Friday, December 30, 2005


Finally after being out of work since mid September I got a call about a new job. I went in for the interview and a few days later they offered me the position.The good thing was that the job started at the beginning of Jan. so I had the rest of the month to really enjoy the holidays knowing I had work coming by way. The other big event in Dec was Flanvention (a Firefly/Serenity) Convention. This was an awesome experience. I met all the stars and had a great weekend. Went to my Mother and Chucks' Christmas Boat Lights party and that was nice because I got to see my aunts, uncles and cousins. And for Christmas Harry and I went to my mothers in the afternoon and my Dad's at night. Both were good times.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

X-MAS is over!

Thank goodness, now we just have to get New Years out of the way and the new year begins. For Christmas all my relatives went down to my Grandma's on the rez and I stayed here in Rapid and cleaned my apartmetnt, no, it wasn't sad or lonely, if anything I was quite proud of getting a lot done. I had to borrow my aunts vacuum but I finally got it all done. Other than that NOT A DAMN thing going on, although I did see this one guy out last night who looked so famiiar to me, yet...I was also kind of scared of him. It was like a bad de ja vu and he kept looking at me and I kept looking away because I didn't want him to come and talk to me, weird. He was good looking though.
Heres some A&F hotties...

X-MAS is over!

Thank goodness, now we just have to get New Years out of the way and the new year begins. For Christmas all my relatives went down to my Grandma's on the rez and I stayed here in Rapid and cleaned my apartmetnt, no, it wasn't sad or lonely, if anything I was quite proud of getting a lot done. I had to borrow my aunts vacuum but I finally got it all done. Other than that NOT A DAMN thing going on, although I did see this one guy out last night who looked so famiiar to me, yet...I was also kind of scared of him. It was like a bad de ja vu and he kept looking at me and I kept looking away because I didn't want him to come and talk to me, weird. He was good looking though.
Heres some A&F hotties...

X-MAS is over!

Thank goodness, now we just have to get New Years out of the way and the new year begins. For Christmas all my relatives went down to my Grandma's on the rez and I stayed here in Rapid and cleaned my apartmetnt, no, it wasn't sad or lonely, if anything I was quite proud of getting a lot done. I had to borrow my aunts vacuum but I finally got it all done. Other than that NOT A DAMN thing going on, although I did see this one guy out last night who looked so famiiar to me, yet...I was also kind of scared of him. It was like a bad de ja vu and he kept looking at me and I kept looking away because I didn't want him to come and talk to me, weird. He was good looking though.
Heres some A&F hotties...

Friday, December 23, 2005

Rapid City Night Life...

...I'm tired of it. Well two more days and then it's Christmas and then it's New Years and then finally...spring rolls around. Was slow in the office today, I got a lot done though. Most people are out with their families are travelling to their families *sigh*. I will most likely go home and take a nap. I may go out tonight, but I'm so sick of downtown Rapid City, it's like *shiver* just tired. There are 10 bars/clubs down town ALL with in a 3 block walking area. Murphys-Irish "themed" bar, I don't care for it, reminds me of a Chilis the way it's set up. St. Joes Pub-rocker/punker/goth or just whatever bar. The Brass Rail (my hang out), little neighborhood bar...kind of like the official unofficial "gay" bar of Rapid City. Paddy's-lounge in the lobby of the Hotel Alex Johnson, it's ok, I don't like the crowd that goes there, kind of uppity. The Big's allright, they have big couches you can sit on which I kind of like and sometimes they show video's on the wall. The Firehouse, more of an eatery but great beer! Fatty's- dance club which I CAN NOT STAND! ugh! same people every week. Now when you have a little neighborhood bar and it's the same 10 people each week, those are regulars. If you have 300 of the same people each week, that's just tired.
Philly's, lounge at the Radisson, good live music. Finally Woody's-the biggest club in town but not the busiest. So that's it, those are my choices.
Well I must be going, I would wait until 5:01 to blog! but time to go!
Here is Frederic Michalak again, the hot french rugby player. Enjoy!

Rapid City Night Life...

...I'm tired of it. Well two more days and then it's Christmas and then it's New Years and then finally...spring rolls around. Was slow in the office today, I got a lot done though. Most people are out with their families are travelling to their families *sigh*. I will most likely go home and take a nap. I may go out tonight, but I'm so sick of downtown Rapid City, it's like *shiver* just tired. There are 10 bars/clubs down town ALL with in a 3 block walking area. Murphys-Irish "themed" bar, I don't care for it, reminds me of a Chilis the way it's set up. St. Joes Pub-rocker/punker/goth or just whatever bar. The Brass Rail (my hang out), little neighborhood bar...kind of like the official unofficial "gay" bar of Rapid City. Paddy's-lounge in the lobby of the Hotel Alex Johnson, it's ok, I don't like the crowd that goes there, kind of uppity. The Big's allright, they have big couches you can sit on which I kind of like and sometimes they show video's on the wall. The Firehouse, more of an eatery but great beer! Fatty's- dance club which I CAN NOT STAND! ugh! same people every week. Now when you have a little neighborhood bar and it's the same 10 people each week, those are regulars. If you have 300 of the same people each week, that's just tired.
Philly's, lounge at the Radisson, good live music. Finally Woody's-the biggest club in town but not the busiest. So that's it, those are my choices.
Well I must be going, I would wait until 5:01 to blog! but time to go!
Here is Frederic Michalak again, the hot french rugby player. Enjoy!

Rapid City Night Life...

