Sunday, November 26, 2006
Secret Santa?
;-) peace
Secret Santa?
;-) peace
Secret Santa?
;-) peace
Cabin Weekend
Sometimes I'm to real...
Saturday Night Conversation
Aim : I feel so much on my shoulders right now - possibly not having a job, bills, men, feeling of no direction
Leonard : that's called life sweetie. Job, if you lose it, you find another one and no bitching about a paycut, just be lucky you can find one. Bills, you will have them the rest of your's the American way, especially if you keep buying yourself "i'm losing my job so I need..." clothing. Boys suck, throw rocks at them. No direction, in time you'll find what it is your supposed to be or do just go with the flow.
Aim : I hate it when you dont show up for my pity party
Leonard : please, wait until you catch your first cold of the season...
Aim : eww - that's not even close to being true
Leonard : sorry, I'm looking at famous nude celebrities right now...I have my priorities.
Sometimes I'm to real...
Saturday Night Conversation
Aim : I feel so much on my shoulders right now - possibly not having a job, bills, men, feeling of no direction
Leonard : that's called life sweetie. Job, if you lose it, you find another one and no bitching about a paycut, just be lucky you can find one. Bills, you will have them the rest of your's the American way, especially if you keep buying yourself "i'm losing my job so I need..." clothing. Boys suck, throw rocks at them. No direction, in time you'll find what it is your supposed to be or do just go with the flow.
Aim : I hate it when you dont show up for my pity party
Leonard : please, wait until you catch your first cold of the season...
Aim : eww - that's not even close to being true
Leonard : sorry, I'm looking at famous nude celebrities right now...I have my priorities.
Sometimes I'm to real...
Saturday Night Conversation
Aim : I feel so much on my shoulders right now - possibly not having a job, bills, men, feeling of no direction
Leonard : that's called life sweetie. Job, if you lose it, you find another one and no bitching about a paycut, just be lucky you can find one. Bills, you will have them the rest of your's the American way, especially if you keep buying yourself "i'm losing my job so I need..." clothing. Boys suck, throw rocks at them. No direction, in time you'll find what it is your supposed to be or do just go with the flow.
Aim : I hate it when you dont show up for my pity party
Leonard : please, wait until you catch your first cold of the season...
Aim : eww - that's not even close to being true
Leonard : sorry, I'm looking at famous nude celebrities right now...I have my priorities.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Making of Dieux Du Stade 2007
Making of Dieux Du Stade 2007
Making of Dieux Du Stade 2007
Friday, November 24, 2006
T-giving in my underwear
Like blazing hot kind of hot. We had all the windows and doors open and fans on. It didn’t matter. Hot, hot, hot.
So…I ended up putting boxers on and eating T-giving dinner in blue, dalmation undies.
Mysteries for the Young at Heart: An Interview with Brenda Chapman
Growing up, I loved books. I found myself drawn to strong characters around my own age, and I adored anything that captivated me and gave me the chance to solve a new mystery…other than what was under my bed. I recently discovered a new author who took me happily back to my youth. In a society filled with anger and rage, this fresh voice offers an alternative for young readers by giving them stories filled with danger, intrigue and a lot of fun.
Brenda Chapman has written a series of books that will give young teens a fresh new set of adventures to embark upon. Her first book, Running Scared, featuring young heroine Jennifer Bannon, was published in 2004, and the second, Hiding in Hawk’s Creek was published in 2006, both by Napoleon Publishing in Toronto. I was pleased to interview this delightfully talented author and to be able to share this new treasure with all of you.
KS: Brenda, you grew up in Terrace Bay, a small mill town in Northwestern Ontario. I once wondered if foreigners, including Canadians, were influenced by the same authors as us Americans. Who would you say were the three most influential voices in fiction for you?
BC: When I was growing up, the Canadian curriculum certainly drew from American authors. I remember reading Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Telltale Heart” and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter in high school and both have stayed with me. I also studied American Literature in university, in addition to Canadian and British. My favorite American books include Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, J. D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, and Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea. I particularly like Hemingway’s sparse use of language and his imagery. I’ve also read widely in the American mystery genre, including all the books in the series by Elizabeth George and Sue Grafton.
KS: Nancy Drew comes up more often than not when talking to women and girls. Why do you think Nancy has become such a significant role model?
BC: Nancy Drew is a heroine who uncovers puzzles and injustices and who sorts them out, always with a satisfactory ending. While the puzzle draws readers in, she is a character that young girls (the intended audience at the time) can identify with, or at the very least, someone they would like to have as a friend. The books are simplistic on an emotional level, but good, escapist reading.
KS: You've created an incredible character in Jennifer Bannon. Is there any part of you in this character? Did you derive any of the familial bonds from growing up with siblings? Was your vivid imagination an escape from the "middle child syndrome"?
