Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Friday!

And yes it is "kind of" like a Friday for me this time. I'm working a temp desk job (that whole being a server during the day thing was *not* working out for me). So here I am back in an office. Just for a week though, then I'm doing the Desperados thing five nights with a couple of days thrown in also. Business is picking up and tips are good! I'm working in this small tourist town called Keystone, population like 310! but big tourist place though. I'm temping at the local telephone company and I'm the only person in the office! Blogs away!! So our tech is in the switch room and he comes out, walks right up to my desk and holds his finger out, he has a little red bug on it crawling around. I asked what that was and he said a tick!! eww! he felt it crawling on him, ok now why would he show me?? Now I feel all itchy everywhere!!! I swear if I get lime disease....

Have a great weekend!

Happy Friday!

And yes it is "kind of" like a Friday for me this time. I'm working a temp desk job (that whole being a server during the day thing was *not* working out for me). So here I am back in an office. Just for a week though, then I'm doing the Desperados thing five nights with a couple of days thrown in also. Business is picking up and tips are good! I'm working in this small tourist town called Keystone, population like 310! but big tourist place though. I'm temping at the local telephone company and I'm the only person in the office! Blogs away!! So our tech is in the switch room and he comes out, walks right up to my desk and holds his finger out, he has a little red bug on it crawling around. I asked what that was and he said a tick!! eww! he felt it crawling on him, ok now why would he show me?? Now I feel all itchy everywhere!!! I swear if I get lime disease....

Have a great weekend!

Happy Friday!

And yes it is "kind of" like a Friday for me this time. I'm working a temp desk job (that whole being a server during the day thing was *not* working out for me). So here I am back in an office. Just for a week though, then I'm doing the Desperados thing five nights with a couple of days thrown in also. Business is picking up and tips are good! I'm working in this small tourist town called Keystone, population like 310! but big tourist place though. I'm temping at the local telephone company and I'm the only person in the office! Blogs away!! So our tech is in the switch room and he comes out, walks right up to my desk and holds his finger out, he has a little red bug on it crawling around. I asked what that was and he said a tick!! eww! he felt it crawling on him, ok now why would he show me?? Now I feel all itchy everywhere!!! I swear if I get lime disease....

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Happy Tuesday

Wow it's been a week since I've blogged! Not a whole lot happening in the wonderful world here. Looking forward to a great weekend (tip wise) at the restaurant. I am so far behind on what's going on in the world and of course the world of blogs! Must do some catching up! Have a great day!

Happy Tuesday

Wow it's been a week since I've blogged! Not a whole lot happening in the wonderful world here. Looking forward to a great weekend (tip wise) at the restaurant. I am so far behind on what's going on in the world and of course the world of blogs! Must do some catching up! Have a great day!

Happy Tuesday

Wow it's been a week since I've blogged! Not a whole lot happening in the wonderful world here. Looking forward to a great weekend (tip wise) at the restaurant. I am so far behind on what's going on in the world and of course the world of blogs! Must do some catching up! Have a great day!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Coming Out

I finally finished a section of my webpage that has been under construction since the creation of my website. It's my "coming out or being gay' page. I wanted to write about why I think it took me so long to come out of the closet but in the end I don't think I really explained it well enough. But it still describes the steps I took on coming out so late in life. So check out my website Click Here and look for the link.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Charity Screening of Serenity

Last night Harry and I went to a charity screening of the movie Serenity. Even though the movie is long gone from the big screen "Browncoats" as Firefly/Serenity fans like to be called decided to put together as many screenings on this weekend, being Joss Whedon's birthday. I don' t know the total number of theaters but I do know it's over 50 theaters all over the world had screenings. Luckily enough a group that I belong too SoCal Browncoats put together a screening in Pasadena. I volunteered to videotape the event so I ran around with my DV cam and took video of the line, which went around the corner, talked with fellow fans and had a great time. Seeing Serenity on the big screen again was AWESOME and seeing it with Browncoats was even better.. everyone cheered, applauded, cried and laughed at inside jokes all at the same time. And the even better part is we raised $4000.00 dollars for Joss Whedon's favorite charity ' Equality Now".

Another highlight of the night was the raffle. They had a ton of Serenity/Firefly stuff to raffle off. And even thought I didn't win the big big prize (ticket to Flanvention Con this year) I did win a very cool "Can't Stop The Serenity" T-shirt signed by Joss Whedon himself. It's funny because they had another raffle at the Flanvention last year and I won a Serenity comic book signed by Joss Whedon as well.. guess I'm lucky when it comes to winning things that Joss signed. All in all a wonderful night and a great experience.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Joseph Sayers en Francais

I can not get enough of him. Thanks to the folks at Beautiful for posting these and making me wish I live in France...or...where ever Joseph happens to be being photographed! ;-)

Joseph Sayers en Francais

I can not get enough of him. Thanks to the folks at Beautiful for posting these and making me wish I live in France...or...where ever Joseph happens to be being photographed! ;-)

Joseph Sayers en Francais

I can not get enough of him. Thanks to the folks at Beautiful for posting these and making me wish I live in France...or...where ever Joseph happens to be being photographed! ;-)

Geek Heaven

Well just a few hours ago I was walking towards Jonny's, it's a cafe at the Sunset Gower Studio's where I work and a blonde woman dressed in doctor scrubs was walking towards me. I made it to the door a few seconds before and held it open so she could walk in. She looked up and gave me a big smile and said "Thank You". I said "Your Wel...come" while realizing who she was. First I have to say that I don't normally get star struck because in my line of work you see star here and there but this one is part of one of favorite TV series of all. Denise Crosby is her name and if you are a Geek that name should ring a bell. If not she played Tasha Yar on Star Trek: The Next Generation, among many other guest roles in TV and Movies. She was only on half of the first season but came back several times in guest appearance and made her mark in the Star Trek realm.

