Saturday, July 29, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Well I finally saw Pirates 2 and I really enjoyed it. I knew before hand that this was going to be the middle movie and a third one was being made. So when it ended the way it did, I was not surprised. I think Depp did another great job as Captain Jack Sparrow. The SFX were awesome and there was a ton of action. I don't think this was a complete story though. I think the fact that they knew they were doing another film hurt the story telling in this movie. This series could not end with this movie, there must be a third installment to complete this story.

Another "Little" Outing

Took my "little" brother to the Sherman Oaks Gallery. I still haven't seen Superman or Pirates 2 so I gave him the choice of which ever one he wanted to see. He chose Pirates 2 and we both really enjoyed the movie. After the movie we went to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch and had a nice lunch.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Books I'm Reading

Welcome to The Teen Scene! I'm an author of teen books, but I also read books of the same genre for entertainment and review purposes. I just finished reading K. C. Oliver's exciting mystery, Pretty Pretty, the tale of Quinn and Holly, best friends who decided to take a summer job at a rather spooky hotel in Hawaii. Sounds like fun, huh? It was until they discovered that their "dream job" was one to die for...literally.

I'm also reading the first book in Janet Muirhead Hill's "Starlight" series, Miranda and Starlight. Any girl who loves horse and great books, will enjoy the story of Miranda and her stuggles to find acceptance in a new school when she goes to live with her grandparents in Montana.

Happy Reading! Let's hear about your favorite books

Mary Cunningham, author
Cynthia's Attic: The Missing Locket
Cynthia's Attic: The Magic Medallion
Echelon Press Publishing

What are you Reading?

Welcome to your spot in the Blog empire.

We want to know what's going on with you? What are you reading? What do you like to read? Do you write?

Here at the Teen Scene you will get to talk to authors, win free books, and ask anything you want about reading and writing.

We don't have a lot of rules. Just try to get along and not ruin it for anyone else. Pretty simple. No filthy mouth or flaming.

If someone posts something that makes you uncomfortable, don't be afraid to tell your parents or us. We just want to keep it clean.

We'd like to know who you are, so introduce yourself.

As safe!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Lance Bass is gay...

...and I had to hear about it via txt msg. from my slightly homophobic straight brother!!! Man! I am out of the loop. George Michael got caught having sex with a homeless man in the bushes, I mean I don't know what's going on in the world! I haven't touched a computer in a week! On the other hand I'm down to under 30 days now before I get back to Cali, money is good at Desperado's...and of course, I met a guy (ya know, cause I'm leaving in a few weeks NOW is the time to meet someone cool). Other than that, not much going on...oh, actually it's like two guys that I'm talking to but one I'm sort of dating but last night we had a our first "disagreement" and that's just 'cause he don't know better. ;-) I'll try and write more later, I'm off to work!

Lance Bass is gay...

...and I had to hear about it via txt msg. from my slightly homophobic straight brother!!! Man! I am out of the loop. George Michael got caught having sex with a homeless man in the bushes, I mean I don't know what's going on in the world! I haven't touched a computer in a week! On the other hand I'm down to under 30 days now before I get back to Cali, money is good at Desperado's...and of course, I met a guy (ya know, cause I'm leaving in a few weeks NOW is the time to meet someone cool). Other than that, not much going on...oh, actually it's like two guys that I'm talking to but one I'm sort of dating but last night we had a our first "disagreement" and that's just 'cause he don't know better. ;-) I'll try and write more later, I'm off to work!

Lance Bass is gay...

...and I had to hear about it via txt msg. from my slightly homophobic straight brother!!! Man! I am out of the loop. George Michael got caught having sex with a homeless man in the bushes, I mean I don't know what's going on in the world! I haven't touched a computer in a week! On the other hand I'm down to under 30 days now before I get back to Cali, money is good at Desperado's...and of course, I met a guy (ya know, cause I'm leaving in a few weeks NOW is the time to meet someone cool). Other than that, not much going on...oh, actually it's like two guys that I'm talking to but one I'm sort of dating but last night we had a our first "disagreement" and that's just 'cause he don't know better. ;-) I'll try and write more later, I'm off to work!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Comic Con Day Four

Final Thoughts.... Not as many stars or panels and the horrible mix up with the hotel , but all in all this has been a fun comic con experience. Be sure to check out my website and follow the link to my comic con 2006 pictures.

Sunday is usually a laid back kind of day. It's "Kids day" so I normally don't go to any panels that day and normally finish up buying whatever I want to buy before we head home. But this year I was volunteering at the California Browncoats fan table. From 9:30am to about 1pm it was controlled chaos. It was so much fun meeting fellow fans of Firefly and Serenity. We sold tons of t-shirts, buttons, stickers and so much more. I did very good and didn't buy everything. After working the booth I then strolled around a bit longer and checked out a few things. At about 1:30 I headed upstairs for the Browncoats charity drawing, which I had bought 20 tickets. I sat there for about two hours as they read off ticket number but alas I did not win any of the 123 items. After that I found Tom and we headed back home.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Comic Con Day Three

There wasn't much going on Saturday in regards to the panels, at least not much that I wanted to see. So I planned on spending most of my time down in the dealers room or roaming around taking pictures. But there were two panels that I wanted to see. At 10:30 there was the Lost panel. I have gone to this every year (this being year three) and every year different actors show up to promote this show. This year we had Jorge Garcia (Hurley) and Daniel Dae Kim (Jin). It was a packed house over 5000 people and they talked about the upcoming season but kept very tight lipped. After that panel and in the same room was The Simpson panel. The creative time behind this show came in and discussed several things, the big thing was seeing unfinished clips from the big Simpsons movie coming out next year. Both panels were great

After the panels I picked up some lunch and went back down to the floor where I took tons of picture ( which you can see on my website) and continue to check out all the geeky things. At 8pm there was a special screening of "Done the Impossilbe" it's a fan film about how the fans of Firefly fought to get our beloved but cancelled TV series made into the big damn movie Serenity. When then did dinner and back to the hotel for some much needed rest.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Comic Con Day Two

Friday was my first full day at this years Comic Con and I would have to say that it didn't disappoint me. There were crowds, lines, people in costumes and plenty of geeky things as far as the eye could see. Every year I sit down with the program schedule for each day and make lists of what I want to see and who I want to see. Of course there is always conflicting event happening at the same time so I pick which one I really want to see and have the other ones as back up just in case I can't get into the one I really want to see. There were 12 events/panels that I wanted to see but 0nly three were "must" see.

When the doors opened on the huge dealers room ( about the size of a football field) I started to look at all the goodies. I only needed a few action figures but was also buying some figures for friends that couldn't make to comic con.. so I started to shop. I knew that I had about an hour before I needed to get in line for the Warner Bros presentation. I knew that they weren't going to be showing any new footage from the new Harry Potter so it went from a 'must' see to if I had time panel and once I was on the dealers floor looking at all the cool things I decided that it wasn't so important and skipped it.

Around Noon I knew that I needed to get upstairs and get in line for the one thing that I really have been looking forward too, the screening and panel for Heroes. Heroes is a new TV series that will be premiering on NBC in the fall and they had a special sneak peak at a 70 minutes comic con exclusive cut of the pilot episode. Then the entire cast but two came in and spoke to the crowds of thousands. The pilot was awesome and it was so cool being one of the first people to watch this great new TV series. The cast was funny, charming and taken back by the response from the audience. Eveyone must watch this new TV series.

After the Heroes panel I went back down to the dealers room and continued to go through the crowds of people and shop for items that I needed. About and hour after that my nerves were starting to get frayed. I can only take the crowds for so long and my feet were starting to hurt.. so I decided that is was time for lunch. I went upstairs and found a semi-quiet area and sat down for a much needed rest. After lunch I really didn't want to go back down to the floor so I decided to go to another panel. And so for the next few hours I went to the Star Wars Day: Lucasfilm's Star Wars Spectacular, which really is one big sales pitch for what games are coming out next year, but was still fun. I also went to The Jim Henson Company: Power of the Dark Crystal and found out about some upcoming movies and event from the Jim Henson Company. Now being 7pm I was tired but Tom and I wanted to see if we could get into one more panel, SNL Saturday TV Funhouse. We got in line, which was huge but the room filled up and we couldn't get it. We decided that it was time for dinner and then back to the hotel to rest up for Saturday.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Comic Con Day One

