Sunday, December 31, 2006

Pan's Labyrinth

Hey everyone I just got back from seeing Pan's Labyrinth.

Wow.. what a powerful movie, it's totally not what I expected. It's violent and beautiful, the harshness of reality during the Spanish War against the beauty of Ofilia's fantasy world is so intresting. Even the fairytale world is dark and disturbing. There is one scene in particular that just thinking about it gives me chills. The only complaint if you can call it that is having to remove your eyes from the beautiful fantasy world while reading the subtitles and just so everyone knows this is not a children's movie. If this movie is playing in your area, it's a must see. I went into this movie thinking it was going to be this "dark" fairytale but it's so much more.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Re-vamped my Website

I decided to re-vamp my website. I haven't really made many changes the past year and I wanted to give it a new look. Check it out.. and let me know what you think.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam has been executed...

...I'm not an advocate of the death penalty, I don't believe that is our decision to make. I think it's arrogant...but then I read about what he has done and it's kind of hard not to think he got what he deserved...but there is a difference between Justice and I've been told.
It's finally done though...
finally...for the thousands that lost their lives under his regime...I hope their families feel least relieved. Now lets get our troops out of there!
;-) peace

Saddam has been executed...

...I'm not an advocate of the death penalty, I don't believe that is our decision to make. I think it's arrogant...but then I read about what he has done and it's kind of hard not to think he got what he deserved...but there is a difference between Justice and I've been told.
It's finally done though...
finally...for the thousands that lost their lives under his regime...I hope their families feel least relieved. Now lets get our troops out of there!
;-) peace

Saddam has been executed...

...I'm not an advocate of the death penalty, I don't believe that is our decision to make. I think it's arrogant...but then I read about what he has done and it's kind of hard not to think he got what he deserved...but there is a difference between Justice and I've been told.
It's finally done though...
finally...for the thousands that lost their lives under his regime...I hope their families feel least relieved. Now lets get our troops out of there!
;-) peace

The hills are alive with the sound of music

2007 is almost here. So what are my plans for New Years Eve? Ab-so-lute-ly nothing. Huh! Isn’t that a line from a James Brown song?

I’m still here in my hometown of Athens, TN. Me and Guapo got tired of jogging the hilly streets, dodging traffic, getting honked at, and generally being a nuisance to the locals. So my dad recommended I check out the new regional park. I loaded up my dog and drove the couple of miles, pulled into the new park, and you’d think I’d just opened a really awesome present.

Hiking trail, I read on one sign. Walking trail, I read on another. Mountain bikes, on another. 3.1 mile loop, on this sign. Expect incline, on that sign.

I squealed, I actually squealed I was so excited. Being 7 in the morning and freezing cold, no one was there. I had the whole place to myself. Me and Guapo jumped out, buckled into our jackets (yes, my dog has a jacket), and we took off.

“The hills are alive with the sound of music….laaa, la, la, la” That song played in my head as we ran like crazy people onto the first trail. It cut through the woods, climbed some hills, went down others. There was a creek on one side and downed limbs we had to hop. We had so much fun, I swore I saw my dog grinning. We were gone for an hour before I even realized 60 whole minutes had gone by. Needless to say, we’ve been back nearly every day since.

Now I know those of you out there who live in the mountains and are reading this are probably rolling your eyes. But I’ve been living in Florida for over ten years now and although I grew up here in the hills of TN, it’s easy to forget how fun they are.

