Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Absolutely Nothing to say...

...really. The Olympics are over and I miss them, for 16 days we had a very casual relationship and now I just feel lost without them. On the other hand, when my friend gets back from the field, we plan on taking Yoga at the Y and work our way up to Pilates. My future roommate is totally exhausting me. In addition to being female with a surgery on the way and her mom resenting her for it as well as the rest of her "fluffy" gang, she is feeling unwanted where she currently lives. Miss Mantoan has a lot on her plate and I feel for her, on the other hand I think she's stressing herself out. Then again, nothing really bothers me, maybe it's because I've been in South Dakota for a year and a half? Naw....I try and make a conscious decision to not get stressed out, I mean why bother? At the most we have a couple of months before our condo is ready, if that falls through we can find something else. It's really that simple. Although if you feel unwanted renting the room of a friend and you get the feeling you're unwanted...well I can understand that also. As time comes closer for my move, maybe I'll feel a bit anxious, but for now, it's so far off...I really just don't see the point. Work is good, school is good, that's about all I have going on for me. Oh, I did go bowling last Friday, now that was interesting, I found out I'm quite good...ok I'm good...well I can get the ball to the end of the lane! :-)

Today's tidbits are some A&F guys...I read this interesting article about the CEO of A&F...he's um, a bit eccentric...and check out his pic...for being 61...he should have let himself age naturally.

Have a great Tuesday!

Absolutely Nothing to say...

...really. The Olympics are over and I miss them, for 16 days we had a very casual relationship and now I just feel lost without them. On the other hand, when my friend gets back from the field, we plan on taking Yoga at the Y and work our way up to Pilates. My future roommate is totally exhausting me. In addition to being female with a surgery on the way and her mom resenting her for it as well as the rest of her "fluffy" gang, she is feeling unwanted where she currently lives. Miss Mantoan has a lot on her plate and I feel for her, on the other hand I think she's stressing herself out. Then again, nothing really bothers me, maybe it's because I've been in South Dakota for a year and a half? Naw....I try and make a conscious decision to not get stressed out, I mean why bother? At the most we have a couple of months before our condo is ready, if that falls through we can find something else. It's really that simple. Although if you feel unwanted renting the room of a friend and you get the feeling you're unwanted...well I can understand that also. As time comes closer for my move, maybe I'll feel a bit anxious, but for now, it's so far off...I really just don't see the point. Work is good, school is good, that's about all I have going on for me. Oh, I did go bowling last Friday, now that was interesting, I found out I'm quite good...ok I'm good...well I can get the ball to the end of the lane! :-)

Today's tidbits are some A&F guys...I read this interesting article about the CEO of A&F...he's um, a bit eccentric...and check out his pic...for being 61...he should have let himself age naturally.

Have a great Tuesday!

Absolutely Nothing to say...

...really. The Olympics are over and I miss them, for 16 days we had a very casual relationship and now I just feel lost without them. On the other hand, when my friend gets back from the field, we plan on taking Yoga at the Y and work our way up to Pilates. My future roommate is totally exhausting me. In addition to being female with a surgery on the way and her mom resenting her for it as well as the rest of her "fluffy" gang, she is feeling unwanted where she currently lives. Miss Mantoan has a lot on her plate and I feel for her, on the other hand I think she's stressing herself out. Then again, nothing really bothers me, maybe it's because I've been in South Dakota for a year and a half? Naw....I try and make a conscious decision to not get stressed out, I mean why bother? At the most we have a couple of months before our condo is ready, if that falls through we can find something else. It's really that simple. Although if you feel unwanted renting the room of a friend and you get the feeling you're unwanted...well I can understand that also. As time comes closer for my move, maybe I'll feel a bit anxious, but for now, it's so far off...I really just don't see the point. Work is good, school is good, that's about all I have going on for me. Oh, I did go bowling last Friday, now that was interesting, I found out I'm quite good...ok I'm good...well I can get the ball to the end of the lane! :-)

Today's tidbits are some A&F guys...I read this interesting article about the CEO of A&F...he's um, a bit eccentric...and check out his pic...for being 61...he should have let himself age naturally.

Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, February 24, 2006

South Dakota Has It's Own Agenda!

I'm just so embarrassed...really. I mean I knew this was a red state, a conservative state and sometimes...just ass backwards but to do this??! Obviously there is no such thing as a womans right to choose. Regardless of whether you are for or against abortion, it's none of your damn businesss BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOUR CHOICE!! The thing I'm curious about is, where were the protesters? The demonstrators? In California they're outside protesting the weather, but here? I heard nothing, saw nothing. It's like it quietly just happened. This state has only ONE Planned Parenthood, so that should tell you something. *sigh*
via AP...

South Dakota passes abortion ban
Wed Feb 22, 10:06 PM ET

South Dakota became the first U.S. state to pass a law banning abortion in virtually all cases, with the intention of forcing the Supreme Court to reconsider its 1973 decision legalizing the procedure.

The law, which would punish doctors who perform the operation with a five-year prison term and a $5,000 fine, awaits the signature of Republican Gov. Michael Rounds and people on both sides of the issue say he is unlikely to veto it.

"My understanding is we are the first state to truly defy Roe v. Wade," the 1973 high court ruling that granted a constitutional right to abortion, said Kate Looby of Planned Parenthood's South Dakota chapter.

State legislatures in Ohio, Indiana, Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky also have introduced similar measures this year, but South Dakota's legislative calendar means its law is likely to be enacted first.

"We hope (Rounds) recognizes this for what it is: a political tool and not about the health and safety of the women of South Dakota," Looby said.

"If he chooses to sign it, we will be filing a lawsuit in short order to block it," she said after attending the afternoon debate at the state capital in Pierre.

Proponents have said the law was designed for just such a court challenge.

The timing is right, supporters say, given the recent appointments of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito to the high court. The two conservatives could pave the way to a decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

The high court said on Tuesday it will rule on whether the federal government can ban some abortion procedures, a case that could reveal whether the court reshaped by President George W. Bush will restrict abortion rights.

In 1992, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the right to abortion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the last direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

The South Dakota law concludes that life begins at conception based on medical advances over the past three decades.

Proposed amendments to the law to create exceptions to specifically protect the health of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest, were voted down. Also defeated was an amendment to put the proposal in the hands of voters.

The bill as written does make an exception if the fetus dies during a doctor's attempt to save the mother's life.

Planned Parenthood operates the sole clinic in South Dakota where roughly 800 abortions are performed each year by doctors from neighboring Minnesota, Looby said.

Two years ago, Rounds vetoed a similar bill, saying it would wipe out existing restrictions on abortion while it was fought in the courts. A rewritten bill lost narrowly in the state Senate.

Some legislators opposed to abortion rights questioned whether it was premature to challenge Roe v. Wade, and said litigation would prove expensive for the sparsely populated state. An anonymous donor has offered $1 million to the state to defray the costs of litigation.

South Dakota Has It's Own Agenda!

I'm just so embarrassed...really. I mean I knew this was a red state, a conservative state and sometimes...just ass backwards but to do this??! Obviously there is no such thing as a womans right to choose. Regardless of whether you are for or against abortion, it's none of your damn businesss BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOUR CHOICE!! The thing I'm curious about is, where were the protesters? The demonstrators? In California they're outside protesting the weather, but here? I heard nothing, saw nothing. It's like it quietly just happened. This state has only ONE Planned Parenthood, so that should tell you something. *sigh*
via AP...

South Dakota passes abortion ban
Wed Feb 22, 10:06 PM ET

South Dakota became the first U.S. state to pass a law banning abortion in virtually all cases, with the intention of forcing the Supreme Court to reconsider its 1973 decision legalizing the procedure.

The law, which would punish doctors who perform the operation with a five-year prison term and a $5,000 fine, awaits the signature of Republican Gov. Michael Rounds and people on both sides of the issue say he is unlikely to veto it.