...I'm tired of it. Well two more days and then it's Christmas and then it's New Years and then finally...spring rolls around. Was slow in the office today, I got a lot done though. Most people are out with their families are travelling to their families *sigh*. I will most likely go home and take a nap. I may go out tonight, but I'm so sick of downtown Rapid City, it's like *shiver* just tired. There are 10 bars/clubs down town ALL with in a 3 block walking area. Murphys-Irish "themed" bar, I don't care for it, reminds me of a Chilis the way it's set up. St. Joes Pub-rocker/punker/goth or just whatever bar. The Brass Rail (my hang out), little neighborhood bar...kind of like the official unofficial "gay" bar of Rapid City. Paddy's-lounge in the lobby of the Hotel Alex Johnson, it's ok, I don't like the crowd that goes there, kind of uppity. The Big's allright, they have big couches you can sit on which I kind of like and sometimes they show video's on the wall. The Firehouse, more of an eatery but great beer! Fatty's- dance club which I CAN NOT STAND! ugh! same people every week. Now when you have a little neighborhood bar and it's the same 10 people each week, those are regulars. If you have 300 of the same people each week, that's just tired.
Philly's, lounge at the Radisson, good live music. Finally Woody's-the biggest club in town but not the busiest. So that's it, those are my choices.
Well I must be going, I would wait until 5:01 to blog! but time to go!
Here is Frederic Michalak again, the hot french rugby player. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wow...almost Christmas

I will be doing nothing, just like Thanksgiving! Well except I don't have to study this holiday. Nothing new going on, it's quiet here at work today, everyone off with their families for the holidays *sigh*. Here's some more players from Dieux du Stade! Enjoy, peace out!

Bath anyone??!!

This guys name is Romain Collinet...gorgeous!!

Wow...almost Christmas

I will be doing nothing, just like Thanksgiving! Well except I don't have to study this holiday. Nothing new going on, it's quiet here at work today, everyone off with their families for the holidays *sigh*. Here's some more players from Dieux du Stade! Enjoy, peace out!

Bath anyone??!!

This guys name is Romain Collinet...gorgeous!!

Wow...almost Christmas

I will be doing nothing, just like Thanksgiving! Well except I don't have to study this holiday. Nothing new going on, it's quiet here at work today, everyone off with their families for the holidays *sigh*. Here's some more players from Dieux du Stade! Enjoy, peace out!

Bath anyone??!!

This guys name is Romain Collinet...gorgeous!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I got him...

...the mouse is trapped and gone!! I won't say how, let's just say IF that was my only mouse then I am now mouse free. Thank goodness!! I caught him this morning before work. Ugh! I'm so ready to go back to California, at least my roomie will have a cat! Albeit a gay cat, but still a cat!!
Nothing much else to report, thinking of revamping this blog a bit. Until then enjoy
Frederic Michalak...a gorgeous French Rugby Team player...look for more coming up of all the members of the Dieux du Stade (french team).

I got him...

...the mouse is trapped and gone!! I won't say how, let's just say IF that was my only mouse then I am now mouse free. Thank goodness!! I caught him this morning before work. Ugh! I'm so ready to go back to California, at least my roomie will have a cat! Albeit a gay cat, but still a cat!!
Nothing much else to report, thinking of revamping this blog a bit. Until then enjoy
Frederic Michalak...a gorgeous French Rugby Team player...look for more coming up of all the members of the Dieux du Stade (french team).

I got him...

...the mouse is trapped and gone!! I won't say how, let's just say IF that was my only mouse then I am now mouse free. Thank goodness!! I caught him this morning before work. Ugh! I'm so ready to go back to California, at least my roomie will have a cat! Albeit a gay cat, but still a cat!!
Nothing much else to report, thinking of revamping this blog a bit. Until then enjoy
Frederic Michalak...a gorgeous French Rugby Team player...look for more coming up of all the members of the Dieux du Stade (french team).

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


...what a lazy day. I got a lot done at work but now I feel lost because it's 5pm, and I can go home. No staying late to study, no staying late to make up time when I'm at school. I get to home, like a normal person...kinda. I don't know what to do with myself! Well I'm actually going to apply for a server position tomorrow and make some extra cash and occupy my time. So that's it for today, I'm going to try and blog each day...I know I said I would when I started but come on, I live in South Dakota, not a whole lot talk about! and yet more Joseph Sayers or JS ;-)Later!


...what a lazy day. I got a lot done at work but now I feel lost because it's 5pm, and I can go home. No staying late to study, no staying late to make up time when I'm at school. I get to home, like a normal person...kinda. I don't know what to do with myself! Well I'm actually going to apply for a server position tomorrow and make some extra cash and occupy my time. So that's it for today, I'm going to try and blog each day...I know I said I would when I started but come on, I live in South Dakota, not a whole lot talk about! and yet more Joseph Sayers or JS ;-)Later!


...what a lazy day. I got a lot done at work but now I feel lost because it's 5pm, and I can go home. No staying late to study, no staying late to make up time when I'm at school. I get to home, like a normal person...kinda. I don't know what to do with myself! Well I'm actually going to apply for a server position tomorrow and make some extra cash and occupy my time. So that's it for today, I'm going to try and blog each day...I know I said I would when I started but come on, I live in South Dakota, not a whole lot talk about! and yet more Joseph Sayers or JS ;-)Later!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Ok, it's done... is over, that's it. So what did I do? I MISSED THE LAST TEST OF MY LAST CLASS OF THE SEMESTER on Friday! I couldn't believe it, I studied my ass for that exam, I set the alarm clock on my cell phone, I went to bed early. I woke up with twenty minutes to get there, my class is 51 miles away. Wasn't going to happen. I felt sick the whole day, it was horrible. I haven't even emailed my profressor...what I'm going to say? Although friends have given me plenty of excuses, but I don't want to lie. So I'm hoping that my grade was strong enough, so that the 100 points I missed out on, will not be to detrimental to me in the long run. International Business was a breeze this semester, now my Math class is kind of still going. Based on a test I took, if I pass it, I get an extension until 1/6/06 if I didn't, I'll be taking an incomplete for the class (it's an internet class). So other than that, life is good. I'm glad school is over and I can breathe a bit now. Miss Mantoan and I are so anxious for the condo that we are hoping to get in March! I'm so looking forward to it, she's kind of a technofile so we'll have all the good stuff like cable and wireless internet and such.
It's going to be way better than here! So the other morning I get up and wander into the kitchen to get something to drink when I see this little furry head pop out of the pot on the stove, a mouse! He kind of looked at me, and I kind of looked at him and then he just went down through the burners. Once my heart came back down to an acceptable level. I freaked the f*ck out! I was like, OH HELLZ NAW! I am NOT living with vermin! So now I have traps all over the kitchen, I think he lives in my oven to be honest. I just can't live with a mouse, I want to catch him, I NEED to see a body...I must have closure. During the spring and fall I had hornets/yellowjackets/wasps whatever you want to call them, just pop out of my walls in my apartment and I couldn't figure out where they were coming from, I have storm windows but never left them open. I think they live in the walls, with the mice. Ugh! I soooo am ready to go back to Cali now.
A couple more pics of Joseph Sayers! Enjoy!