Oh, by the way…I found out my latest suspense, DESCENT INTO DANGER, is up for a CAPA award. Woohoo!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Dieux Du Stade 2005

Hmm..this may be considered a classic. ;-) I like posting videos 'cause I don't have to write much (like you all wanna hear me anyways!) I just post something hot...and I'm through and I appease the guilt I feel about not updating my blog that often! LOL
enjoy... ;-) peace

Dieux Du Stade 2005

Hmm..this may be considered a classic. ;-) I like posting videos 'cause I don't have to write much (like you all wanna hear me anyways!) I just post something hot...and I'm through and I appease the guilt I feel about not updating my blog that often! LOL
enjoy... ;-) peace

Dieux Du Stade 2005

Hmm..this may be considered a classic. ;-) I like posting videos 'cause I don't have to write much (like you all wanna hear me anyways!) I just post something hot...and I'm through and I appease the guilt I feel about not updating my blog that often! LOL
enjoy... ;-) peace

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Dear Blogger Friends and Blogger Readers...I hope each and everyone of you have a great Holiday and all your wishes come true! Thank you for stopping by my lil blog and checking it out and thank you for the emails I've received also. As we head into a new year, I want to say I have great and exciting things in store for this blog...but if you've been know I'm just to damn lazy!! Have a great one!!
;-) peace

Merry Christmas!

Dear Blogger Friends and Blogger Readers...I hope each and everyone of you have a great Holiday and all your wishes come true! Thank you for stopping by my lil blog and checking it out and thank you for the emails I've received also. As we head into a new year, I want to say I have great and exciting things in store for this blog...but if you've been know I'm just to damn lazy!! Have a great one!!
;-) peace

Merry Christmas!

Dear Blogger Friends and Blogger Readers...I hope each and everyone of you have a great Holiday and all your wishes come true! Thank you for stopping by my lil blog and checking it out and thank you for the emails I've received also. As we head into a new year, I want to say I have great and exciting things in store for this blog...but if you've been know I'm just to damn lazy!! Have a great one!!
;-) peace

Christmas Day

Christmas Day started with a phone call from my mom asking me to bring over some parmesan cheese. Well we were up so we got ready and drove over to my Mom's for a spaghetti lunch and to open presents. Ever since we got Daisy I haven't really enjoyed Christmas at Mom's. Both my mom and grandmother have dogs. Mom's dog Josie is smart and knows that Daisy doesn't like other dogs and hides when we are over there. But Grandma's dog Baby doesn't quite get it. And constantly badgers Daisy over and over again until Daisy snaps at her. I have to play referee all day and never really get to enjoy the time with my Mom and Chuck. Baby has to be put on a leash to prevent him from bothering Daisy. Well the Grandma talks outloud to no one in particular that Baby doesn't like a leash and how horrible and unfriendly our dog is. She was getting on my last nerve so I was happy that we eat lunch quickly, opened gifts and headed out ahead of schedule.

We headed over to my Dad's were we opened gifts and had a very delicious Christmas Dinner with Turkey, potatoes, corn, stuffing, and rolls. It was a great time with Harry, Dad, Mike, Lora and Daisy. We left there place around 8 or so and headed home. It was nice to be home.. after all the driving I did the day before about 350 miles and the driving I did today I was tired. Harry and I relaxed on the couch and watched TV until we were tired. Christmas day started out a bit rocky but ended very nicely.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve Harry and I went to my cousin Renee's house up in Hidden Hills. The day started in an hour drive totally in the opposite direction to pick up my Dad. Then back to our place to drop off the dog and then fifteen minutes to my cousin’s place. It was a lot of fun. We have only known these people for a short amount of time but they have taken us into their family and their hearts like we have been a part of them forever. Renee made a wonderful dinner and we sat around and talked and played games before opening gifts. We had to leave early because we still had to drive Dad back home. Harry and I normally open our gifts for each other on Christmas Eve but when we got home it was past midnight so typically we opened our gifts on Christmas morning. We had a good time opening gifts that we knew about and some that we had no idea about. All in all a great night of joy and laughter with family.

Friday, December 22, 2006

My Last Day of Work

Well today is my last day working on Curl Girls. It's been a rough month trying to complete six episodes. I was still working on paperwork as they came and took my seat, desk and computer away. Even though I'm done I still have a few things to do to wrap up. I'll be working on a few things the next few days. I hope to take a month off to relax and enjoy some time with Harry since I barely saw him this past month. Of course if something comes up I won't decline a job..and I'll be looking for work but I wouldn't mind some time off.