BC: Jennifer Bannon has my sense of humor, my love of sports and my aversion to confrontation. She has a strong soul but isn't confident–an odd juxtaposition, but one I admit to sharing. Jennifer also has a close relationship with her sister Leslie not unlike the relationships I had with my sister and brother growing up. I was a middle child and perhaps that helps me to understand both the older and younger sibling roles in my stories. My two daughters have also been a great resource for me in creating Jennifer and Leslie. As for my vivid imagination, I’m not sure where it came from, but it's always been with me. I’m still something of a daydreamer and writing gives me a good outlet.
KS: Growing up in a small community with few of the perks kids have today–computers, video games, etc. – what made you decide to write mysteries instead of the typical high tech adventure kids seem to crave?
BC: I like to write about characters and relationships, issues that we're all dealing with at all stages in our lives. I do not believe these themes ever go out of style. The outward trappings may change, but kids will always want to read about peers grappling with the same problems they're facing. When I read to groups of kids about Jennifer’s parents separating, I wonder how many of them are dealing with the same sadness. I also want to show kids that people are not all on the surface – what we see is never the whole story. I use the mystery genre to hook kids into a good, suspenseful story while weaving in characters they can relate to, empathize with, and perhaps, learn from.
KS: I can only speak from the American side of things, but most people I know don't think of Canada as foreign, but there is a definite distinction. I know you write for your market, but have you had to make any adjustments to suit the American market?
BC: We’re always told that to sell to the American audience, Canadian authors have to use an American setting. As a reader, I enjoy stories set in other countries, be they the United States, China, France or wherever; I cannot imagine that American readers are any different. My books are for sale in many countries, and my publisher has not asked me to tailor my writing in any way to suit other cultures. I am currently working on a story set mainly in Minnesota, and my agent suggested that I use American spelling, but that’s simply a grammatical change that does not affect the story.
KS: What do you hope readers will gain from the stories you tell from Jennifer's point of view?
BC: I hope young readers will gain insights into Jennifer’s thought processes and see that while she reacts one way, she may be thinking or feeling something completely different. For instance, Jennifer hides how desperately she wants her parents to get back together, even while pretending that she accepts her mother’s new boyfriend. I’d like kids to know that it’s okay to have mixed feelings about people and situations. I’d also like to have them share in Jennifer’s curiosity, her compassion and her ability to see humor in life.
KS: In a world filled with Rowling fans who clamor for their imaginations to be stretched beyond belief, how do you think your writing will affect readers as a whole being more of a realistic tone?
BC: I believe there is room for the fantastical world of J.K. Rowling and the more realistic, mysterious world of Jennifer Bannon. Both series offer escapist reading with characters that age and develop, although Jennifer Bannon is more likely to be the friend they have at school. Having taught reading for a number of years, I am thrilled when kids discover an author they like and thrilled that they are reading from a wide variety of offerings.
KS: What is your personal favorite type of fiction? Do you find inspiration in the stories you read?
BC: I have always been drawn to suspense, a good storyline and vivid characters, everything the mystery genre offers. I tend to read mysteries for relaxation, but I also enjoy poetry and have a well thumbed copy of T. S. Eliot poems that I pull out every so often.
KS: What can readers/fans expect from your future stories? Do you have any plans to allow Jennifer to grow or do see a limit for the series?
BC: The third Jennifer Bannon book entitled Where Trouble Leads will be released by Napoleon Publishing in spring 2007, and I have just submitted the fourth manuscript. Jennifer is thirteen in Running Scared, fourteen in Hiding in Hawk’s Creek and fifteen in the last two books. I currently have no plans for a fifth book but might at some point in the future.
KS: What would you say to young readers and writers?
BC: Read widely. Learn new vocabulary and embrace ideas. I would also advise young writers to learn grammar because it is the tool writers need to construct stories, just as carpenters need tools to build houses. Finally, I would say to write about your own experiences and to find your own voice – the best stories are those that make a reader feel or think about something that matters personally or globally.
RUNNING SCARED by Brenda Chapman
Review by Karen Syed
Jennifer Bannon is thirteen years old and she's beginning to wonder if she will make it to fourteen. Things are weird at school, her best friend is acting strangely, and she isn't sure what’s going to happen now that her dad is back in town. But none of that means anything when Jennifer watches a neighbourhood women run down by a familiar car that speeds away into the night.
Scared what might happen to her, Jennifer tucks the secret deep inside while she tries to figure out what to do next. Then, things get really tricky when Jennifer receives warnings to keep quiet and she starts feeling that she is being followed. Reluctantly, she decides that she has to discover who was driving the car, but before she can uncover the truth, Jennifer's little sister goes missing and Jennifer fears the worst. Will she find her sister unhurt, or will she become the next victim of a mystery attacker?
Brenda Chapman is an excellent storyteller with a style that will appeal to readers of all ages. Her characters are likable and realistic. RUNNING SCARED is full of adventure and thrills – a good solid mystery that will have readers turning pages until the very end. This one should be in every kid's backpack for a fun read.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy T Day~!
p.s. and because it's a KNOW who you get today. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving Joseph Sayers!