Well after getting five phone calls from work asking me various questions I managed to get everything packed and ready to go. Tom showed up and we jumped in the car and went to the store to buy some snacks. We were just about to get on the freeway when i noticed that I didn't have the directions or my hotel conformation information so back to the apartment we go. So we get the info and head out again. After almost four hours in the car we get to the hotel and find out another surprise. A few months back my credit card was stolen and I cancelled the card and was re-issued another one. Well I used that cancel card to hold the room, I thought this would be okay because they ran the CC number when I booked the room back in Feb. to make sure it was good. I figure when I got there I could give them the new one and all would be good. Well the guy told me that they cancelled our room because the credit card was bad. He then went on to tell me that I was a bad person because the credit card was bad. I tried to argue but they already gave the room to someone else. Tom asked why they didn't call us or let us know about this and he said it was my problem and not theres.. he also mentioned that they booked our room for about $500 a night instead of the $189 that booked it at back in Feb.. He was the most un-helpful person but after talking to him he did call another hotel and asked if they had rooms and if we could get the same rate. Well the rate we paid for this hotel was high because it was close to the convention center. Our new hotel was 5 miles even though the guy said it was 1 mile away from his hotel. So we paid a ton of money for a crappy hotel five miles away and had to taxi in every day which cost us another 100 dollars what we didn't expect.

We did manage to get to the convention center before they closed and get our badges and still make it to the second half of a panel with Kenneth Johnson the creator of V, The Incredible Hulk, Bionic Man and Woman, Alien Nation amoung others. So what started off as a horrible day and continued to be a crappy afternoon ended with a good night. Next up Friday.. one of the busiest con days.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Today's Weather friggin hot!! Ok this is South Dakota we are NOT supposed to be this hot! On the other hand I did get my new car (new to me anyways) and thank goodness it has A/C!! As for this guy...well, he's a heat wave himself. ;-)

Today's Weather friggin hot!! Ok this is South Dakota we are NOT supposed to be this hot! On the other hand I did get my new car (new to me anyways) and thank goodness it has A/C!! As for this guy...well, he's a heat wave himself. ;-)

Today's Weather friggin hot!! Ok this is South Dakota we are NOT supposed to be this hot! On the other hand I did get my new car (new to me anyways) and thank goodness it has A/C!! As for this guy...well, he's a heat wave himself. ;-)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

"little" outing

Entry for July 16, 2006 - "little" outing
Well I had my third outing with my "little" Sean. We went to Castle Park in Sherman Oaks. Played a round of minature golf, we hit the ball around. He wasn't really into golf. He would nail the ball and it would go flying. He then would hit if a few time and then get bored and pick it up and move to the next hole. He liked the arcade more. Played tons of games for the next few hours. All in all a fun day and with all the tickets we won he got a really cool SFX "LOTR - Sting" sword for only 280 tickets.He was trilled. Only a few more outings before he moves.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


You know computers are great... when they work. Well about a year and a month ago my computer crashed and I lost six months worth of everything. Well last night I go to my computer and the screen is frozen so I re-boot and notice on my start up that one of my hard drives (I have a RAID system, a 2 hard drive system) had an error. My heart dropped. Since it's a two hard drive system working as one, if one goes down the the other become useless. Well it looks like I have a second hard drive crash in a matter of a year. I did back up my computer back in May but being to busy I wasn't able to do a more current one. So I lost the past two months worth of work, I'm so bummed. I'm not sure if it was my original hard drive that crashed or the new replacement one that I got from Dell last year. Regardless it's been just over year and these drive have a one year limited warrenty. Just my luck... oh well this crash was bad but not as bad as last year. Last years crash devastated me, this one just hurts.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Comic Con

I'm so excited... one week to until the International Comic Con down in San Diego. I have gone the past four years and it is so much fun. I book this a year in advance. I go with my friend Tom every year. You can get in free if you are in the Entertainment industry, which is kind of nice. The only bad thing is that Harry is really not into going so I have to be away from him for four days. Image I'm sure I'll be posting the going on's down there when I get back.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

One Red Paperclip...

...can get you a house. Have you heard of the guy who started a year ago to trade one red paperclip for a house? Well he has succeeded! Wow. Congrats to him.

One Red Paperclip...

