventurous, the mystical and romantic. Take us far away. We want to read your stories that take place anywhere outside of the United States. For some this may mean where you live, but not where live!

Every author at every level should be committed to keeping their name in front of readers. Are you looking for your first publishing credit? Are you between books? Looking for a way to revive characters from books that have been out for a while? Want to introduce new characters for upcoming books? Looking for a way to build your readership? Have we got a promotional opportunity for you!

Echelon Press would like to publish your "Fast and Foreign" June story. The fast part means you have until June 11, 2007 to submit your story of 3000-6000 words. The winner will be notified by June 12, 2007 and have 5 days to edit/revise the story. Echelon Press will publish your story in its e-book division on June 18, 2007. Simple!

Send your submissions as a Word (doc) attachment to Your cover letter should be in the body of an e-mail. Cover letters that do not adhere to professional standards will disqualify the submission from further consideration.

Our only real request is that the setting, anyplace outside of the United States be the catalyst for your story! You pick the genre. Stories must adhere to the following guidelines.

Standard Manuscript format:
 File saved in Word format (.doc) or (.rtf)
 8 ½ x 11 page
 Times New Roman 12pt font/black
 1-inch margin on all sides/ 1.5 line spacing
 Align text left, do not justify (aligning text both left and right)
 Header containing title, author name, and page number
 Capital letters at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns
 Indent new paragraphs .3. Do not add blank line between paragraphs.
 Show scene breaks with * * * * centered in the appropriate line.

All cover letters must include:
 Name (and pseudonym if applicable)
 Mailing address
 Phone number
 E-mail address (required)
 Web address (required)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

ooooh shit, POPPIN!

ok who remembers poppin...well this is asian style and they do it good!! ;-) peace

ooooh shit, POPPIN!

ok who remembers poppin...well this is asian style and they do it good!! ;-) peace

ooooh shit, POPPIN!

ok who remembers poppin...well this is asian style and they do it good!! ;-) peace

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Double Beat...

...hi all, how is everything? Life is good here, had a great weekend but back at work now. It is still busy with training but I like it. Found this new video it is considered Women's Fancy but it has a Double Beat...pretty cool, I've never seen it though.

Double Beat...

...hi all, how is everything? Life is good here, had a great weekend but back at work now. It is still busy with training but I like it. Found this new video it is considered Women's Fancy but it has a Double Beat...pretty cool, I've never seen it though.

Double Beat...

...hi all, how is everything? Life is good here, had a great weekend but back at work now. It is still busy with training but I like it. Found this new video it is considered Women's Fancy but it has a Double Beat...pretty cool, I've never seen it though.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Boniva with Sally Field!

why? why? why? She is such a great actress!! Why?!!! Ok you know what, she really believes in this product and that is WHY....I think. ;-)peace

Boniva with Sally Field!

why? why? why? She is such a great actress!! Why?!!! Ok you know what, she really believes in this product and that is WHY....I think. ;-)peace

Boniva with Sally Field!

why? why? why? She is such a great actress!! Why?!!! Ok you know what, she really believes in this product and that is WHY....I think. ;-)peace

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Star Wars Celebration IV

Star Wars Weekend!!!!

So I was lucky enough to attend Star Wars Celebration IV for two of they six days it was here in Los Angeles. I went Saturday and both Harry and I went Sunday. It was a great time. Lot's of people, costumes and things to do. Check out my website and click on the convention tab and go to the bottom of the page and read my report on C4 and see tons of pictures.

Bang Up Party

Although my latest book hit the market a few weeks ago, I launched it last night with a bang up party right on the beach. Great food, live music, ocean breeze, friends, family... I couldn’t have asked for a better time. Here’s a pic:

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Crow Hop!!

I may have posted this before, not sure....the last part is what we call the crow hop! enjoy ;-) peace

Crow Hop!!

I may have posted this before, not sure....the last part is what we call the crow hop! enjoy ;-) peace

Crow Hop!!