Home for the holidays

Well, hello everyone. I’m blogging from my hometown of Athens, TN today. I’m here for the holidays with my trusty dog, Guapo. Its rainy and dreary and surprisingly warm. Its been a steady 50 degrees. Its supposed to be dropping down to the 20s this weekend. So here’s hoping for snow.

I went out jogging yesterday and was fondly reminded of the hills east TN sports. Can anyone say sore muscles?

I’ll be going to Gatlinburg today. It’s a great little mountainous town and if you haven’t been you definitely need to go. I haven’t been in years, so I’m excited to see the changes.

Hey, here’s a review that I just got that was posted way back in May for DESCENT INTO DANGER. Funny how long it takes to get things:

“Greenland offers a fun read filled with bohemian characters and nature’s splendor.”

That’s it for now. Talliho!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy Thursday...'s freezing here in Sactown and it's cold as heck! Then again, praise be the beer gods I'm not in Denver!! So to warm things up...another video from Dieux Du Stade! ;-) peace

Happy Thursday...'s freezing here in Sactown and it's cold as heck! Then again, praise be the beer gods I'm not in Denver!! So to warm things up...another video from Dieux Du Stade! ;-) peace

Happy Thursday...'s freezing here in Sactown and it's cold as heck! Then again, praise be the beer gods I'm not in Denver!! So to warm things up...another video from Dieux Du Stade! ;-) peace

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Trans Siberian Orchestra X-mas Lights

I *love* this video...I had it as an attachment last year...and found it on youtube this year (of course) so here it is! Happy Holidays!
;-) peace

Trans Siberian Orchestra X-mas Lights

I *love* this video...I had it as an attachment last year...and found it on youtube this year (of course) so here it is! Happy Holidays!
;-) peace

Trans Siberian Orchestra X-mas Lights

I *love* this video...I had it as an attachment last year...and found it on youtube this year (of course) so here it is! Happy Holidays!
;-) peace

Monday, December 18, 2006

Now this is true...

..what I wanted to say, but Kendall put it in to the words that realy hits the nail on the head!

"What Will It Take....

Before I begin let me just say, I know I am going to sound like someone's mother when I write this, but oh well, someone needs to say it. Also let me say these are MY thoughts and opinions, if any information is not correct in the writing I apologize but I am just going on what I have seen.

What has happened to the young entertainment culture?

I grew up in the 70's and 80's. I had a crush on Kristy McNichol (isn't there something freudian in that?) streaking and pot was about as bad as it got. We drank Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill like it was water and when we wanted to go ghetto we would drink Miller Lite Ponys.

Today it is a whole different world and sadly not a better world.
Four of the most popular women in the celebrity culture have proven to be skank whores with little to no redeemable qualities. Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Nicole Richie."

See the rest of the article here!
scroll down, you'll find's good and it's REAL!

Now this is true...

..what I wanted to say, but Kendall put it in to the words that realy hits the nail on the head!

"What Will It Take....

Before I begin let me just say, I know I am going to sound like someone's mother when I write this, but oh well, someone needs to say it. Also let me say these are MY thoughts and opinions, if any information is not correct in the writing I apologize but I am just going on what I have seen.

What has happened to the young entertainment culture?

I grew up in the 70's and 80's. I had a crush on Kristy McNichol (isn't there something freudian in that?) streaking and pot was about as bad as it got. We drank Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill like it was water and when we wanted to go ghetto we would drink Miller Lite Ponys.

Today it is a whole different world and sadly not a better world.
Four of the most popular women in the celebrity culture have proven to be skank whores with little to no redeemable qualities. Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Nicole Richie."

See the rest of the article here!
scroll down, you'll find's good and it's REAL!

Now this is true...

..what I wanted to say, but Kendall put it in to the words that realy hits the nail on the head!

"What Will It Take....

