Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Happy Hump Day...

...this week is kicking my ass! 10 hour days are the norm cool with that. It's a good learning experience though so I can't bitch to much though. The sad thing is? I'm missing my shows at night! Yes we have DVR but it's just not the same! It's like watching the superbowl the DAY! So I'm off to watch a DVD and just chill and let go of work and deadlines and all that other crap that makes up the American Dream...and just watch cute basketball players in Glory Road! ;-) peace!
and enjoy! (ok about the last pic...I dunno, but hey I like hair!) lol

Happy Hump Day...

...this week is kicking my ass! 10 hour days are the norm cool with that. It's a good learning experience though so I can't bitch to much though. The sad thing is? I'm missing my shows at night! Yes we have DVR but it's just not the same! It's like watching the superbowl the DAY! So I'm off to watch a DVD and just chill and let go of work and deadlines and all that other crap that makes up the American Dream...and just watch cute basketball players in Glory Road! ;-) peace!
and enjoy! (ok about the last pic...I dunno, but hey I like hair!) lol

Happy Hump Day...

...this week is kicking my ass! 10 hour days are the norm cool with that. It's a good learning experience though so I can't bitch to much though. The sad thing is? I'm missing my shows at night! Yes we have DVR but it's just not the same! It's like watching the superbowl the DAY! So I'm off to watch a DVD and just chill and let go of work and deadlines and all that other crap that makes up the American Dream...and just watch cute basketball players in Glory Road! ;-) peace!
and enjoy! (ok about the last pic...I dunno, but hey I like hair!) lol

Life in General

Nothing new really to report this past week. Still looking for a job, it's been a month and I'm ready to go back to work. Still looking for a house to rent, with not much luck. Been trying to organize all my things (books, DVD's, action figure, etc.) while I have the time off. I did work one day this week on my old show Curl Girls. This show will never die for me. Still have a few more days to work on things to correct error on the networks part. Other than that not much going on.

Spent the day with the parents...

...ok to be cool, I should have said the "'rents" but come on, I'm not 14! In any case, it was a good day spending time with them, we all went and had our eyes checked! LOL for real. They both got new prescriptions...I will keep my mouth shut on whether or not I need glasses! ;-) It was a long day, I had to drive 66 miles to pick them up, then another 90 back to the place where we went and got checked out (it was an Indian clinic in Auburn) then take them poor car, it's such a trooper! I had fun hanging out with them though. Since I've been back I have not spent a lot of time with them, and I missed that. In S.D. I had my native friends and family and since I've been here, I've missed that cultural connection. So it was great to listen to my dad pepper his sentences with indian words that I know and to get their humor. It was a nice day! I told a friend about my day and she was like, we are all the same people, but I don't believe we are. Mexicans, blacks, natives, asians...we all have our own cultural thing...and it is different. My parents are old school Lakota from the reservations in South Dakota, my dad is from Pine Ridge rez, and my mom is from Rosebud rez. They kind of still live in that world I think. Hello, both were born in a house without a real floor, just dirt floors! I love to listen to them talk about the old days, when they lived with no electricity or plumbing. Oh, being in CA now they think it sucks, but I find it so interesting. The thing that I find interesting is that they still stick to their traditions, even out here in the hustle and bustle of California. My mom can still cook meals she cooked on the rez and my dad still trys to barter with everyone. Really, bartering is not a happens in my culture! lol So I tried to explain all that to my friend, but she didn't get it. I quit trying to explain and just said I had a good day! Because really, that's all that matters! Hope everyone else had a great day! ;-) peace

Spent the day with the parents...