Happy T Day~!
p.s. and because it's a KNOW who you get today. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving Joseph Sayers!

Happy T Day~!
p.s. and because it's a KNOW who you get today. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving Joseph Sayers!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Save the Cheerleader, Save the World

The Ninth episode of Hereos aired, it was hyped up to be the big Save the Cheerleader, Save the World episode. And I have to say it was a great episode but way over hyped. Online, people are 50/50 about it. Most people loved it but alot are upset that it was so over hyped and when it finally aired and didn't really explain anything they felt it was a let down. I agree that it was way too hyped up but I didn't find it a let down at all. It was another awesome episode. It answered some questions while asking new ones. We got to see some Hereos come together and battle the evil super villian. All in all are cool chapter in this on going series.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Christmas Shopping
Friday, November 17, 2006
New Harry Potter Movie Poster
Having a bad day
I want everyone out there to know, its okay to have a bad day. Or even a bad week. Or even a bad month. Heck, if you have a bad year, that’s okay, too. It doesn’t mean something’s wrong with you. It doesn’t mean you need meds necessarily. It just means you’re having a bad moment. You’re allowed to.
So how do you get out of a funky mood? It’s different for everyone. Go for a walk. Listen to music. Hang out with friends. You know what you need to bring yourself out of a bad mood. Sometimes it just takes time. Time to think. Time to heal. Only you know what’s brought the mood on and only you can bring yourself out of the mood.
What’s making me write this? Numerous things. I have my personal reasons, which I’m not going to go into. But there are other things as well. For one, my agent’s blog this week dealt with people being pissy about her being the person she is. Another friend of mine is going through some difficult times and people aren’t supporting her. They’re ditching her because she’s no “fun” to be around. And yet another friend of mine is losing herself in alcohol because of things she’s going through.
Find what’s going to make you happy and do it. Life’s too short not to be happy.
Those of you who know me know that I tutor middle and high school students. I’m going to end this blog with something one my students said to me this week…Peace out!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Why did I have a dream about a NAKED Charlie Sheen??
I don't see it

Why did I have a dream about a NAKED Charlie Sheen??
I don't see it

Why did I have a dream about a NAKED Charlie Sheen??
I don't see it

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Another Outing with my "Little"