...can get you a house. Have you heard of the guy who started a year ago to trade one red paperclip for a house? Well he has succeeded! Wow. Congrats to him.

One Red Paperclip...

...can get you a house. Have you heard of the guy who started a year ago to trade one red paperclip for a house? Well he has succeeded! Wow. Congrats to him.

Driving people crazy...

...I know I am. I'm almost to the 30 day mark before I move back home to California and I think I'm gettting on peoples nerves. I was out with some friends the other night:
Friend 1: There's this new song by those pepper guys but I don't remember it but they sing about...
Me: Red Hot Chili Peppers? California??
F1: yes that's it
Me: and please never call them the pepper guys, I know you're FROM here but still...
F1: don't act like you're not from here, you were born here.
Me: Yes but I GREW up and became aware of my greatness... in California. ;-)
F1: *rolls eyes*
Friend 2: So Leonard have you got your new car yet?
Me: You mean my used but new to me car that is taking me back to California? No, not yet. Maybe this weekend.
F2: Ok.
Friend 3: I like your Mickey's (the beer not the mouse)shirt, it's cute and fits you good...where'd you get it?
Me: California
F3: I mean, which store.
Me: Does it matter? It's in California, I assure you, you do not have that store here.
F1: If you say California one more time tonight, I'm going to cut you.
Me: Sacramento.
F1, F2, F3: *sigh*

Ok so maybe I bring it up a bit but hey, I'm excited!! Although, y'all know when I get there I'll hate it and complain about the people and the smog and the prices and the basic grunginess of living in a huge city again...but I'm sure I'll adjust.

Driving people crazy...

...I know I am. I'm almost to the 30 day mark before I move back home to California and I think I'm gettting on peoples nerves. I was out with some friends the other night:
Friend 1: There's this new song by those pepper guys but I don't remember it but they sing about...
Me: Red Hot Chili Peppers? California??
F1: yes that's it
Me: and please never call them the pepper guys, I know you're FROM here but still...
F1: don't act like you're not from here, you were born here.
Me: Yes but I GREW up and became aware of my greatness... in California. ;-)
F1: *rolls eyes*
Friend 2: So Leonard have you got your new car yet?
Me: You mean my used but new to me car that is taking me back to California? No, not yet. Maybe this weekend.
F2: Ok.
Friend 3: I like your Mickey's (the beer not the mouse)shirt, it's cute and fits you good...where'd you get it?
Me: California
F3: I mean, which store.
Me: Does it matter? It's in California, I assure you, you do not have that store here.
F1: If you say California one more time tonight, I'm going to cut you.
Me: Sacramento.
F1, F2, F3: *sigh*

Ok so maybe I bring it up a bit but hey, I'm excited!! Although, y'all know when I get there I'll hate it and complain about the people and the smog and the prices and the basic grunginess of living in a huge city again...but I'm sure I'll adjust.

Driving people crazy...

...I know I am. I'm almost to the 30 day mark before I move back home to California and I think I'm gettting on peoples nerves. I was out with some friends the other night:
Friend 1: There's this new song by those pepper guys but I don't remember it but they sing about...
Me: Red Hot Chili Peppers? California??
F1: yes that's it
Me: and please never call them the pepper guys, I know you're FROM here but still...
F1: don't act like you're not from here, you were born here.
Me: Yes but I GREW up and became aware of my greatness... in California. ;-)
F1: *rolls eyes*
Friend 2: So Leonard have you got your new car yet?
Me: You mean my used but new to me car that is taking me back to California? No, not yet. Maybe this weekend.
F2: Ok.
Friend 3: I like your Mickey's (the beer not the mouse)shirt, it's cute and fits you good...where'd you get it?
Me: California
F3: I mean, which store.
Me: Does it matter? It's in California, I assure you, you do not have that store here.
F1: If you say California one more time tonight, I'm going to cut you.
Me: Sacramento.
F1, F2, F3: *sigh*

Ok so maybe I bring it up a bit but hey, I'm excited!! Although, y'all know when I get there I'll hate it and complain about the people and the smog and the prices and the basic grunginess of living in a huge city again...but I'm sure I'll adjust.