"My understanding is we are the first state to truly defy Roe v. Wade," the 1973 high court ruling that granted a constitutional right to abortion, said Kate Looby of Planned Parenthood's South Dakota chapter.

State legislatures in Ohio, Indiana, Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky also have introduced similar measures this year, but South Dakota's legislative calendar means its law is likely to be enacted first.

"We hope (Rounds) recognizes this for what it is: a political tool and not about the health and safety of the women of South Dakota," Looby said.

"If he chooses to sign it, we will be filing a lawsuit in short order to block it," she said after attending the afternoon debate at the state capital in Pierre.

Proponents have said the law was designed for just such a court challenge.

The timing is right, supporters say, given the recent appointments of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito to the high court. The two conservatives could pave the way to a decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

The high court said on Tuesday it will rule on whether the federal government can ban some abortion procedures, a case that could reveal whether the court reshaped by President George W. Bush will restrict abortion rights.

In 1992, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the right to abortion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the last direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

The South Dakota law concludes that life begins at conception based on medical advances over the past three decades.

Proposed amendments to the law to create exceptions to specifically protect the health of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest, were voted down. Also defeated was an amendment to put the proposal in the hands of voters.

The bill as written does make an exception if the fetus dies during a doctor's attempt to save the mother's life.

Planned Parenthood operates the sole clinic in South Dakota where roughly 800 abortions are performed each year by doctors from neighboring Minnesota, Looby said.

Two years ago, Rounds vetoed a similar bill, saying it would wipe out existing restrictions on abortion while it was fought in the courts. A rewritten bill lost narrowly in the state Senate.

Some legislators opposed to abortion rights questioned whether it was premature to challenge Roe v. Wade, and said litigation would prove expensive for the sparsely populated state. An anonymous donor has offered $1 million to the state to defray the costs of litigation.

South Dakota Has It's Own Agenda!

I'm just so embarrassed...really. I mean I knew this was a red state, a conservative state and sometimes...just ass backwards but to do this??! Obviously there is no such thing as a womans right to choose. Regardless of whether you are for or against abortion, it's none of your damn businesss BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOUR CHOICE!! The thing I'm curious about is, where were the protesters? The demonstrators? In California they're outside protesting the weather, but here? I heard nothing, saw nothing. It's like it quietly just happened. This state has only ONE Planned Parenthood, so that should tell you something. *sigh*
via AP...

South Dakota passes abortion ban
Wed Feb 22, 10:06 PM ET

South Dakota became the first U.S. state to pass a law banning abortion in virtually all cases, with the intention of forcing the Supreme Court to reconsider its 1973 decision legalizing the procedure.

The law, which would punish doctors who perform the operation with a five-year prison term and a $5,000 fine, awaits the signature of Republican Gov. Michael Rounds and people on both sides of the issue say he is unlikely to veto it.

"My understanding is we are the first state to truly defy Roe v. Wade," the 1973 high court ruling that granted a constitutional right to abortion, said Kate Looby of Planned Parenthood's South Dakota chapter.

State legislatures in Ohio, Indiana, Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky also have introduced similar measures this year, but South Dakota's legislative calendar means its law is likely to be enacted first.

"We hope (Rounds) recognizes this for what it is: a political tool and not about the health and safety of the women of South Dakota," Looby said.

"If he chooses to sign it, we will be filing a lawsuit in short order to block it," she said after attending the afternoon debate at the state capital in Pierre.

Proponents have said the law was designed for just such a court challenge.

The timing is right, supporters say, given the recent appointments of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito to the high court. The two conservatives could pave the way to a decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

The high court said on Tuesday it will rule on whether the federal government can ban some abortion procedures, a case that could reveal whether the court reshaped by President George W. Bush will restrict abortion rights.

In 1992, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the right to abortion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the last direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

The South Dakota law concludes that life begins at conception based on medical advances over the past three decades.

Proposed amendments to the law to create exceptions to specifically protect the health of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest, were voted down. Also defeated was an amendment to put the proposal in the hands of voters.

The bill as written does make an exception if the fetus dies during a doctor's attempt to save the mother's life.

