Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It's all about the Eyes

(as always, you can click for a larger pic)


It's all about the Eyes

(as always, you can click for a larger pic)


It's all about the Eyes

(as always, you can click for a larger pic)



Well today is my last day working for the State. I hate saying goodbye to people I've worked with for awhile, so, I don't think I will. I think I'll just "sneak" out this afternoon and not worry about saying goodbye or anything like that, well there are a few people I will actually say goodbye to but I'd prefer just to leave quietly. I'm not sure when I'll be able to blog next but I'm going to try and keep up as best I can AND since I'll no longer work for the State, I can say and post whatever I want!! and not risk being fired. Oooh, should change the name to Freedom Blog. ;-) It's supposed to be a nice day today, allergies are acting up a bit though, my eyes are burning! Speaking of eyes, stay tuned, later today I'll post some purtee ones. ;-)


Well today is my last day working for the State. I hate saying goodbye to people I've worked with for awhile, so, I don't think I will. I think I'll just "sneak" out this afternoon and not worry about saying goodbye or anything like that, well there are a few people I will actually say goodbye to but I'd prefer just to leave quietly. I'm not sure when I'll be able to blog next but I'm going to try and keep up as best I can AND since I'll no longer work for the State, I can say and post whatever I want!! and not risk being fired. Oooh, should change the name to Freedom Blog. ;-) It's supposed to be a nice day today, allergies are acting up a bit though, my eyes are burning! Speaking of eyes, stay tuned, later today I'll post some purtee ones. ;-)


Well today is my last day working for the State. I hate saying goodbye to people I've worked with for awhile, so, I don't think I will. I think I'll just "sneak" out this afternoon and not worry about saying goodbye or anything like that, well there are a few people I will actually say goodbye to but I'd prefer just to leave quietly. I'm not sure when I'll be able to blog next but I'm going to try and keep up as best I can AND since I'll no longer work for the State, I can say and post whatever I want!! and not risk being fired. Oooh, should change the name to Freedom Blog. ;-) It's supposed to be a nice day today, allergies are acting up a bit though, my eyes are burning! Speaking of eyes, stay tuned, later today I'll post some purtee ones. ;-)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

And then it hit me... whole summer is going to be spent on my feet with very few days off and not much time for fun. Then I thought, that's ok, I'm working my ass off so I'll have a nice "buffer" in my bank account when I get home and I can actually relax and not be so rushed to look for work right away. Last summer was a blast, I partied, hiked and did the tourist "things" here in S.D. and got to know a lot of my family back on the rez. So, I guess this summer can be spent making money and running around from job to job. ;-) I just wish I had more eye candy! Well we did get a new dishwasher at my night job who is cute...we shall see. *grin*
hope everyone had a great holiday weekend, I worked nonstop but the tips were good!

And then it hit me... whole summer is going to be spent on my feet with very few days off and not much time for fun. Then I thought, that's ok, I'm working my ass off so I'll have a nice "buffer" in my bank account when I get home and I can actually relax and not be so rushed to look for work right away. Last summer was a blast, I partied, hiked and did the tourist "things" here in S.D. and got to know a lot of my family back on the rez. So, I guess this summer can be spent making money and running around from job to job. ;-) I just wish I had more eye candy! Well we did get a new dishwasher at my night job who is cute...we shall see. *grin*
hope everyone had a great holiday weekend, I worked nonstop but the tips were good!

And then it hit me... whole summer is going to be spent on my feet with very few days off and not much time for fun. Then I thought, that's ok, I'm working my ass off so I'll have a nice "buffer" in my bank account when I get home and I can actually relax and not be so rushed to look for work right away. Last summer was a blast, I partied, hiked and did the tourist "things" here in S.D. and got to know a lot of my family back on the rez. So, I guess this summer can be spent making money and running around from job to job. ;-) I just wish I had more eye candy! Well we did get a new dishwasher at my night job who is cute...we shall see. *grin*
hope everyone had a great holiday weekend, I worked nonstop but the tips were good!


