Saturday, September 30, 2006

Today's Weather...

...was cool, cloudy and a lil bit nippy! Please don't tell me summer is over quite yet! Well then again, October is almost here... ;-) peace

Today's Weather...

...was cool, cloudy and a lil bit nippy! Please don't tell me summer is over quite yet! Well then again, October is almost here... ;-) peace

Today's Weather...

...was cool, cloudy and a lil bit nippy! Please don't tell me summer is over quite yet! Well then again, October is almost here... ;-) peace

Baby Alvino

Our friends Tara and Jack are about to be parents (one week away). They had a baby shower/party on Saturday, it was great fun. These guys are two of the best and sweetest people I know and deserve all the happiest they can get. I wish them all the best and I can't wait to see baby Alvino (Jack Jr. or Bella).

Friday, September 29, 2006

Thrills, Chills and Fender Benders

Harry and I went to Magic Mountain tonight for Gay Night. I have gone almost every year for the past six years or so. Harry and I are huge roller coaster fans but since we got Daisy (our dog) we haven't been able to go. Now that Daisy is a little better about staying home alone and the event was only five hours, we decided to go. It was awesome and so much fun. We manage to ride seven roller coaster in a few hours. Magic Mountain opened a new roller coaster last summer and we have been dying to ride it. Tatsu is a roller coaster where you hang from the track like you are flying. After X (the best roller coaster ever) I didn't think this was going to be all that great. We waited over two hours in line and the excitment grew. We finally got on and it was fun. Towards the end of the ride there is a inverted backwards loop. And all I have to say is OH MY GOD!!!!!

I love roller coaster and have never really been surprised or scared of any of them. Well we were going along and it was fun and then we hit that inverted backwards loop and my heart started to race as we picked up a huge amount of speed and G's. I started to freak out and yell OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. This had the best drop I have ever felt. I got off this ride and was shaking. IT WAS AWESOME.

After a great night we started to head home and while exiting Magic Mountain and before getting on the freeway there was bumper to bumper traffic. I finally got down the hill and was about to go through the light to the freeway and the person in front of me slammed on her breaks and I did the same but hit a dip in the road and couldn't stop in time and rear ended her. We pulled over in a parking lot where another accident involving three other cars were park and exchanged info. There wasn't much damage to her car and my front right side was dented a bit. So a great night didn't end the way I planed. Now I have to see how much my insurance is going to be raised and I have to see how much it's going to cost me to fix my car. Oh well.. life happens.

I got my cover!

Hey everyone,

I got my cover for my summer 07 release! Its on my teen page on my site. Go check it out if you’ve got a sec at


Monday, September 25, 2006


...just got done watching it and I love it!! I wanna see that cute boy fly, and what's up with the girl and the mirrors? What is HER superpower...or...evolutionary advancement?? I think guys (even gay guys) will love this show. I love X-men, The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon etc. I love the feeling that if I try hard enough maybe *I* could have those talents. I think girls may like it also, because the two chicks on this show so far...have some wicked powers. I need to find a new term, not powers...talents! Yeah, talents! In any case, this show is good and has potential...I dunno about the Japanese guy teleporting and stopping time, but...who knows. You can check out more of Heroes by clicking...on Heroes.
And of course...there is eye candy! ;-) peace

He looks so familiar! Kind of like a young Scott Bakula.

He is so hot! BEAUTIFUL eyes...and you know he's hairy...he's hot!

He's just sexy!


...just got done watching it and I love it!! I wanna see that cute boy fly, and what's up with the girl and the mirrors? What is HER superpower...or...evolutionary advancement?? I think guys (even gay guys) will love this show. I love X-men, The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon etc. I love the feeling that if I try hard enough maybe *I* could have those talents. I think girls may like it also, because the two chicks on this show so far...have some wicked powers. I need to find a new term, not powers...talents! Yeah, talents! In any case, this show is good and has potential...I dunno about the Japanese guy teleporting and stopping time, but...who knows. You can check out more of Heroes by clicking...on Heroes.
And of course...there is eye candy! ;-) peace

He looks so familiar! Kind of like a young Scott Bakula.

He is so hot! BEAUTIFUL eyes...and you know he's hairy...he's hot!

He's just sexy!


...just got done watching it and I love it!! I wanna see that cute boy fly, and what's up with the girl and the mirrors? What is HER superpower...or...evolutionary advancement?? I think guys (even gay guys) will love this show. I love X-men, The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon etc. I love the feeling that if I try hard enough maybe *I* could have those talents. I think girls may like it also, because the two chicks on this show so far...have some wicked powers. I need to find a new term, not powers...talents! Yeah, talents! In any case, this show is good and has potential...I dunno about the Japanese guy teleporting and stopping time, but...who knows. You can check out more of Heroes by clicking...on Heroes.
And of course...there is eye candy! ;-) peace

He looks so familiar! Kind of like a young Scott Bakula.

He is so hot! BEAUTIFUL eyes...and you know he's hairy...he's hot!

He's just sexy!

Ceeelebrate good times, come on!

Yay for me! I just typed the very last word of book #3 in my spy series, THE SPECIALISTS. Now I get to celebrate. Yipee! I LOVE celebrating.

I’ll rent a girlie movie. Something cheesy. Boy meets girl and they fall desperately in love…

I’ll read a book. I’ve already got it picked out. It’s going to be the next Sophie Metropolis book by Tori Carrington.

I’ll eat something bad. Perhaps too much dessert or a whole bag of salt and vinegar chips.

Ooh, yeah. I’ll definitely go shopping at my favorite consignment shop, Buy Gones. They’re having a really awesome sale right now.

So that’s it for me. Now I’m off to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

It Finally Happened

My brother finally married his long time girlfriend Lora. It was a beautiful wedding, Lora looked fantastic in her wedding dress, so beautiful. Michael was the charming groom greeting guests as they entered. The wedding went off without a hitch. I was one of his groom's men and after the wedding I almost fell down the a few steps while walking out but other than that everything went great. The reception was a blast. Michael's and Lora's friends are wonderful. Fun, crazy and a bit wild. My brother is a huge Star Wars fan and so are his friends. Several of his friends came to the wedding dressed up as Star Wars characters. Beside the ususal first dance and cutting of the cake, we had a light saber limbo. It was a great wedding and reception. I wish them all the best.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

It's All about The Eyes

got a job, start monday...I'm exhausted with CA already! ;-)

It's All about The Eyes

got a job, start monday...I'm exhausted with CA already! ;-)

It's All about The Eyes

got a job, start monday...I'm exhausted with CA already! ;-)

Happy Birthday To Me

It's my 36th birthday today. It's been a good birthday. I had a Birthday BBQ with a few friends. We had some hot dogs and hamburgers and watched my favorite romantic comedy Guys and Balls. It was a nice relaxing day.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Still no job!

...ok the one job I had lined up fell I'm still looking. I've been here almost a month already and nothing. I know, I know...things will turn around. I have a couple of good leads, so we shall see. The weather has been nice, I like fall in CA, I heard there was some snow already in S. Dakota. Not going to miss digging my car out in the mornings that's for sure!

Still no job!

...ok the one job I had lined up fell I'm still looking. I've been here almost a month already and nothing. I know, I know...things will turn around. I have a couple of good leads, so we shall see. The weather has been nice, I like fall in CA, I heard there was some snow already in S. Dakota. Not going to miss digging my car out in the mornings that's for sure!

Still no job!

...ok the one job I had lined up fell I'm still looking. I've been here almost a month already and nothing. I know, I know...things will turn around. I have a couple of good leads, so we shall see. The weather has been nice, I like fall in CA, I heard there was some snow already in S. Dakota. Not going to miss digging my car out in the mornings that's for sure!

Filming Heroes outside my office

They are filming a scene from an episode of NBC's new series Heroes right outside my office/edit bays. I saw all these people in the hall way and one of the workers told us that they were shooting a scene pretending they are at FBI headquarters. Greg Grunberg plays a LA cop who can read people's minds and he teams up with an FBI agent.. those are the two principles actors here. It's very cool...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Three Weeks By Boat!

Cynthia's Attic: The Magic Medallion, has arrived! I just got pre-release copies. What a thrill to not only open Book Two in the series, and read the words I sweated and slaved over (not to mention the editors!), but to also feel it! Now, I know this probably sounds weird but, I can't stop "feeling" my book! The cover is a beautiful deep red, and the pages are so white and crisp. It makes me proud to see it, and I'll be even more proud when I can walk into any Barnes & Noble, or Borders, or any bookstore, and see it on the shelves.

It's already for pre-sale in Japan, Korea, France, Germany, among other countries, but what was really funny was to read the Korean shipping description: "Arrival time - three weeks-by boat! Oh well...


Wedding Rehearsal

Well as some of you may or may not know.. after 12 years of courting, my brother is finally getting married to the lovely Lora. They had planned to get married on my birthday Saturday Sept. 23rd but the reception area wasn't available so they moved it to Sunday Sept. 24th. Of course I am part of the wedding party so I have to be there on Wednesday for the rehearsal. It was alot of fun. My brother has said in the past that he is not nervous about his ceremony, but he was nervous during the rehearsal. I also picked up my tux today, black suit with black shirt, lilac vest and lilac tie. So I have my tux and I know where to stand.. I'm ready for Sunday.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bad Breath

There’s nothing worse in this world than bad breath. Well, of course, there are worse things, but you know what I mean.

This past weekend I flew to and from Fayetteville, NC. I had a book signing there and got a chance to visit by my big sis and mom. By the way, the Barnes & Noble that hosted my signing really rolled out the red carpet for me. Very impressive. Hi Donna! (Donna’s the really awesome Community Relations Manager. You rock, girl!)

