Monday, April 30, 2007

New paintings in the works ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Today Jay Rolfe cut the wood for stretcher frameworks for 3 new 3DSSC (3-D shaped stretched canvas) paintings. It was a beautiful day outside, sunny, breezy, and in the high 70's. I moved my saws and saw horses outside to the driveway and worked near the beautiful crabapple tree in full bloom. It was a glorious afternoon. You can see some completed expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at

Last Wednesday when I was in Washington DC, I went to the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden and the Hirshhorn Museum Sculpture Garden. I love large outdoor sculpture. Both Sculpture Gardens were fantastic. The Hirshhorn had 2 of my favorite Auguste Rodin Sculptures, "Monument To Blazac" and "Burghers of Calais." Both are also in the collection of the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia, the second largest collection of Rodin sculptures in the world after the Rodin Museum in Paris. I also recall seeing "Burghers of Calais" at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena CA. There were a number of beautiful Henry Moore sculptures. I liked Arnaldo Pomodoro's bronze "Sphere No. 6" at the Hirshhorn. I also liked "Nymph" by Aristide Maillol. I've seen several similar, at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and LACMA.

That's today's step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Music Sunday!

Hello all! Tomorrow means back to work (well for most of you, not me, I'm still on "hiatus!") but my second interview is Tuesday so this may be my last free Sunday for awhile. So I'm thinking on Sundays when families are having picnics and people are going to church and men with big bellies are watching football...well, I'm thinking pics of hot men may not be appropriate. So, how about music videos of the latest and greatest (and I'll try not to play mainstream Beyonce shit!), oh...and hey, if they have hot men in them...oh's still music! Today though, is an animation of a song I love called Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John. It kind of reminds me of the 80's and yes I am an 80's child (Yaz, DM, Communards, Real Life etc.) alternative, new wave, mod 80's...that was me. Hmm...maybe I'll have an 80's day too. Which reminds me, can someone please tell me how to stream music on my blog? Or maybe stream is not the word, but be able to play music on my blog? Thanks for any help! have a great night! ;-) peace

Music Sunday!

Hello all! Tomorrow means back to work (well for most of you, not me, I'm still on "hiatus!") but my second interview is Tuesday so this may be my last free Sunday for awhile. So I'm thinking on Sundays when families are having picnics and people are going to church and men with big bellies are watching football...well, I'm thinking pics of hot men may not be appropriate. So, how about music videos of the latest and greatest (and I'll try not to play mainstream Beyonce shit!), oh...and hey, if they have hot men in them...oh's still music! Today though, is an animation of a song I love called Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John. It kind of reminds me of the 80's and yes I am an 80's child (Yaz, DM, Communards, Real Life etc.) alternative, new wave, mod 80's...that was me. Hmm...maybe I'll have an 80's day too. Which reminds me, can someone please tell me how to stream music on my blog? Or maybe stream is not the word, but be able to play music on my blog? Thanks for any help! have a great night! ;-) peace

Music Sunday!

Hello all! Tomorrow means back to work (well for most of you, not me, I'm still on "hiatus!") but my second interview is Tuesday so this may be my last free Sunday for awhile. So I'm thinking on Sundays when families are having picnics and people are going to church and men with big bellies are watching football...well, I'm thinking pics of hot men may not be appropriate. So, how about music videos of the latest and greatest (and I'll try not to play mainstream Beyonce shit!), oh...and hey, if they have hot men in them...oh's still music! Today though, is an animation of a song I love called Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John. It kind of reminds me of the 80's and yes I am an 80's child (Yaz, DM, Communards, Real Life etc.) alternative, new wave, mod 80's...that was me. Hmm...maybe I'll have an 80's day too. Which reminds me, can someone please tell me how to stream music on my blog? Or maybe stream is not the word, but be able to play music on my blog? Thanks for any help! have a great night! ;-) peace

Doggie Doctor & Magic Mountain

Today was a busy day.. first thing in the morning we took Daisy for her regular checkup. All is well with her. After that Harry and I went to our favorite amusement park "Magic Mountain" and spent five hour going on nine rollar coasters. We had a great time but really feel the effects of getting older... oh well such is life. We had a great time.