Today Nico and I went out to lunch then watched a movie. We saw the new animated show Flushed Away. It was a very cute movie. It offical says it's an hour and 24 mintues but felt like it was a little over an hour. Nico had some restless energy and kept moving around in his seat and I figured he was just bored, but when the movie was over he said that he really enjoyed it and we continued to talk about it on the ride home.
Here is the synopsis of Flushed Away: Beneath the streets of London, Roddy St. James is a pampered pet mouse who thinks he's got it made. But when a sewer rat named Sid the definition of low life comes spewing out of the sink and decides it's his turn to enjoy the lap of luxury, Roddy schemes to rid himself of the pest by luring him into the loo for a dip in the whirlpool. Roddy's plan backfires when he inadvertently winds up being the one flushed away into the bustling world down below. Underground, Roddy discovers a vast metropolis, where he meets Rita, a street-wise rat who is on a mission of her own. If Roddy is going to get home, he and Rita will need to escape the clutches of the villainous Toad, who royally despises all rodents and has dispatched two hapless henchrats, Spike and Whitey, as well as his cousin that dreaded mercenary, Le Frog to see that Roddy and Rita are iced, literally.Friday, November 10, 2006
Okay, not so the techy genius
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
It's a good day to be Blue
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Homeless people like to talk to me...
*sigh* Ok...I am not a patient man by nature, I don't like waiting, I impulse buy and the microwave needs to be upgraded to one of those replicators they have on Deep Space 9. I do though, tend to have more patience for those who are mentally disturbed (which is why I've kept my best friends this long!! *ba dump bump*) so I turn around to him and calmly explain I have never been to school back east, I have never met you before and I'm positive WE did not go to school together, sorry. He just gives ME this most disgusted look and says...fine that way...and turns around to go back to his backpack and garbage bag.
I felt small. I wanted to run after him and say "look, if I was Mike I would so be talking to you, you seem cool...but I'm not Mike!". Then again, I have Thai noodles waiting for me, so we parted seperate ways.
On another note...did you vote?! I've been watching the polls and seems (lawd let it be!) that there may be a shift in Congress...I don't want to say anything, I'm just going to go watch CNN and light a candle.
;-) peace
p.s. I was trying to add some pics, but blogger is being difficult.
Homeless people like to talk to me...
*sigh* Ok...I am not a patient man by nature, I don't like waiting, I impulse buy and the microwave needs to be upgraded to one of those replicators they have on Deep Space 9. I do though, tend to have more patience for those who are mentally disturbed (which is why I've kept my best friends this long!! *ba dump bump*) so I turn around to him and calmly explain I have never been to school back east, I have never met you before and I'm positive WE did not go to school together, sorry. He just gives ME this most disgusted look and says...fine that way...and turns around to go back to his backpack and garbage bag.
I felt small. I wanted to run after him and say "look, if I was Mike I would so be talking to you, you seem cool...but I'm not Mike!". Then again, I have Thai noodles waiting for me, so we parted seperate ways.
On another note...did you vote?! I've been watching the polls and seems (lawd let it be!) that there may be a shift in Congress...I don't want to say anything, I'm just going to go watch CNN and light a candle.
;-) peace
p.s. I was trying to add some pics, but blogger is being difficult.
Homeless people like to talk to me...
*sigh* Ok...I am not a patient man by nature, I don't like waiting, I impulse buy and the microwave needs to be upgraded to one of those replicators they have on Deep Space 9. I do though, tend to have more patience for those who are mentally disturbed (which is why I've kept my best friends this long!! *ba dump bump*) so I turn around to him and calmly explain I have never been to school back east, I have never met you before and I'm positive WE did not go to school together, sorry. He just gives ME this most disgusted look and says...fine that way...and turns around to go back to his backpack and garbage bag.
I felt small. I wanted to run after him and say "look, if I was Mike I would so be talking to you, you seem cool...but I'm not Mike!". Then again, I have Thai noodles waiting for me, so we parted seperate ways.
On another note...did you vote?! I've been watching the polls and seems (lawd let it be!) that there may be a shift in Congress...I don't want to say anything, I'm just going to go watch CNN and light a candle.
;-) peace
p.s. I was trying to add some pics, but blogger is being difficult.
Sometimes it's so hard...
Many of you know that I don't get star struck, but when it comes to my cult shows like Star Trek, Heroes, Buffy, Firefly, Star Wars or Harry Potter I get all fanboyish.
Monday, November 6, 2006
Now I have something to say...
Yes, I'm kicking my heels up in glee, I will be posting info about this story as it goes on, on my blog.
Oh I don't wanna hear how, his marriage is failing...and his family is being torn apart and the grief it's causing his congregation and children. F..that! At least he gets a marriage, he gets to have his family and congregation recognized and have children without anyone pointing fingers and condemning him, the wonderful life that he has, the same life he wants to deny gay and lesbian people and has been trying to do so for years well,it's crumbling and so...I waiting for his glass house....... to fall the F*ck DOWN!! ;-)
AND NOW...he is saying he was he was guilty of sexual immorality.
read this
Now I have something to say...
Yes, I'm kicking my heels up in glee, I will be posting info about this story as it goes on, on my blog.
Oh I don't wanna hear how, his marriage is failing...and his family is being torn apart and the grief it's causing his congregation and children. F..that! At least he gets a marriage, he gets to have his family and congregation recognized and have children without anyone pointing fingers and condemning him, the wonderful life that he has, the same life he wants to deny gay and lesbian people and has been trying to do so for years well,it's crumbling and so...I waiting for his glass house....... to fall the F*ck DOWN!! ;-)
AND NOW...he is saying he was he was guilty of sexual immorality.
read this
Now I have something to say...
Yes, I'm kicking my heels up in glee, I will be posting info about this story as it goes on, on my blog.
Oh I don't wanna hear how, his marriage is failing...and his family is being torn apart and the grief it's causing his congregation and children. F..that! At least he gets a marriage, he gets to have his family and congregation recognized and have children without anyone pointing fingers and condemning him, the wonderful life that he has, the same life he wants to deny gay and lesbian people and has been trying to do so for years well,it's crumbling and so...I waiting for his glass house....... to fall the F*ck DOWN!! ;-)
AND NOW...he is saying he was he was guilty of sexual immorality.
read this
Sunday, November 5, 2006
Nothing to say...