I may have posted this before, not sure....the last part is what we call the crow hop! enjoy ;-) peace

Friday, May 25, 2007

Channing Tatum

I'm watching Step Up....a cute movie, but more importantly...Channing Tatum is hot!! In the movie he doesn't look like he would be a person who models. He does photograph well though...enjoy the pics ;-) peace

Channing Tatum

I'm watching Step Up....a cute movie, but more importantly...Channing Tatum is hot!! In the movie he doesn't look like he would be a person who models. He does photograph well though...enjoy the pics ;-) peace

Channing Tatum

I'm watching Step Up....a cute movie, but more importantly...Channing Tatum is hot!! In the movie he doesn't look like he would be a person who models. He does photograph well though...enjoy the pics ;-) peace

Happy 30th Star Wars

Today marks the 30th anniversary of one of my all time favorite movies and series, I can't believe it's been 30 wonder years. I was six going on seven years old when I saw this space movie for the first time. As soon as the little ship being fired on came across the screen followed by the really, really big ship I was hooked. Seeing Darth Vader walk through the blasted door was amazing and it only got better from there. Star Wars started me on my path to Geekhood. Star Wars has shaped my life so much, that I couldn't imagine my life without it. It was Star Wars action figures that began my now very large toy collection. Star Wars let my imagination soar and started my love of sci fi and fantasy. Star Wars was and is simply the best, and will forever be a huge part of my life and I wouldn't want it any other way.


Rolling Sculpture. Red Ferrari Enzo Upstaged!

This is part of the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some completed expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at

It’s not often that a red Ferrari Enzo gets upstaged! Yet it happened and I witnessed it on Saturday morning, April 21, at 7:00 a.m. at the weekly Cars & Coffee show in Irvine CA, the successor to Crystal Cove Car Show in Newport Beach CA.

I go to southern California about twice a year from my home in West Chester PA, and I make it a point to get up early Saturday morning and go to the car event. This time I took my daughter and she loved it. The last time I went, last October 14, happened to be the last time at Crystal Cove, as the landlord of the Crystal Cove Promenade strip mall pulled the welcome mat.

The same red Ferrari Enzo was the most photographed car that Saturday at Crystal Cove. And there were some even rarer cars that day. There was beautiful silver Saleen S7 (just like the one I saw last week at the Saleen showroom at the Irvine Spectrum Mall). And Henrik Fisker brought a beautiful blue Fisker Tramonto with all the Kleeman engine mods (610 hp, 650 lb-ft) for an Illinois owner, and talked up his cars. Fisker told me it was the latest one and only number 11 off the production line in Milan Italy. Both Fisker and Saleen have HQ’s in Irvine.

You’re probably wondering what could upstage the red Enzo. It was another spectacular red Ferrari, a 2003 Formula 1 race car, S/N F2003GA/R16. The F2003-GA is the model that won Ferrari’s 5th straight Constructor’s title and earned Michael Schumacher his 6th Driver’s title. I’ve seen them at the racetrack and on TV, but I’ve never done the pit walk at Monaco or Indy, so the closest I’ve been is in the grandstand. Up close they are even lower, narrower, and more fragile than they look on TV. The wheels are only 13” and the cockpit looks so small it’s a wonder the driver can fit in at all, let alone move his hands and feet. The race commentators talk about the carbon fiber suspension, but I never imagined it was so delicate. A beautiful work of art!

There were about 100 cars exhibited, although the regulars said it was a light day, and it certainly would have been light at Crystal Cove. There was a black Ferrari F430, silver F430 Spider, and a number of Ferrari 355’s and Ferrari 308’s. There was a stunning black Lamborghini Diablo with a dramatic black and yellow leather interior. Porsche was represented by a black GT3, various Carrera 4S’s, Carrera 4’s, 911’s, 356’s, and even a beautiful mid-50’s Speedster with a nifty hardtop.

A big hit was a new Audi R8 which looked beautiful in medium gray with a silver accent panel. And seeing the new Audi TT in the sheet metal shows that the TT really has grown up. BMW was well represented with a Z9, and lots of other beautiful cars. Two Ford GT’s attended, an all black model and a white with blue stripe model. There were several vintage Cobras, both 427’s and 289’s, and lots of Mustangs. There was a Maybach, the family car carrying the wife and kids of the Enzo driver, and a Bentley Continental GT equipped with 2 car seats in the back. There was a classic Jaguar 150 coupe, a classic finned Chrysler 300, a classic Dodge Charger R/T, several old VW Beetles, a new Lotus Elise, and many more too numerous to mention.

What was missing because it was a light day? If it was your first time there you wouldn’t notice that anything was missing. It had rained hard the day before, a rarity for this area. Maybe that’s what kept away the dozen F430’s and 360 Modena’s, a couple of 360 Challenge Stradale’s, and the 3-4 Lamborghini Murcielago’s and 6-8 Gallardo’s that graced each Crystal Cove event I attended. Hopefully it was just an off day, not the 20 minute drive from Newport Beach or the lack of Starbucks’ cappuccino that kept them away.