Ok, it's done... is over, that's it. So what did I do? I MISSED THE LAST TEST OF MY LAST CLASS OF THE SEMESTER on Friday! I couldn't believe it, I studied my ass for that exam, I set the alarm clock on my cell phone, I went to bed early. I woke up with twenty minutes to get there, my class is 51 miles away. Wasn't going to happen. I felt sick the whole day, it was horrible. I haven't even emailed my profressor...what I'm going to say? Although friends have given me plenty of excuses, but I don't want to lie. So I'm hoping that my grade was strong enough, so that the 100 points I missed out on, will not be to detrimental to me in the long run. International Business was a breeze this semester, now my Math class is kind of still going. Based on a test I took, if I pass it, I get an extension until 1/6/06 if I didn't, I'll be taking an incomplete for the class (it's an internet class). So other than that, life is good. I'm glad school is over and I can breathe a bit now. Miss Mantoan and I are so anxious for the condo that we are hoping to get in March! I'm so looking forward to it, she's kind of a technofile so we'll have all the good stuff like cable and wireless internet and such.
It's going to be way better than here! So the other morning I get up and wander into the kitchen to get something to drink when I see this little furry head pop out of the pot on the stove, a mouse! He kind of looked at me, and I kind of looked at him and then he just went down through the burners. Once my heart came back down to an acceptable level. I freaked the f*ck out! I was like, OH HELLZ NAW! I am NOT living with vermin! So now I have traps all over the kitchen, I think he lives in my oven to be honest. I just can't live with a mouse, I want to catch him, I NEED to see a body...I must have closure. During the spring and fall I had hornets/yellowjackets/wasps whatever you want to call them, just pop out of my walls in my apartment and I couldn't figure out where they were coming from, I have storm windows but never left them open. I think they live in the walls, with the mice. Ugh! I soooo am ready to go back to Cali now.
A couple more pics of Joseph Sayers! Enjoy!

Ok, it's done... is over, that's it. So what did I do? I MISSED THE LAST TEST OF MY LAST CLASS OF THE SEMESTER on Friday! I couldn't believe it, I studied my ass for that exam, I set the alarm clock on my cell phone, I went to bed early. I woke up with twenty minutes to get there, my class is 51 miles away. Wasn't going to happen. I felt sick the whole day, it was horrible. I haven't even emailed my profressor...what I'm going to say? Although friends have given me plenty of excuses, but I don't want to lie. So I'm hoping that my grade was strong enough, so that the 100 points I missed out on, will not be to detrimental to me in the long run. International Business was a breeze this semester, now my Math class is kind of still going. Based on a test I took, if I pass it, I get an extension until 1/6/06 if I didn't, I'll be taking an incomplete for the class (it's an internet class). So other than that, life is good. I'm glad school is over and I can breathe a bit now. Miss Mantoan and I are so anxious for the condo that we are hoping to get in March! I'm so looking forward to it, she's kind of a technofile so we'll have all the good stuff like cable and wireless internet and such.
It's going to be way better than here! So the other morning I get up and wander into the kitchen to get something to drink when I see this little furry head pop out of the pot on the stove, a mouse! He kind of looked at me, and I kind of looked at him and then he just went down through the burners. Once my heart came back down to an acceptable level. I freaked the f*ck out! I was like, OH HELLZ NAW! I am NOT living with vermin! So now I have traps all over the kitchen, I think he lives in my oven to be honest. I just can't live with a mouse, I want to catch him, I NEED to see a body...I must have closure. During the spring and fall I had hornets/yellowjackets/wasps whatever you want to call them, just pop out of my walls in my apartment and I couldn't figure out where they were coming from, I have storm windows but never left them open. I think they live in the walls, with the mice. Ugh! I soooo am ready to go back to Cali now.
A couple more pics of Joseph Sayers! Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Finally... is almost done. I think I did quite well this semester, considering how much I missed because of the gas situation. Oh that reminds me, my car no longer has 5th gear, slips out of 1st and 2nd all the time and 3rd is beginning to "buzz". 4th is my solid gear AND ironically, 4 is my luck number, I'm just saying...
Nothing new to report, going to look for a second job soon so I can save up and get the hell out of here and back to the self indulgent lifestyle I so badly miss!!
Oooh, gotta go, hot copy machine repair man just walked in!

Finally... is almost done. I think I did quite well this semester, considering how much I missed because of the gas situation. Oh that reminds me, my car no longer has 5th gear, slips out of 1st and 2nd all the time and 3rd is beginning to "buzz". 4th is my solid gear AND ironically, 4 is my luck number, I'm just saying...
Nothing new to report, going to look for a second job soon so I can save up and get the hell out of here and back to the self indulgent lifestyle I so badly miss!!
Oooh, gotta go, hot copy machine repair man just walked in!

Finally... is almost done. I think I did quite well this semester, considering how much I missed because of the gas situation. Oh that reminds me, my car no longer has 5th gear, slips out of 1st and 2nd all the time and 3rd is beginning to "buzz". 4th is my solid gear AND ironically, 4 is my luck number, I'm just saying...
Nothing new to report, going to look for a second job soon so I can save up and get the hell out of here and back to the self indulgent lifestyle I so badly miss!!
Oooh, gotta go, hot copy machine repair man just walked in!