Jasper Johns ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Jay Rolfe went to the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC on Wednesday to see the Jasper Johns exhibit, "Jasper Johns: An Allegory of Painting, 1955-1965." It closes today. It's wonderful to go mid-week, as there were very few visitors and I could park on the street in front of the National Gallery! The exhibit was ambitious in its exploration of 4 motifs of Johns' first decade, although it didn't include all of his motifs, notably leaving out maps and numbers. It was amazing to see so many variations all in one place, and of course there are others that weren't in the exhibit. I left with a greater appreciation of Jasper Johns as an artist and as an influence on subsequent painting. Here's a link to the National Gallery page on the exhibit.

At the same time, the National Gallery also had a large print exbibit titled "States and Variations: Prints by Jasper Johns." As had the painting exhibit, the print exhibit focused on 4 motifs, albeit different motifs than the painting exhibit. And the time frame was different, starting in 1960 with about 2/3 of the works from the 1960's, with the rest from the 1970's except one from 1982. It was an education. Here'a a link to the National Gallery page on the print exhibit.

You can see some expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at That's the next step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hirshhorn Museum ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

You can see some expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at

On Wednesday I went to the National Gallery and Sculpture Garden and the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. As I related in my post on April 25, 2007, I saw the same light sculpture by Robert Irwin at the Orange County Museum of Art in Newport Beach CA on Friday, and 5 days later at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC, and they looked different because of the intensity of the lighting. Here are photos and links to the two works, first at Orange County and then at the Hirshhorn. The Orange County photo is on the left, and the Hirshhorn photo on the right.

I like the one at the Hirshhorn more, as the work recedes or merges more into the background so it's hard to tell what is acrylic disk and what is shadow on the wall (the disk and shadows together make up the work). I hope you can see the difference from the photos.

That's the next step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Hello Everyone... hiatus is coming to an end soon. First of all, my dream to become a bartender may be put on hold. I have a second interview with Intel this coming week, so I was thinking I may have to put bartending school off. I've had a great week, it's almost over and I am sad to say that I will miss being in the sun in the middle of the day! I hope everyone had a great week and an even better weekend! ;-) peace
oh, so um, I feel like being a bit enjoy! I may make this a "weekend" thing. Let me know what you think.

Hello Everyone... hiatus is coming to an end soon. First of all, my dream to become a bartender may be put on hold. I have a second interview with Intel this coming week, so I was thinking I may have to put bartending school off. I've had a great week, it's almost over and I am sad to say that I will miss being in the sun in the middle of the day! I hope everyone had a great week and an even better weekend! ;-) peace
oh, so um, I feel like being a bit enjoy! I may make this a "weekend" thing. Let me know what you think.

Hello Everyone... hiatus is coming to an end soon. First of all, my dream to become a bartender may be put on hold. I have a second interview with Intel this coming week, so I was thinking I may have to put bartending school off. I've had a great week, it's almost over and I am sad to say that I will miss being in the sun in the middle of the day! I hope everyone had a great week and an even better weekend! ;-) peace
oh, so um, I feel like being a bit enjoy! I may make this a "weekend" thing. Let me know what you think.

Just another week!!

Just another week... My job is quiet at the moment, which is nice. Still looking for a house to rent, but haven't had any luck so far. Harry is doing well. Daisy is fine.

Annie Leibovitz Exhibit in San Diego ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

You can see some expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at

Jay Rolfe went to the Annie Leibovitz exhibit, "A Photographer's Life, 1990-2005," at the San Diego Museum of Art last Saturday. It was a beautiful day following lots of rain on Friday. My daughter and I started out with automotive art at 7:00 am at the Cars & Coffee Show in Irving CA. Lamborghini Diablo, Ferrari Enzo, Ferrari F430 coupe and spider, Ferrari 355's, Ferrari 308's, Porsche GT3, Ford GT's, classic American fins. Lots of beautiful rolling sculptures. Perhaps the most amazing was the Ferrari F2003-GA Formula 1 race car. It's one of the ones that won Ferrari's 5th straight Constructor's Championship and that Michael Schumacher used to win his 6th Driver's title. Then off to San Diego.

San Diego's museums (aside from the Museum of Contemporary Art) and zoo are all in Balboa Park right next to each other. There was a beautiful Botanical Garden like a small Longwood Gardens. The Timken Museum of Art was a surprise because I hadn't heard of it and it had a good collection of European paintings and Russian icons. There were nice portraits by Veneto, Hals, Maes, Rubens (, David, Largillierre, and Copley. The Rembrandt portrait didn't seem up to his usual standard. We saw nice landscapes by Bruegel The Elder, Van Ruisdael, Boucher, Lorrain, Corot, Fragonard, and Innes. I was impressed by religious paintings by Veronese, Christus, and De Witte ( The gold on the Russian icons, both panels and alterpieces, was dazzling. Here's a link to its website. And I've copied the Rubens portrait here on the left.

We finally got to the Leibovitz exhibit at the San Diego Museum of Art. It was huge and well-attended and included celebrity portraits as well as intimate family snaps and a few landscapes. It closed Sunday, so we just made it. I liked many of the portraits, especially Mick Jagger, Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman, Mikhail Baryshnikov, and Brad Pitt. Here's a link to some info. The 3 photos on the right are from the exhibit.
After that we went to Coronado Island beach and Hotel. Then we went back to Newport Beach for dinner with my lovely wife. Later, my wife Randy and I went to a dance party. It was a long and fun day!

That's the next step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso.

High speed rocks!

I just want to say, high speed rocks Twinkies!

I can’t believe I’ve been on dial up all this time. If I only would’ve known the beauty of high speed...ohhh, the possibilities.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Orange County Museum of Art ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

You can see some expressions of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea on his website at

I took 5 days of rest and relaxation on the West Coast. One of the things I did on Friday was visit the Orange County Museum of Art in Newport Beach CA. They were showing a huge exhibit, which ended Sunday, of Chuck Close prints titled Chuck Close: Prints, Process and Collaboration. It featured "100 works dating from 1972 to 2002, illustrating the artist’s range of invention in etching, aquatint, lithography, handmade paper, direct gravure, silkscreen, traditional Japanese woodcut, and reduction linocut." There was a great deal of detail about the processes used and many proofs were exhibited showing the process that then combined to make up the finished image. It was quite interesting. As about half of the Chuck Close paintings I've seen have been self-portraits, it was nice to see an image of his wife, the first I've seen. Here's the link to the Chuck Close exhibit, although other than a summary it seems to be under construction now.

In the Imaging + Imagining California exhibit, basically a retrospective of 20th century California art, one of the works that impressed me was Robert Irwin's Untitled (#2220) from 1969. It was a 54" in diameter convex circular disk made of white cast acrylic with a silver stripe painted horizontally across it. It is mounted about 2 feet out from the wall and is lit with 4 lights, one high and one low on each side. The effect of the shadows is to make what appears to be 5 (or perhaps 7) overlapping circles on the wall, including the disk. The funny thing is that today I saw the same piece at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC! And it looked different because of the different intensity of the lights! Here's the link.

There was also an exhibit of titled Dennis Hopper: Billboard Paintings and Photographs. They were nice black and white photos of his actor friends from the early days, as well as some iconic images of LA in those days.

That's the next step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Ok, I love me some Mo'Nique...big time. I just saw her special "I could have been your been Cellmate" and it was great. She was funny as shit and yet I still cried seeing them women in prison. Check it out, it's worth it...Mo'Nique

;-) peace


Ok, I love me some Mo'Nique...big time. I just saw her special "I could have been your been Cellmate" and it was great. She was funny as shit and yet I still cried seeing them women in prison. Check it out, it's worth it...Mo'Nique

;-) peace


Ok, I love me some Mo'Nique...big time. I just saw her special "I could have been your been Cellmate" and it was great. She was funny as shit and yet I still cried seeing them women in prison. Check it out, it's worth it...Mo'Nique

;-) peace

I'm kind of on vacation!

So I decided to put bartending school off for a week and just chill this week, it has been great. I am doing nothing, I'm also finding I'm not the type of person to just do nothng, but I am 1 disc away from finishing the second season of Charmed! :-) I've been to the gym, a drive in the hills, casino, a movie etc. I'm getting bored now! lol
hope everyone is doing well! ;-) peace

I'm kind of on vacation!

So I decided to put bartending school off for a week and just chill this week, it has been great. I am doing nothing, I'm also finding I'm not the type of person to just do nothng, but I am 1 disc away from finishing the second season of Charmed! :-) I've been to the gym, a drive in the hills, casino, a movie etc. I'm getting bored now! lol
hope everyone is doing well! ;-) peace

I'm kind of on vacation!

So I decided to put bartending school off for a week and just chill this week, it has been great. I am doing nothing, I'm also finding I'm not the type of person to just do nothng, but I am 1 disc away from finishing the second season of Charmed! :-) I've been to the gym, a drive in the hills, casino, a movie etc. I'm getting bored now! lol
hope everyone is doing well! ;-) peace

Monday, April 23, 2007

Heroes is back!!!!

