Saturday, March 31, 2007

Harry's 36th Birthday Dinner

It's become a tradition now to celebrate Harry's birthday at Outback Steakhouse. It's one of his favorite restaurants. So again this year friends and family gathered for this annual event. The service was good and the food was excellent. Last year Harry had the huge 20 oz Steak but this year he did Prime Rib. Friends Bruce, John, Moises, Mark and Tom along with my Dad joined in the party. Fun was had by all.. just keep John away from those Bloomin' Onions.

"Yellow Brick Road" ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Yes, Jay Rolfe is working on another "Yellow Brick Road" painting. I painted part of the mortar between the yellow bricks today, all in one direction. I'll do the other direction in a few days. Here's a photo of progress so far.

I also painted more of the swirling universe and some stars on the smaller "Black Hole" painting. I still have to find a title for it, and I'll probably name it after one of the many named black holes in the universe.

I spent 4 1/2 hours painting this afternoon. So this evening I'll take off and spend it with my fantastic wife Randy Rolfe (

That's today's step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some expressions of my unique artistic idea on my website at

Friday, March 30, 2007

Ode to Vanilla Ice...

...yes, I think he is HELLA FINE! Hey, I posted Kevin Federline before, I can do Vanilla Ice. Some pics, a video and thinking he should have been a model. ;-) peace

Ode to Vanilla Ice...

...yes, I think he is HELLA FINE! Hey, I posted Kevin Federline before, I can do Vanilla Ice. Some pics, a video and thinking he should have been a model. ;-) peace

Ode to Vanilla Ice...

...yes, I think he is HELLA FINE! Hey, I posted Kevin Federline before, I can do Vanilla Ice. Some pics, a video and thinking he should have been a model. ;-) peace

Gesso, painting, and discussion ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Yesterday afternoon I gessoed several canvases. Here's a photo of Jay Rolfe starting to apply the gesso.

In the evening I went to the Art Forum at Ben Gall's The Arts Scene. It was moderated by Jeff Schaller, a local pop artist. The biggest revelation to me was by David Oleski who said he has painted for the last 8 years in front of a live video cam which streams to his website,! I showed my new painting "Attraction."

This morning I finished the gessoing I started yesterday. Here's another photo.

This afternoon I worked on another smaller "Black Hole" painting. I've already painted the black hole, and here I'm painting the swirling universe around it. I still have to add the stars. Here's a photo of my progress.

That's today's step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some expressions of my unique artistic idea on my website at

I think I'm in love...

I got a new file cabinet a couple of days ago. You’d think I’d gotten the best present ever. I’ve spent days (am I’m not kidding you) organizing, re-organizing. I’ve been to Wally World to buy matching folders and labels—I’m such a dork.

Okay, I didn’t spend DAYS organizing. I don’t want to sound like Monk or anything. I’ve spent smidgens of time each day. And now I’m happy to say, its beautiful, its alphabetical, its color coordinated—I think I’m in love.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

"Attraction" and pinking shears ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Newsflash - Jay Rolfe assembled and completed his latest painting titled "Attraction" this beautiful morning. It's made up of 5 separate stretched canvases. When properly assembled, they form a rather well-loved symbol. Here's a photo of the assembly process. And one of cleanup, yes, that's part of being an artist too. Especially with my studio in my home. And finally a photo of "Attraction."

As you probably noticed, I went wild with the camera this morning. I like my posts better when they have photos, so maybe you will too. I hope so.

Do you know what pinking shears are? Who would have thought I'd be using them. They're scissors that cut in a zig-zag line which prevents the fabric, in this case canvas, from unraveling. They're great for cutting odd shapes of canvas for stretching. Very useful. I've been cutting and stretching more canvas this morning for other paintings you'll see soon.

That's most of this morning's step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some expressions of my unique artistic idea on my website at

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today's Weather...

...was cold! ugh! aren't we in summer yet?! Oh wait it's spring, but not in Cali..there are only two seasons...summer and winter! In any case, it was cold and gray this morning...but it got better. So I decided to stay at my job for three more weeks, as asked. I like the position, the people I work with etc. So why not? Happy Hump Day to all! ;-) peace

Today's Weather...

...was cold! ugh! aren't we in summer yet?! Oh wait it's spring, but not in Cali..there are only two seasons...summer and winter! In any case, it was cold and gray this morning...but it got better. So I decided to stay at my job for three more weeks, as asked. I like the position, the people I work with etc. So why not? Happy Hump Day to all! ;-) peace

Today's Weather...