Before I begin let me just say, I know I am going to sound like someone's mother when I write this, but oh well, someone needs to say it. Also let me say these are MY thoughts and opinions, if any information is not correct in the writing I apologize but I am just going on what I have seen.

What has happened to the young entertainment culture?

I grew up in the 70's and 80's. I had a crush on Kristy McNichol (isn't there something freudian in that?) streaking and pot was about as bad as it got. We drank Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill like it was water and when we wanted to go ghetto we would drink Miller Lite Ponys.

Today it is a whole different world and sadly not a better world.
Four of the most popular women in the celebrity culture have proven to be skank whores with little to no redeemable qualities. Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Nicole Richie."

See the rest of the article here!
scroll down, you'll find's good and it's REAL!

It's all about the Eyes...

...happy Monday all. Another week starts, bringing us closer to the end of the year. Anybody with any resolutions? I have none, I'm pretty much close to perfect... so it's hard for me! lol, not! It's been a long year for me, living in two states and working two very different jobs, I'm still "adjusting" in a way. Everything happens in three's so I'm waiting for another Colorado church leader to come out...that would be a great way to end the year! Although I'd be jealous as hell if he slept with a guy with Eyes like these!
;-) peace

It's all about the Eyes...

...happy Monday all. Another week starts, bringing us closer to the end of the year. Anybody with any resolutions? I have none, I'm pretty much close to perfect... so it's hard for me! lol, not! It's been a long year for me, living in two states and working two very different jobs, I'm still "adjusting" in a way. Everything happens in three's so I'm waiting for another Colorado church leader to come out...that would be a great way to end the year! Although I'd be jealous as hell if he slept with a guy with Eyes like these!
;-) peace

It's all about the Eyes...

...happy Monday all. Another week starts, bringing us closer to the end of the year. Anybody with any resolutions? I have none, I'm pretty much close to perfect... so it's hard for me! lol, not! It's been a long year for me, living in two states and working two very different jobs, I'm still "adjusting" in a way. Everything happens in three's so I'm waiting for another Colorado church leader to come out...that would be a great way to end the year! Although I'd be jealous as hell if he slept with a guy with Eyes like these!
;-) peace

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Shopping

YAY!!!! We are finally done Christmas Shopping. Harry and I went out and picked up a few final presents. Can't wait for Christmas Day.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Another Visit with my "little" Brother

For this visit I was going to try to take him to the Zoo for the second time but it was raining so we decided to go to the movies. We went to see Happy Feet. We got about 2/3's the way through it and he turned to me and said he wanted to go. I could tell he was getting bored. I told him if he could wait ten mintues and it would be over, well a few minutes later he said he wasn't feeling good and wanted to go now. It was difficult for me because I was really enjoying the movie and wanted to finish it but I remember that I was there for my "little" and if wanted to leave then we leave. So I walked out of a movie for the first time in my life. Of course I take him home and give him his Christmas present and he instantly felt better and loved the gift. I got him a bunch of Pokemon cards. Anyways.. Happy Feet was a very cool movie and I look forward to seeing it again and finishing it this time.

Happy Birthday Chuck

Hey Everyone it's my Step Dad Chuck's birthday. Happy Birthday Chuck.

Friday, December 15, 2006


This week took forever to end and now that it did, I'm grateful. Well my Friday night consists of DVD's and the dog and cat laying at my feet. I hope everyone had a good week and an even better weekend. Here is another Dieux Du Stade video (NSFW) enjoy! ;-) peace


This week took forever to end and now that it did, I'm grateful. Well my Friday night consists of DVD's and the dog and cat laying at my feet. I hope everyone had a good week and an even better weekend. Here is another Dieux Du Stade video (NSFW) enjoy! ;-) peace


This week took forever to end and now that it did, I'm grateful. Well my Friday night consists of DVD's and the dog and cat laying at my feet. I hope everyone had a good week and an even better weekend. Here is another Dieux Du Stade video (NSFW) enjoy! ;-) peace

Work, Work, Work

Well nothing much going on. I've been working from 8am to 11pm all week. Only got one week left and six episodes to complete.