After a seven week haitus Heroes is back. I have been loving this series so I was very excited to finally see a new episode after seven weeks and it didn't disappoint. This series has something happening in every scene on screen. Unlike another favorite tv show that I really enjoy Lost, which leaves with you more questions then answers. Heroes has not fallen into that trap. Heroes has secrets but they tend to give more answers before asking more questions. I love this series.

Summer Fun!

Parents, are your kids tired of reading off "THE LIST?" With summer quickly approaching, would all you tweens like to read something just for fun? And NOT have to take a test when you're finished? I'm not against the accelerated reader list, but, I hear so many complaints about the books that students HAVE to read. How about reading something just for "pure enjoyment?"

Hurry to your favorite bookstore, or order online:

Cynthia's Attic: The Missing Locket and Cynthia's Attic:The Magic Medallion.

Imagine the fun of meeting your twelve-year-old grandmother!

"A fantastic time travel fantasy that middle school children will treasure. The escapades of Gus and Cynthia grip the audience…with humor and trepidation, but always with fun… Readers will appreciate time traveling with this dynamic duo…." –Midwest Book Review

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Toy Room Clean Up

Well I spent this weekend cleaning/organizing my toy room. The past few months I have gotten a ton of new toys and have let my toy room fall apart. I just have too many toys to display. At the moment there are a ton of action figures on the floor, which I hate but unless I box the figures up they will have to sit on the floor for the time being. It took me two days but my toy room looks AWESOME again. I took video of it and when I'm done editing it I'll post it online for all to see.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

One more day...

...I'm not sure if I mentioned but tomorrow I will have no job. This assignment ends on Friday. While I am sad to go because I have made some very nice friends here, I need a break. 7mos. with no time off, I need a few days. So my next move? Bartending School. I mean why not? I have always wanted to try it and I love talking to people and if you get a good gig, the money can be great. So yeah, bartending college here I come. Of course if I don't like it, I can always go back in the office. If you've been regular reader you will see that I really like the blue collar work, last year I was so excited to become a waiter/server and I really enjoyed it! That was back in S. Dakota and I had so much fun! The thing is, well it wasn't as lucrative as I thought. I have champagne tastes but it's hard on a beer budget. So we'll give this a go round and see what comes of it. Hope everyone has had a good week so far and even better rest of the week! Oh this fine specimen of a William Levy, I've posted him before but I found some new pics...good lawd, it's a sin to be that beautiful!! ;-) peace

One more day...

...I'm not sure if I mentioned but tomorrow I will have no job. This assignment ends on Friday. While I am sad to go because I have made some very nice friends here, I need a break. 7mos. with no time off, I need a few days. So my next move? Bartending School. I mean why not? I have always wanted to try it and I love talking to people and if you get a good gig, the money can be great. So yeah, bartending college here I come. Of course if I don't like it, I can always go back in the office. If you've been regular reader you will see that I really like the blue collar work, last year I was so excited to become a waiter/server and I really enjoyed it! That was back in S. Dakota and I had so much fun! The thing is, well it wasn't as lucrative as I thought. I have champagne tastes but it's hard on a beer budget. So we'll give this a go round and see what comes of it. Hope everyone has had a good week so far and even better rest of the week! Oh this fine specimen of a William Levy, I've posted him before but I found some new pics...good lawd, it's a sin to be that beautiful!! ;-) peace

One more day...

...I'm not sure if I mentioned but tomorrow I will have no job. This assignment ends on Friday. While I am sad to go because I have made some very nice friends here, I need a break. 7mos. with no time off, I need a few days. So my next move? Bartending School. I mean why not? I have always wanted to try it and I love talking to people and if you get a good gig, the money can be great. So yeah, bartending college here I come. Of course if I don't like it, I can always go back in the office. If you've been regular reader you will see that I really like the blue collar work, last year I was so excited to become a waiter/server and I really enjoyed it! That was back in S. Dakota and I had so much fun! The thing is, well it wasn't as lucrative as I thought. I have champagne tastes but it's hard on a beer budget. So we'll give this a go round and see what comes of it. Hope everyone has had a good week so far and even better rest of the week! Oh this fine specimen of a William Levy, I've posted him before but I found some new pics...good lawd, it's a sin to be that beautiful!! ;-) peace