...ok to be cool, I should have said the "'rents" but come on, I'm not 14! In any case, it was a good day spending time with them, we all went and had our eyes checked! LOL for real. They both got new prescriptions...I will keep my mouth shut on whether or not I need glasses! ;-) It was a long day, I had to drive 66 miles to pick them up, then another 90 back to the place where we went and got checked out (it was an Indian clinic in Auburn) then take them poor car, it's such a trooper! I had fun hanging out with them though. Since I've been back I have not spent a lot of time with them, and I missed that. In S.D. I had my native friends and family and since I've been here, I've missed that cultural connection. So it was great to listen to my dad pepper his sentences with indian words that I know and to get their humor. It was a nice day! I told a friend about my day and she was like, we are all the same people, but I don't believe we are. Mexicans, blacks, natives, asians...we all have our own cultural thing...and it is different. My parents are old school Lakota from the reservations in South Dakota, my dad is from Pine Ridge rez, and my mom is from Rosebud rez. They kind of still live in that world I think. Hello, both were born in a house without a real floor, just dirt floors! I love to listen to them talk about the old days, when they lived with no electricity or plumbing. Oh, being in CA now they think it sucks, but I find it so interesting. The thing that I find interesting is that they still stick to their traditions, even out here in the hustle and bustle of California. My mom can still cook meals she cooked on the rez and my dad still trys to barter with everyone. Really, bartering is not a happens in my culture! lol So I tried to explain all that to my friend, but she didn't get it. I quit trying to explain and just said I had a good day! Because really, that's all that matters! Hope everyone else had a great day! ;-) peace

Spent the day with the parents...

...ok to be cool, I should have said the "'rents" but come on, I'm not 14! In any case, it was a good day spending time with them, we all went and had our eyes checked! LOL for real. They both got new prescriptions...I will keep my mouth shut on whether or not I need glasses! ;-) It was a long day, I had to drive 66 miles to pick them up, then another 90 back to the place where we went and got checked out (it was an Indian clinic in Auburn) then take them poor car, it's such a trooper! I had fun hanging out with them though. Since I've been back I have not spent a lot of time with them, and I missed that. In S.D. I had my native friends and family and since I've been here, I've missed that cultural connection. So it was great to listen to my dad pepper his sentences with indian words that I know and to get their humor. It was a nice day! I told a friend about my day and she was like, we are all the same people, but I don't believe we are. Mexicans, blacks, natives, asians...we all have our own cultural thing...and it is different. My parents are old school Lakota from the reservations in South Dakota, my dad is from Pine Ridge rez, and my mom is from Rosebud rez. They kind of still live in that world I think. Hello, both were born in a house without a real floor, just dirt floors! I love to listen to them talk about the old days, when they lived with no electricity or plumbing. Oh, being in CA now they think it sucks, but I find it so interesting. The thing that I find interesting is that they still stick to their traditions, even out here in the hustle and bustle of California. My mom can still cook meals she cooked on the rez and my dad still trys to barter with everyone. Really, bartering is not a happens in my culture! lol So I tried to explain all that to my friend, but she didn't get it. I quit trying to explain and just said I had a good day! Because really, that's all that matters! Hope everyone else had a great day! ;-) peace

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lisa Lampanelli... the new shit!! She's fricking hilarious! Forget Cho and Griffin, the gays have found a new woman comic!! Ok, yes, she's offensive as hell...but she's across the board offensive, no one is safe from her jokes...I like that. Life is funny, we all need to laugh at ourselves. I know the whole "buy a world a coke"thing is cute, but really...we are different, culturally, socially etc. She brings it all to the front lines with no holds barred. If you're easily offended or you always try and be Politically Correct or if you hug trees and adopt children from foreign countries so you can help an "impoverished nation"...then you probably shouldn't watch! ;-) peace

Lisa Lampanelli... the new shit!! She's fricking hilarious! Forget Cho and Griffin, the gays have found a new woman comic!! Ok, yes, she's offensive as hell...but she's across the board offensive, no one is safe from her jokes...I like that. Life is funny, we all need to laugh at ourselves. I know the whole "buy a world a coke"thing is cute, but really...we are different, culturally, socially etc. She brings it all to the front lines with no holds barred. If you're easily offended or you always try and be Politically Correct or if you hug trees and adopt children from foreign countries so you can help an "impoverished nation"...then you probably shouldn't watch! ;-) peace