No Clue

I don’t have a clue what to blog about, but I like to blog at least once a week.

So I’ll just randomly write for a paragraph or so and see what comes out of me. (This should be interesting)

My dog, Guapo, is cuddled up here beside me with his Snoopy doll. Yes, boy dogs can have dolls. Its okay. It won’t mess with their sexual gender. Although, Snoopy’s a boy. So I guess boy dogs can have boy dog dolls. Then again, Guapo really enjoyed his pink Miss Piggy. He enjoyed it so much he ripped it up. Hmmm…maybe he’s trying to tell me something. Because his Snoopy doll has lasted months. And that’s unheard of around here. He generally destroys a new doll within days. So maybe I should take a lesson and buy him only boy dolls. No girls allowed.

I’m going to get a pedicure today. I don’t normally do the manicure/pedicure thing. But I’m going with my girlfriends as part of one of their birthday celebrations. I’m dreaming more about the latte I’m going to have while the pedicure is going on.

My favorite overalls that I’ve had almost fifteen years busted a clasp. I was heartbroken. These overalls are soft and worn in. Their frayed around the ankles from years of use. So I trucked it down to the local seamstress shop (because I’m so totally not a sewing kind of girl) and handed the prized overalls over. She said she’d call. I just checked my voice mail. It’s been four days. I think I’ll call her.

Okay, that’s it for random thoughts. Lets review. Dog. Pedicure. Overalls. Nothing like staying consistent in my brain patterns.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I love Goofyblog...

...I do, Porter Venn has the best of the wacky and the goofy! You don't have to search the ''s all right there for you. One of his latest posts...SOY makes you gay!! oh lawd...will they never stop? check out Goofyblog and read about the "rightwing nut jobs" it's great! ;-) peace

I love Goofyblog...

...I do, Porter Venn has the best of the wacky and the goofy! You don't have to search the ''s all right there for you. One of his latest posts...SOY makes you gay!! oh lawd...will they never stop? check out Goofyblog and read about the "rightwing nut jobs" it's great! ;-) peace

I love Goofyblog...

...I do, Porter Venn has the best of the wacky and the goofy! You don't have to search the ''s all right there for you. One of his latest posts...SOY makes you gay!! oh lawd...will they never stop? check out Goofyblog and read about the "rightwing nut jobs" it's great! ;-) peace

This is just not right... has to be a sin to be this beautiful!! To see more "revealing" pics go to Bent and see more, oh and yes... I will have a "It's all about the eyes" session of him soon....gorgeous. You look and your breath literally goes away...! BTW he's cuban and his name is William Levy...or Apollo...Narcissus...whatever! (as usual click for larger pics)
;-) peace

This is just not right... has to be a sin to be this beautiful!! To see more "revealing" pics go to Bent and see more, oh and yes... I will have a "It's all about the eyes" session of him soon....gorgeous. You look and your breath literally goes away...! BTW he's cuban and his name is William Levy...or Apollo...Narcissus...whatever! (as usual click for larger pics)
;-) peace

This is just not right... has to be a sin to be this beautiful!! To see more "revealing" pics go to Bent and see more, oh and yes... I will have a "It's all about the eyes" session of him soon....gorgeous. You look and your breath literally goes away...! BTW he's cuban and his name is William Levy...or Apollo...Narcissus...whatever! (as usual click for larger pics)
;-) peace

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tis the season...

...Christmas is almost here and I'm so not prepared, and so behind in bills I may not even reach being prepared! In any case, it'll be my first Christmas with family in a long time, last year I my office at S. Dakota, so this year should be better.
Some more hot men from French Rugby...actually...French Athletes (like we care) :-) peace

Dieux Du Stade NSFW(I normally don't do NSFW stuff, but these are really good...without being nasty...I think anyways)

Tis the season...