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Big Screen TV

I got a Big Screen TV today. Well I got part of a Big Screen TV. My brother Michael bought a 50 inch Mitsubishi rear projection Big Screen TV from ebay, but while they were bringing it home they cracked the front screen. The TV worked great, they checked it out before hand and all was well. He paid $260 for it which isn't bad since it originaly cost $1595.00. Well my brother being my brother doesn't want to fix it, which I don't understand since he paid so little for it. I told him I would take it and fix it. So I gave him $200.00 for it and I was told that the new screen would be about $250.00 and another $250.00 for them to install it. So I'm hoping by the time it's repaired and working I will have spent $700.00 for a 50 inch TV. Keep you're fingers crossed that it worked out. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, July 7, 2006

Finally, this day job is over...

...and not a moment to soon! I'm exhausted. I drive to Keystone (about 25 miles from Rapid City where I live) and do the 8-5 thing, then head to Hill City (another 12 miles) and do the 5:30 to whenever I get out of there, which has been around 10:30 and then back to Rapid City and straight to bed. I'm beat. On the other hand this assignment ends today and I'm not going to take anymore. Desperados is doing good and I'm making enough so that I can just do my 5 nights a week and be ok, which means days off so I can do the touristy things! This day job was sooooo bad for me, I've eaten out every day (poundage will start happening soon, I know it!) and to eat out every day in a tourist town is not cheap. Not to mention the food is not that great either. It was nice to be in A/C and have a computer to play on, but I'm so over that now. My tan is fading and my waist is growing, time to get back to playing in the Hills again! I'm so ready to move back to California, just about another month and a few days and I'm gone. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Finally, this day job is over...

...and not a moment to soon! I'm exhausted. I drive to Keystone (about 25 miles from Rapid City where I live) and do the 8-5 thing, then head to Hill City (another 12 miles) and do the 5:30 to whenever I get out of there, which has been around 10:30 and then back to Rapid City and straight to bed. I'm beat. On the other hand this assignment ends today and I'm not going to take anymore. Desperados is doing good and I'm making enough so that I can just do my 5 nights a week and be ok, which means days off so I can do the touristy things! This day job was sooooo bad for me, I've eaten out every day (poundage will start happening soon, I know it!) and to eat out every day in a tourist town is not cheap. Not to mention the food is not that great either. It was nice to be in A/C and have a computer to play on, but I'm so over that now. My tan is fading and my waist is growing, time to get back to playing in the Hills again! I'm so ready to move back to California, just about another month and a few days and I'm gone. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Finally, this day job is over...

...and not a moment to soon! I'm exhausted. I drive to Keystone (about 25 miles from Rapid City where I live) and do the 8-5 thing, then head to Hill City (another 12 miles) and do the 5:30 to whenever I get out of there, which has been around 10:30 and then back to Rapid City and straight to bed. I'm beat. On the other hand this assignment ends today and I'm not going to take anymore. Desperados is doing good and I'm making enough so that I can just do my 5 nights a week and be ok, which means days off so I can do the touristy things! This day job was sooooo bad for me, I've eaten out every day (poundage will start happening soon, I know it!) and to eat out every day in a tourist town is not cheap. Not to mention the food is not that great either. It was nice to be in A/C and have a computer to play on, but I'm so over that now. My tan is fading and my waist is growing, time to get back to playing in the Hills again! I'm so ready to move back to California, just about another month and a few days and I'm gone. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

It's All About The Eyes...

...been awhile since I've posted some pretty eyes. Thanks to the blokes at The Pretty Boys Club, I had no problem finding some purty eyes. ;-)

It's All About The Eyes...

...been awhile since I've posted some pretty eyes. Thanks to the blokes at The Pretty Boys Club, I had no problem finding some purty eyes. ;-)

It's All About The Eyes...