Friday, December 9, 2005

How I found Joseph Sayers

AND wow is he gorgeous! I heard there were "naughty pictures" of him out there and I'm just wondering why he would have those done when obviously his career is taking off? Well maybe it was before he made it big, but man...he's hot!
These are some of his professional pics. Click the link UPDATE: Sorry link is no longer valid and his profile has been taken off the site. (Joseph Sayers)to read the article on how Joseph got his start!

How I found Joseph Sayers

AND wow is he gorgeous! I heard there were "naughty pictures" of him out there and I'm just wondering why he would have those done when obviously his career is taking off? Well maybe it was before he made it big, but man...he's hot!
These are some of his professional pics. Click the link UPDATE: Sorry link is no longer valid and his profile has been taken off the site. (Joseph Sayers)to read the article on how Joseph got his start!

How I found Joseph Sayers

AND wow is he gorgeous! I heard there were "naughty pictures" of him out there and I'm just wondering why he would have those done when obviously his career is taking off? Well maybe it was before he made it big, but man...he's hot!
These are some of his professional pics. Click the link UPDATE: Sorry link is no longer valid and his profile has been taken off the site. (Joseph Sayers)to read the article on how Joseph got his start!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More Harry Potter

The cable/internet problems continued into this month but they finally seemed to get everything straight. My mother's birthday was on the 11th but of course she was out of town so we didn't get to see her. We had Thanksgiving at my Aunt Joyces. This was going to be the first time that Daisy met Scruffy. Daisy was the perfect lady but Scruffy kept trying to attack her. It was a very quick visit. The onther good thing that happend was that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire came out in theaters. I saw it twice in a matter of days. I loved it. Harry and I decided that we needed a mini vacation and since I had some time off we went up to the cabin in Green Valley with our friends John and Moises. We had a nice relaxing time.

Monday, November 14, 2005

My jeans are baggy

...and I love it. Swimming at they Y three times a week is really doing the job, that and no beer and no food. Well the no food thing isn't by choice :-) IN any case the results are quite wonderful! Pants that I bought to be baggy years ago are now baggy again! LOL
Other than that, I have nothing new to post, life is just so humdrum here. Still looking at moving back to Cali in January or Feb. Still my plan! Looking foward to it actually. More later.

My jeans are baggy

...and I love it. Swimming at they Y three times a week is really doing the job, that and no beer and no food. Well the no food thing isn't by choice :-) IN any case the results are quite wonderful! Pants that I bought to be baggy years ago are now baggy again! LOL
Other than that, I have nothing new to post, life is just so humdrum here. Still looking at moving back to Cali in January or Feb. Still my plan! Looking foward to it actually. More later.

My jeans are baggy

...and I love it. Swimming at they Y three times a week is really doing the job, that and no beer and no food. Well the no food thing isn't by choice :-) IN any case the results are quite wonderful! Pants that I bought to be baggy years ago are now baggy again! LOL
Other than that, I have nothing new to post, life is just so humdrum here. Still looking at moving back to Cali in January or Feb. Still my plan! Looking foward to it actually. More later.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ups and Downs

This month had some really great moments and some really bad moments. First the good ones. I met my Dad's half brother, his wife, kids and their kids for the first time. I got to see a picture of my Grandfather for the first time. My Dad and Uncle Wally look so much alike it's funny. And both boys looked just like their father. They are a great bunch of people. Now for the bad moments. We have been having cable problems and for those of you who know me know that, that's a huge deal. Twleve days out of the month our TV cable and Internet was down. It would work for a few days then be down for a week, then work then go down. It was horrible.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Moving back home...

...I think. I've decided that I'm a shallow person who is materialistic and want's pretty shiny things. That's why I want to move back to California, I want to move back, get a decent job and buy me a new pair of shoes, maybe some pants...and a DVD/VCR player. That's what I want. I've been here over a year, I'm content, at peace and basically life is grand...I just want nice things. I haven't adjusted to being poor, I can't budget anymore with what I make, and I just am not going to adjust to eating Ramen for the next three years. I tried. I can't do it. I am a quitter, I'm ok with that. I just want to move on and be able to afford the new Madonna CD when it comes out. If this makes me a bad person, then I don't want to be good. I thought I'd have like this spiritual awakening or something like that moving back here, to where I'm from. Not the case, if anything it reminded me of how I've moved on in so many ways from this place. It's not depressing, nor do I hate it. I just miss my family and I miss swiping my ATM card and not having to worry about whether that exttra .20 cents I paid for hair gel is going to affect me this week. So my plan? I have none, I just know that I will end up in California at some point within the year. Maybe at the end of this semester, maybe next semester. I'm not going to give myself a deadline, it'll just happen when it happens. :-)
We shall see.

Moving back home...

...I think. I've decided that I'm a shallow person who is materialistic and want's pretty shiny things. That's why I want to move back to California, I want to move back, get a decent job and buy me a new pair of shoes, maybe some pants...and a DVD/VCR player. That's what I want. I've been here over a year, I'm content, at peace and basically life is grand...I just want nice things. I haven't adjusted to being poor, I can't budget anymore with what I make, and I just am not going to adjust to eating Ramen for the next three years. I tried. I can't do it. I am a quitter, I'm ok with that. I just want to move on and be able to afford the new Madonna CD when it comes out. If this makes me a bad person, then I don't want to be good. I thought I'd have like this spiritual awakening or something like that moving back here, to where I'm from. Not the case, if anything it reminded me of how I've moved on in so many ways from this place. It's not depressing, nor do I hate it. I just miss my family and I miss swiping my ATM card and not having to worry about whether that exttra .20 cents I paid for hair gel is going to affect me this week. So my plan? I have none, I just know that I will end up in California at some point within the year. Maybe at the end of this semester, maybe next semester. I'm not going to give myself a deadline, it'll just happen when it happens. :-)
We shall see.

Moving back home...

...I think. I've decided that I'm a shallow person who is materialistic and want's pretty shiny things. That's why I want to move back to California, I want to move back, get a decent job and buy me a new pair of shoes, maybe some pants...and a DVD/VCR player. That's what I want. I've been here over a year, I'm content, at peace and basically life is grand...I just want nice things. I haven't adjusted to being poor, I can't budget anymore with what I make, and I just am not going to adjust to eating Ramen for the next three years. I tried. I can't do it. I am a quitter, I'm ok with that. I just want to move on and be able to afford the new Madonna CD when it comes out. If this makes me a bad person, then I don't want to be good. I thought I'd have like this spiritual awakening or something like that moving back here, to where I'm from. Not the case, if anything it reminded me of how I've moved on in so many ways from this place. It's not depressing, nor do I hate it. I just miss my family and I miss swiping my ATM card and not having to worry about whether that exttra .20 cents I paid for hair gel is going to affect me this week. So my plan? I have none, I just know that I will end up in California at some point within the year. Maybe at the end of this semester, maybe next semester. I'm not going to give myself a deadline, it'll just happen when it happens. :-)
We shall see.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bird Flu...

...Ok, why is Bird Flu all of a sudden an issue for humans? Hundreds of thousands of years of bird and man living together and no flu. All of a sudden we have bird flu, which could pass to humans which means we need to buy more drugs to save us. Do you see what's going on? I think the drug companies are "creating" viruses just so they could sell their product. No I am not a conspiracy freak either, it just seems you can't watch TV without 5 different drug commercials coming on pressuring you to "talk to your doctor". Ok the latest one, RLS, Restless Leg Syndrome...for real. I saw this comercial for people who shake their leg while sitting or watching tv, now there is help for them. GIVE ME A BREAK!! I guess I have RLS, but I'll be damned if I'm going to take a pill for it, besides it helps work off calories :-)
I'll just stick to taking my Vitamin C.

Bird Flu...

...Ok, why is Bird Flu all of a sudden an issue for humans? Hundreds of thousands of years of bird and man living together and no flu. All of a sudden we have bird flu, which could pass to humans which means we need to buy more drugs to save us. Do you see what's going on? I think the drug companies are "creating" viruses just so they could sell their product. No I am not a conspiracy freak either, it just seems you can't watch TV without 5 different drug commercials coming on pressuring you to "talk to your doctor". Ok the latest one, RLS, Restless Leg Syndrome...for real. I saw this comercial for people who shake their leg while sitting or watching tv, now there is help for them. GIVE ME A BREAK!! I guess I have RLS, but I'll be damned if I'm going to take a pill for it, besides it helps work off calories :-)
I'll just stick to taking my Vitamin C.

Bird Flu...

...Ok, why is Bird Flu all of a sudden an issue for humans? Hundreds of thousands of years of bird and man living together and no flu. All of a sudden we have bird flu, which could pass to humans which means we need to buy more drugs to save us. Do you see what's going on? I think the drug companies are "creating" viruses just so they could sell their product. No I am not a conspiracy freak either, it just seems you can't watch TV without 5 different drug commercials coming on pressuring you to "talk to your doctor". Ok the latest one, RLS, Restless Leg Syndrome...for real. I saw this comercial for people who shake their leg while sitting or watching tv, now there is help for them. GIVE ME A BREAK!! I guess I have RLS, but I'll be damned if I'm going to take a pill for it, besides it helps work off calories :-)
I'll just stick to taking my Vitamin C.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rwanda Genocide

...I was reading this article about how the school where 50,000 Tutsis were killed in one day, was recently made into a memorial. All in all over 800,000 Tutsis were massacared. The UN, France, Belgium and the U.S. knew before hand the Genocide was going to take place by the Hutu people. Yet we didn't do anything, not one soldier was sent to Rwanda. I have never read anywhere that Sadam Hussein killed 800,000 of his people, maybe it's happened I don't know. I know he had tortured a lot of people who opposed his "regime". I know we "thought" he had Weapons of Mass Destruction, and I also know how rich his own country is in oil.
Maybe if the Tutsis people had WMD's or enormous oil fields we would have at least tried and to diplomatically stop the genocide.
Guess not.

Rwanda Genocide

...I was reading this article about how the school where 50,000 Tutsis were killed in one day, was recently made into a memorial. All in all over 800,000 Tutsis were massacared. The UN, France, Belgium and the U.S. knew before hand the Genocide was going to take place by the Hutu people. Yet we didn't do anything, not one soldier was sent to Rwanda. I have never read anywhere that Sadam Hussein killed 800,000 of his people, maybe it's happened I don't know. I know he had tortured a lot of people who opposed his "regime". I know we "thought" he had Weapons of Mass Destruction, and I also know how rich his own country is in oil.
Maybe if the Tutsis people had WMD's or enormous oil fields we would have at least tried and to diplomatically stop the genocide.
Guess not.

Rwanda Genocide

...I was reading this article about how the school where 50,000 Tutsis were killed in one day, was recently made into a memorial. All in all over 800,000 Tutsis were massacared. The UN, France, Belgium and the U.S. knew before hand the Genocide was going to take place by the Hutu people. Yet we didn't do anything, not one soldier was sent to Rwanda. I have never read anywhere that Sadam Hussein killed 800,000 of his people, maybe it's happened I don't know. I know he had tortured a lot of people who opposed his "regime". I know we "thought" he had Weapons of Mass Destruction, and I also know how rich his own country is in oil.
Maybe if the Tutsis people had WMD's or enormous oil fields we would have at least tried and to diplomatically stop the genocide.
Guess not.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

It's pouring outside... the Ark type of storm!! We are supposed to get snow tonight also, so that will be nice to wake up to a wintery wonderland. Hopefully it will stay on the ground for awhile, we could use the moisture. I have nothing of interest to report on, school is good and work is good and that dumbass Arnold in California recently vetoed a gay marriage bill, but who is surprised at that? Not so cool having the Terminator as your Governor now is it? He's offended women rights, minorities rights and lately the civil rights groups of California. I am soooo hoping he does not get re-elected. I expect that from this State, but not Cali, California has always been so progressive and liberal and challenging, I live in a state that has more cattle than people. I'm at work right now, putting in some hours so my paycheck get's a little weight on it! It's getting late but each time I grab my backpack to go, the wind starts howling and the rain is slamming into the windows and it freaks me out, so here I sit, afraid to leave my office!! Well actually see I have to set the alarm and it's at the back door, so then I have to walk aalllll the way around the building to the front of my building where my car is parked. Miss Mantoan is on my cell speakerphone right now telling me about Bride Kidnapping in China...she's begging to be kidnapped 'cause she has no choice! *sigh* I guess this storm ain't that bad after all, I can run through the rain!!

It's pouring outside... the Ark type of storm!! We are supposed to get snow tonight also, so that will be nice to wake up to a wintery wonderland. Hopefully it will stay on the ground for awhile, we could use the moisture. I have nothing of interest to report on, school is good and work is good and that dumbass Arnold in California recently vetoed a gay marriage bill, but who is surprised at that? Not so cool having the Terminator as your Governor now is it? He's offended women rights, minorities rights and lately the civil rights groups of California. I am soooo hoping he does not get re-elected. I expect that from this State, but not Cali, California has always been so progressive and liberal and challenging, I live in a state that has more cattle than people. I'm at work right now, putting in some hours so my paycheck get's a little weight on it! It's getting late but each time I grab my backpack to go, the wind starts howling and the rain is slamming into the windows and it freaks me out, so here I sit, afraid to leave my office!! Well actually see I have to set the alarm and it's at the back door, so then I have to walk aalllll the way around the building to the front of my building where my car is parked. Miss Mantoan is on my cell speakerphone right now telling me about Bride Kidnapping in China...she's begging to be kidnapped 'cause she has no choice! *sigh* I guess this storm ain't that bad after all, I can run through the rain!!

It's pouring outside... the Ark type of storm!! We are supposed to get snow tonight also, so that will be nice to wake up to a wintery wonderland. Hopefully it will stay on the ground for awhile, we could use the moisture. I have nothing of interest to report on, school is good and work is good and that dumbass Arnold in California recently vetoed a gay marriage bill, but who is surprised at that? Not so cool having the Terminator as your Governor now is it? He's offended women rights, minorities rights and lately the civil rights groups of California. I am soooo hoping he does not get re-elected. I expect that from this State, but not Cali, California has always been so progressive and liberal and challenging, I live in a state that has more cattle than people. I'm at work right now, putting in some hours so my paycheck get's a little weight on it! It's getting late but each time I grab my backpack to go, the wind starts howling and the rain is slamming into the windows and it freaks me out, so here I sit, afraid to leave my office!! Well actually see I have to set the alarm and it's at the back door, so then I have to walk aalllll the way around the building to the front of my building where my car is parked. Miss Mantoan is on my cell speakerphone right now telling me about Bride Kidnapping in China...she's begging to be kidnapped 'cause she has no choice! *sigh* I guess this storm ain't that bad after all, I can run through the rain!!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Dad Meeting his Family

Well my job ended. We finished our last Episode of Open Bar. I also turned 35 this month, I had a bowling party, it was alot of fun. you can check it out pictures on my main site. My Dad went to Hawaii to met his biological mother and family. He had a wonderful time. We also found out that my Dad has a half brother who lives just 30 minutes away from him. The new TV season started and there are a ton of new shows that I'm am watching. Some of my new favorites are Threshold, Surface, Commander in Chief, Invasion, Ghost Whipser and Supernatural.

Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm forced to recycle old stories...

...I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to blog in awhile. In a nutshell, I'm doing great. One of my friends suggested I put the "Mouse" story on my blog page, it goes. I had just moved to Fresno a couple of weeks earlier...

Originally sent Fri, 27 Aug 2004 15:13:12 -0700 (PDT)

So this is how I started my day today. First of all let me preface by explaining that we do have a mouse. I've seen him, he's tiny but he's still...a mouse. Centuries ago man and mouse lived together in harmony but those days are gone. I want him killed, dead, gone! At night when I sit on the computer and listen to the Olympics on the TV behind me, I hear him. He's in the kitchen, he's in the pantry, he knocks things over and he's getting too bold. So I tell my roomie Sandy and she puts out some cheap sticky traps and is certain we are going to catch him, we even have old poison around and he'll eat that. I think he just ice skated on the sticky traps, we don't catch him and he's still disturbing my late night web surfing. He's a smart sucker. So I wake up yesterday and go turn on the tv and sit on the couch and I hear some rustling amidst some diaper packages next to the entertainment center, then OUT speeds this little gray thing, he heads over to the wall and through kitchen and into the back of the stove. I was dumbfounded. I did NOT just see a mouse. Oh NO HE DINNNIT! So when my heart beat comes back to an acceptable level, I call my mom and she's like, you have to kill him, you have to get rid of him...he'll breed, they'll be more...they'll be in your room. Nuff said. I call my roomie on lunch and she's just like oh, well ok, we'll have to get some more traps and blah blah blah. Sandy is not realizing the severity of this situation. I am still in shock of sharing a dwelling with a rodent. I'm still in shock of seeing him run through the living room. I must take matters into my own city boy hands.

So I hit Wal-Mart after work and I buy poison, snap traps and sticky pads that look like you can tow a truck with them, just stick 'em on your bumper. I'm going to get this mouse! We set up the traps (the kids had great fun helping me with the snap traps) and the kitchen is armed, it's's soon to be...the killing field.

I didn't hear him last night, he's waiting, he knows...he's planning his next move. I sit, I wait...I'm waiting to hear the snap trap, a shriek when he get's least him knocking something over but I hear's quiet on the Killing field tonight.

So I stumble out of bed this morning and walk into the kitchen and stop short, there he is, he's on the sticky trap right next to the oven. I knew I'd get him, I knew it, but it's early and I didn't want to touch it, ugh! So I went back to bed. When I got up later he had moved to the other side of the sticky trap and I thought, he's going to get out if he keeps that up. So I called my momma and she told me I had to either kill him or put it in a plastic
bag so he would suffocate and I didnt' want to do either and my mom was like you have to and I was like NO! and she was like yes! and I was like NO and she was like yes! and I was like NO and she was like YES! aaahhhh!!
So...I picked up the trap with the mouse on it with salad tongs, and the
mouse started shrieking and I started screaming and my mom was like,
just do it!! I almost peed. So I put him in a ziplock bag and threw him in the garbage can out back. Hell of way to start my day I tell you.
So now we should have no more mouse problems, I hope he was the only one because I really don't think I can do that every morning before breakfast. So that's the lastest from the country, I hope you are all well...and mouse free.

I'm forced to recycle old stories...

...I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to blog in awhile. In a nutshell, I'm doing great. One of my friends suggested I put the "Mouse" story on my blog page, it goes. I had just moved to Fresno a couple of weeks earlier...

Originally sent Fri, 27 Aug 2004 15:13:12 -0700 (PDT)

So this is how I started my day today. First of all let me preface by explaining that we do have a mouse. I've seen him, he's tiny but he's still...a mouse. Centuries ago man and mouse lived together in harmony but those days are gone. I want him killed, dead, gone! At night when I sit on the computer and listen to the Olympics on the TV behind me, I hear him. He's in the kitchen, he's in the pantry, he knocks things over and he's getting too bold. So I tell my roomie Sandy and she puts out some cheap sticky traps and is certain we are going to catch him, we even have old poison around and he'll eat that. I think he just ice skated on the sticky traps, we don't catch him and he's still disturbing my late night web surfing. He's a smart sucker. So I wake up yesterday and go turn on the tv and sit on the couch and I hear some rustling amidst some diaper packages next to the entertainment center, then OUT speeds this little gray thing, he heads over to the wall and through kitchen and into the back of the stove. I was dumbfounded. I did NOT just see a mouse. Oh NO HE DINNNIT! So when my heart beat comes back to an acceptable level, I call my mom and she's like, you have to kill him, you have to get rid of him...he'll breed, they'll be more...they'll be in your room. Nuff said. I call my roomie on lunch and she's just like oh, well ok, we'll have to get some more traps and blah blah blah. Sandy is not realizing the severity of this situation. I am still in shock of sharing a dwelling with a rodent. I'm still in shock of seeing him run through the living room. I must take matters into my own city boy hands.

So I hit Wal-Mart after work and I buy poison, snap traps and sticky pads that look like you can tow a truck with them, just stick 'em on your bumper. I'm going to get this mouse! We set up the traps (the kids had great fun helping me with the snap traps) and the kitchen is armed, it's's soon to be...the killing field.

I didn't hear him last night, he's waiting, he knows...he's planning his next move. I sit, I wait...I'm waiting to hear the snap trap, a shriek when he get's least him knocking something over but I hear's quiet on the Killing field tonight.

So I stumble out of bed this morning and walk into the kitchen and stop short, there he is, he's on the sticky trap right next to the oven. I knew I'd get him, I knew it, but it's early and I didn't want to touch it, ugh! So I went back to bed. When I got up later he had moved to the other side of the sticky trap and I thought, he's going to get out if he keeps that up. So I called my momma and she told me I had to either kill him or put it in a plastic
bag so he would suffocate and I didnt' want to do either and my mom was like you have to and I was like NO! and she was like yes! and I was like NO and she was like yes! and I was like NO and she was like YES! aaahhhh!!
So...I picked up the trap with the mouse on it with salad tongs, and the
mouse started shrieking and I started screaming and my mom was like,
just do it!! I almost peed. So I put him in a ziplock bag and threw him in the garbage can out back. Hell of way to start my day I tell you.
So now we should have no more mouse problems, I hope he was the only one because I really don't think I can do that every morning before breakfast. So that's the lastest from the country, I hope you are all well...and mouse free.

I'm forced to recycle old stories...

...I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to blog in awhile. In a nutshell, I'm doing great. One of my friends suggested I put the "Mouse" story on my blog page, it goes. I had just moved to Fresno a couple of weeks earlier...

Originally sent Fri, 27 Aug 2004 15:13:12 -0700 (PDT)

So this is how I started my day today. First of all let me preface by explaining that we do have a mouse. I've seen him, he's tiny but he's still...a mouse. Centuries ago man and mouse lived together in harmony but those days are gone. I want him killed, dead, gone! At night when I sit on the computer and listen to the Olympics on the TV behind me, I hear him. He's in the kitchen, he's in the pantry, he knocks things over and he's getting too bold. So I tell my roomie Sandy and she puts out some cheap sticky traps and is certain we are going to catch him, we even have old poison around and he'll eat that. I think he just ice skated on the sticky traps, we don't catch him and he's still disturbing my late night web surfing. He's a smart sucker. So I wake up yesterday and go turn on the tv and sit on the couch and I hear some rustling amidst some diaper packages next to the entertainment center, then OUT speeds this little gray thing, he heads over to the wall and through kitchen and into the back of the stove. I was dumbfounded. I did NOT just see a mouse. Oh NO HE DINNNIT! So when my heart beat comes back to an acceptable level, I call my mom and she's like, you have to kill him, you have to get rid of him...he'll breed, they'll be more...they'll be in your room. Nuff said. I call my roomie on lunch and she's just like oh, well ok, we'll have to get some more traps and blah blah blah. Sandy is not realizing the severity of this situation. I am still in shock of sharing a dwelling with a rodent. I'm still in shock of seeing him run through the living room. I must take matters into my own city boy hands.

So I hit Wal-Mart after work and I buy poison, snap traps and sticky pads that look like you can tow a truck with them, just stick 'em on your bumper. I'm going to get this mouse! We set up the traps (the kids had great fun helping me with the snap traps) and the kitchen is armed, it's's soon to be...the killing field.

I didn't hear him last night, he's waiting, he knows...he's planning his next move. I sit, I wait...I'm waiting to hear the snap trap, a shriek when he get's least him knocking something over but I hear's quiet on the Killing field tonight.

So I stumble out of bed this morning and walk into the kitchen and stop short, there he is, he's on the sticky trap right next to the oven. I knew I'd get him, I knew it, but it's early and I didn't want to touch it, ugh! So I went back to bed. When I got up later he had moved to the other side of the sticky trap and I thought, he's going to get out if he keeps that up. So I called my momma and she told me I had to either kill him or put it in a plastic
bag so he would suffocate and I didnt' want to do either and my mom was like you have to and I was like NO! and she was like yes! and I was like NO and she was like yes! and I was like NO and she was like YES! aaahhhh!!
So...I picked up the trap with the mouse on it with salad tongs, and the
mouse started shrieking and I started screaming and my mom was like,
just do it!! I almost peed. So I put him in a ziplock bag and threw him in the garbage can out back. Hell of way to start my day I tell you.
So now we should have no more mouse problems, I hope he was the only one because I really don't think I can do that every morning before breakfast. So that's the lastest from the country, I hope you are all well...and mouse free.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Where I'm supposed to be...

...last night I was talking to a friend of mine here in town and she asked if I think I've had a good life. It made me think. I told her...I think I've had an excellent life! I'm 35 and have lived more and seen more than some people twice my age, I've dated men who could afford to fly me all over the place on a moments notice and dated men who couldn't get a job if their life depended on it. I've stayed at some of the finest hotels in the U.S. and also went a week without electricity in my little one bedroom apartment (just recently actually). I've lived overseas and in Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Jose, Fresno...just to name a few. I guess one can say I've been on both sides of the spectrum. After telling my friend about some of my adventures, I felt a bit nostalgic for my "nomadic" ways, but then again I haven't even been here a year yet. She asked if I missed that lifestyle, and for the first time I can honestly say...not really. I'm where I'm supposed to be right now, I'm content here. It's been quite awhile since I've been content. I like my little apartment, my laid back job and my little circle of friends. I love the weather and the laid back atmosphere of this city, I like being away from my family's drama. I don't have that "restlessness" about me anymore (well at least not now). I think the second chapter of my life is really about me finishing school. There's still a lot I want to do and see, and money will really help with that. I'm not really at that age to be a boytoy anymore *grin*. Besides, I want to do things on my own...explore by myself. So where I'm going after this, God only knows...but for now, I'm where I'm supposed to be. Of course I could drop out of school by mid-terms and end up staying at a friends place in Hawaii (which was something I was pondering before I ended up here). I think that's the beauty of my life, I just don't really know where the wind will blow me. Some people can't stand that, they can't stand not having a plan or knowing what's happening next. I on the other hand don't want to know, I don't want to have a plan or know what's around the corner, that's just not my style. You can live life or exist. I'd like to think I'm living... :-)
Now...if my landlord would only let me have a dog...

Where I'm supposed to be...

...last night I was talking to a friend of mine here in town and she asked if I think I've had a good life. It made me think. I told her...I think I've had an excellent life! I'm 35 and have lived more and seen more than some people twice my age, I've dated men who could afford to fly me all over the place on a moments notice and dated men who couldn't get a job if their life depended on it. I've stayed at some of the finest hotels in the U.S. and also went a week without electricity in my little one bedroom apartment (just recently actually). I've lived overseas and in Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Jose, Fresno...just to name a few. I guess one can say I've been on both sides of the spectrum. After telling my friend about some of my adventures, I felt a bit nostalgic for my "nomadic" ways, but then again I haven't even been here a year yet. She asked if I missed that lifestyle, and for the first time I can honestly say...not really. I'm where I'm supposed to be right now, I'm content here. It's been quite awhile since I've been content. I like my little apartment, my laid back job and my little circle of friends. I love the weather and the laid back atmosphere of this city, I like being away from my family's drama. I don't have that "restlessness" about me anymore (well at least not now). I think the second chapter of my life is really about me finishing school. There's still a lot I want to do and see, and money will really help with that. I'm not really at that age to be a boytoy anymore *grin*. Besides, I want to do things on my own...explore by myself. So where I'm going after this, God only knows...but for now, I'm where I'm supposed to be. Of course I could drop out of school by mid-terms and end up staying at a friends place in Hawaii (which was something I was pondering before I ended up here). I think that's the beauty of my life, I just don't really know where the wind will blow me. Some people can't stand that, they can't stand not having a plan or knowing what's happening next. I on the other hand don't want to know, I don't want to have a plan or know what's around the corner, that's just not my style. You can live life or exist. I'd like to think I'm living... :-)
Now...if my landlord would only let me have a dog...

Where I'm supposed to be...

...last night I was talking to a friend of mine here in town and she asked if I think I've had a good life. It made me think. I told her...I think I've had an excellent life! I'm 35 and have lived more and seen more than some people twice my age, I've dated men who could afford to fly me all over the place on a moments notice and dated men who couldn't get a job if their life depended on it. I've stayed at some of the finest hotels in the U.S. and also went a week without electricity in my little one bedroom apartment (just recently actually). I've lived overseas and in Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Jose, Fresno...just to name a few. I guess one can say I've been on both sides of the spectrum. After telling my friend about some of my adventures, I felt a bit nostalgic for my "nomadic" ways, but then again I haven't even been here a year yet. She asked if I missed that lifestyle, and for the first time I can honestly say...not really. I'm where I'm supposed to be right now, I'm content here. It's been quite awhile since I've been content. I like my little apartment, my laid back job and my little circle of friends. I love the weather and the laid back atmosphere of this city, I like being away from my family's drama. I don't have that "restlessness" about me anymore (well at least not now). I think the second chapter of my life is really about me finishing school. There's still a lot I want to do and see, and money will really help with that. I'm not really at that age to be a boytoy anymore *grin*. Besides, I want to do things on my own...explore by myself. So where I'm going after this, God only knows...but for now, I'm where I'm supposed to be. Of course I could drop out of school by mid-terms and end up staying at a friends place in Hawaii (which was something I was pondering before I ended up here). I think that's the beauty of my life, I just don't really know where the wind will blow me. Some people can't stand that, they can't stand not having a plan or knowing what's happening next. I on the other hand don't want to know, I don't want to have a plan or know what's around the corner, that's just not my style. You can live life or exist. I'd like to think I'm living... :-)
Now...if my landlord would only let me have a dog...