Anyways I walked in behind her and she saw a group of people standing over on the other side and went to stand behind them. I of course going to Jonny's twice a week knew where to stand. Well a few second past and she realized that she was standing with people who were waiting for there food. By that time more people started to line up behind me. Our eyes met and she gave me a "oops" kind of look and started to walk back over. I waved my hand and said she can get in front of me since she walked in right before me. She gave me a smile and said.. "no that's okay"..but I insisted that she get in front of me. She laughed and said Thank you, you're very sweet and squeezed my shoulder. I have to tell you that my inner geekboy was about to burst. I am not one to bother stars when they are on lunch or not in there "working" mode. But this was very difficult not to gush over her and tell her how much I loved Tasha and she was a great actress.

She ordered her Cobb salad and went over to the fountain drink area where I once again stood next to her as she filled up her ice tea and me my diet soda. She gave me one last smile and then went to wait for her food while I went outside to sit out in the patio. Not sure why I got so excited to see her but I did and I couldn't wait to get back and blog it... this was a blog worth event.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Today's Weather

Warm and balmy...a very laid back kind of day. ;-)

Life is good, quit one job, went to another, still at Desperados at night and the tips are good. Life is becoming way to routine, but not much else to do. Went out this weekend and the scene was tired, the people were tired, Rapid City is tired. Saw a car with California license plates and screamed at the top of my lungs "I love you California!! Baby's coming home!!"
Allrighty then...think it's time. ;-)

Today's Weather

Warm and balmy...a very laid back kind of day. ;-)

Life is good, quit one job, went to another, still at Desperados at night and the tips are good. Life is becoming way to routine, but not much else to do. Went out this weekend and the scene was tired, the people were tired, Rapid City is tired. Saw a car with California license plates and screamed at the top of my lungs "I love you California!! Baby's coming home!!"
Allrighty then...think it's time. ;-)

Today's Weather

Warm and balmy...a very laid back kind of day. ;-)

Life is good, quit one job, went to another, still at Desperados at night and the tips are good. Life is becoming way to routine, but not much else to do. Went out this weekend and the scene was tired, the people were tired, Rapid City is tired. Saw a car with California license plates and screamed at the top of my lungs "I love you California!! Baby's coming home!!"
Allrighty then...think it's time. ;-)

Saturday, June 17, 2006


If you read my previous blog entry you know I saw Disney and Pixar's new movie Cars. I would have to say this is my least favorite of all the Disney/Pixars movie. As I was watching it I kept thinking cars are not very likeable characters. But to be honest towards the end of this movie I cried several times. The story was very sweet and some of the characters were very memoriable. Like all Pixar movies there is a short in front of Cars called " One Man Band" this was very cute and funny. This would have been a great movie if it wasn't a Disney/Pixar movie. After Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Bug's Life, Monster's Inc, Finding Nemo and The Incredibles this movie had a lot to live up too and I don't really think it did. Of course I'll see it again and buy it when it comes out on DVD, it's not a bad movie... and after a second viewing, it might even move up on my Pixar list of movies.

Our First Outting

Well I just got back from my very first meeting with my new "little" brother. I decided to take him to Citywalk... We first walked from one end to the other end of Citywalk. There was a video game store and he, being a lover of video games we had to stop by and check it out. Of course they have a ton of games that you can play so we played game for about 45 minutes. We then headed over to the movie theater to watch "Cars". We both really enjoyed they movie. After the movie we headed over to Hard Rock Cafe for lunch. So our first outting lasted six hour and we had a really good time.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Friday!

...or Humpday for me! Oh shit, it's Thursday *sigh*. Ne'er mind! Hope all is well. I'm still just doing the grind (and NOT the good kind) at both restaurants. I love the night job because I meet so many interesting people from all over the world. Last night I met a couple from England who were looking for a summer home in the Black Hills, they were the politest people ever! After I took their order I made small talk with them and discovered their desire to live here, although, they aren't happy with Bush...but they don't plan on becoming citizens, so they're safe. After that I had a table with an Italian from Italy! O M G! Do you know how difficult it is to pour a glass of wine to a tall hunky Italian man who just keeps smiling at you because his English is "no so good"??? *sigh* I manage to suggest the Halibut and he was really happy with his meal, left a good tip and went on his magical way. THAT was the highlight of my night!!
Thanks to The Boy for these pics. I don't know if this dude is Italian or Spanish or Brazilian...but then...does it really matter???!! I think blogger is having problems again so you may need to "refresh".

Happy Friday!

...or Humpday for me! Oh shit, it's Thursday *sigh*. Ne'er mind! Hope all is well. I'm still just doing the grind (and NOT the good kind) at both restaurants. I love the night job because I meet so many interesting people from all over the world. Last night I met a couple from England who were looking for a summer home in the Black Hills, they were the politest people ever! After I took their order I made small talk with them and discovered their desire to live here, although, they aren't happy with Bush...but they don't plan on becoming citizens, so they're safe. After that I had a table with an Italian from Italy! O M G! Do you know how difficult it is to pour a glass of wine to a tall hunky Italian man who just keeps smiling at you because his English is "no so good"??? *sigh* I manage to suggest the Halibut and he was really happy with his meal, left a good tip and went on his magical way. THAT was the highlight of my night!!
Thanks to The Boy for these pics. I don't know if this dude is Italian or Spanish or Brazilian...but then...does it really matter???!! I think blogger is having problems again so you may need to "refresh".