...Christmas is almost here and I'm so not prepared, and so behind in bills I may not even reach being prepared! In any case, it'll be my first Christmas with family in a long time, last year I my office at S. Dakota, so this year should be better.
Some more hot men from French Rugby...actually...French Athletes (like we care) :-) peace

Dieux Du Stade NSFW(I normally don't do NSFW stuff, but these are really good...without being nasty...I think anyways)

Tis the season...

...Christmas is almost here and I'm so not prepared, and so behind in bills I may not even reach being prepared! In any case, it'll be my first Christmas with family in a long time, last year I my office at S. Dakota, so this year should be better.
Some more hot men from French Rugby...actually...French Athletes (like we care) :-) peace

Dieux Du Stade NSFW(I normally don't do NSFW stuff, but these are really good...without being nasty...I think anyways)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Proud to be a Browncoat!!


There was a Firefly/Serenity Con called Flanvention II this past weekend. I was luckly enough to enjoy Flanvention I last years but this year wasn't able to get tickets. This is a small (500 only) con. Cost anywhere from $400 to $1200 for tickets. Well there was rumbling the last few weeks about it being cancelled due to financial problems, but they mangaged to find a loan and the con was on... well up till this past Thursday. The con starts on Friday and they offically cancelled the con Thursday afternoon. Well since the rumbleing began a few weeks ago the SoCal and NoCal Browncoat groups started to plan a back up plan for those who were left high and dry. Here is an article of what happend next.. it's an amazing story. I'm so proud to call myself a BROWNCOAT.

Why we love the Firefly/Serenity crew

Updated... See, last year a group called Booster Events held this massive Firefly/Serenity convention in California last year called "Flanvention." A lot of the cast shows up, there were panels and dinners and photo shoots and whatnot, membership was limited, and it was a lot of fun, a way for fans of the cancelled-too-soon show and because-we-demanded-it movie to talk to their favorite stars. This year's hotly anticipated event sold out months ago and it's happening this weekend, right now.

Or it would be. The organizers cancelled it. On Thursday.

There were some worries this would happen, after Nathan ("Mal") Fillion idly mentioned on his MySpace page a few weeks ago that he had yet to hear from the organizers about it. There was a brief outcry from fans, things were seemingly cleared up, all was shakily well. Then about two weeks ago the organizers announced the con might not go on due to financial difficulties. To the 500 people who paid hundreds of dollars for tickets (and, in some cases, thousands of dollars for lifetime memberships, since Booster Events does other cons throughout the year for other cult-favorite franchises) this was a huge slap in the face. Outraged fans made their voices heard before the organizers came back a few days later to say they got a loan and all was, again, well.

Then they cancelled it this week, after people around the world were already on their planes and in their cars and on their way. To say that the Firefly fan community (known as Browncoats) was staggered would be an understatement.

As stunned and betrayed fans began to arrive the California Browncoats jumped up to meet the frantic challenge of organizing a convention during, you know, the actual convention. Fans settled in to party among themselves anyway, mutter dark things about Booster Events, and make the best of it of the newly formed Browncoat Backup Bash.

Then the stars started showing up.

Adam "Jayne" Baldwin showed up Thursday night, knowing the con was cancelled and fans were left hanging. He hung around chatting with fans for hours and mentioned others would probably show up.

Friday Nathan "Mal" Fillion, Alan "Wash" Tudyk, Mark "Badger" Sheppard, Jonathan "Dead Guy From 'The Message'" Woodward, and Christina "Saffron" Hendricks came by for autographs and pictures and mainly just to say hi. Without appearance fees or the autograph cash that usually get stars to show up, they came anyway. Alan Tudyk wan't even supposed to be at the event due to prior commitments, and he came anyway. They knew their fans had been shafted and they stepped up to make it worthwhile. Fillion brought a box full of Firefly memorabilia and other personal loot and started passing it out to fans who had come from Australia, the UK and other far-off places

