Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Kevin Federline: Lose Control
Ok, I'll be the first...I'm going to put Kevin Federline on my blog, I may be the first gay blog to do this, but I like the song. He can dance and I like the song. Deal with it.
Kevin Federline: Lose Control
Ok, I'll be the first...I'm going to put Kevin Federline on my blog, I may be the first gay blog to do this, but I like the song. He can dance and I like the song. Deal with it.
Kevin Federline: Lose Control
Ok, I'll be the first...I'm going to put Kevin Federline on my blog, I may be the first gay blog to do this, but I like the song. He can dance and I like the song. Deal with it.
Halloween a Bust
Monday, October 30, 2006
Ali Larter

Ali Larter

Ali Larter

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Second "little" brother outing
Friday, October 27, 2006
An excerpt
Here’s the excerpt…
The entire greenhouse brightened with white light, and a shrill siren went off.
David grabbed my hand, and we took off down the path. Metal grids began unrolling from the ceiling, securing the greenhouse’s glass panes and prohibiting anyone from exiting. We cut through hedges and greenery and slid through a spiny shrub to our entrance hole.
TL was right there, waiting for us. I glanced up to see a metal grid grinding toward us. David grabbed the back of my shirt and pants and shoved me through, then dove after me. A split second later, the grid slammed over our hole, shutting us out.
We bolted across the open frosty lawn to where Jonathan waited. In the distance we heard the pack of Dobermans. Jonathan dropped to his hands and knees at the base of the wrought-iron fence. Using him as a step, David bounced onto his back and over the ten-foot tall barrier. I went next with TL giving me a helpful push up and over. David caught me, TL landed beside us, and Jonathan quickly scaled the fence.
With Jonathan safely on our side, we took off across the road and into the woods.
A mile later, we burst through the trees on the outskirts of an Ushbanian town, a different one from where the modeling school and hotel were located. I knew from our preoperations session that we would split up if something like this happened. David and I in one direction, TL in another, and Jonathan in yet another.
A police siren pierced the air. David grabbed my hand and yanked me down an alley. We ran past a Dumpster and skidded to a halt when a police car pulled in the opposite end. David backed me up against the side of a building and plastered his body to mine. Our chests heaved against each other with winded breaths.
He buried his mouth against my ear. “Wrap. Your. Arms. Around. Me.”
I did as he instructed, my heart hammering, keeping the police car in my peripheral vision. It slowly rolled toward us. “It’s coming,” I hissed, desperately trying to think of what to do next.
“Sorry,” he mumbled right before crushing his mouth to mine.
Oh my God, I’m sixteen, and I’ve never been kissed. Please let me be doing this right.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Today's Weather...
Today's Weather...
Today's Weather...
Monday, October 23, 2006
Car repairs
Well I took my Jeep to Midas to have the brakes checked and I know by the sound they were making that it wasn't going to be cheap. I left it there and walked to work and a few hours later the guy called and gave me the bad news. Both back brakes are fine.. but the two front brake pads and brake rotars needed to be replaced and they also wanted to flush out my brake fluid. When it comes to places like this you never know if they are really telling you the turth or not but since I haven't not dealt with my brakes since I have had the Jeep (over a year) I figure it wouldn't hurt to take care of it now. So I paid $500.00 to have my brakes fixed... man this was an expensive weekend.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Wall of Serenity

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Poltergeist and Wil Wheaton

After reading Wil Wheaton's Blog ( for those who don't know he played Wesley Crusher from Star Trek The Next Generation ), he mentioned that he was a huge fan of Poltergeist and that it was playing at a local theater in South Pasadena at Midnight. I have only seen Poltergeist in the Drive in back in 82 when it came out and thought it would be great to see it again in a movie theater. So my friend Bruce, Harry and I went to see this classic horror movie. Not many people were there about 30 or so and I expect many more but it was a lot of fun. An extra surprise was that Wil Wheaton and his wife sat right in front of us. Both Bruce and I held back our geeky fanboy reaction and enjoyed the movie. I was so tired but it was well worth it... great fun.
When it Rains it Pours
Friday, October 20, 2006
Check it out
You can run from your past but you can not hide. Laura Genny tries to keep firmly focused on the present and the future, but memories are harder to control and well up unexpectedly. When friend and mentor Ed Barslow gets Laura an audition with Tourist, she lands the job of her dreams. Being Head Sound Engineer for the international rock group will mean traveling with the band. There is a downside. Keeping secrets is never easy, especially when consorting with those in the spotlight.
The rocker lifestyle has long palled on Will Burns, lead guitarist of Tourist. The groupies and hangers on are a far cry from what he wants in a woman. Their new sound mixer is shy, professional and seems to be impervious to his charm. The intriguing woman is keeping her distance, but Will just wants to draw her close.
Ms. Greenland does a spectacular job on this wonderful love story. Not an easy thing to do when keeping such a disturbing topic as abuse in the background. We are given a sensitive portrayal of the effects long after the reality of abuse has come to an end.
Readers will love Will for his patience and support of the heroine. His is not the emotional battering ram technique to a relationship, but the real wooing that we as women adore.
There are few heroines that one aches so wholeheartedly for in the journey to love and healing. Laura’s tentative reaching out to Will and to happiness is an emotion filled thing to watch.
Laura’s Secrets is crafted thoroughly to fulfill the reader’s need for multifaceted characters, mystery, suspense and most of all romance.
Flashes of humor, fun episodes and tender scenes make this offering something far from being maudlin. Plot twists keep us on our toes, though foreshadowing keeps us from finding anything unexpected.
Fans of romance need only read this book to remember why we first fell in love with the genre. This is one for the keeper shelf.
~Love Romances And More
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The Internet...
#1) There is no reason to be eating pizza after 7pm before bedtime!
#2) While I'm paying $23.00 for this pizza (and chicken wings) I could have driven my
lazy ass to Jack in the Box and got two tacos for .99 cents!
#3) I should not EVEN be eating pizza!
#4) You don't get six pack abs from ordering pizza online at 10pm. at night!!
just doesn't happen!
*sigh* I'm only eating one piece and two chicken wings!!!

The Internet...
#1) There is no reason to be eating pizza after 7pm before bedtime!
#2) While I'm paying $23.00 for this pizza (and chicken wings) I could have driven my
lazy ass to Jack in the Box and got two tacos for .99 cents!
#3) I should not EVEN be eating pizza!
#4) You don't get six pack abs from ordering pizza online at 10pm. at night!!
just doesn't happen!
*sigh* I'm only eating one piece and two chicken wings!!!

The Internet...
#1) There is no reason to be eating pizza after 7pm before bedtime!
#2) While I'm paying $23.00 for this pizza (and chicken wings) I could have driven my
lazy ass to Jack in the Box and got two tacos for .99 cents!
#3) I should not EVEN be eating pizza!
#4) You don't get six pack abs from ordering pizza online at 10pm. at night!!
just doesn't happen!
*sigh* I'm only eating one piece and two chicken wings!!!

Teenage Writers
They are both writing series books, and one has ten books planned already. They write every day, and help edit each other's work.
The self-confidence these two displayed was contagious! I hope every teenager reading this has an equally awesome dream to latch onto. It was a blast talking to them.
I also was excited to find out that "Cynthia's Attic: The Magic Medallion," was a finalist in the "Children's Fiction" category in the USABookNews 2006 Book Awards.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
It's all about The Eyes...

It's all about The Eyes...

It's all about The Eyes...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Fast and Freaky Fiction Contest Winner
of our first official
Fast & Freaky Fiction Writing Contest
October 2006.
On October 21, 2006 Echelon Press Publishing will make
C.A. Verstraete
Available for sale as an e-book download.
Congratulations and check back on the
First of each month for the new theme for our
Fiction Writing Contest!
No Season Two of Gene Simmons For Me
Sunday, October 15, 2006
"Little" Outing
Well today was my first outing with my new "little" brother Nico, he's 8. The funny thing is his older brother also got a new "Big" brother the same day and we both got there at the same time to pick up our "little’s".
Nico and I went to Sherman Oaks Castle Park. He loves golf and video games so I thought this would be the perfect place. We played two rounds of miniature golf, and he isn't bad. He got the only hole in one shot of the day. After golf we went inside and played a few video games, we played some ice hockey and then a two player X-men fighting game. We decided to take a break from video games and had some lunch. I got a burger and fries and he wanted pizza. You could buy it by the slice so I asked for one slice for him.. but he said he wanted two. I knew there was no way he was going to eat two slice, they were pretty big slices, but I also knew he didn't get breakfast. Well I was right.. he ate half a slice and wanted to take the rest home. Oh well .. now I know how much food to get him while we are out. After lunch we decided to play games that would give up tickets, you get enough tickets and you can redeem them for small prizes. We played and played and amassed about 465 tickets. So Nico had fun spending all of them and of course got a bunch on small toys and tootsie rolls. It was a fun time and a great first outing.Southern Festival or Books
I’m here right now participating in the Southern Festival of Books. It’s been going on all weekend.
I’ve met some really awesome people like Ashley and Jessica from West Memphis. Hi gals!
I’m staying with my sis-in-law and her family. Hi Cathy, Jacob, and Max!
I’m sharing a booth with some cool authors like Sam Morton, Grace Howell, and Linda Prather. Hey guys!
I ate at this neat place called North Town with the world’s best hot fudge sundae. (I didn’t eat the sundae) But they have tasty wild rice bowls.
That’s about it except for the fact my sis-in-law makes the best freaking coffee in the world. Its like having Starbucks right here at my disposal.
Some pics from Eating Out, which I saw at the Fresno Gay and Lesbian Film Festival...a few years ago.

Some pics from Eating Out, which I saw at the Fresno Gay and Lesbian Film Festival...a few years ago.

Some pics from Eating Out, which I saw at the Fresno Gay and Lesbian Film Festival...a few years ago.