...I was uninspired tonight, and then my mentor gives me good ideas. Brian is my mentor btw, he hates when I say that but it's true *sigh* he's ALSO my friend (so he feels better). Actually he is a great man and a great friend and if I would have taken his advice over the years I'd be blogging from an island in the south pacific which I would own! lol, he's a great guy...here's a glimpse of what we go through each night! I hope everyone had a great Hump Day, obviously my mentor did! I was thinking B&W pics today, kind of mellow. ;-) peace
oglalaboy: See, I FEEL I should blog...I got nothing...nothing.
oglalaboy: I don't think I'm going to, it's my wonderful world after all...shit.
Brian: what u mean u got nothing
oglalaboy: I got nothing to talk about..
Brian: talk about the cat
oglalaboy: lol
oglalaboy: our gay cat?
Brian: talk about ir dunb ass friends
oglalaboy: DANG!
Brian: really
Brian: im serious
oglalaboy: hmm...I could, but they may read this..
oglalaboy: I doubt they do
Brian: tell them that ur 'mentor' sed u need to get new friends
Brian: p-)
oglalaboy: LOL
oglalaboy: I should blog about my mentor...such a big influence in my life...but now he's getting old n senile and not much help to me.
oglalaboy: you always have the BEST ideas!!
Brian: tell then that ur mentor got laid today.. and that u havent seen dick since the last century..
oglalaboy: this conversation isn't going my way!
Brian: lol
Brian: tell them also.. that ur mentor remembers when u were gay
oglalaboy: ew! I am gay!
Brian: ur cat is gayer
oglalaboy: that "ew!" should cover it.
oglalaboy: lol, that he is...and he's a whore (shut it!)
Brian: at least he gets petted
oglalaboy: why you gotta be so mean? I had a hard day..dang. Get some and you get all feisty! Viagra has a bad effect on you!