...been awhile since I've posted some pretty eyes. Thanks to the blokes at The Pretty Boys Club, I had no problem finding some purty eyes. ;-)

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Four day Weekend

Well it's been an interesting four day fourth of July weekend. It started off really good.. going up to my Mom's cabin in Green Valley Lake for four days relaxing getaway with Harry and Daisy. Got up their Saturday night, relaxed all day Sunday, walked around the Lake and had a really nice time. Monday we went off-roading, which was alot of fun and did some more relaxing. But while off-roading I got a message on my cell phone, it doesn’t work in Green Valley but where we were off-roading we got reception. So I checked it and it was the EP of the show I'm working on panicking about getting a bunch of things done by Wednesday night. So I called him and tried to calm him down a bit. But of course now I'm worrying about work and getting all this stuff done before Wednesday night. I asked Harry if we could go home a bit earlier because I wanted to go into work today on the fourth and try and get a headstart on things. He was fine with that, both of us aren't really into fireworks and we wanted to beat the traffic home. So we got up Tuesday and started to pack up the jeep and head home. We got out of the mountains and was about 80 miles or so from home when the temperature gauge on the jeep started to rise and kept rising until it was in the red and I started to pull to the side of the road when I realized that I was losing horsepower. Well we managed to get to the side of the road and I called AAA. Come to find out that I have the basic AAA and they only tow 7 miles for free and for every mile after that it's $8 a mile. Well us still being 80 miles from home it would cost be about $640.00 to tow the jeep to our place. I called my brother who lives in Corona and talked with him and told him what has happened. He suggest I bring the jeep to his place about 20 miles and he can have his friends take a look at it and he would give us a ride home. Well after waiting in the 100 + temp, which Daisy was just dying in, the tow truck came and towed the jeep to my brother's house. I'm still not sure what the problem is. But the jeep overheated and may have cause the head gasket to blow, which is bad but even worse it may have cracked the engine block, which would mean we would need a new engine. Anyways we got home about 5pm and just crashed on the couch. What started out as being a great relaxing weekend turned into a stressful and costly weekend and I’m still waiting to hear the worst of it. Oh and I didn't go into work to get that head start like I wanted to. So tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day.

Monday, July 3, 2006

No Fat Chicks

So all my "fluffy" female friends have gotten or are going to get that gastriatic bypass surgery. *sigh* I'm going to miss watching them mow through a buffet like a cow through an alfalfa field! Speaking of, I totally ate like a heffa today! I found a cool buffet in the middle of tourist town and now my stomach and body are currently rejecting the amount of food I consumed. Damn, and I just reached a size small in cool beer logo t-shirts!! On the other hand, with all my "fluffy" friends losing weight and me used to being the skinny one of the crowd, it'll only reinforce me to keep up my healthy eating (except for today of course) ;-)
By the way, I am not an advocate of that surgery and I did attempt to let my friends know there were other options in life, but it's working for them so I guess that's all that matters. ;-)

No Fat Chicks

So all my "fluffy" female friends have gotten or are going to get that gastriatic bypass surgery. *sigh* I'm going to miss watching them mow through a buffet like a cow through an alfalfa field! Speaking of, I totally ate like a heffa today! I found a cool buffet in the middle of tourist town and now my stomach and body are currently rejecting the amount of food I consumed. Damn, and I just reached a size small in cool beer logo t-shirts!! On the other hand, with all my "fluffy" friends losing weight and me used to being the skinny one of the crowd, it'll only reinforce me to keep up my healthy eating (except for today of course) ;-)
By the way, I am not an advocate of that surgery and I did attempt to let my friends know there were other options in life, but it's working for them so I guess that's all that matters. ;-)

No Fat Chicks

So all my "fluffy" female friends have gotten or are going to get that gastriatic bypass surgery. *sigh* I'm going to miss watching them mow through a buffet like a cow through an alfalfa field! Speaking of, I totally ate like a heffa today! I found a cool buffet in the middle of tourist town and now my stomach and body are currently rejecting the amount of food I consumed. Damn, and I just reached a size small in cool beer logo t-shirts!! On the other hand, with all my "fluffy" friends losing weight and me used to being the skinny one of the crowd, it'll only reinforce me to keep up my healthy eating (except for today of course) ;-)
By the way, I am not an advocate of that surgery and I did attempt to let my friends know there were other options in life, but it's working for them so I guess that's all that matters. ;-)

Today's Weather going to be very warm but with a nice breeze, such a perfect day to go to the beach with your boyfriend. If only I had access to either. ;-)
These pics are from Gaydesires and I thought they were perfect for Today's Weather.

Today's Weather going to be very warm but with a nice breeze, such a perfect day to go to the beach with your boyfriend. If only I had access to either. ;-)
These pics are from Gaydesires and I thought they were perfect for Today's Weather.