...was cold! ugh! aren't we in summer yet?! Oh wait it's spring, but not in Cali..there are only two seasons...summer and winter! In any case, it was cold and gray this morning...but it got better. So I decided to stay at my job for three more weeks, as asked. I like the position, the people I work with etc. So why not? Happy Hump Day to all! ;-) peace

Jay Rolfe: Stretching canvas ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Today was another beautiful day. We have a couple of crocuses blooming by our mailbox! On our walk this morning we noticed that some neighbors even had daffodils blooming.

I went out and bought supplies for more paintings, and then cut and stretched canvas. Tonight I plan to take off and relax with my wife Randy Rolfe (

This is today's step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some expressions of my unique artistic idea on my website at

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jay Rolfe: My journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Yesterday Art Professor Virginia da Costa of West Chester University visited my studio and left a nice comment on yesterday's post on this blog. You can read it by clicking on the "comment" label at the bottom right.

I also talked some more with the reporter from the Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday. Apparently it won't be long before the article appears.

Today I worked on a couple of new paintings while some of the ones I was working on get dry enough to take the next step. It is a beautiful warm day today - my thermometer says 81 degrees at 6:00 p.m. - so I did errands in the car with the top down and worked outside awhile.

This is today's step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some expressions of my unique artistic idea on my website at

Monday, March 26, 2007

Harry's 36th Birthday

It's my favorite Austrian's 36th Birthday today. He's 36 years young and still as cute as ever. This morning I got up early and went to buy him some flowers, a dozen roses mixed with some summer flowers. I left them all arranged in a pretty vase on the dining table for him to see as soon as he came down stairs. I had to work but thought it would be nice to take him out of dinner after I got off. We were planning a trip to Outback Steak the following weekend for his Birthday Dinner with friends and family so we didn't want to do that again so he said how about Sizzler, we both really like Sizzler. So we ended up eating a late dinner at Sizzler, which was quite nice. All in all a quiet day for Harry's 36th Birthday. Oh BTW I am going to by Harry a new I Mac computer since he is tired of having his PC laptop.

Jay Rolfe: Multiple projects ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Don't you just love the future Jay Rolfe's projecting for himself? I do!

In my earlier post today, I mentioned my "drying rack" which allows me to move work in progress aside so I can work on other things while the work in progress dries enough for the next step. This is a partial and temporary solution to my limited work space. Well, I bought another shelf today. Here's a photo of parts of four projects on the drying rack.

I got word today that the article I was interviewed for may appear tomorrow in the Philadelphia Inquirer. I'm excited.

This is the next step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some expressions of my unique artistic idea on my website at

Jay Rolfe: More painting ... my journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso

Don't you just love the future Jay Rolfe's projecting for himself? I do!

On Thursday I took a step to solve part of my limited working space problem. I bought and assembled a set of shelves which I use as a drying rack to move wet paintings out of the way of other projects. It's working out well.

I painted a lot on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. Friday night my wife Randy Rolfe ( and I had dinner in Philadelphia at The Oceanaire Restaurant with a business associate of Randy's from out of town. We had fun. Then, for the first time in decades, I suffered from food poisoning. I had a rough middle of the night and Saturday morning. Then we visited out month old grandchild and our son and daughter-in-law. Then off to ballroom dancing, which we've done for more than a decade, with friends.

Sunday, yesterday, I painted before and after going to the open studio event of my fellow artist and friend Antonio Puri ( We had fun seeing some new work and a lot of artist friends.

This is the next step on the journey of Jay Rolfe From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You can see some expressions of my unique artistic idea on my website at

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Annnnd it's Sunday...

...weekend is over. I went out last night with my girl Mecca, it was her birthday. We had a great time, got tore up and had a lot of fun! Girl is crazy!! Woke up this morning with a mad hangover!! That always happens with her! She a bad influence, dang, bitch is older now...needs to restrain! :-) Ok here is the last of my faves...have a great Work Week! ;-) peace

Annnnd it's Sunday...

...weekend is over. I went out last night with my girl Mecca, it was her birthday. We had a great time, got tore up and had a lot of fun! Girl is crazy!! Woke up this morning with a mad hangover!! That always happens with her! She a bad influence, dang, bitch is older now...needs to restrain! :-) Ok here is the last of my faves...have a great Work Week! ;-) peace