Cars & Coffee features whatever shows up, but mostly exotics, foreign, and classic cars, at 7905 Gateway Blvd, Irvine CA. Up the coast in Huntington Beach (Surf City USA) there’s another event at the same time which features, so I’m told, mostly muscle cars, hot rods, and classics. So there’s a lot for car buffs to choose from on Saturday mornings in Orange County CA!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Violent Femmes

ok I'm dating myself here, but who remembers the violent femmes? I love this song of theirs, I'm not sure what the lady is saying at the end, but I'm sure it's good!! ;-) peace

Violent Femmes

ok I'm dating myself here, but who remembers the violent femmes? I love this song of theirs, I'm not sure what the lady is saying at the end, but I'm sure it's good!! ;-) peace

Violent Femmes

ok I'm dating myself here, but who remembers the violent femmes? I love this song of theirs, I'm not sure what the lady is saying at the end, but I'm sure it's good!! ;-) peace

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Star Wars Movie Marathon

Well I wasn't lucky enough to attend this event but my brother did and he would call me after every movie. For the first time in the history of the world they screened Star Wars Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 back to back for seventeen hours. It was in celebration of Star Wars 30th anniversary. May 25 marks it official day and this weekend in Los Angeles is the big Celebration IV Star Wars Convention. I will be attending only Saturday and Sunday unlike my brother who took vacation time and is attending all six days. So for now I am living vicariously through him. Sounds like the movies were great.

Happy Hump Day! is everyone? Life is wonderful here, work has been crazy then slow, and now it's picking up again. My cube is still gray I need to fix it up but not sure how..zen? :) here are some pretty things to look at while I decide. ;-) peace

Happy Hump Day! is everyone? Life is wonderful here, work has been crazy then slow, and now it's picking up again. My cube is still gray I need to fix it up but not sure how..zen? :) here are some pretty things to look at while I decide. ;-) peace

Happy Hump Day! is everyone? Life is wonderful here, work has been crazy then slow, and now it's picking up again. My cube is still gray I need to fix it up but not sure how..zen? :) here are some pretty things to look at while I decide. ;-) peace

New video for my website.

Jay Rolfe had video taken as he created a 3DSSC painting titled "Girls Just Want To Have Fun," a bright fuchsia stiletto pump 8 feet high and 8 feet wide. I started editing the video today, and will put it on my website in the near future.

This is the latest step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some completed expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Shrek The Third

Well we just got back from watching Shrek The Third. We really enjoyed it, the story was very simple. The Frog King dies and Shriek is next in line to be the king, of course he doesn't want it and finds out that there is one other person, Arthur so he goes to get him, while he is gone Prince Charming gathers all the villains and attacks Far Far Away taking over. There were alot of laughs and some very memorable moments.. my favorite being Snow White and her song of attack. Also the Ogre babies are the cutest thing. The movie just flies by it's about 90 minutes. If you liked the first two Shrek you'll enjoy this one. As with the other two Shreks this one has an underlying message of not be limited by how people think of you.

"Beach Tan"

This is the latest on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some completed expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at

Here's a photo of Jay Rolfe's new 3DSSC (3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas) painting titled "Beach Tan." It's one of my new "smaller" paintings, 72 inches (6 feet) high, smaller than a similar one I created at 96 inches (8 feet) high. This new "smaller" size will fit into a home with 8 or 9 foot ceilings. At this size, it's an "Uplifting Conversation Piece For Your Home."

Monday, May 21, 2007


Well it's been two years since we rescue Daisy from the pound... two years of not going to Vegas, two years of not taking a vacation, two years of being pretty much restricted on where we could go and for how long. But with that said we wouldn't want it any other way. Daisy has brought so much joy and love into our lives. She loves us unconditionally. She greets us with enthusiasm even if we are gone for just five minutes. Not that she can't be a pain in the butt sometimes.. we still love her and wouldn't change her for anything.

Completing paintings ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Jay Rolfe has completed another new painting. He'll post some photos soon. Meanwhile, here's a photo of the painting jigs and some of the body parts for paintings that are part of Jay Rolfe's 3-D "Adam and Eve" series.

You can see some completed expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at That's the latest step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Music Sundays...

....I couldn't think of anything new, so I am going to post another video of Fancy Shawl Dancing... ;-) peace

Music Sundays...

....I couldn't think of anything new, so I am going to post another video of Fancy Shawl Dancing... ;-) peace

Music Sundays...

....I couldn't think of anything new, so I am going to post another video of Fancy Shawl Dancing... ;-) peace

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happy Birthday

Just want to wish some people a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY...

Uncle Robert... I know we don't see each other very much but I think of you guys often.

Tim - Even though we are on different continents and never met in person you are still one of my favorite people to talk to... some day will meet face to face.

Christopher - My buddy, I know the past few years we haven't seen each other as much as I would like but always know you are in my thoughts.