Anyway, back to the bad breath. I must have been jinxed. Here’s the low down:

Plane ride there—bad breath victim in my vicinity.
Sitting in the terminal in Charlotte—another chronic halitosis.
Airline attendant—can anyone say shoo?
Plane ride home—I had to put a napkin over my nose.

Not kidding here. I’m wondering, has anyone heard of mints? Or just plane brushing your teeth?

It makes me think of that Listerine commercial where a lady is sitting next to a man on an airplane. He’s snoring, mouth open, obviously stinking up the area. She slips a Listerine strip into his mouth.

Oh, if only I would’ve had a pocket full of those Listerine strips.

Monday, September 18, 2006

It's My Party...

...remember that movie with Eric Roberts, Gregory Harrison and Margaret Cho (and some other fine actors also). Well, back in the mid 90's when every gay film you found was about AIDS, I didn't want to see them. Yes I know, sticking my head in the sand but I just couldn't. I've never seen Philadelphia or Boys in the Band, it was just to difficult for me, I didn't want to associate that being gay meant I was going to get AIDS. Of course, that's not what it means...but at that time, it seemed only gay people were getting the disease. Well my friend ANGELA tricked me and told me it was a comedy...lawd that bitch was dirty...I cried my fuckin ass off! I sobbed, I sobbed like when I was a baby and nobody changed my diapers AND I was hongry!! I sobbed. So to this day...when she suggests a movie I IMDB it first!! Well she sent me a video to watch on youtube about gay rights. So I watched it...and once again, I cried. I have to post it, it's a good vid and it's important. Don't get me wrong, I'm no activist or pushing any gay rights agenda...just leave me alone and let me live my life is my thing...but this IS a good vid. So here it is, oh that bitch made me cry again...but it was worth it. The song is called No lies, Just Love by Bright Eyes and it was posted by CJbojangles (aka Chris Lewis) great job.
;-) peace

It's My Party...

...remember that movie with Eric Roberts, Gregory Harrison and Margaret Cho (and some other fine actors also). Well, back in the mid 90's when every gay film you found was about AIDS, I didn't want to see them. Yes I know, sticking my head in the sand but I just couldn't. I've never seen Philadelphia or Boys in the Band, it was just to difficult for me, I didn't want to associate that being gay meant I was going to get AIDS. Of course, that's not what it means...but at that time, it seemed only gay people were getting the disease. Well my friend ANGELA tricked me and told me it was a comedy...lawd that bitch was dirty...I cried my fuckin ass off! I sobbed, I sobbed like when I was a baby and nobody changed my diapers AND I was hongry!! I sobbed. So to this day...when she suggests a movie I IMDB it first!! Well she sent me a video to watch on youtube about gay rights. So I watched it...and once again, I cried. I have to post it, it's a good vid and it's important. Don't get me wrong, I'm no activist or pushing any gay rights agenda...just leave me alone and let me live my life is my thing...but this IS a good vid. So here it is, oh that bitch made me cry again...but it was worth it. The song is called No lies, Just Love by Bright Eyes and it was posted by CJbojangles (aka Chris Lewis) great job.
;-) peace

It's My Party...

...remember that movie with Eric Roberts, Gregory Harrison and Margaret Cho (and some other fine actors also). Well, back in the mid 90's when every gay film you found was about AIDS, I didn't want to see them. Yes I know, sticking my head in the sand but I just couldn't. I've never seen Philadelphia or Boys in the Band, it was just to difficult for me, I didn't want to associate that being gay meant I was going to get AIDS. Of course, that's not what it means...but at that time, it seemed only gay people were getting the disease. Well my friend ANGELA tricked me and told me it was a comedy...lawd that bitch was dirty...I cried my fuckin ass off! I sobbed, I sobbed like when I was a baby and nobody changed my diapers AND I was hongry!! I sobbed. So to this day...when she suggests a movie I IMDB it first!! Well she sent me a video to watch on youtube about gay rights. So I watched it...and once again, I cried. I have to post it, it's a good vid and it's important. Don't get me wrong, I'm no activist or pushing any gay rights agenda...just leave me alone and let me live my life is my thing...but this IS a good vid. So here it is, oh that bitch made me cry again...but it was worth it. The song is called No lies, Just Love by Bright Eyes and it was posted by CJbojangles (aka Chris Lewis) great job.
;-) peace

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I still love him...

...Joseph Sayers that is...normally that would read Brad Pitt but ya know, after the break up n all...! so here are some more pics of him that I found that may be old to you but new to me. Oh I found a job, a good one, so I'm happy but I'm missing my friends in Rapid City,SD. Ok, we KNEW this would happen...just a bit of "home" sickness. Life is good. Peace ;-)

I still love him...

...Joseph Sayers that is...normally that would read Brad Pitt but ya know, after the break up n all...! so here are some more pics of him that I found that may be old to you but new to me. Oh I found a job, a good one, so I'm happy but I'm missing my friends in Rapid City,SD. Ok, we KNEW this would happen...just a bit of "home" sickness. Life is good. Peace ;-)