We had a nice dinner with our friend John and Moises. Saw X-Men III at Mann's Chinese Theater.. both Harry and I loved it. Not as good as X2 but still a fun adventure.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Ok so last night was our opening night at my second job, very disappointing!! On the other hand we heard that most people thought tonight was to be our opening night...soooooo I'm thinking we'll get hit tonight pretty good. Then tomorrow I start my new job at 6 a.m. until 2, then sleep an hour and be at the second job at 4:30! and that'll pretty much be my schedule from now on. Now get this, I DON'T EVEN DRINK CAFFEINE! lol, so um, it will be lots off sleep when I can, V8's and I'll be just fine!
The cool thing is it will help keep me trim for summer ;-) hey gotta find the silver lining in every situation, that's why the world can be so wonderful. :-)

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Ok so last night was our opening night at my second job, very disappointing!! On the other hand we heard that most people thought tonight was to be our opening night...soooooo I'm thinking we'll get hit tonight pretty good. Then tomorrow I start my new job at 6 a.m. until 2, then sleep an hour and be at the second job at 4:30! and that'll pretty much be my schedule from now on. Now get this, I DON'T EVEN DRINK CAFFEINE! lol, so um, it will be lots off sleep when I can, V8's and I'll be just fine!
The cool thing is it will help keep me trim for summer ;-) hey gotta find the silver lining in every situation, that's why the world can be so wonderful. :-)

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Ok so last night was our opening night at my second job, very disappointing!! On the other hand we heard that most people thought tonight was to be our opening night...soooooo I'm thinking we'll get hit tonight pretty good. Then tomorrow I start my new job at 6 a.m. until 2, then sleep an hour and be at the second job at 4:30! and that'll pretty much be my schedule from now on. Now get this, I DON'T EVEN DRINK CAFFEINE! lol, so um, it will be lots off sleep when I can, V8's and I'll be just fine!
The cool thing is it will help keep me trim for summer ;-) hey gotta find the silver lining in every situation, that's why the world can be so wonderful. :-)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

What I'm listening to.

I'm kind of stuck on Pink's New CD

This is my favorite song right now 'Cuz I Can. I found this on YouTube, no graphics, it's just to listen to, it's a great song!

Of course I have to post something for you to look at also. ;-)
Another Dieux Du Stade video. WHICH by the way YouTube took down all my Dieux Du Stade video's! they were deemed inappropriate! So now I'm going to have to repost them on Veoh, once I find them. Hope everyone is having a good day! Tonight I start nights at my second job, going to be a long day.

Frederic Deltour

What I'm listening to.

I'm kind of stuck on Pink's New CD

This is my favorite song right now 'Cuz I Can. I found this on YouTube, no graphics, it's just to listen to, it's a great song!

Of course I have to post something for you to look at also. ;-)
Another Dieux Du Stade video. WHICH by the way YouTube took down all my Dieux Du Stade video's! they were deemed inappropriate! So now I'm going to have to repost them on Veoh, once I find them. Hope everyone is having a good day! Tonight I start nights at my second job, going to be a long day.

Frederic Deltour

What I'm listening to.

I'm kind of stuck on Pink's New CD

This is my favorite song right now 'Cuz I Can. I found this on YouTube, no graphics, it's just to listen to, it's a great song!

Of course I have to post something for you to look at also. ;-)
Another Dieux Du Stade video. WHICH by the way YouTube took down all my Dieux Du Stade video's! they were deemed inappropriate! So now I'm going to have to repost them on Veoh, once I find them. Hope everyone is having a good day! Tonight I start nights at my second job, going to be a long day.

Frederic Deltour

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Boys of Summer...'s task is to just clean off my desk and take stuff off the wall in my office. I have about a week left before my last day arrives but I'll be busy next week catching up different projects for whomever takes my spot. I still wonder if I'm making the right decision but the summer will fly by working two server jobs, hopefully with great tips as tourist season starts this weekend. Summer is officially here!

Boys of Summer...'s task is to just clean off my desk and take stuff off the wall in my office. I have about a week left before my last day arrives but I'll be busy next week catching up different projects for whomever takes my spot. I still wonder if I'm making the right decision but the summer will fly by working two server jobs, hopefully with great tips as tourist season starts this weekend. Summer is officially here!

Boys of Summer...'s task is to just clean off my desk and take stuff off the wall in my office. I have about a week left before my last day arrives but I'll be busy next week catching up different projects for whomever takes my spot. I still wonder if I'm making the right decision but the summer will fly by working two server jobs, hopefully with great tips as tourist season starts this weekend. Summer is officially here!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Is it that I'm really open minded...

...or I really just don't care about anybody's problems but my own??? hmmm...

You Are 76% Open Minded

You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself.

Is it that I'm really open minded...

...or I really just don't care about anybody's problems but my own??? hmmm...

You Are 76% Open Minded

You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself.