Harry and I went to Magic Mountain tonight for Gay Night. I have gone almost every year for the past six years or so. Harry and I are huge roller coaster fans but since we got Daisy (our dog) we haven't been able to go. Now that Daisy is a little better about staying home alone and the event was only five hours, we decided to go. It was awesome and so much fun. We manage to ride seven roller coaster in a few hours. Magic Mountain opened a new roller coaster last summer and we have been dying to ride it. Tatsu is a roller coaster where you hang from the track like you are flying. After X (the best roller coaster ever) I didn't think this was going to be all that great. We waited over two hours in line and the excitment grew. We finally got on and it was fun. Towards the end of the ride there is a inverted backwards loop. And all I have to say is OH MY GOD!!!!!
I love roller coaster and have never really been surprised or scared of any of them. Well we were going along and it was fun and then we hit that inverted backwards loop and my heart started to race as we picked up a huge amount of speed and G's. I started to freak out and yell OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. This had the best drop I have ever felt. I got off this ride and was shaking. IT WAS AWESOME.After a great night we started to head home and while exiting Magic Mountain and before getting on the freeway there was bumper to bumper traffic. I finally got down the hill and was about to go through the light to the freeway and the person in front of me slammed on her breaks and I did the same but hit a dip in the road and couldn't stop in time and rear ended her. We pulled over in a parking lot where another accident involving three other cars were park and exchanged info. There wasn't much damage to her car and my front right side was dented a bit. So a great night didn't end the way I planed. Now I have to see how much my insurance is going to be raised and I have to see how much it's going to cost me to fix my car. Oh well.. life happens.
They are filming a scene from an episode of NBC's new series Heroes right outside my office/edit bays. I saw all these people in the hall way and one of the workers told us that they were shooting a scene pretending they are at FBI headquarters. Greg Grunberg plays a LA cop who can read people's minds and he teams up with an FBI agent.. those are the two principles actors here. It's very cool...
Well as some of you may or may not know.. after 12 years of courting, my brother is finally getting married to the lovely Lora. They had planned to get married on my birthday Saturday Sept. 23rd but the reception area wasn't available so they moved it to Sunday Sept. 24th. Of course I am part of the wedding party so I have to be there on Wednesday for the rehearsal. It was alot of fun. My brother has said in the past that he is not nervous about his ceremony, but he was nervous during the rehearsal. I also picked up my tux today, black suit with black shirt, lilac vest and lilac tie. So I have my tux and I know where to stand.. I'm ready for Sunday.