Nothing to say...

Nothing to say...

A Little Surprise
It Has Begun....
Today was our offical first day of Christmas shopping. Neither of us really had a clue on what we were going to buy everyone but we decided to just go out and see if anything caught our eye. After five and a half hours of shopping we managed to find a few gifts for family members. Not bad for our first outing. I love this time of the year!!!!
Saturday, November 4, 2006
Whimsic Alley
Friday, November 3, 2006
quite the techy genius
Um, well, apparently I'm not a techy genius. I'll try the picture thing again next week.
Now onto shouts out. Let me give a shout out to Connie, Sarah, Megan, Brittney and all the other girls that attended my writing workshop at Fernandina High School. And an extra special shout out goes to Carissa for being too cute and very smart. You girls rock!
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Fast and Fatal Fiction Writing Contest
Everybody loves a mystery! For November we would like you to write and submit your most murderous and original story and be thankful you aren't the victim! Echelon Press would like to publish your "Fast and Fatal" November story. The fast part means you have until November 14, 2006 to submit your story of 3000-6000 words. The winner will be notified by November 16, 2006 and have 5 days to edit/revise the story. Echelon Press will publish your story in its e-book division on November 23, 2006. Simple!
Send your submissions to
Our only real request is that a murder be the catalyst for your story! Contemporary, historical, noir, or horror as long as somebody gets killed, you get the point. Stories must adhere to the following guidelines.
Standard Manuscript format
- File saved in Word format (.doc) or (.rtf)
- 8 ½ x 11 page
- Times New Roman 12pt font/black
- 1-inch margin on all sides/ 1.5 line spacing
- Align text left, do not justify (aligning text both left and right)
- Header containing title, author name and page number
- Capital letters at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns
- Show new paragraphs by indenting first line of new paragraph .3. Do not add blank line between paragraphs.
- Show scene breaks with * * * * centered in the appropriate line.
All cover letters must include
- Name (and pseudonym if applicable)
- Mailing address
- Phone number
- E-mail address (if available)
- Web address (if available)