Planned Parenthood operates the sole clinic in South Dakota where roughly 800 abortions are performed each year by doctors from neighboring Minnesota, Looby said.

Two years ago, Rounds vetoed a similar bill, saying it would wipe out existing restrictions on abortion while it was fought in the courts. A rewritten bill lost narrowly in the state Senate.

Some legislators opposed to abortion rights questioned whether it was premature to challenge Roe v. Wade, and said litigation would prove expensive for the sparsely populated state. An anonymous donor has offered $1 million to the state to defray the costs of litigation.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Misc. rantings

So I'm addicted to the Olympics, I am. What is so sad is that they come on here Primetime at 7pm, so I get off work, go home, cook and crawl into bed at 7pm. Where I stay until they are over at 10:30, watch the news, and crash. What am I going to do when they are over!! I'm so used to it, I haven't been going out, neglecting my homework!! I'm obsessed!
I have never heard of Johnny Weir, he's quite a good skater but SUCH a diva in training. Chad Hedrick's ego is so big, it's a wonder he can even find the strength to skate with that load. I was sad to see Michelle go home and at first I thought Sasha was a beeyatch, but she really trained hard and she's very talented. Bode Miller? Um, ok...where he at?? I've heard his name and then all the hype before the Olympics, but he ain't shown nobody nothing...although he said he hit a rock on his downhill the other day, thus slowing him down and losing. Mm.hm.
I'm not sure what is on tonight, but I think I may go out for a beer with friends because all I want to do is go home and sleep and I need to do something else to shake things up!
Here's a few more pics of the men from the Dieux Du Stade Calendar...*sigh* I'm going to France.

This is probably my favorite picture of the series, just friggin beautiful!!<

Misc. rantings

So I'm addicted to the Olympics, I am. What is so sad is that they come on here Primetime at 7pm, so I get off work, go home, cook and crawl into bed at 7pm. Where I stay until they are over at 10:30, watch the news, and crash. What am I going to do when they are over!! I'm so used to it, I haven't been going out, neglecting my homework!! I'm obsessed!
I have never heard of Johnny Weir, he's quite a good skater but SUCH a diva in training. Chad Hedrick's ego is so big, it's a wonder he can even find the strength to skate with that load. I was sad to see Michelle go home and at first I thought Sasha was a beeyatch, but she really trained hard and she's very talented. Bode Miller? Um, ok...where he at?? I've heard his name and then all the hype before the Olympics, but he ain't shown nobody nothing...although he said he hit a rock on his downhill the other day, thus slowing him down and losing. Mm.hm.
I'm not sure what is on tonight, but I think I may go out for a beer with friends because all I want to do is go home and sleep and I need to do something else to shake things up!
Here's a few more pics of the men from the Dieux Du Stade Calendar...*sigh* I'm going to France.

This is probably my favorite picture of the series, just friggin beautiful!!<

Misc. rantings

So I'm addicted to the Olympics, I am. What is so sad is that they come on here Primetime at 7pm, so I get off work, go home, cook and crawl into bed at 7pm. Where I stay until they are over at 10:30, watch the news, and crash. What am I going to do when they are over!! I'm so used to it, I haven't been going out, neglecting my homework!! I'm obsessed!
I have never heard of Johnny Weir, he's quite a good skater but SUCH a diva in training. Chad Hedrick's ego is so big, it's a wonder he can even find the strength to skate with that load. I was sad to see Michelle go home and at first I thought Sasha was a beeyatch, but she really trained hard and she's very talented. Bode Miller? Um, ok...where he at?? I've heard his name and then all the hype before the Olympics, but he ain't shown nobody nothing...although he said he hit a rock on his downhill the other day, thus slowing him down and losing. Mm.hm.
I'm not sure what is on tonight, but I think I may go out for a beer with friends because all I want to do is go home and sleep and I need to do something else to shake things up!
Here's a few more pics of the men from the Dieux Du Stade Calendar...*sigh* I'm going to France.

This is probably my favorite picture of the series, just friggin beautiful!!<