Lisa Lampanelli... the new shit!! She's fricking hilarious! Forget Cho and Griffin, the gays have found a new woman comic!! Ok, yes, she's offensive as hell...but she's across the board offensive, no one is safe from her jokes...I like that. Life is funny, we all need to laugh at ourselves. I know the whole "buy a world a coke"thing is cute, but really...we are different, culturally, socially etc. She brings it all to the front lines with no holds barred. If you're easily offended or you always try and be Politically Correct or if you hug trees and adopt children from foreign countries so you can help an "impoverished nation"...then you probably shouldn't watch! ;-) peace

Friday, January 26, 2007

Ode To My Electric Blanket

Ode to my electric blanket…

Where have you been my whole life?
You keep warm on a birry winter night.
I’ve searched high and low, here and fro.
WalMart and Target, K-mart and Bi-Low.
Target, of course, came through a few nights ago.
I think I might buy stock in it, now that it’s so reliable.
I live in Florida, as some of you may know.
But even Florida has its chilly night lows.
I once had an electric blanket, but it was many years ago.
And even good ‘ole electric blankets have to go, go, go.
But my new one is so beige and new and lovely.
I think it might want me to buy it a cool new covely.
That’s it for now on Shannon’s silly wondry.
Stay tuned for next week when she is even more stupidly jundry.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Do I really want to work?...

...I mean I haven't worked for three years! Ok, let me rephrase that I haven't had to think in three years. See I had this high stress, important job with many responsibilities and all that. I was burnt out, I couldn't take any time off 'cause I had meetings and conferences coming up and deadlines. Then my uncle passed and I had a really bad break up...and I woke up one day and said f*ck it. So I quit and became a waiter at Denny's. I have always wanted to be a server. Seriously. Yeah my parents were soooo proud. :D I did that for a bit and moved to Fresno (okaaay!) and then from there is when I moved back to South Dakota (where all good Lakota people are from) and I went to school for two years and just basically was also a waiter and also worked for the state archaeological research center as an admin. It was nice, it was peaceful. No stress from friends and family (well some, I did have family there also) but it was just mellow. I was broke as hell and missed all my toys and luxuries I took for granted here in CA...ya know, cable, Internet phones. I was at peace though. Then...I started missing swiping my check card and not worrying about whether it would go through or not (oh do you see the materialism coming out here?!). I also missed the culture and the fast life blah blah I moved back in September. Now I'm at a job where this is PLENTY of opportunity for me and I'm being pressured by higher ups to take a positoin with as much stress and responsibility as the one I gave up three years ago. Do I do it? I really just want to be a bartender! LOL the new position is good money, it's a challenge but still. So that is my dilemma right now. I feel kind of bad because some people don't even have jobs and would kill for my position, then again I feel like I should do what I want. Ew. I feel like a hippie, except without the pot smoking and the bad hair. So now that's the crossroads I'm at. I have to make a decision to apply soon. There isn't even a guarantee I'll get the position, but my boss keeps asking me to apply. So I left the office tonight after yet another late night, and I'm in traffic in downtown Sacramento and I'm looking to the people to the right and left of me and I can see how drained they are, I know I am also. Is this is it? Is this life? Do I give up my somewhat bohemian existence and conform? I mean I'm no spring chicken anymore, I guess I should think about my future...but at what cost? So that's my dilemma. ON the other hand, I have a great location office wise, good food within walking distance and if I move to Midtown I can walk to work and everything else I want, clubs, cinema, shopping etc. So I dunno. Oh and let's not forget the hottie at the bank and the sandwich shop! LOL hey I have to find a silver lining in everything...that's just my nature! So I'm beat and about to go make a nice dent on the couch for awhile. Speaking of hotties here are a few for you to enjoy. I don't normally comment on the pics I post but I will on the first and last pics.
The first a beautiful pic...but...ugly at the same time. I love it, it's kind of disgusting but yet so nicely posed. I wish I knew where it came from. The last pic is an ode to a friend who I was emailing today and said I had no gay pride! Ok, I don't have time for gay pride! I'm wearing two hats at work as it is! LOl but I thought it was an appropriate pic. Hope everyone has a good night, tomorrow is Friday...TGIF! ;-) peace

Do I really want to work?...

...I mean I haven't worked for three years! Ok, let me rephrase that I haven't had to think in three years. See I had this high stress, important job with many responsibilities and all that. I was burnt out, I couldn't take any time off 'cause I had meetings and conferences coming up and deadlines. Then my uncle passed and I had a really bad break up...and I woke up one day and said f*ck it. So I quit and became a waiter at Denny's. I have always wanted to be a server. Seriously. Yeah my parents were soooo proud. :D I did that for a bit and moved to Fresno (okaaay!) and then from there is when I moved back to South Dakota (where all good Lakota people are from) and I went to school for two years and just basically was also a waiter and also worked for the state archaeological research center as an admin. It was nice, it was peaceful. No stress from friends and family (well some, I did have family there also) but it was just mellow. I was broke as hell and missed all my toys and luxuries I took for granted here in CA...ya know, cable, Internet phones. I was at peace though. Then...I started missing swiping my check card and not worrying about whether it would go through or not (oh do you see the materialism coming out here?!). I also missed the culture and the fast life blah blah I moved back in September. Now I'm at a job where this is PLENTY of opportunity for me and I'm being pressured by higher ups to take a positoin with as much stress and responsibility as the one I gave up three years ago. Do I do it? I really just want to be a bartender! LOL the new position is good money, it's a challenge but still. So that is my dilemma right now. I feel kind of bad because some people don't even have jobs and would kill for my position, then again I feel like I should do what I want. Ew. I feel like a hippie, except without the pot smoking and the bad hair. So now that's the crossroads I'm at. I have to make a decision to apply soon. There isn't even a guarantee I'll get the position, but my boss keeps asking me to apply. So I left the office tonight after yet another late night, and I'm in traffic in downtown Sacramento and I'm looking to the people to the right and left of me and I can see how drained they are, I know I am also. Is this is it? Is this life? Do I give up my somewhat bohemian existence and conform? I mean I'm no spring chicken anymore, I guess I should think about my future...but at what cost? So that's my dilemma. ON the other hand, I have a great location office wise, good food within walking distance and if I move to Midtown I can walk to work and everything else I want, clubs, cinema, shopping etc. So I dunno. Oh and let's not forget the hottie at the bank and the sandwich shop! LOL hey I have to find a silver lining in everything...that's just my nature! So I'm beat and about to go make a nice dent on the couch for awhile. Speaking of hotties here are a few for you to enjoy. I don't normally comment on the pics I post but I will on the first and last pics.
The first a beautiful pic...but...ugly at the same time. I love it, it's kind of disgusting but yet so nicely posed. I wish I knew where it came from. The last pic is an ode to a friend who I was emailing today and said I had no gay pride! Ok, I don't have time for gay pride! I'm wearing two hats at work as it is! LOl but I thought it was an appropriate pic. Hope everyone has a good night, tomorrow is Friday...TGIF! ;-) peace

Do I really want to work?...

...I mean I haven't worked for three years! Ok, let me rephrase that I haven't had to think in three years. See I had this high stress, important job with many responsibilities and all that. I was burnt out, I couldn't take any time off 'cause I had meetings and conferences coming up and deadlines. Then my uncle passed and I had a really bad break up...and I woke up one day and said f*ck it. So I quit and became a waiter at Denny's. I have always wanted to be a server. Seriously. Yeah my parents were soooo proud. :D I did that for a bit and moved to Fresno (okaaay!) and then from there is when I moved back to South Dakota (where all good Lakota people are from) and I went to school for two years and just basically was also a waiter and also worked for the state archaeological research center as an admin. It was nice, it was peaceful. No stress from friends and family (well some, I did have family there also) but it was just mellow. I was broke as hell and missed all my toys and luxuries I took for granted here in CA...ya know, cable, Internet phones. I was at peace though. Then...I started missing swiping my check card and not worrying about whether it would go through or not (oh do you see the materialism coming out here?!). I also missed the culture and the fast life blah blah I moved back in September. Now I'm at a job where this is PLENTY of opportunity for me and I'm being pressured by higher ups to take a positoin with as much stress and responsibility as the one I gave up three years ago. Do I do it? I really just want to be a bartender! LOL the new position is good money, it's a challenge but still. So that is my dilemma right now. I feel kind of bad because some people don't even have jobs and would kill for my position, then again I feel like I should do what I want. Ew. I feel like a hippie, except without the pot smoking and the bad hair. So now that's the crossroads I'm at. I have to make a decision to apply soon. There isn't even a guarantee I'll get the position, but my boss keeps asking me to apply. So I left the office tonight after yet another late night, and I'm in traffic in downtown Sacramento and I'm looking to the people to the right and left of me and I can see how drained they are, I know I am also. Is this is it? Is this life? Do I give up my somewhat bohemian existence and conform? I mean I'm no spring chicken anymore, I guess I should think about my future...but at what cost? So that's my dilemma. ON the other hand, I have a great location office wise, good food within walking distance and if I move to Midtown I can walk to work and everything else I want, clubs, cinema, shopping etc. So I dunno. Oh and let's not forget the hottie at the bank and the sandwich shop! LOL hey I have to find a silver lining in everything...that's just my nature! So I'm beat and about to go make a nice dent on the couch for awhile. Speaking of hotties here are a few for you to enjoy. I don't normally comment on the pics I post but I will on the first and last pics.
The first a beautiful pic...but...ugly at the same time. I love it, it's kind of disgusting but yet so nicely posed. I wish I knew where it came from. The last pic is an ode to a friend who I was emailing today and said I had no gay pride! Ok, I don't have time for gay pride! I'm wearing two hats at work as it is! LOl but I thought it was an appropriate pic. Hope everyone has a good night, tomorrow is Friday...TGIF! ;-) peace

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy Hump Day!

...I was uninspired tonight, and then my mentor gives me good ideas. Brian is my mentor btw, he hates when I say that but it's true *sigh* he's ALSO my friend (so he feels better). Actually he is a great man and a great friend and if I would have taken his advice over the years I'd be blogging from an island in the south pacific which I would own! lol, he's a great's a glimpse of what we go through each night! I hope everyone had a great Hump Day, obviously my mentor did! I was thinking B&W pics today, kind of mellow. ;-) peace

oglalaboy: See, I FEEL I should blog...I got nothing...nothing.
oglalaboy: I don't think I'm going to, it's my wonderful world after all...shit.
Brian: what u mean u got nothing
oglalaboy: I got nothing to talk about..
Brian: talk about the cat
oglalaboy: lol
oglalaboy: our gay cat?
Brian: talk about ir dunb ass friends
oglalaboy: DANG!
Brian: really
Brian: im serious
oglalaboy: hmm...I could, but they may read this..
oglalaboy: I doubt they do
Brian: tell them that ur 'mentor' sed u need to get new friends
Brian: p-)
oglalaboy: LOL
oglalaboy: I should blog about my mentor...such a big influence in my life...but now he's getting old n senile and not much help to me.
oglalaboy: you always have the BEST ideas!!
Brian: tell then that ur mentor got laid today.. and that u havent seen dick since the last century..
oglalaboy: this conversation isn't going my way!
Brian: lol
Brian: tell them also.. that ur mentor remembers when u were gay
oglalaboy: ew! I am gay!
Brian: ur cat is gayer
oglalaboy: that "ew!" should cover it.
oglalaboy: lol, that he is...and he's a whore (shut it!)
Brian: at least he gets petted
oglalaboy: why you gotta be so mean? I had a hard day..dang. Get some and you get all feisty! Viagra has a bad effect on you!