By Saturday morning the emergency organizers had received $4500 in PayPal donations from fans around the world who had donated to help out their less-fortunate compatriots. Multiverse, an MMORPG gaming platform company that announced last week they had the license to create a multi-player Firefly game, paid for buses to move the fans and crew to a secret, undisclosed location to convene in private. There were Q and As from various companies announcing new merchandise, a talk from Greg Edmondson (the man responsible for the music from the show), a musical performance from fan favorite group The Bedlam Bards, and appearances by many of the stars already mentioned plus Michael "Niska" Fairman, Ron "Book" Glass, and Morena "Inara" Baccarin, none of whom were originally scheduled. Even Michael Muhney from "Veronica Mars," who was supposed to run the charity auction planned for Sunday, showed up to hang.

Saturday night the whole mess moved to the new restaurant owned by Claire ("Glorificus" from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") and her husband, which isn't due to open for another couple of weeks, and for a time this betrayed, ripped-off, and let-down group of fans who had come hoping to get a few autographs and a fleeting word were suddenly partying with the stars at the hottest secret nightspot in Hollywood. If they liked these actors before it's going to border on worship now, deservedly so.

Me, over the last few days I've cycled from "Wish I could go" to "Whew, glad I didn't go" to "Man! I wish I'd went!" Just shows you shouldn't underestimate a group of people defined by their ability to pull victory out of crushing defeat...

Saturday, December 9, 2006

More Dieux du Stade

...ah yes, some more videos from the gorgeous men of Rugby...en Francais! ;-) peace

(may not be NSFW)

p.s. stay tuned... there will be more :)

More Dieux du Stade

...ah yes, some more videos from the gorgeous men of Rugby...en Francais! ;-) peace

(may not be NSFW)

p.s. stay tuned... there will be more :)

More Dieux du Stade

...ah yes, some more videos from the gorgeous men of Rugby...en Francais! ;-) peace

(may not be NSFW)

p.s. stay tuned... there will be more :)

Friday, December 8, 2006

Another Christmas Party

This time we went to Chris and Mark's Game Night/Christmas Party. We use to attend the monthly game night every month for years.. but since we got the dog we have been visiting less and less. Both Harry and I really miss seeing everyone and playing games so we are making more of an effort to make as many of the monthly events. This was another fun game night... good friends and fun games, can't ask for me.


BFF: Best Friends Forever

I’m spelling it out for all of you old farts (dad) that read this and don’t have a clue what BFF means.

Friends are something else. Some you have your whole life, some come and go, some you meet later and they stick with you.

My long time best friend, Jill Hockman, I met when I was two. Can you believe it? Two. We’ve been attached at the hip every since. What’s funny is throughout our entire childhood we only went one year to the same school. But we grew up on neighboring farms and managed to always see each other. Even later in life when we each moved to a different place, started careers, etc… we still manage to hook up. Now we live states apart and just yesterday I got the best email from her. Love you, Jill!

Then there’s the people you meet and hang out with day in and day out and then one day you realize its been a while since you’ve seen that person. Before you know it, months crawl into years and you wonder whatever happened to him/her. So Amanda from college if you’re anywhere out there, I had a blast hanging with you all those months, eating fondue and being generally obnoxious. Miss you!

And then there are those you meet later in life and you build a real solid mature (eek-never thought I’d say that word) relationship. You share your joys (marriage, children) and your sorrows (divorce, deaths) and you know the friendship is there to stay. So Britta and Shelly and Tara, thank you for all the years of ‘mature’ and dare we say immature times. Love you guys!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Christmas time is here again...

..I'm actually kind of in the mood. Usually I could care less, but I'm all into decorating and putting up lights n shit! Last year I studied on Thanksgiving and was by myself for Christmas (insert this year it's cool to have a roomie who is into the season also. Next year, who knows...I may be celebrating in Denver with snow! :-) peace
p.s. I'm not sure about the "new" blogger, I can't control how my photos are laid out...ok let me rephrase...I don't know "how" to control the layout of my photos... :D